Naruto Shippuden (Male Reader...

By YourMother72

156K 4.9K 2.3K

It's been almost three years since (Y/N)'s disappearance. No one has been able to find him, and Minerva has a... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII
Chapter XLIX
Chapter L
Chapter LI

Chapter XL

1.7K 74 26
By YourMother72

Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

Neji, Lee, Tenten, Suigetsu, Karin, and Jugo all looked shocked at the huge nearby explosion. It got bigger and bigger.

Neji: Crap, that thing's coming right towards us!

Tenten: How big can that thing be?!

Karin: Not good! Run!!

As the range of the explosion continued to grow, the two teams split up, running in oppposite directions.


When the dust cleared, Hebi stood in a plain, panting heavily.

Jugo: What was that explosion? Who could have caused it?

Suigetsu: I don't know, but now that I think about it, that was right where Sasuke and his brother went off to fight I'm pretty sure!

Jugo: What?! Karin?

Karin closed her eyes and gasped.

Karin: I can't sense Sasuke's chakra!!

Suigetsu: Oh, no...!

He grabbed a scroll that Sasuke had given him earlier. The snake on it slowly disappeared.

Jugo: What do we do now?

Karin: That scroll summons Orochimaru's snake... Sasuke gave it to us for a reason.

Suigetsu: So we summon it?

Jugo: It's not like we have that many options right now. We got separated from our opponents too.

The three made their way to the center of where the explosion happened. A massive, massive crater was there.

Right in the middle of it, Suigetsu rolled out the summoning scroll. Karin handed him a small container of Sasuke's blood.

Suigetsu dropped some on the scroll and slapped his hand on it.

Suigetsu: Summoning Jutsu!!

In a big puff of smoke, Manda appeared, grievously wounded and burned. It was laying on the ground.

Karin: What the hell happened to it?

Jugo: Did Sasuke summon it during his fight with his brother? It must have been caught in the explosion.

A groan was heard, and Sasuke lumbered out of the snake's open mouth. He was dragging (Y/N)'s unconscious body behind him.

When he landed on the ground, he fell on his knees, panting heavily.

Hebi: Sasuke!!

Suigetsu: Hey, you're all beat up! Who were you fighting?

Karin knelt down next to Sasuke as Manda spoke.

Manda: You...used me... You insolent...striplings... Those eyes... You...hypnotized me...with those eyes...

The snake stopped talking after that and laid still.

Suigetsu: Oh dear, he's dead. Wasn't Manda also Orochimaru's favorite pet? You ought to treat animals better and not force Genjutsu on them.

Karin: Shut up, Suigetsu. No one cares about that.

Sasuke: I had no choice. There was no time...

Karin: Your chakra disappeared, Sasuke. I didn't know what to think, but I guess you were teleporting, huh?

Suigetsu: Wait, if you used Teleportation Jutsu to escape into another dimension inside Mandarin, why are you so beat up, and what's with (Y/N)?

Sasuke looked down at (Y/N) and grabbed his arm.

Sasuke: Just before we jumped, (Y/N) and Manda were hit by the blast wave. Our opponent was one of the Akatsuki. He was a lot stronger than I'd anticipated.

Jugo: Akatsuki? You and your brother fought him together?

Suigetsu: Whatever. You still need to take a little break.

Karin: Pathetic! I can't believe you were the one who actually took down Orochimaru!

Sasuke: Orochimaru's illness made him weak. That's all.

Jugo: What should we do with the brother? Should I kill him?

An evil look appeared on his face. Sasuke glared at him.

Sasuke: No! Karin, I need you to heal him.

Suigetsu: Heal him?! Are you sure?

Sasuke: Do it. I'm not going to let him die.

Jugo: He should die. He killed Kimimaro...

Karin: Kimimaro was already dying. There was nothing to be done about him.

The red haired girl moved over to (Y/N) and put his head on her thigh.

Karin: <thinking/blushing> He looks even better up close...

She rolled up her sleeve and brought her arm over to (Y/N)'s mouth.

Suigetsu: How's he supposed to bite her? He's knocked out.

Karin: Easy.

She opened his mouth a little and put her arm in between his teeth. She closed his mouth.

Karin: <blushing> Ahh~!

Suigetsu: <sweat dropping> Why do you always do that, you weirdo?

(Y/N)'s body was slowly healing. His burns started to fade a bit.

Jugo: He... He doesn't deserve to live...

Sasuke: I'm not going to let my brother die! Understand, Jugo?

He glared at the older male, furious. Jugo nodded but didn't look happy.

Suigetsu: It's weird seeing you actually care about someone, Sasuke.

Karin: Of course he does. They're brothers. Well, kind of. Besides, wouldn't you know about that? You had a brother too.

Suigetsu: Pfft. I don't care about him. He's dead now anyway.

Sasuke: Let's move him into the nearest town and rest for a bit. After that, we'll continue looking for Itachi.

Suigetsu: Hold on, are you planning on having him join us?

Sasuke: No. He'd never accept anyway. He can find his way back to Konoha on his own.

Karin: A shame. It'd be nice to have him tag along with us.

Sasuke: Don't you dare try anything funny with him, Karin.

Karin: Oh, shut up!!


Sitting atop a tall building in Amegakure was Pain. He seemed to be deep in thought.

Konan walked up to a large window behind him.

Konan: Pain, come. He's here.

Pain stepped inside the building and faced a shadowed man.

Pain: So what of Sasuke?

???: He's coming along nicely. His Sharingan is at full power. His eyes will eventually surpass Itachi's. Then the time has come. I'm sure his mind is made up since he doesn't have much longer.

Pain: What about Nine-Tails?

???: You hunt it. As leader, I will not tolerate failure.


Hebi was now in Nikko Inn Town. They were in a rented room at the Okoshi Inn.

Sasuke and (Y/N) were both laying on futons. The older of the two was still unconscious, though greatly healed thanks to Karin.

Jugo, Suigetsu, and Karin had just returned from a mission to gather intel on the Akatsuki and Itachi.

Sasuke: So have you found any leads on Itachi?

Karin: Shouldn't you be resting? You're in no shape for this now!

Suigetsu: We were able to track down some general intel on the Akatsuki, but nothing pertaining directly to Itachi. Seems they're targeting specific individuals who possess special chakra.

Sasuke: Special chakra?

Jugo: I've been conversing with animals and have pinpointed a few of their hideouts. They say they sense powerful, unpleasant chakra emanating from those places.

Suigetsu: Wow. So now even lowly animals can sense chakra, eh. Huh... Just like Karin.

Karin: What did you say?!!

She stomped on his head, causing it to erupt in water. Suigetsu yelped.

Karin: That's it, Suigetsu! I've had it with you!

She started stomping and punching him over and over, preventing him from reforming.

Suigetsu: Hey! Wai—! Wait a sec, will ya?!

(Y/N) stirred slightly in his sleep. Sasuke looked down at him, frowning.

Jugo's body began to twitch. Dark marks slowly spread over his shirtless body.

Jugo: Kill... I want to kill...

He glanced at (Y/N) and roared, suddenly lunging for the white haired male.

Suigetsu and Karin gasped and jumped at the taller man, holding him in place.

Suigetsu: Shoot! Jugo's killing impulses have been awakened!

Karin: He's trying to kill (Y/N)! Sasuke, hurry up!

Sasuke activated his Sharingan and stared directly into Jugo's eyes.

Sasuke: Calm down, Jugo.

The dark marks receded all around Jugo's body. He calmed down and fell on his knees, panting.

Jugo: S-So sorry...

The three then noticed that Sasuke had fallen asleep. He slumped over, landing on (Y/N)'s shoulder.

Karin: <blushing> Awww! They look so cute together!

Suigetsu: Sheesh. Sasuke wants to act all tough but then he does that.

Jugo: I-I think he didn't do it on purpose. Calming me down with the Sharingan must've exhausted him. He was already recovering anyway.

Karin: Hmph. Sasuke always acts like he doesn't care about anyone. It's a goddamn lie. Makes you miss your brother, huh, Suigetsu?

She smirked at him. Suigetsu scoffed and crossed his arms.

Suigetsu: No way! That asshole was always picking on me and beating me up.


Four of the Eight Man Squad were all standing in the large crater left by Deidara. Neji, Lee, and Tenten were there as well.

The four consisted of Sakura, Kakashi, Kiba, and Shino, along with four of Kakashi's ninja hounds.

Pretty soon, Naruto, Yamato, and Hinata joined up with them, along another ninja hound.

Sakura: Naruto!

Yamato: Looks like we're not the only ones who got curious.

Naruto: Yeah! But what happened?! Huh? What's Bushy Brows-sensei's team doing here?

Sakura: There's evidence Sasuke was here until just before we arrived!

Naruto looked shocked. Neji crossed his arms.

Neji: And (Y/N) as well.

Naruto: What?! (Y/N) and Sasuke were together?!

Tenten: We found Sasuke and his team. We engaged them in battle.

Kiba: There's a trace of his scent. Plus (Y/N)'s and a bunch of others.

Neji: That would be Sasuke's team. They got here before we did.

Lee: (Y/N) was off fighting with Sasuke when the explosion occurred.

Shino: Perhaps that was the cause of the explosion? Although, I think neither of them would have a jutsu that would cause this much damage.

Yamato: If (Y/N) had his alien powers, he maybe could have, but he can't anymore.

Kakashi: It could've been caused by another. Some of the scents Kiba picked up belonged to Akatsuki members.

Naruto: I can't believe you guys found Sasuke... So is (Y/N) with him now?! Let's follow the scent!

Pakkun: Impossible.

Naruto: Huh?! How come?!

Kakashi: The trail goes cold here.

Naruto: What?! How?!

Yamato: In this case, either (Y/N) and Sasuke were totally blasted to bits by the explosion or he escaped using teleportation ninjutsu.

Hinata: (Y/N) couldn't have died—!

Kiba: He didn't. My nose is sharper than a dog's. And I've found Sasuke and (Y/N)!

Lee: Amazing!

Naruto: Then what're we waiting for?! Lead on, Kiba!


Back in Amegakure, the mysterious man was still talking to Pain and Konan.

???: Naruto Uzumaki... He is no longer just some troublesome brat. He's acquired some formidable jutsu and surrounded himself with many powerful allies. Capturing him will not be easy...

Konan: Spare us your words of warning and fear. They are wasted on us. Pain has never yet lost a battle.

???: A lie. Do not think I was unaware of the woman known as Yugen's attack here. You knew you couldn't beat her, so you gave in to her demands.

Pain: She threatened to destroy the village.

???: It makes no matter. Besides, while Naruto Uzumaki is on the rise, (Y/N) (L/N) seems to be weakening. I received word from Zetsu that Yugen has taken away his "unorthodox" powers.

Konan and Pain looked at each other.

Konan: What is that woman's goal? First she threatens us about not harming the boy, and now she takes away the powers that she bestowed on him?

???: I admit, she is a mystery even to me, but she is not without her uses. She is very powerful, and perhaps could be a potential ally.

Konan: You intend for her to work along with us?

???: I shall handle those details. In any event, you no longer have to worry about killing (L/N) in the process of retrieving the Nine-Tails.

The man grabbed an Akatsuki cloak and threw it on.

???: You know what must be done. Push the others to hasten the captures of the remaining Jinchuriki.

Pain: I know.

???: Soon, very soon all our goals shall be achieved. When that happens, everything shall be restored to its rightful place...

It was pouring down rain as the man stopped in front of the window. Lightning flashed, illuminating the man's orange mask.

Tobi: ...including the true power of the Sharingan. My power... Madara Uchiha!

The man's Sharingan gleamed through the one eye hole in the mask before he left out of the window.

Konan: The sky weed again... Pain, are you...?


Karin kicked down the door, smashing Suigetsu.

Karin: Wake up, Sasuke!!

Suigetsu: What?!

Karin: We're going to have company, so what now?

Sasuke opened his eyes and looked at the red haired girl.

Sasuke: Is it who I think it is?

Karin: Konohagakure Shinobi. They're somehow tracking us. Possibly through scent.

Sasuke: Everyone get ready. We're leaving. Jugo, mark the map with the location of every Akatsuki hideout you learned about.

Suigetsu pushed the door off of him. He pointed at (Y/N).

Suigetsu: What about him?

Sasuke: We'll leave him here. His comrades will find him and take him back to the Leaf Village.

Karin: Are you sure?

Sasuke: I am. He doesn't know anything about what we're going to do next or where we are going.

Jugo: He has been asleep on this time. I don't think he's been faking it either.

Suigetsu: Whatever. Let's get going then.

After the three had left the room, Sasuke walked over to (Y/N) and stared at him.

Sasuke: It was nice to see you again, (Y/N). You don't have to worry about me. I'm going to kill Itachi and avenge our parents.

He frowned when he looked at (Y/N)'s sleeping face. He turned and left the room.


As the Eight Man Squad and Team Guy jumped through the trees, following Kiba, the ninja grunted.

Naruto: What's up, Kiba?!

Kiba: Shoot! Sasuke's on the move!!

Naruto: Then we'd better hurry! He's probably going after Itachi!

Kiba: Wait! That's weird... Sasuke's scent is scattering! It's all over the place now! Going in all different directions at once?!

Kakashi: They must have sensed our approach and are now trying to fool us into splitting up.

Sakura: Sensed us? How?!

Kakashi: I don't know exactly, but I'd guess they have a pretty adept sensory-type shinobi with them.

Kiba: Our comms aren't long range! If we split up, they'll be useless! I'm the only one who can track him, but I don't know which scent to follow!

Hinata: What about (Y/N)'s scent? Is he going with them?

Kiba: No... He's staying right where we were originally going!

Neji: We need to find him. Maybe he knows where Sasuke's going.

Naruto: Right! Meanwhile, I'll follow all the scents!

He created multiple shadow clones that spread out in all directions.


(Y/N) woke up, sitting straight up. He winced a bit.

(Y/N): Sasuke?!

He looked around the room. It was empty.

(Y/N): Damn it!! That idiot...!

There a thump. Someone had landed on the open window. He looked up and saw a grinning bat creature. She had orange hair.

(Y/N): Oh, for God's sake...

Utsumi: It's time for my revenge. I've been tracking you... You'll pay for killing my sister!!

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