credence | din djarin

By IndomableDon

25.7K 713 48

'a Jedi and a Mandalorian? they'll never see it coming...' #1 PedroPascal (08/11/23) #1 Mando (29/02/24) More

playlist & disclaimer
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three

twenty five

455 17 0
By IndomableDon

word count: 2.3k


'I'll see you up there?' Logan asked Mando as she reached back to tighten her belt, making sure no rushed movements would cause her lightsaber to fall into the ocean below. She would truly be kicking herself if she did that. 

Mando looked down at Logan and then at the Cruiser that was slowly parting from the dock. 'Do you remember the plan?' He asked, turning her around by her shoulders so he could tighten her belt for her, even though she had just done so.

'How could I not?' She asked and spun around to face him. 'And off I go...' She muttered with a quick smile in The Mandalorian's direction before she spun on her heels and began running towards the Cruiser, which was now hovering off the edge of the port.

The four Mandalorians watched as she reached the edge of the port and leapt up towards the cruiser, where she managed to catch onto the bottom of it with one hand before she began climbing upwards, using all her strength to hold on against the winds. The length she jumped was shocking to see. 

'Where did you find her?' Bo-Katan asked Mando as she put her helmet on.

Mando never answered her question as they all shot up into the sky, flying above the Cruiser before dropping down on one of the side platforms, where they all began fighting what few Stormtroopers were there guarding the door, meanwhile, Logan was trying her hardest to pull herself up with the strength of the wind against her.

When she was close enough to the rendezvous point, Logan noticed a small blue-gloved hand extended towards her. Nodding at Koska as a thank you, Logan grabbed it and allowed herself to be pulled up.

Logan stood up normally and grabbed onto the railing as her hair blew around her face rapidly. She didn't have a helmet to protect her like the others. Once Axe got the door open, Bo-Katan stepped inside and took out three Stormtroopers on her own with a hidden blade, before signalling for the others to follow her. Mando was last in after Logan.

The doors at the end of the corridor opened to reveal more Stormtroopers that immediately began blasting at them. Logan ducked to her right and hid behind a pillar, right behind Axe, who kept poking his head out and blindly shooting. Across from her was Bo-Katan, Koska and Mando, who were all doing the same thing. They all moved as one and advanced up the hall quickly, taking shelter behind another set of pillars. Bo-Katan and Koska stepped into the hall and managed to take them all down without earning a single scratch on their armour.

The further they moved up the hall, the more Logan began to question whether they actually needed her help; they were managing just fine after taking down another group of Stormtroopers.

As they ran through another set of doors, they all split once again behind the pillars whilst Mando rolled a smoke bomb towards the group of Stormtroopers. Logan almost felt bad for how little time they had to react. She followed behind everyone, keeping an eye out for the back of the group whilst The Mandalorian took care of the front as they all weaved their way through the smoke.

Once they were in the elevator, Koska turned to Logan.

'Are you going to do anything?' She asked as she stepped closer to her, but was stopped by Bo-Katan.

'Are you going to let me?' Logan asked as she unclipped her lightsaber from her belt.

Bo-Katan snapped her fingers in front of the two of them. 'We need to focus. Do not argue. There's going to be a whole lot of firepower on the other side of these doors, be ready to run for cover.'

Sure enough, the doors opened and they were faced with so much blast as they exited, Mando forcefully shoved Logan off to the side and out of the fight. The doors shut quickly, separating them from the Stormtroopers.

Bo-Katan walked over to the control panels and hit several buttons. Logan raised her eyebrows and looked at Mando who shrugged. Once the doors re-opened, there were no Stormtroopers. Logan didn't even question what happened as the other three Mandalorians took their helmets off before making a dash for all the crates and cases that were full of ammunition.

Logan stood side by side with Mando as they listened to Bo-Katan reply to the pilot over the comms.

'Do you copy?'

'I copy,' she said tauntingly. 'Thanks for packing up all this gear so nicely. Imagine what a division of us can do when we get our hands on what's inside these shiny little boxes.'

'If you think you're going to escape with those weapons you are sadly mistaken. Even if you managed to jettison a few of those crates, we will comb the entire area until you are hunted down and killed.'

'Oh, we're not jettisoning anything. We're taking the entire ship.'

Logan and Mando both snapped their heads towards Bo-Katan, both of them asking, 'What?'

'Put some tea on. We'll be up in a minute.' Bo-Katan placed the comm down on a crate as Mando and Logan approached her. She spun around and faced the two expectantly.

'This is more than we signed up for,' Mando said harshly. They were in far more danger than he prepared for.

'There is something I need if I am to rule Mandalore. Something that was once mine. They know where it is and soon, so will I. Regardless, we are taking the ship for the battles ahead.' Although Mando was still wearing his helmet, Bo-Katan maintained eye contact with him.

'I got you your weapons,' he said before quickly adding, 'We have to return to my ship with the foundling.'

Bo-Katan's cold stare never wavered as she said, 'If you want my help finding the Jedi, you will help me take this ship. '

'You're changing the terms of the deal.'

She raised her eyebrows ever so slightly with a cocky smirk before muttering, 'This is the way.'

Logan raised her hand at Bo-Katan as she turned around, but Mando grabbed her wrist to stop her. She looked up at Mando and stepped closer. 'You're going to let her blackmail you like this? You don't need their help, I'll find the Jedi myself.'

Mando shook his head. 'We don't have the time. If we're going to find this Jedi we need to know exactly where they are,' he told her, letting go of her wrist.

Logan let her glare follow Koska and Axe as they trailed after Bo-Katan, who was beginning to make her way towards the bridge. She shook her head and turned away from Mando as she began following after everyone. She should have known they were going to drag them into more mess than they need to be in!

Whilst they all moved down the hall as a tight group, weapons extended, the last thing they expected was for the ship to tilt and for all of them to stumble into the wall to their left.

'They're taking the ship down. Let's move!' Bo-Katan said before running down the hall. 'There's the bridge. Come on!'

From the end of the hall, a Stormtrooper could be heard yelling loudly before they were being blasted by firepower. They all hid behind the pillars once again, ducking out of the way of the shots. They were barely being covered.

'How many troopers?' Bo-Katan asked Axe.

'Six to ten. Two with heavy repeating blasters!' He told her as Koska mentioned they were quickly losing altitude.

'We need to move now!' Bo-Katan growled.

'They have too much firepower!' Axe yelled and ducked his head as a shot was too close for comfort.

To Logan's left, she felt Mando jab her side, and once he had her attention, he put his gun away and grabbed two detonators from his hip. Logan looked down the hall at all the Stormtroopers and then down at her lightsaber, where she ignited it.

'I'll cover you,' she said and nodded once, earning a nod in return.

'Cover us!' Mando said to the other three Mandalorians as Logan jumped out into the middle of the corridor where all of the attention travelled to her.

Logan gritted her teeth as she rapidly swung her lightsaber to block the shots by the Stormtroopers, redirecting their fire back to them. Knowing that Mando was right behind her, she refused to slow down for even a second, yet the force of the shots hitting the blade of her lightsaber was enough to send her stumbling back several times. Mando was right there to keep pushing her along.

Mando tossed the two detonators over Logan's shoulder and as she subtracted the blade of the sabre, he pulled her into her chest and flipped them around, allowing his back to take the heat of the explosion before dropping to the floor. As his arm covered the top of her head, Logan muttered a curse at the intense heat that singed the exposed parts of her skin.

Once they were all clear to stand up, Mando let go of Logan, who jumped to her feet and used all her strength to get him up as quickly as she could. With her lightsaber in one hand and Mando's hand in her other, she dragged him after Bo-Katan and the other two Mandalorians.

Bo-Katan burst down the doors of the bridge and staggered inside as Mando and Logan let go of one another's hands and rushed to get the kamikaze pilot out of the chair. Mando took his place as Logan shoved the man into Bo-Katan, who grabbed him by the shirt and shoved him up against the wall. Logan grabbed onto Koska's chair as she and Mando tried their hardest to pull the nose-diving ship away from the incoming ocean. 

'Where is it?' She asked the man as she shoved her hidden blade towards his face. 'The Dark Sabre. Does he have it?' She asked the man who struggled against her grasp.

'If you're asking, you already know.'

Logan frowned, what in the mother of moons was the Dark Sabre? The slowly ship levelled out as Koska and Mando successfully averted the bigger crisis.

'I will let you live. But you will take me to him,' Bo-Katan said, pushing the blade closer to his face. Logan watched on in worry and confusion. 

'You might let me live, but he won't!' The man said before bearing down on his teeth. A loud crackle rippled through his skull, shocking him to death.

Bo-Katan let him go and watched him fall over with a loud, 'No!'

Logan glanced at Mando who turned to look at the source of the commotion as Koska told them all that he sent a distress signal and that they all needed to leave.

'Clear the atmosphere and prepare to jump,' Bo-Katan said breathlessly as she stepped around Logan and moved out of the way of Mando who went to stand in the doorway. 'Are you sure you won't join us?' She asked, turning to face him.

'There's something I need to do,' he told her.

'The offer stands if you change your mind.'

Mando and Logan looked at each other. Logan felt a little perturbed by the thought of Mando joining the other Mandalorians and her going back to her village after they reunite The Child with a Jedi that can train him. However, she pushed the thoughts aside. 

Mando avoided Bo-Katan's words and instead asked, 'Where can we find the Jedi?'

'Look to your right,' Koska muttered from the front seat, making everyone glare at her.

Bo-Katan reached up and pulled her helmet off, Logan began to look away but realised she didn't need to.

'Take the foundling to the city of Calodan on the forest planet of Corvus, There you will find Ahsoka Tano.'

Logan inhaled sharply as a sharp pain shot through her temple. As her eyes unfocused an unfamiliar voice rang through her head.

I'm Ahsoka Tano, Master Skywalker's new Padawan learner!

I will swear to protect him with my life.

Goodbyes are not needed, we will see each other again.

The voice sounded so familiar, yet she knew she had never heard it before. Images of a young Togruta girl flashed behind her now closed eyelids. Was this Ahsoka Tano? Logan thought to herself, frowning in thought. Her mother had mentioned the name to her several times throughout her childhood, but she knew nothing other than she was a friend of her mother's.

'Your bravery will not be forgotten, neither will yours.'

Logan opened her eyes and found herself staring at Bo-Katan, who had her head tilted in her direction in confusion. All Logan could muster up was a nod, not remembering what she had said to her. 

'This is the way,' Bo-Katan nodded at Mando who also nodded and repeated what she said.

He grabbed Logan's hand, seeing as she went back to staring at nothing, before pulling her through the doorway gently, concerned about the dazed look on her face. 

'What's wrong?' He asked her as they walked down the hall at a quick pace.

'I think... I think I had a vision of this Ahsoka Tano...' Logan muttered, letting him lead her as they zipped down various hallways in an attempt to find the door. 'No, not a vision... It felt like memories, but they weren't mine.'

Mando stopped and faced her as he opened the door that led outside.

'Memories that aren't yours? You mean to tell me you can read others' thoughts?' Mando asked her, and the tone of his voice made her think he was angry, so her voice faltered greatly when she tried to stutter out an explanation — one she didn't have. 'We're not done with this,' Mando said and let go of her hand before picking her up and throwing the both of them off the side of the ship.


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