Rather Be (A Camren Story)

By iloveyou1234566

384K 9.3K 3.4K

"There is no place in the world I rather be than with you." More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 10

13.2K 365 108
By iloveyou1234566

It's been three days since Ashtyn vomited profusely, causing Camila and I's conversation to end quickly.

We have yet been able to go back to our conversation since Camila has been busy with Ashtyn. I've tried to help Camila a little bit over the three day span but of course, Ashtyn only wanted to be Camila's arms. Since Camila has been dealing with Ashtyn, I've been spending a lot of time with Kayne, giving her attention while Camila and I are busy with a sick Ashtyn and shows every night since Ashtyn threw up.

"Which one?" I asked Kayne, holding up two different shirts. One shirt was navy blue with white polka dots and another one with pink and white zebra stripes.

"Neither," she answered, not looking up from her piece of paper she was coloring.

"You can't choose if you haven't even looked at them."

Her brown eyes looked up from the paper and over at the shirts in my hands. "Neither," she repeated before going back to color.

"You have to choose a shirt, Kayne," I sighed. It's times likes these that I wished I could go back in time when she couldn't voice her opinion about the type of clothes I dressed her in.

"I want to wear your shirt," she replied, stuffing her crayons back into the box.

"Which shirt?"

"The shirt," she stated.

"Kay, it's going to be really hot out today. Maybe you can wear my shirt when you go to bed," I suggested.

"Please mama," she begged, cupping her hands together and sticking her bottom lip out.

"Mama has an outside show tonight. You're going to overheat if you wear it outside."

"But I want to wear it," she pouted.

"Fine," I sighed, knowing she would refuse to wear anything unless it was my shirt.

I walked back to my bunk, pulling out my old softball sweatshirt from high school. Camila use to wear it all time back in our original fifth harmony days, but now Kayne wears it all the time.

I grabbed a blue tank top out of her bag before walking back to where she was sitting. "Here," I said, handing her the tank top.

"But I just wanna wear you shirt, mama," she whined, not taking the tank top out of her hand.

"You have to wear this underneath incase you get hot, or you can't wear my shirt at all," I said, trying to come up with a compromise for the both of us.

"Fine," she sighed, taking the tank top out of my hand. I let her get dressed while I grabbed a black beanie to place over my messy hair. "I'm ready" she said, removing the sweatshirt hood off her head revealing her famous piggy tails she always requested.

"You're going to die from the head," I warned, picking her up and placing her on my hip.

"Sunglasses," she said, reaching for the Barbie sunglasses on the counter. I picked them up and helped her slide them onto her face. "You need sunglasses, mama."

"Mama, doesn't have any," I replied. The last pair I owned broke when Ashtyn stepped on them.

"Where those," she said, pointing to a pair of black sunglasses on the counter.

"Those don't belong to me, they belong to mommy."

"Put them on, please," she begged, sticking her tiny bottom lip back out. "Mommy won't care if you wear them. Please, I want to match with you."

"If I get in trouble, I'm blaming you," I replied, tickling her stomach playfully.

"Mama," she giggled, placing her tiny hand on top of mine. "S-s-stop."

I removed my hand away from her stomach, kissing her on the forehead. I grabbed Camila's sunglasses off the counter, sliding them onto my face before walking off the bus to where the stage is.

"You girls need to get on the stage," our tour manger, Erik said, trying to take Kayne out of my arms.

"Mama, I want to go on stage with you," Kayne said, looking into my eyes.

"Lauren, she can't go on stage with you," Erik stated.

I looked over at him before walking up the stage stairs with Kayne still in my arms. There was no way I was handing my daughter over to that greasy dick. Hell, I would let Mahorney hold her before him.

I sat down on the chair next to Ashtyn and Camila, getting Kayne situated on my lap before handing her the microphone to hold for the both of us. The crowd went crazy, screaming "You have the cutest kids" and "Camren is real".

"Say hi, Kay," I instructed, looking down at the girl who tried to hide her head in my shirt.

"Hi people," Ashtyn said into the mic. "I'm way up, I feel blessed," she continued, taking advantage of all the attention she was getting.

A few people laughed while others screamed, "You're so cute". The rest of sound check went by smoothly. Ashtyn looked like she was getting back to normal self. She sang along to the covers we did and even joined in on answering some of the questions. Everyone's attention was focused on her which caused her to act sillier than normal. As for Kayne, her face stayed hidden in my shirt. Towards the end she started to break out of her shell a little, but she was nowhere as close to being as outgoing as Ashtyn.

We all filed off the stage, saying goodbye to fans before huddling in a circle behind the stage as we waited for Big Rob to escort us to where the meet and greet was happening.

"Lauren Michelle, what the hell did you put on our daughter? She's going to overheat," Camila said pissed.

"I didn't pick out her outfit," I said, holding up my hands in defense. "She's the one who insisted she wore a heavy sweatshirt in June."

"And you allowed this?" She asked, her eyes focused on Kayne who was jumping over a rock with Ashtyn.

"That's the only thing she wanted to wear, but if it makes you feel better, she has a tank top on underneath," I said, trying to save my ass a little.

"Kayne, come here for a second," Camila said, completely ignoring me.

"Yeah mommy?" Kayne asked, running over to the upset Latina.

"You need to take your sweatshirt off. You're going to kill yourself if you keep it on," Camila stated, trying to take the sweatshirt off the little girl.

"No mommy," Kayne said, shaking her head and taking a step backwards. "I'm not hot."

"Kayne Isabella," Camila said, giving the toddler a stern look.

"Fine," Kayne pouted, holding her arms up for Camila to take the sweatshirt off. "I hate you mommy."

"And I love you which is why I'm making you take the sweatshirt off," Camila said, pulling the sweatshirt off her tiny body revealing her blue 'My Auntie is the best' tank top. "But you can still wear the sweatshirt around your waist if you would like." Camila bent down to her level, tying the navy blue sweatshirt around Kayne's waist.

"You're such a mean mommy," I teased as Kayne ran back over to Ashtyn.

"I wouldn't have to be so mean if her other mommy would dress her appropriately," She stated, standing back up.

"I'm tired of always being the bad cop. I just wanted to be good cop for once, is that so bad?"

"She could have overheated," Camila said, looking me straight in the eyes. "Wait...are those my sunglasses?" She asked, completely changing the topic.

"They are, but they're also mine which means I have the right to wear them," I smiled, remembering last night when Camila ate my strawberries saying they were hers too.

"Take them off," Camila demanded, crossing her arms.

"And what if I don't want to?" I smirked.

"Please take them off," she pouted. Unable to resist her cute pouty face, I slide the sunglasses off my eyes, taking a few seconds to adjust my eyes to the brightness.

"Happy now?" I asked, handing the sunglasses back to her.

"I don't want them."

"Then why did you make me take them off?" I asked confused.

"I just wanted to see if I still have the ability to get you to do whatever I ask of," she smirked, walking past me and patting my shoulder.


"What movie do you want to watch?" I asked, shuffling through the assortment of movies I brought for the girls.

"Barbie," Kayne answered, brushing her Dinah Barbie doll's hair down with her hand.

"No, were watching Cinderella," Ashtyn said, unsatisfied with Kayne's answer.

"We always watch that," Kayne whined. "We never get to watch Barbie."

"Yes we do," Ashtyn said, nodding her head her up and down.

"No we don't."



"Enough you two," I spoke up, breaking up their tiny argument. "How about you watch Hannah Montana?" I suggested, holding up the case that held my favorite movie when I was younger. Who doesn't love Hannah Montana?

"Yes," they replied in unison.

I placed the disc into the DVR player and helped get the girls settled down in the bunk. "Goodnight princesses," I smiled, kissing the top of each of their heads before starting the movie.

"Night mama," Ashtyn mumbled with her sippy cup still in her mouth.

I closed the curtain and walked back to the back lounge, setting the movies down in the "Movie Drawer" we created. I walked over to the couch, plopping down next to my wife, pulling her body closer to mine.

"Are they asleep?" She asked, looking up at me.

"I put a movie in, so in about ten minutes we should have two sleeping toddlers," I replied, kissing the top of her head.

She sat up slightly, connecting our lips together. She slowly pulled away but continued to leave several pecks on my soft lips.

"What are you doing?" I laughed once she pulled away.

"Every time I think I've been satisfied, I keep wanting more. It's like your lips are bananas," she answered, giving me her famous weird X-Factor face.

"Are you okay?" I asked, slightly confused as to why she was being goofy like this. Usually she's half dead after a show.

"I'm fine," she responded, licking the side of my face.

"Ew," I squealed, wiping the side of my face. "Are you high or something?"

"Sugar high," she answered, wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

"How much sugar did you eat?" I laughed at the energetic Latina.

"Well someone bought the girls two large pixy sticks and being the good mother that I am, took them away before we had two rambunctious toddlers who would stay up all night."

"So you ate them?" I asked, raising one eyebrow up at her.

"Maybe...," she answered, trailing off at the end. She move herself on top of me, straddling my lap. She ran her hands through my wavy hair before pulling it up into a bun.

"What are you doing?"

"Your hair was covering parts of your face where my lips should be," she whispered into my ear before nibbling on it lightly.

"C-Camz," I stuttered, pushing her body gently away from mine.

"Am I doing something wrong?" She asked, looking at me concerned.

"No, no baby, you aren't doing anything wrong," I reassured her.

"Then why'd you stop me?"

"Well, one reason is our three year old daughters are literally ten feet away from us, and secondly, I wanted to talk."

"Okay," she said, wrapping her arms around my neck. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Well we could start off by you telling me who you were on the phone with during Dinah's party."

"And your party," she added.

"And my party," I nodded.

"Well, I'm technically homeless," she started, staring me straight in the eyes.

"Camila, what the fuck do you mean you're technically homeless?" I asked, resting my hands on her waist.

"Well, it means that I don't live in the apartment anymore," she answered while caressing my cheek.

"Then where do you live?"

"Nowhere which is why I'm technically homeless."

"But what happened to your apartment."

"I was on the phone with Shawn the night of the party," she answered my original question. "He called me to see what we were going to do with the apartment since the lease is going to be up at the end of the month. He was planning to move out in the next month to live with his baby mama, and I figured since I'm on tour for the next couple of months, why not just give it up and move into a bigger place once this tour is finally over?"

"Baby mama? He has a kid?"

"Ahh Jauregui, there's a lot of things you don't know," she smirked.

"Like what?"

"How about you let me take you on a date and we can update each other on our lives," she suggested.

"A date?" I haven't been on a date since, well, Keana and I dated for a few months ago last year.

"Mhm," she nodded. "We haven't been on one of those in forever."

"A date," I repeated to myself. "But how exactly are we going to go on a date? Our life for the next few months consists of shows and bus life."

"Well lucky for you, we have a day off next week while were in New Orleans."

"But who's going to watch the girls? Isn't your mom going back home at the end of the week?"

"All you have to do is say 'yes' and I'll figure everything out," she smirked before leaning in to kiss me.

"I would love to go on a date with you," I mumbled against her lips.

"Great," she smiled, pulling her lips away. "Now be a babe and carry me to my bunk please," she said, wrapping her arms securely around my neck.

"Your wish is my command," I replied, kissing her one last time on the lips before standing up with her petite body wrapped around me like a koala bear.


As always, tell me what you think/leave some date ideas down below!

I hope you have a great day, lovelies!

- Ash

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