By QuEenRiddle4

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UNDER EDITION!!!! This is a love triangle between Tom and Mattheo Riddle. IF YOU DECIDE TO READ THIS FANFIC B... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Cast 2
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Cast 3
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 50

785 16 18
By QuEenRiddle4


I woke up the next day with a smile on my face. Yesterday Daniella and I had our first oficial date, that also was my first date in my whole life. Of course I didn't tell her that, I wanted her to feel like I knew what I was doing, except that I didn't know nothing about dates. Still, I believe I did a pretty good job since I did all the things I've read in a book about how to act like a gentleman.

I went to pick her up to her common room, I gave her a teddy bear since last time I gave her flowers she told me she was allergic, then I took her  out for a long walk just to get to know each other an be confortable until we reached the library in where I've made a romantic picnic just for the two of us.

I was delighted to see her smiling and laughing. It's weird since the way it all started but so far Daniella is perfect. She is smart, beautiful, has a unique personality, her humor is a little weird but funny and she's also  smart. A smart woman for me is attractive and gets all the points.

I can't take her out of my mind in the good way. Since I've been hanging out with Daniella I haven't had time to think of Cherry, it's a good thing that is happening but that doesn't mean my past feelings are fully gone. But I am trying my best to forget about Cherry and just be her friend.

I'm getting ready to go to the Great hall, I can't wait to see Daniella today. So I hurry up take a shower, brush my hair, get dressed and put on some cologne. Once I'm ready I grab my bag with books for today classes and head out to the great hall with a positive attitude.


I woke up with a headache. Yesterday it was a hard day. I feel disappointed knowing my brother may be my fathers real heir when he doesn't deserve it. He has a prophecy and I don't. What makes Tom so special for him to be perfect? Sometimes I hate him.

Most of the times I hate him.

I got up from my bed and see that Tom is already using our shower. He always wakes up earlier, I groan and rolled my eyes in annoyance. He is always first in everything. I won't let him be the first to finish my dads work. Tom do not deserve it!

Tom finally gets out the bathroom fully dress.
He looks at me and slightly smile. I only glare at him and look for my clothes so I can take a shower. Ignoring him the whole time.

I know he wanted to speak to me but it was early in the morning and I had no energy to hear him speak. So I took a hot shower and got ready to start my day. But when I got out the bathroom fully dressed and ready I see Tom doing my bed.

"You don't have to do that" I say getting his attention
"I know, I wanted to... you never do and it's annoying"
"Then leave my side of the room alone" I say walking towards my bed and undoing it making it messier than before. Tom only huffed in annoyance and looked at me.

"I noticed something yesterday" he says looking at me and putting his hands in his pockets.
"What? That you're a fucking pussy for not wanting to end our fathers work?"
"No... that you and Cherry came together to tell me about that book" he says with a smooth voice and confident.
"So?" I say
"I know for sure you didn't discover that book. So she must have done it... I also know that if she discovered it you two must been in the library together because you can't get into the restriction area alone. She must of had someone looking out for her. That being you..." I frown at his calculating voice.

"I also know that book was reported missing four days ago...I broke up with Cherry three days ago... so you two must of been in the library a day before I broke up with her... you two were alone, and I was sure you two weren't in good terms... so why is it that Cherry asked for your company and not mine? Did you two had any other activities after reading that stupid book?" He continued to say and I just look at him with trying to not give him any reaction.

I remember  that day I gave Cherry head in one of the empty classroom. She did let me. But I won't let Tom know.

"What are you insinuating?" I say. Tom glares at me and I noticed he clenched his hands and jaw.
"That you two lied about not liking each other and hangout in secret."
"You're right, we tried to be friends, we didn't know how you would of react so we kept it secret" I say with a smirk, he looks at me and not once blinked.
"Friends? Is that all? Friends?"
"You think I'll fuck your ex girlfriend behind your back? Huh? I'm not that bad, I know you have anger issues we didn't wanted to tell you until it was the right time. Now you two aren't even together so why bother getting mad at me?" I say with a sincere tone of voice.

Tom smiled and stepped closer to me . He holds me by my shoulder and with a threatening voice he says.
"If I find out that you two had something going on when I was with her... I won't think twice to follow Voldemorts steps and murder you with my bare hands Mattheo" he says looking straight at my eyes with a smile that was clearly fake.

He stepped back and grabbed his bag. He walked towards the door before he leaves he turns to me and says.
"We'll have a meeting at midnight, room of requirements, bring Cherry. We'll discuss a plan to get my prophecy" with that he left.

I couldn't help but get goosebumps at his attitude. It has been a long time since I last saw him cold and with his barriers up.
Tom was back, and that was something to be worried about.


I reached the great hall but I didn't see Daniella. Perhaps she is coming late, luckily for me Cherry was already sitting alone eating her breakfast. I approached her sitting next to her.

"Good morning" I say with an optimistic attitude
"Morning... look at you! You are radiating happiness... why?" She asked she seems in a good  mood as well.
"Daniella, she is is the reason" I noticed Cherry clenching her jaw nonetheless she only took a sip of her juice and continued eating.

I was about to began eating when I see Daniella rushing into the great hall and sitting at her table getting food. She didn't glance at me once. Did I do something wrong?

I look at her hoping she'll look at my way but it was then that I noticed why she didn't looked at me. She seems like she was crying.
Without thinking twice I get up my sit and began to walk towards her
"Hey! Where are you going?!"Cherry says
" with Daniella" I say and continued until I was now sitting next to her at the Hufflepuff table.

She looks up at me and cleaned her tears.
"Hello, Goodmorning" she says smiling. I don't smile I say
"What's wrong?" She looks down again and says
"Nothing I just, had a rough morning"
I was about to say something else until I heard a voice.

"Oí! Look at that! Chubby Dany and her boyfriend, how adorable" Beck Rosier says with a mocking tone earning laughs from everyone around the great hall.
"You're confused we are not dating yet" I say with a polite voice. Beck gets closer to me and glares at me.
"Are you saying I'm a liar?" He says with a threatening voice. Tobias black was at his left and Julius at his right both supporting him.

"No, I'm saying you're dumb enough to make assumptions out of a simple scenario" then the Great hall gasp in surprise. Even Daniella was confused at my actions. I was still sitting showing that I was not afraid of them.
"You called me dumb?"
"Oh I'm sorry... I meant to say imbecile" once again everyone around the great hall say 'ohh' and 'fuck that man is death' but I did not cared but I did felt disgusted at myself for using such a vulgar vocabulary.

Rosier laughed and got closer to Daniella brushing her curly hair. At that moment I wanted nothing more than to push him away and cut his hand. Or just brake it I don't like blood.
"Why are you defending this pice of meat? She is fat, ugly, weird, and a fucking Mudblood!!"

That was it I stood up and punched him right across his face. My hand hurt like hell, but my anger was more that I didn't felt it at first. Then he punched me back in the face making fall on the floor. People surrounded us saying 'fight,fight!' Or even just yelling enjoying the drama.

"Noo! Leave him alone!" Daniella yelled and cried but Toby make her sit back and look at me being beat up until I heard.
"Leave him alone you fucker!" Then Beck was punched back from me due that Cherry used a spell.

She then punched Rosier in the face making him bleed. Just like she did the time Mattheo hurt me. I quickly stood up but Julius punched my face making me stumble back.
"You are fucking Blood traitor!" Avery says grabbing me by the collar of my shirt and yelling at my face he was about to punched me again when Mattheo suddenly came out of nowhere and punched him making him fall to the floor, Mattheo started to punching Avery .

"You filthy motherfucker!" He says punching Avery repetitive times.

I look around and I see Cherry pointing her wand at Rosier who was now bleeding heavily due to her punched. And then I see Mattheo fighting Julius Avery on the floor, I was about to go towards Toby but I was stopped by Professor Nott.

Suddenly everyone stopped.
"All of you detention!!!" He says. Mattheo stood up with not a single scratch on his face, Julius stood up and cleaned his bloody nose.  We were waiting for Cherry to back off but before she did, she kicked Rosier balls hard making him fall on his knees.
"You deserve that you bitch" she says now coming towards me and Mattheo.

I see Daniella and she was already looking at me. I thought she was going to be mad but she only smiled.
"Detention tonight! All of you!" Professor Nott said then left the scene. Suddenly Mattheo says
"Why were we fighting?"

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