My love. My pain. My Dom.

By cassixx

59.6K 1.1K 314

Niall Horan. That's what most people call me. Not daddy though. It's pet, bitch, or the best of all when he's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
New story
Last one!
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 9

3.2K 87 12
By cassixx

Harry's pov

We both walked into my office and gasped. When I left last night it was perfectly clean. Now, it's a disaster. Papers everywhere. I looked over at Niall and noticed his face was directed towards my balcony. There stood a man, a man I wished never to see ever again. My brother. Ashton Styles. "Hello big brother." He chuckled. "Leave Ash." I ordered. "Oh Hazza, you can't order me around like one of your subs. I'm a dominant remember?" He asked. "I don't care, either you leave or I'll do something you won't like." I warned. "We're not children anymore, your threats don't frighten me any longer." He smirked. "Ash, please for the love of all things good, leave me alone. I don't want to scare him." I said referring to Niall. "He looks pretty terrified already to me." He laughed. "That's because he saw your hideous face." I scoffed. "Oh brother, you look like me, we're family." he smirked. "Half brothers. My mother was much better looking than yours hence why I'm better looking than you." I raised an eyebrow. "Would you stop that? I don't like being reminded that I'm only your half brother." He sighed. "And why's that?" I asked not believing a word he spoke. "Dads dying Harry. Just thought you should know." He sighed. "And you had to trash my office to tell me that?" I asked. "I was looking for my birth certificate. You still have it." He said shyly. "Yes I do, it's in my room in my lockbox. From when I helped your sorry ass." I growled. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I miss having a brother." He whispered. "I don't believe anything you say. I'll get you, your birth certificate. Please don't touch anything else unless you're picking up your mess." I sighed grabbing Niall's hand and leading him to our room. "Harry, I think you should give him a second chance." He spoke softly. "Ni, you don't understand." I sighed in frustration. "I think he misses you." He whispered. "I miss him too, but what he did to me isn't forgivable." I explained. "What did he do?" I asked. "He killed my mother." I spoke with no emotions in my voice. "Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry Harry." He said letting tears cascade down his face. "The worst part is, he was so excited about it. He came home saying that we were full brothers now because we had to share the same mom now. It took me a while but I soon realized that he had killed my mother. I didn't turn him in though. I couldn't do that to him. No matter how pissed I was at him. He was still my baby brother." I finished. "Go try to talk to him. Please." Niall begged me. "He can stay for lunch." I sighed. "I love you." He spoke softly. "I love you too baby." I replied. "Uh I got bored." Ashton interrupted us. I chuckled at him. He smiled brightly. I haven't shown any emotion except anger towards him in years. "Would you want to stay for lunch?" I asked him cringing unnoticeably. "Really?! Yes of course!" He said excitedly. "Shh inside voice." I groaned. "Sorry." He blushed. That's the thing about Ashton. He tries to act tough, until he can't possibly continue the act any longer. "You can thank Niall for this." I said making it clear that I really didn't want him here. "Do you not want me here? I can leave." He sadly offered. "No Ashton, stay." I sighed. "You don't realize how much this means to me. I've missed you brother." He smiled. "I've missed you too." I sighed. "It feels good to have a big brother again." He grinned. "I was always your brother, I was just overly complicated to get along with and I realize that now. You were young. You didn't really know what my mom meant to me because you never even met your mom. You probably didn't know that unplugging those wires would mean I would never see her again. You weren't old enough to know what death is. I should have realized that. I'm sorry Ashton." I finished. He ran into my open arms and let a few tears roll down his cheeks. I stood there holding my crying brother and occasionally telling him it was alright now. He was clinging onto me for dear life. "Ash, you're alright. Let go so we can have lunch alright?" I asked him. "Just a little longer." he sniffled. "No, let go please. Don't make me." I warned. "Harry you wouldn't." he whispered in disbelief. "You don't think so?" I asked. "Not for hugging you." he replied softly. "Not for hugging me, for not doing. What I told you." I clarified. You see as kids I raised him. My father was never home, leaving me to raise myself and Ash. I took up the role of discipline. I started spanking Ashton when he was 6, when he came to live with me when our father kicked him out at 17, I spanked him. He's very well acquainted with being flung over my lap for a spanking. "I'm sorry. Please don't." He spoke shakily letting me go. "I won't, this time. Thank you for letting me go." I ruffled his hair. He blushed and tried to hide his face from Niall. "It's okay Ashton, I'm his sub. I understand." Niall spoke softly. "He spanks hard huh?" Niall chuckled awkwardly. "Niall that's enough." I said sternly. "Yes sir. I'm sorry" Niall said quickly. "He really does." Ashton finally answered. "I feel like you guys are going to gang up on me." I joked. Niall looked at Ashton with a devious smile. Ashton shook his head no. The poor kid is terrified of me.

"Hey Niall?" Ashton asked at the table. "Yeah?" He replied with a smile. "Uh could I uh talk to you after um lunch please?" He said nervously. "Ashton, you can ask him whatever you want right here. Don't be scared." I sighed. "Then I guess my question is more directed toward you." He said playing with his peas. "Go on then." I chuckled. "Would you let me stay here? Just a few days? I lost my apartment last month. It's not easy getting a decent job with mud caked onto you." He let out a nervous laugh. "Why didn't you come to me sooner? I was pissed at you last time you came but I'd never turn away from you when you needed me. You know that." I said sternly. "I don't know. I didn't want to be a burden." He said shyly. "You're seriously saying that? You're unbelievable. I never once thought of you as a burden." I told him getting more and more irritated by the second. "You don't even like seeing me let alone giving me a place to stay." He said crushing my heart. "Ashton, I raised you. I'll always let you stay with me. I could never turn away from you. You know this." I said rubbing my hand over my face to calm down before I lash out. "I'm sorry." he whispered. "It's alright." I sighed. "Are y-you gonna p-punish me?" He asked with a slight stutter. "No. Calm down." I chuckled. He let out a sigh of relief. "Sir?" Niall spoke up getting my attention. "Yeah baby?" I replied. "Why is he so afraid of you?" He asked. "I used to spank him for any little thing." I said making Ashton blush and put his head in his arms. "Oh." He nodded. "Niall will you put up lunch? I'm going to show Ashton his room and get it ready." I said earning a nod from Niall. I smacked his thigh. "Words." I warned. "Yes sir." He said quickly. "Come on Ash." I said getting him to follow me. His room was right across the hall from mine and Niall's. In case he needs something. He used to have night terrors. Like a nightmare but way worse. He used to wet the bed when he had them. I spanked him for it. He would cry and tell me he didn't mean to, he couldn't help it. I never listened. "Here's your room. Mine is right there alright?" I asked. "Yeah. Thank you so much. I'll pay rent and do chores around the house. You won't even know I'm here." He said smiling. "Oh I'll know your here." I laughed. I walked in and turned on the light. It was just like mine and Niall's but just a tad smaller. It had a balcony, a walk in closet, a king sized bed, and a dresser. "It's beautiful." He gasped. "It's yours whenever you need it. Understand?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Yes sir." He nodded. "Alright, I'll take you and Niall shopping tomorrow. If you hear us fucking don't be alarmed." I joked. "Oh gosh." he said disgusted. "I'm just joking. He's a virgin and not ready for sex yet." I laughed at the disgusted look on his face. "Harry?" He said as I was about to walk out. "Yeah?" I replied. "Thank you." He said making me smile. "Anytime little brother." I smirked. "I love you." He whispered as I walked out. I'm going to give him shit for that. I love my brother I just think it's funny cause he tried whispering it so I wouldn't hear him. He sat in his room for a while. I went downstairs to help Niall finish cleaning up. He was already on the dishes. "You wash and I'll rinse and dry?" I asked. "Thanks." he grinned. We got done quickly so we went into the living room. I pulled him onto my lap and started kissing his neck and jawline. It was soon turned into a make out session. "Really guys?" Ashton asked making Niall jump away from my lips. "Aww come on!" I whined. "I have a semi boner and now I can't even kiss my baby." I pouted. "I don't want to know about that!" Ashton whined loudly. "Sorry Ashy poo." I chuckled. "Fucking hell! Stop it!" He screamed. "Ashton! Watch your language." I growled. "No." He sassed. "Go to your room." I ordered. "No please don't." He said scared. "NOW!" I yelled. He ran up the stairs crying. "I'm sorry baby. I'll be back." I sighed kissing his lips gently. "Don't go hard on him." He said making smile softly. He's so fucking cute. I climbed the stairs and opened the door to Ashton's room he was in the corner bare from the waist down and crying. Hard. "Ashton you're going to have to calm down." I sighed. "I'm so sorry!" He cried. "Come here." I told him. He slowly turned around and the sight nearly made me back out. His cheeks were red and so were his eyes. His eyes were puffy and tears streamed heavily down his cheeks. "Ash please come here. You need to calm down." I said as gently as I could. For being as pissed off as I was I sure do have a soft spot for my little brother. He ran to me and immediately turned his head away from me. He's afraid I'll slap him like I've done many times before. "Ash, I'm not going to hit you." I sighed. "Really?" He asked shocked. "Of course not. I was young and stupid when I did that to you. I'll never do it again." I told him. "Promise?" He asked. "Promise." I confirmed. "I am going to spank you though. Are you ready?" I asked. "I think so." He replied shakily. "Alright then, let's get this over with." I smiled softly at him. I sat on the bed and patted my thighs. I helped him over my lap and rubbed his back to calm him down. "No more cursing and never tell me no. Especially when you're staying in my house. Understand me?" I asked. "Yes sir. I'm sorry." He spoke shakily. "Just a spanking Ash. Calm down." I said softly. "Okay." He said obviously trying to sound calm. I rolled my eyes. I don't think he's going to get much better. "Give me your hand." I told him. He obeyed. I held onto his hand and felt him immediately relax. I smirked. Still works. I did that all the time when he was younger. Worked like a charm every single time. "I'm starting Ash." I warned. He squeezed onto my hand tightly. He didn't know it but I had picked up a hair brush. I landed it to the curve of his bum and he grunted. "Please bubba use your hand." He pleaded. "Promise to be good if I do?" I asked. "Yes sir. I promise." He said. I sighed and set it down. "Okay." I sighed slapping his ass with my hand. He tightened his grip on my hand but stayed Silent. I kept on with the spanking coloring his ass and thighs a deep red. "I'm sorry bubba! Please stop! I'll be good! I promise!" He sobbed. "Just 5 more." I told him rubbing my thumb over his knuckle. "Okay." He sobbed. I landed one to each cheek, one to the middle of his bum and the last two on his thighs. I lifted him up and sat him on my lap careful of his bum. "Can't believe you can still do that." He said after he calmed down. "Do what?" I asked. "Lift me up." He sighed. "I'll always be able to lift you, you're tiny." I laughed lightly. "I'm starting to believe it." He giggled. "Yeah? Well you better cause it's true." I joked. "I love you." He said laying his head on my shoulder. "I love you too Ash." I told him ruffling his hair. "Remember when you would kiss my forehead every time you would finish spanking me or slapping me." He said making me chuckle. I kissed his forehead making him smile and sigh in contentment. "Wanna take a nap?" I asked. "No, can I shower? I haven't had a real shower in 3 weeks." He chuckled nervously. "Of course. But you might not want it too hot." I smirked. "I know. I've been spanked a lot. All by you." He spoke getting off my lap. I lightly smacked his bum making him blush and run off. I chuckled and went downstairs to continue my make out session with my baby boy.

A/N: 2418 words! Damnn lol sorry I haven't updated in a while but I hope this makes up for it.

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