Unbreaking the Broken (Ghost...

By SavannahVanduinen

55.3K 1K 1.1K

*WARNING- NSFW, mention of sexual assault, mention of abuse, trauma Y/N joined the Military to get away from... More

Moving Bases
The Broken meets the Broken
Training Day
The Ghost
Emotions? Whats that?
Cracking Ghost
Capture or Kill
Ghost? Or a human?
Ghosts? Sure I know all about Ghost.
Mission Complete
El Sin Nombre?
Base Day
Going out
Dark Water
The Rain is Full of Ghosts Tonight/ Alone


1.2K 36 57
By SavannahVanduinen

(A/N hiii, still switching between Ghost, Soap and Y/N POV so read carefully)
(also, probably going to use lines from Dangerously Yours again)
(also i'm so sorry, i swear im not giving up on this book and i know ive been gone and i simply have no excuse for not writing)
TW: r*pe

Ghost POV

Johnny wouldn't answer me. He wanted me to talk to Frostbite.

"Frostbite, do you copy?" I asked, switching to the line with just me and her.

I waited for a minute for an answer.

                                    Y/N POV

"Copy." You responded.

He's talking to you? Is that good news or bad news?

"Where are you?" Ghost asked.


"To fucking make sure you're okay, why else?"

"I'm fine, thanks for asking." You told him.

                             Ghost POV

That went well. I thought to myself.

"Talk to me." I demanded.

"Give me a second."

                              Soap POV

Simon better be talking to her. He wouldn't answer the line so.

"Soap?" Frostbites voice came from our line.


"Ghost is talking to me."

"Why aren't you talking to him?" I asked her

"I don't know. I don't trust him."

"You don't trust him? Well there's a mutual feeling between you two."

"Soap. What am I supposed to say or do?" She asked.

"Tell him the truth?"

"Tell him the truth? You don't even know the truth. Tell him the truth so he will look at the stars with tears in his eyes? No. I can't. Not now. I'll do it in person."

She said and switched lines.

                                  Y/N POV

"Ghost." I said switching back to our line.


"I need to tell you the truth."

"The truth? That you're a traitor? That you betrayed us and yourself for nothing?" He said angrily.

"I didn't have a choice, I-"

"Save it."

"Please hear me out."

You waited for his response.

One minute.

Two minutes.

Three minutes.

"Fine. Meet at the church." He finally answered.

You radioed to Soap.

"He said to meet me at the church, It's not far from where I am."

"That's where I'm meeting with him too."

"Good, I can explain to you both properly."

"Frostbite, you know he loves you. More than anything."

"Not more than he loves you."

"Yes he does, in a different way. It scares him."

Scares him?

Suddenly you heard more shadows, coming from the direction of the church.

"Jesus Christ." You radioed to Ghost.

"What is it?"


"Are you looking in a mirror."

Wow okay.


"I wasn't joking." Ghost said sternly

You didn't respond.

"Be brave, Angel." He said after you didn't respond.

This man and his mixed feelings.

Soap POV

"You may get a brag rag for this." Ghost said over the radio

"A medal?"

"Chest candy."

"That's all rubbish."

"You said you wanted a win. Congratulations, you're a winner..."

Sarcastic motherfucker.

"Away n' bile yer heid...!" I responded.

"English, MacTavish..."

"Sorry, sir, let me translate... go fuck yourself."

"Much better." He said.

I made my way up some stairs into a building entrance.

"I've set up a sniper position in the church tower. Find your way there, and you might just make it." Ghost informed me.

"Stop resisting." I heard a Shadow say. I crawled to see a few Shadows hurting a police officer.

"Graves is rounding up cops." I told Ghost.

"He's judge, jury and executioner now."

"I don't wanna test my skills against 141" A Shadow said. (Shadow 3-1)


"What are you thinkin?" The other Shadow asked. (Shadow 3-2)

"We should white flag this thing and talk or everyone's gonna end up dead." (Shadow 3-1)

"You gettin scared dude?" The shadow asked. (Shadow 3-2)

"I'm not fuckin scared bro. I'm not stupid either." The other Shadow said angrily (Shadow 3-1)

"Any movement over there? It's quiet here... Narcos got outta Dodge. It's not them I'm worried about anyways..." (Shadow 3-1)

"I thought you said you're not scared." (Shadow 3-2)

"I'm worried, worried is different from scared..." (Shadow 3-1)

"Same fuckin thing" (Shadow 3-2)

"No it's not, it's not the same thing at all..." (Shadow 3-1)

"I'm telling you right now, don't let these guys get in your head..." (Shadow 3-2)

"So, you tellin me you see that big boy with the skull face and you're not gonna start sweatin?" (Shadow 3-1)

Good thing Ghost can't hear them, it would be a big ego boost.

"I'm not gonna see him—" (Shadow 3-2)

"You're right, you won't see him. It's too late if you see him, you're fuckin already dead." (Shadow 3-1)

I threw a bottle to distract them and made my way into a shop.

Ghost POV

"What's taking you so long?" I asked Frostbite.

"Ran into more Shadows."

"Did you kill them?"

She did.
Makes me worry if she can kill her own people, what's that to say about me and Johnny?

Soap POV

"I wanna find those English motherfuckers. That asshole with the mask and the other leprechaun." (Shadow 3-1)


"Leprechauns- they're Irish, I told you that." (Shadow 3-2)

"Right. One o' those dudes with the skirts." (Shadow 3-1)

"It's called a kilt." (Shadow 3-2)

"It's a dude in a dress, that's all I know.." (Shadow 3-1)

"Picked up some tape." I told Ghost.

"Very useful."

"If I have to wrap a gift?"

"So to speak... Hold on to it."

He's so lame.

I grabbed a knife out of a dead shadows neck.

"Ghost, you missing a knife...?"


"Think I found one."

"Some of the dead Shadows are my handiwork."

"They aren't Frostbites?" I asked him.

"Maybe. Im not sure."

"So you came through here?"

"On my way to the church." He answered.

"And you left us?"

"I'm used to working alone."


"So much for no man left behind."

"Just get yourself to the church. Trying to keep you alive and get you here in one piece. One of us needs to survive to tell the tale."

"What are my odds?" I asked.

"Don't make me bet against you. Still got a lot of ground to cover."

I opened a case to find explosives.

"See and ye shall find..."

"Whatchya got?" Ghost asked

"Black powder..."

"Nice. This could get interesting..."

I killed a Shadow and got his gun. After killing the rest of them in this area I radioed to Ghost.


"All clear?"

"Appears to be."

"Stay on guard and keep moving to the Church. I'll radio to Frostbite to see where she's at."


"ETA?" Ghost asked you.

"Hold on, let me check my google maps real quick."

"That's golden."

You rolled your eyes.

"Hold your horses, I'll be there soon enough."

"Give some explanation while I wait."

"I can't explain, not right now. Forgive me one more time." You told him.

"How many more times do I have to forgive you for the same thing?" He asked.

"It's not that, I just need to be face to face to explain. Give me time."

"You're running out." He said and switched off the line.


Ghost POV

I switched back to the line with Soap.

"It's pishin it doon out here." He stated.

"Speak English."

"It's rainin fuckin hard!" He restated.

"Then say so."

"I did!"

"Rains good. It'll cover your tracks." I told him.

"Covers theirs too..."

Way to be negative.

"Let's worry about you, Johnny"

"So you do like me?"
He asked

"I like you alive."

Soap POV

I entered a home through a broken window and immediately covered my nose.

I radioed to the line with Ghost and Frostbite.

"Entered a place through a broken window."

"Good entrance." Ghost responded.

"Yeah. It smells like updog in here."

"What the hell is that." Ghost asked.

"That was a good one." Frostbite said.

"You ruin my jokes Ghost."

"I thought you were being serious." He responded.

"Found a tripwire rigged to a shotgun. Disarmed it. Took the gun." I told them.

"Open hearts and minds with it, Johnny." Ghost replied.

"Sick fuck." Frostbite imputed.


"Graves is burning the midnight oil to find us.. Why?"

Was he asking you? Should you respond?

"Graves and Shepard are both involved." Soap responded. "No matter what- this is an unprecedented amount of fuckery. We need to get to the bottom of it."

"It all starts with Frostbite." Ghost stated.

You didn't respond.

He continued. "Accurate and deadly fire tends to resolve these things. Right now, we're not safe here."

"Right now... we're not safe anywhere." Soap said
"Lt., about to play rough with the Shadows..."

"I like the sound o' that."

"Fashioned a trip mine..."

"A man after my own heart."

These two. Told Soap he loves him more than me.

"You have a heart?" Soap asked.

"A cold one."

Sounds about right.

"I'm in the coffee shop." Soap informed us.

"Get us a tea."

"Fucking Brits."
Soap continues
"You're gonna owe me for this."


"We're fixing eachothers problems."

"What's my problem?" Ghost asked.

"The mask... Take it off..."

"Show my face?"

"Yes, sir." Soap sounded excited


"Are you ugly?"

"Quite the opposite."

"I doubt that." Soap said.

"I can vouch that he's not ugly." You spoke up.

"She's seen you without the mask but I haven't?"

"Well Johnny, maybe if I was in love with you I'd show you. But i'm not."

In love with me? He really just said that.

A new line came over your radio.

"Where you hiding?" Graves stupid voice came over.

"Thought you said you could find me on your own. Now you need a hint?"

"Apparently you don't seem to realize that I will find you. Sooner or later, and it won't be pretty when I do."

You disconnected the line.
Fuck him.

Another new line.

"If you just come to Graves, I'll make sure he doesn't lay a hand on you." Shepard said.

"You promised me that before. You keep breaking your promises."

"Fine. I'll have to do this the hard way."

"I'm not afraid of you Shep. Not afraid of Graves neither or the Shadows. I'll kill every single one of you." You stated but your voice shook as you said it.

"Watch yourself Frostbite, you're just a little girl and you're swimming in the deep end now. You're on your own now kid, you always have been."

You disconnected the line.

Then a Shadow jumped out of nowhere.

"Fuck" You exclaimed and took off, but his throwing knife got you in the shoulder. You fell and clutched at it, the knife still in it.

The Shadow walked over and reached towards you.

"No no stop. Don't!"

He pulled the knife out of your shoulder.

"Help!" You attempted to yell but no sound came up.

"Nobody is coming to save you. Get up." He said looking down at you.

As you made your attempt to get up you took your knife and stabbed it in the back of his knee. Instantly making him fall.

"Goddamn bitch!" He yelled as he grabbed at his leg.

You ran. Seems all you do is run away.

Soap POV

"Tunnels are flooded. Prepare for a cold swim." Ghost said on the line with only me and him.

"Can't wait."

The Shadows were closing in on the building I was in. I managed to get out of the building without any of them seeing me.

"Still upright?" Ghost asked me.

"So far so good."

"You get caught out there, they'll kill you slow."

"Mercs or the Narcos?" I asked.

"Narcos... They'll take videos..."

"I'll give em your email so they know where to send them.."

"I won't watch em... More than once anyway." He responded.

"Sick bastard."

I switched to the line with the three of us.

"Two goldfish are in a tank..?" Ghost said.

"Go on..."

"One turns to the other and says... You know how to drive this thing? Little army humor."

"Very little."

"Another?" Ghost asked.

"I got one for you."

"Let's hear it."

"Why don't shrimp share?"


"Because they're a little shellfish." I chuckled.

"Not bad, We can do this all night."

"That's what Im afraid of."

"Where's Frost?" Ghost asked.

"Copy. Sorry. Your jokes were great."

"I didn't hear no laugh." I stated.

"Yeah well it hurts to laugh when there's a hole in my shoulder."

"Gun or knife?" Ghost asked.

"Knife. It's alright, he's got one in his stuck in his veins."

"Good girl." Ghost replied.

"Anyways, I'm at the bar." I spoke up.

"You like Tequila?" Ghost asked.

"No. Taste like dog piss."

"I'll take your word for it."

"Got a tactical use for dog piss?" I half joked.

"Wolf hunting. They follow the scent."

"Do you hunt with the mask on?" Frostbite spoke up.

"Naturally. The camo version."

"I'll bet you sleep with that thing on."


"He does sometimes." Frostbite said.

"You're out of your mind LT."

"That's for sure." Ghost spoke. "I'd murder for a whiskey."

"You mean Scotch?" I asked.

"I drink bourbon."

"Like a good ol boy."

"Ew. Stop." Frostbite giggled.

"I love Kentucky." Ghost stated.

Oh. ok.

I heard Shadows around the corner. Same fuckers from earlier.

"I'll kill the Irish one." (Shadow 3-1)

"The kids Scottish, not Irish." (Shadow 3-2)

"It's the same fucking thing!" (Shadow 3-1)

Ghost POV

"I'm close." Frostbite said on the line between me and her.

"You said that a few nights ago in my bed."

"Not funny." She said, but I could tell she was smiling "I have eyes on the church. Keep an eye out for me

"Sounds good."


You continued your way to the church, keeping an eye out for Shadows. Your shoulder felt like it was on a fire.

You made your ways up the steps and Ghost met you at the gate.

"What's the password?" He asked.

"Open the fucking gate."


"Simon." You pleaded, looking up at him.

He sighed and opened the gate.

You two made your way inside and up to where Ghost had been hiding out.

He had a shit ton a gear laying around and a few weapons.

"Wow, you made out like a bandit up here." You laughed and looked over at Ghost who was just staring at you.

"Come here."

He grabbed at your clothes and started pulling your shirt off.

He ripped a strip of his shirt off himself and started wrapping it around the stab wound in my arm.

"Thank you." You said.


After he finished fixing you up and wrapping his jacket around you he walked over to where he had his sniper set up.

"No sign of Johnny yet." He stated.

Suddenly you felt awkward.

"Now, let's hear it. I've been waiting."

"Okay. So you already know about why I joined and all that stuff. Well in a year Shepard told me he saw potential in me and he started sending me to bases to gather info and go on missions with them to collect intel and help them and report it to him and then kill them off. I was doing this for a good while. I never got attached to them or nothing hence why he sent me specifically. I know, it sounds horrible, it is."

"Sounds horrible? That is fucking horrible. Killing innocent people."

"Oh grow up Ghost. Military is always killing innocent people."

"Not for no reason. You had no reason to do that. I never thought of you to be like that."

"Don't do that." I pleaded." Dont look at me like I'm a monster."

"I'm not."

"Take the mask off. I need to see your face."

He shook his head."

"Darling, please take it off." You reached towards him.

"Do not fucking touch me." He backed away but pulled his mask off.

"Then shit with Graves happened." You continued.

"This shit? Or other shit?"

"Other." I haven't told you yet. "He was my bestfriend. I was so close to him. One night I took sleeping pills as I had a hard time sleeping. I woke up to a soldier on top of me and blood all over. I screamed and he ran. I ran to Graves room pantless with blood all over my legs. He was awake and helped me. He ran me a warm bath and talked to me.


"Graves. What do I do?" You asked him.

"Who was it?"

"No. What are you gonna do to him."

"I'm gonna have a gentle talk with him." He stated.

"You need to go to Shepard."

"Tell me the name."

You told him and he left the bathroom claiming he'd be back.

You didn't feel uncomfortable with him seeing your body after that happened. You knew Graves was not like that and he was like your bestfriend.

As you wait there in the bathtub, you heard yelling and a door slamming. Followed by a gunshot.

He killed him.

Graves came back and helped you get dressed. You didn't want to come back to your room.

Graves went and cleaned your room up and washed your stuff.

"I don't want it back. The sheets or the clothes."

So you and Graves burned the clothes and sheets together. Graves explained to Shepard why he had he did it and it wasn't brought up again.

Soon after Graves started flirting with you.

He got drunk one night and tried to kiss you.

"Graves no, I only see you as a friend."

He tried it again but more aggressively. You slapped him.

He was pissed and then started getting distant from you.

One night you were in the kitchen getting food wearing pj shorts and a tank top. Graves came up to you.

"No wonder why he did that to you. With what you wear."

You had never been so pissed. You grabbed your knife and lunged at him.

Shepard grabbed you off him.

"Stay the fuck away from eachother. This is not appropriate behavior."

Ever since then you hated Graves.

(Flashback over)

"Graves did that??" Ghost asked.


"I understand now why you acted like that towards him before. Y/N I'm so sorry."

You reached for him.

He hugged you.

"You still betrayed us." He let go of you.

"No Simon I didn't. I tried to explain the best I can."

"You explained your past. You still came to our base with full intention of killing all of us. How could you do that? After the nights we spent together? After Soap painted you those pictures? The nights we all hung out in the rec room? How could you. I let you in and I don't let people in."

"It's not like that. That was all genuine! I wasn't coming to your base to kill any of you. You have to believe me."

He laughed. "Believe you? It sure looked like that's what you were gonna do when you aimed the gun at me didn't it?"

"I was scared and confused. I didn't know what was happening."

"Sure you didn't. This whole night I tried to convince myself that I hated you. That you were nothing but a fucking traitor. That you are stupid and naive to think I'd ever come back to you. But I couldn't. I love you."


"I fucking hate you." He spat.

Your heart felt like it was in a million pieces.

"Mexico is on fire and it's all your fault."

"No no."

"Almost to the church" Soap spoke on the line with all of us.

You started walking down the stairs. When someone grabbed you.

                         Ghost POV

I heard Y/N scream and I ran down the stairs.

"Y/N!" I yelled but she was nowhere.

I ran outside to see Johnny making his way up the stairs.

"Frostbite here yet?" He asked.

"She's gone."

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