Unplugged: The Hidden World (...

By BookNrd

76.5K 6.5K 573

After the unforeseen infiltration of the Depot rebel group, Enna Price and Matthew Elliot find themselves on... More

Praise for the Unplugged Trilogy ...
Dedicated to...
Title Page
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Discussion Questions
More Work by the Author
Diving Into Conspiracies

Chapter Fourteen

1.6K 163 8
By BookNrd

I wake in the dead of night--or morning, I don't know which--to a short signal sounded over the intercoms. This signal, Gale told me, wakes up the Workers. It is quiet enough to allow someone to sleep through it, but loud enough to penetrate the layer of dreams surrounding a sleeping person; or, should I say, a trying-to-sleep person. Today, it signifies the start of our mission. Nervous as soon as my feet hit the ground, I tiptoe towards the door, glancing over my shoulder to make sure that no one wakes up to stop me. The hotel room remains silent, save a few snores.

When I begin to twist the door knob, I pause. Beyond this door is danger and pain and cold, hard truth. Am I really willing to give up the safety of numbers? Am I willing to say goodbye to what's left of my family? Am I willing to never see Matthew again? My heart clenches at the thought that I might never hold his hand again, or feel his breath on my neck, or laugh with him until my stomach hurts.

My stomach hurts.

Before I lose my nerve or let my doubts carry me away, I swing open the door and close it softly behind me. The candle-lit hallway is completely empty, and I walk confidently towards the elevators. Rustling noises come from the closed doors I pass: the sound of Workers preparing for another day. I press the elevator button and wait anxiously. Please open up, please open up, please open up...

"Excuse me," a harsh, female voice barks behind me. I spin on my heel, terror closing in until my insides squeeze unbearably. My eyes meet a tall, slim, foreboding woman. Her pitch-black hair falls in perfect curls just below her shoulders, and her bright hazel eyes hold me captive. The sculpted curve of her body is made more pronounced by her dark, sleek clothing. Her pocket bulges with a hidden weapon. I'd almost think I recognized her features if I weren't so scared. She places her hand on the holster of her pocketed gun.

"Why are you up here? Who are you?" My heart hammers painfully in my ribs. I only have two options: tell the truth and be killed where I stand, or formulate a lie sensible enough to save myself. I choose the latter option.

"I'm Ellen Baker. John Elliot sent me to oversee the progress of the base here." The woman isn't convinced, though she slightly responds to John's name.

"Oh, really?" She narrows her eyes and grips her weapon more tightly. "How did you get here?"

My mind reels and I try to think of a legitimate answer that wouldn't trap me inside of it.

"I... I drove here with directions from an inside acquaintance."

"Who?" The word is harsh and direct. I cringe.

"Gale. Gale McAllister."

"McAllister?" The woman laughs so viciously that she has to lean on the wall to regain her breath. "You think she's with us?"

"I know she's with you," I reply levelly. "With me, anyways. John sent her here years ago to keep watch for intruders. He sent me afterwards, once the coast was officially clear, so we could both inspect your progress. We need directions to the actual base entrance."

The woman scoffs and relaxes a bit.

"Listen. You seem like a noble kid and all, but I don't have to let you in. I wasn't even told to expect visitors. You better hang back here and let me do my job." She begins to walk towards the elevator and I block her path, panicked. I can't give up now, when I've already risked so much.

"Has it ever occurred to you that the Hidden Allies know something you don't?" I hiss, making up words on the spot. "Things will not end nicely for you if you prohibit their visitors from entering."

At this the woman pauses in the middle of a step, her face turning ghostly pale. Suddenly, she pins me against the wall, her long fingernails digging into my shoulder. I clench my teeth to keep from making a sound. Even though I want to punch her, I can't help but notice how flawless her skin looks, how perfectly her hair curls at the ends. She's pretty.

"Don't you dare talk to me like you know more about my job than I do," she spits. "You wouldn't last ten days in my shoes." I gather my breath.

"Well, I better. Because we're joining you. Gale and I."

A pause. At first I think the woman is going to shoot me, but then she grimaces and releases me. She glances around nervously and swears, whispering, "Why do these things always happen to me?"

I don't really know what she's talking about, but for a moment I feel guilty.

"We won't bother you. We just need a ride, then we're out of your hair."

"Fine," she mutters, looking like she might throw up. "Shut up and follow me."

Wondering if I should be offended or grateful, I trail the woman into the elevator.

"What's your name?" I ask as the doors close.

"Victoria." She chews on her fingernail and shifts uncomfortably. "Where are you from?"

"New York." She pauses for a moment then regains her composure.


What is it with New York? The doors open and I lead the way to the front desk, hands sweaty. I can only hope that Gale knows to play along.

"What time is it?" Victoria asks huffily. Instead of point out the fact that she's wearing a watch, I glance at the wall clock above the front entrance.

"7:00," I reply.

"Enna? Are you ready?" I pause in the middle of my next step, horrified. Gale exits the meeting room and stands in front of me, fully clad in a black uniform. Her usually-braided hair falls down her back in straight strands. Victoria raises her weapon warily, as though trained to do so whenever she meets someone new. This girl must be a hoot at parties. Gale widens her eyes at me, as if wondering, "What did you do?!" I step forward.

"Victoria, this is Gale McAllister. She arranged our visit with the Hidden Allies." Victoria slightly cringes at the title, yet keeps her weapon raised. Receiving the cue, Gale effortlessly crafts a response.

"Nice to meet you Victoria. I see that you've met E--"

"--llen," I finish. The Worker raises her eyebrows. "Ellen Baker." Gale purses her lips.

"I better get dressed in uniform. Please excuse us for a moment, Victoria." Hurriedly, I clutch Gale's forearm and drag her into the meeting room. As soon as I close the door, she spills over.

"What were you thinking!?"

"She found me in the hallway and she asked why I was up there. I couldn't tell her the truth!"

"What did you tell her?" I hurriedly recount my fictitious story to Gale as I dress into a uniform that lies spread out over the table. Once I finish, Gale looks significantly calmer.

"So where's Martin?"

"It's Matthew. And he refused to join me."

"He let you leave alone? So much for protective instincts..."

"He didn't let me leave alone." My voice starts to grow thick with emotion and I clear it roughly. "He tried to stop me. But I snuck out anyways." Gale nods somberly, suddenly understanding.

"Well if you want to see him again, I advise you to follow my lead. I've prepared for this day my whole life." I nod, following her into the lobby. More men and women had joined Victoria; they lean against the wall and scowl or engage in small talk. As soon as Gale and I step into clear view, the lobby grows silent and all of the Workers raise their weapons.

"Oh quit that, would you?" Victoria spits, picking at her cuticles. "They're with us. Apparently the Hidden Allies have contacted John Elliot. He sent two insiders to oversee the productivity of the base. This is--" She motions her hand towards me and the surly, mustached man next to her slaps it away.

"We know who she is," he hisses. I look at Gale fearfully; she slowly pulls the handle of some kind of weapon out of her back pocket, hands trembling.

"Enna Price," he mutters, his mouth curling into an evil smile. "I found her! I get the prize!"

"Are you kidding me?" Victoria steps up to him, drawing herself up to her full height. The top of her head barely comes up to his nose. "I knew you were arrogant, Willis, but I was never aware of your blatant stupidity."

"What did you say to me?" He growls, advancing forward. As the other Workers begin to argue about who has the right to capture me, Gale draws out a small gun, just like the one that was hidden at my grandmother's home. She puts a finger to her lips and places it in my back pocket. I cover it with my shirt.

"Why?" I whisper, barely moving my mouth.

"You need it more than I do." My stomach lurches.

"Enough!" Victoria screams. Silence grips the rest of the Workers. "We can't just stand here, fighting like children, when we have a duty to perform."

Everyone nods in agreement then rushes towards me, enclosing me in a man-made circle. They all hold up their weapons, pointing them at my head, my arms, my chest, my legs... Gale makes an airy sound, like a gasp. Not yet, I beg silently. Please, not yet. I close my eyes. If I have to die, I will do it silently and without struggle. I will force myself to embrace it and never fear it. Yet, I tremble with fear.

"We do it together," Victoria says, wrath leaking from each word. "On three. One... Two..."

"Wait!" Gale bursts. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. Everyone turns to stare at her, even me. Her face looks almost blue, like she had been holding her breath too long. "Wouldn't your leader become upset with all of you if he learned that you killed Enna here without taking her to him first?"

Suddenly, there is a commotion among the Workers.

"What would the Master think?"

"We'd be strung up!"

"Worse, probably..."

Victoria walks up to Willis and whispers, "That's Enna Price. Do you have any idea how much the Master wants her?"

He smiles wryly and walks forward, holding his head high.

"McAllister makes a sound argument. Therefore, I will take you both prisoner until we reach the base. Then I'll decide what I want to do with you."

"We will take you prisoner," Victoria revises, shooting Willis a hard glare.

I don't know if I should be relieved or even more worried. By the sound of it, the people at the base are absolutely horrendous. What will their leader do to me? Even worse, what will they do to Mom and Matthew and Ariel? Don't think about them, I tell myself. I have to make these people think that I traveled here alone. I can't let the people I care about suffer because of my own choices.

Trying to look brave, I offer my wrists to the guard nearest me, taking a deep breath.

"I'm ready."

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