The Ghost of You

By fh_criedthewolf

93K 5.4K 1.4K

Samanun is a ghost trapped in her mansion from 20 years ago. Everything changed when she met the new owner of... More

Chapter 1 - The Mansion, The Owner And The Lost Love
Chapter 2 - I'll Die Once Again
Chapter 3 - Life And Death
Chapter 4 - The Book
Chapter 5 - The Line Between Life And Death
Chapter 6 - Time With You
Chapter 7 - Empty Space
Chapter 8 - First (Part 1)
Chapter 8 - First (Part 2) πŸ”ž
Chapter 9 - Photograph
Chapter 10 - Pillow Talk
Chapter 11 - What If? (Part 1)
Chapter 11 - What If? (Part 2) πŸ”ž
Chapter 12 - Home
Chapter 13 - One Last Time πŸ”ž
Chapter 14 - P. S. I Love You
Chapter 15 - The Ghost Of You
Chapter 16 - Past, Present, Future (Epilogue)
Story Breakdown (BTS, Fun Facts Etc.)
The Ghost Of You : Continuum
Chapter 1 - The Red String Of Fate
Chapter 2 - Quantum Entanglement
Chapter 3 - The Eyes Chico, They Never Lie
Chapter 4 - The Theory Of Colours
AUTHOR'S NOTE πŸ°πŸ§šπŸ»β€β™€οΈ
Chapter 5 - Enamored
Chapter 7 - Dear Diary
Chapter 8 - The Moon Is Beautiful Isn't It?
Chapter 9 - I Wanna Be Yours
Chapter 10 - I Wasn't Yours To Begin With
Chapter 11 - Apocalypse
Chapter 12 - Post Apocalyptic πŸ”ž
Chapter 13 - Between A Rock And A Hard Place
Chapter 14 - In Sickness And In Health
Chapter 15 - Make A Wish
Chapter 16 - Mistletoe (A Christmas Special)
Chapter 17 - Butterflies And Fireworks (A New Year Special)
Chapter 18 - A Little Piece Of Heaven πŸ”ž
Chapter 19 - Heartbeats, Stars And... (A Valentine's Day Special 🌹🀍🏹)
Chapter 20 - Nightmares
Chapter 21 - Sweet Dreams πŸ”ž
Chapter 22 - Kiss Me, Heal Me
Chapter 23 - Blood, Sweat and Tears
Chapter 24 - Every Rose Has Its Thorn
Chapter 25 - Under The Rose
Chapter 26 - Not A Bed Of Roses
Chapter 27 - Kiss And Make Up
Chapter 28 - The Heart Wants What It Wants πŸ”ž
Chapter 29 - She Comes Undone πŸ”ž
Chapter 30 - Love Is In The Air
Chapter 31 - Ungodly Hour
Chapter 32 - Golden Hour
Chapter 33 - Burning Desires πŸ”ž

Chapter 6 - Down The Memory Lane

1K 91 20
By fh_criedthewolf

- Flashbacks -

Knight's POVs

"Hey P'Knight, do you believe in ghost?"

"What's with the sudden question Khun Mon? I thought you didn't believe in this stuff."

"You're one of my closest and trusted friend, and right now I'm talking to you as my friend, not my personal assistant. So, can I trust you with something?"

"You don't even need to ask. What is it about?"

"Remember that night I almost died?"

"I mean.. How can I forgot that? You scared the hell out of me. You probably died if I didn't turn back."

"Exactly. And the reason you turned back was because you heard the crash, and you didn't think it was you who saved me in the first place."

"Uh oh.. I see where this is going. Are you telling me that the one who actually save you was.. A GHOST?!"

"Shhh tone down your voice!"

"Sorry.. Sorryy.. Are you serious?"

"Yes, it's.. Khun Samanun. The first owner of the mansion."

"And how did you know this??"

"Because I'm living with her, and.. I'm dating her."


"SHHHHH! Yes, we've been dating for a while."

"Wh- I- *sighed* I'm gonna need more context to understand the story."

"I'll tell you more later but before that, I'm trusting you with a favour."

"I'm not gonna like it am I?"

"Nah.. You probably won't. But I know you love me so you don't have any other choice hehe"

"*sighed* Spill."

"I'm.. I'm planning on proposing her."

"YOU WHAT???!"


"I think I'm gonna have a headache now."

Knight starting to massage his forehead.

"I love her P'Knight. I love her so much."

"I- I really don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. You just have to do what I asked you to."

"Mon.. Fine."

"I'm a mortal P'Knight, and she's immortal. Something can happen to me and that means I will be leaving her."

"And what makes you think she won't be the one leaving you??"

"She won't. I know her."

"There's no point in arguing with you isn't it?"

"If something ever happens to me, and by that I mean.. I won't be in this world anymore, please give this to her."

Mon took out an envelope sealed with a rose shaped wax seal.

"What is this?"

"My last words for her. I want to be with her again in another life. And this letter is my last chance to convince her. Please, keep it safe until the day comes."

"I'm hoping that day will never come."

"There's one more thing."

Mon proceed to take another envelope from inside her jacket and gave it to Knight.

"This one is for you. You can open it."

Knight opened the envelope with a curious look on his face.

"Mon.. This is.. I- I didn't deserve this."

"I need you to call my lawyer for an appointment about my will. What's written inside your letter are the contents of the adjustment of my will that should be made."

"I really don't like how serious you are about this. I can't accept all this."

"P'Knight, please.. You're the one that I trusted the most. The mansion means a lot to me, and to her. I want you to take care of it. All of it including the garden."

"You really love her aren't you?"

"With all my heart."

"Am I gonna be invited to the wedding??"

"You're probably the only one that I'll invited."

"That makes sense hahaha"

"Because.. You'll be the one officiating us."

"Wh-whattt?? How am I going to do that?? I mean.. I can't really see her."

"We'll find a way how. But I really want you to do the honours. Will you do that for us?"

"Anything for you, Mon."

"You want to see the ring?"

"You already bought it?"

"I only have the picture of what it's gonna looks like. It's still in the designing process. I'm planning to get down on one knee on the night of our anniversary."

"It's beautiful. Who knows you could be such a romantic."

"Shut up."

Mon blushed.

"She's gonna love it."

"You think so??"

"If she loves you, she's gonna love everything about you and anything you do."


6 months after Khun Kornkamon's death, Knight moved in into the mansion with a heavy heart. It took some time for him to get used to the huge mansion by himself. The garden were taken a good care by him and the gardeners. Everything was great, but the only thing he thought wasn't in a great condition was the small rose bushes in the backyard. It feels out of place and wasn't given that much attention.

"Hello little roses, you must be lonely. Don't worry, I'll take care of you. Khun Mon and Khun Sam must have done the same."

He thought that it should be given the same love as the ones in the garden, so he spend some time to trim the bushes and replanted the rose. As he was digging into soil, he hit something solid, making a loud thud sound.


"Huh.. There's something underneath."

He keeps on digging until a medium sized chest come to his sight.

"A.. Chest??"

He keeps on digging until the chest can be taken out. He cleans some of the dirt and tried to open it. The first thing that he noticed was the blue velvet ring box. Goosebumps was all over his skins. He picked up the chest and put it on the table near him as he sits on the chair rummaging into what's in the box.

"These.. These are all your memories together. I never thought I'll be able to see all this."

He went through every photos, like he was there down the memory lane with the two souls. And lastly, he reads both of Mon and Sam's letters to each other. No matter how strong a man is, tears will still fall when it hit the right spot.

"I miss you so much Khun Mon, and how I so badly want to meet the owner of your heart."

As he finished went down the memory lane, he buried the chest again, topped with freshly trimmed roses.

- End of Flashbacks -


Present Time

The new owner of the mansion with his loyal dog wandered into the reading room. The mansion was huge and he thought that he can turned one of the room into a reading room, almost like a small library, where he can spend some time reading or working.

He walked to a frame on the wall and pressed a hidden button on the side and it reveals a safebox on the wall. Knight punched in the passwords and the safebox opens.

"You might be able to get married after all Khun Mon. I'm rooting for both of you."

He said as he reach for the blue velvet ring box in the safe and opens it revealing the ring that once was on Sam's finger.

"I'll keep this one safe until the day comes."

He sealed the ring in the safebox once again.


*Ding ding*

Becky's phone suddenly ring with notifications.

Freen 🐰: Bec~ Have I told you that I have a favourite place to go when I needed to be alone??

Becky 🧚🏻‍♀️ : Uhmm no?

Freen 🐰 : I wanna show you where it is someday.

Becky 🧚🏻‍♀️ : If that's where you go when you needed to be alone, aren't you supposed NOT to share with me??

Freen 🐰 : Huh.. You're right hahahaha 🤣 Or maybeee it's because I want you to find me there 😌

Becky 🧚🏻‍♀️ : Ahh.. I see 😏 Just in case you were sulking with me, and you want me to reconcile with you.

Freen 🐰 : Hey, I didn't said yes to that. You're the one who cracked the code.

Becky 🧚🏻‍♀️ : Could've been more obvious Freenky hahaha

Freen 🐰 : Becbec, can I call you?

Becky 🧚🏻‍♀️ : You mean on the phone??

Freen 🐰 : Of course, where else? Are you busy?

Becky 🧚🏻‍♀️ : Not really, I was supposed to do some revision but I'm too lazy now hehe. You can call me now kaa~

Freen 🐰 : Excited much?? 👀 Or is it because you miss my voice??

Becky 🧚🏻‍♀️ : Hmm... Mayyyybeee 👀

*Ringg Ringgg*

Becky's phone ring and she immediately answered as it was Freen who's calling.

"Hey there."

"Hey there yourself. I think you're the one who miss me that much that you called me."

"I did not! I only miss your voice, that's all."

"Missing my voice is the same as missing me Freen~"

"Oh, shut up~"

"I can shut up, I just need to end this call."

"W-wait! Don't! Yes, I miss you!"

"Hahahahaha see that wasn't so hard for you to admit. And for your information, I do miss you too. So we're even."

"You're such a teased Bec. You deserve a punishment."

"Oh yeah? What kind?"

"Hmm maybe some tickling? Or a pinch on your cheeks? I'll make sure to do that the next time we meet!"

"Ooohh so scary hahahah. Speaking of next meeting, can you pick me up and drop me off tomorrow?"

"I would love to. Where's your family? Did they gone somewhere and left you?"

"Uhmm nope. I just want to spend my time with you hehe if you don't mind?"

"I- ehem Of- of course! I'll be there."

"Freen.. Are you.. Blushing right now?? I can tell by the way that you sound."

"Wh-what? No! I'm just choking on my own saliva that's all!

"You ARE blushing!! Hahahaha oh my goddd you can't lie to me Freenky ~ I know you so well. Did I made you blushed that hard??"

"Bec~ Stop teasing me or I'll end the call!"

"Hahahahah okayy okay I'm sorry. But I can imagine how red your face is right now."

"Rebecca Patricia Armstrong.."

"Oh fuck, the full name. Sorry kaa Sarocha~ hehe"

"Hmpph. I'm sleepy now. I'm going to bed. Goodnight Becbec."

"Ehhh?? Already?? Oh shit. You're sulking aren't you? Freenky ~"

"I'll still pick you up tomorrow don't worry. Bye bye."

"W-wait! Goodni-"

Freen ends the call without letting Becky finished.

*Ding Ding*
*Ding Ding*
*Ding Ding*

Freen's phone ring with notifications from Becky.

Becky 🧚🏻‍♀️ : Freenky~ 😭 Don't sulk kaa~

Becky 🧚🏻‍♀️ : I'm sorry~ I was just kidding 😭 You know I love to tease you 🥺 Freen~ Are you really asleep? You're ignoring me.

Becky 🧚🏻‍♀️ : Emm.. I didn't get to wish you goodnight yet. Goodnight Freen, I'll see you tomorrow na kaa? I'll make it up to you. Mumu X100 👉🏻👈🏻

Freen was ignoring Becky on purpose, but she was smiling ear to ear reading the text.

"Serve you right, you naughty girl."

*Ding Ding*

Another text came in.

Becky 🧚🏻‍♀️ : Here's something for you hehe goodnight Freenky~ Sweetdreams na kaa 🤍

"Damn. She really do loves to tease me."

Freen thought to herself.

A/N: Hello~ We meet again. This time you get a glimpse from Knight's view on what's happened before.

I love reading your thoughts and comments, it motivates me to write so be sure to left some for me hehe 🤍

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