Little Ba Reum AU - The roads...

Galing kay Anki_Carrington

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NEW CHAPTER Instead of hiding his little headspace from his friends for years, Ba Reum is found out sooner. N... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chpter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 10

212 10 0
Galing kay Anki_Carrington

Hyuk looked at Ba Reum, who was trying to get the belt buckle in, but seemed to get frustrated quickly with it not working out like it should.

"Here, let me help," Hyuk said, taking it from Ba Reum's hands and clicking it in. The little frowned at it, knowing that he should be able to do it himself.

"Ba Reum, big," the little said, wanting the man to know that he was a big boy. It was important that he knew. Ba Reum might not realise why just now, but it was so ingrained in his whole being that he knew he must act like it at all times.

"A very big boy," Hyuk said, thinking the words weird, but he wouldn't be the first little that said that he was a big boy.

Ba Reum sat back with a nod, glad that the caregiver had understood. They started to drive, and Ba Reum did get bored easily, looking out of the window and starting to chew a little on the seatbelt, feeling hungry.

"Oh, don't chew that," Hyuk said when he noticed, pushing Ba Reum back just a little so the seatbelt got out of his mouth. Ba Reum let out a small whine, fiddling a bit with the seatbelt, but not taking it in his mouth again.

Instead, he put his two fingers in his mouth, chewing them while his stomach growled.

"Are you hungry?" Hyuk asked the little next to him, who didn't seem like an older toddler at all.

"Yes," Ba Reum answered, suddenly feeling as if he shouldn't have said that "uhm...sorry,"

"No, don't be sorry. We're approaching lunch time, and I guess you had an active lesson before," Hyuk said, knowing that there wasn't that much food at home for the moment. He still had to do his groceries,, "you like hamburgers?"

"Yes," Ba Reum answered, "yummy,"

"Then we're going for hamburgers," Hyuk decided, making a small detour for the hamburger place. Ba Reum frowned when they arrived in the driver through.

He didn't get fast food a lot, seeing that he didn't have the money to spare, but perhaps Hyuk was hungry. Ba Reum chewed his finger a little harder, thinking about the buns and the meat and the nuggets and feeling his mouth water at the thought.

It would be though to see the caregiver eat that while he was hungry, but Ba Reum just couldn't have those just yet.

"What do you like?" Hyuk asked, and Ba Reum frowned, wondering why the man was asking him. He looked at the caregiver, who was patiently waiting for his answer while they followed the queue, and Ba Reum realised that the man probably wanted him to order as well.

Ba Reum was little, but his mind was still thinking enough to know he couldn't afford a treat.

"No thank you," Ba Reum said, trying to be polite, but Hyuk was frowning.

"Didn't you like hamburgers?" Hyuk asked, and Ba Reum nodded.

"Yes, yummy," Ba Reum agreed.

"So, what do you want to have?" Hyuk asked, but again Ba Reum shook his head.

"Uk eat," the little said, used to go without food even when he was hungry. Perhaps there would be leftovers, and he could eat them. Sometimes when his classmates had lunch, they had leftovers and Ba Reum could eat them than.

But the big man did look like he could eat a lot, probably did need a lot of calories at that height and that muscle mass.

The crackling voice asking his order aborted Hyuk's attempt to get out of Ba Reum what he liked, so, on an impulse, he ordered the three variations of a little box they had, thinking that there must be one thing Ba Reum liked in there. Ordering for himself a large menu and a big helping of nuggets, he drover forward to patiently wait for it.

"So, Ba Reum, training to be a cop?" Hyuk asked, and the little smiled and nodded.

"Help people," Ba Reum said with a big smile.

"Ah, you like to help people?" Hyuk asked with a warm smile, seeing the happy nod, "your parents must be very proud,"

The smile disappeared and instead a guarded look appeared, the little shrugging. Ba Reum was quite sure that nothing he did would have made his parents proud of him.

Perhaps if he could have just hidden his little space more, than he might have gotten a chance, but even before they guessed he was little, they had treated him badly.

"Friends proud," Ba Reum said after some thinking, knowing that Chi Kook and Dong Koo had been immensely proud of him for getting into the school. Of course, they didn't know how young of a little he was, or they would have not been proud of him either, but for now they were.

"Ah, that's good," Hyuk said, glad that at least someone was proud of him, "you life with your friends?"

"No, Ba Reum house," Ba Reum answered, and Hyuk thought the answer odd once again.

"On your own?" the big man asked, knowing that the little was eighteen, and thinking that it was a very early time to be on their own. What would happen if Ba Reum ended up in his headspace?

"Yes," Ba Reum said, sticking his chest forward, proud that he had his own place, even though all his parents' inheritance had been used for it. He didn't have any other savings, seeing that he had to give his earned money to his aunt to cover the bills, but at least he had been able to buy his own place.

Hyuk did smile at Ba Reum's proud luck, and didn't comment further when his order was handed to him, but continued driving home, occasionally hearing Ba Reum's stomach growl and the sucking on his fingers increased.

"Here we are," Hyuk said, stopping in front of his house, and seeing Ba Reum's eyes widen.

"Big," Ba Reum said looking at the house, not getting out of the car immediately when Hyuk opened the door and opened the safety belt.

He didn't understand what they were doing there, why the man had taken him even, why he hadn't left him at school, or perhaps even brought him to his place. It didn't come up in his mind that his keys were still in his locker and that Hyuk couldn't leave him somewhere on his own without guilt when Ba Reum was in headspace.

"Come along now, the food is going to get cold," Hyuk said, holding out his hand to Ba Reum who hesitantly took it, feeling scruffy in front of the house and the man, who was still in a suit.

"Ba Reum go in too?" Ba Reum asked, unsure if he would be allowed to go into the house.

"Of course," Hyuk said easily, glad when Ba Reum took his hand. It was a bit difficult to balance all the bags in one hand, but he didn't mind that asl long as the little felt safe. Instead of asking Ba Reum to let go, he put all the bags on the floor before he opened the door.

Taking off his shoes, Ba Reum clumsily tried to take off his own, but he struggled with the knot of his lace. Trying to tug it harder, he did his best to open it up, but Hyuk had double knotted them, and he couldn't open it.

Feeling a little panicked, he tried to shove his shoe off without untying it, not wanting Hyuk to think he was being contrary because he hadn't taken his shoes off.

"Here, I probably tied them too hard for you," Hyuk easily said, kneeling down in front of Ba Reum and untying the knot, having a little difficulty because Ba Reum had tugged them even tighter.

"Thank you," Ba Reum said, lifting his foot so they could be pulled off.

"Let's go to the kitchen", Hyuk said, lifting the bag, and looking at Ba Reum, who looked a little lost, but followed Hyuk none the less.

Putting the bags on the table, he was about to unpack them when he heard a small panicky gasp come from Ba Reum. Hyuk turned to the little, who had a widening wet spot on his pants, starting to spread downwards his legs, and started to wet his socks.

The hands holding the crotch were doing nothing to stop the flow, and the almost terrorised little looked in fear at Hyuk, who stood froze as well at the unexpected scene.

"Ba Reum clean it, sorry," Ba Reum said, immediate diving down and trying to mop away the small puddle with his hands, before taking the edge of his shirt and trying to wipe it away.

"No, no sweetheart, it's okay," Hyuk said, leaving the bags of food on the table while he hurried over to the panicked little, who kept on trying to clean the urine.

"Clean it, honestly, can do it," Ba Reum said, tears starting to fall out of his eyes.

"Shh, stop, it's okay," Hyuk said, grabbing the wrists and pulling Ba Reum upwards, not caring that he was touching the filthy hands.

"Sorry," the little sobbed, terrified of the caregiver. So far, having accidents was always met with hate and scorn, and with the last caregiver he even got spanked. Surely, now the patience of the man would run out.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up," Hyuk said, frowning at the leaking clothes, "perhaps best that we get those clothes off of you first,"

"Sorry. Filthy bad," Ba Reum said, feeling so bad about what he had done.

"Nothing we can't get cleaned," Hyuk said, tugging off the wet shirt, and then the wet pants, leaving Ba Reum naked.

Taking out his phone, he put the heating a little warmer, before taking the little's hand again. Ba Reum was shaking, his breath coming in little gasps and tears kept on running out of his eyes, sniffling, and Hyuk knew he needed to be as calming as he could.

"The bathroom is upstairs," Hyuk said, rubbing his thumbs over Ba Reum's hands. He wanted to pat his head, but with what was on his hands, this should do. The little looked at him with big, scared eyes, and Hyuk tugged him along.

Ba Reum was slow to react, and when he did, he shuffled with Hyuk. The big man looked at the stairs. So far, Ba Reum hadn't been really lifting his feet very well, and if he tripped and feel on this, it could be dangerous.

"Can you wrap your arms around me?" Hyuk said, ducking a little closer and almost hugging Ba Reum. The little looked very apprehensive, but after asking a second time, Ba Reum lifted them and softly put his arms around Hyuk's neck, wondering why the man wanted it to.

A moment later, he gave a startled sound when he was lifted by the caregiver. reflectively he tightened his hands and legs, even though a hand was supporting his naked bum, and another was wrapped around his back.

"Oh, high," Ba Reum said, struggling to get back down.

"No, don't struggle," Hyuk said, starting to climb on the stairs.

"Ba Reum heavy?" Ba Reum asked, knowing that it shouldn't be that easy to carry him on the stairs.

"It's okay," Hyuk said, "I work out a lot,"

"Uk, strong," Ba Reum said, and Hyuk smiled at the compliment, especially when he felt an arm loosening his dead grip, and squeeze in his muscle. He tightened it a bit more, hearing a sound of amazement.

"Now, let's get you in the shower," Hyuk said, putting Ba Reum in the cubicle, and washing him off. Once again, he was trying to be as nice as he could considering the rash and he considered it and what just had happened.

Ba Reum had claimed he was an older toddler, but so far, he had already had two accidents. The first one, well, he had asked for a toilet and had been refused apparently.

But just here and now, it had come totally unexpected. There hadn't been a single sign of urgency or that he had to go to pee before. It had just started to run out. Normally, toddlers never really lost control like that. They had accidents, but they felt it coming, panicking in search of a toilet perhaps, but Ba Reum had just suddenly peed.

And combined with the way he panicked, the way he flinches, it made Hyuk feel sad inside. But how did Ba Reum keep it hidden? He wasn't wearing any protection when he had been big, and it would be almost inconceivable to have a baby who didn't need at least a pullup during big headspace.

"All clean," Hyuk said, wrapping Ba Reum in a towel, and drying his hair.

"Ba Reum sorry," the little said, again realising why again he was being washed. He really needed to make Hyuk understand that he hadn't done it on purpose.

"It's okay, sweetheart," Hyuk said, and in a daring move, he hugged the naked little close, stroking the back of the head softly, "it's all okay. Just let Hyuk take care of it,"

"Uk care?" Ba Reum asked.

"Yes, let me take care of it," Hyuk said, lifting Ba Reum and taking him to the nursery, "now let's go see what I have for you to wear. And I think a diaper is in order as well,"

"Diaper?!" Ba Reum exclaimed, pulling back a little from Hyuk who managed to keep hold of the little.

"Yes, a diaper," Hyuk said.

"But...big," Ba Reum said, feeling almost panicked at the thought that Hyuk would think he was a baby.

"You can be big at times, but for now, you had two accidents already," Hyuk reasoned with the little, putting him down on the changing table, and leaning with his hands next to Ba Reum so he could look him in the face, "it's up to you, sweetheart, but I have some and that way we're sure you want have another accident,"

"But, bother, Ba Reum is bother," Ba Reum said, not knowing how to express his thoughts, not wanting to be a bothersome burden for Hyuk.

"It's not a bother," Hyuk said, taking off the top diaper of the pile, "I want you to feel comfortable, and you panicking each time isn't helping. So, what do you say. Want to try it? I promise I won't laugh or embarrass you,"

"Uk think diaper?" Ba Reum asked, wanting to be sure that the man wouldn't mind.

"Yes, I think it would be better," Hyuk said honestly, and he saw Ba Reum think it through, before nodding a little, his face looking unsure.

Hyuk unfolded it, moving slowly and then he pushed Ba Reum down. The feeling in his body was electrifying. The first time he would diaper a little. He knew, he needed to be sure and needed to take the lead.

Ba Reum was clearly insecure, and they would need to keep him calm. Looking at the little lying down, looking at him and giving him all his trust he took the ankles and lifted them until Ba Reum was hanging with his bum floating around.

Shoving the diaper underneath, he lowered the legs, until Ba Reum was lying on it, his legs slightly spread open to accommodate it.

Taking out a bottle of talcum powder, he generously powdered the area, gently rubbing it in and hoping he wasn't agitating the rash too much. Salve would probably be better, but he didn't have it, so this had to do.

Lifting the front, he closed it over Ba Reum and carefully closed the tabs. Running his fingers through the leg holes, he did think he didn't do a bad job for a first-time diaper.

"You still good?" Hyuk asked Ba Reum, who kept looking at him with big eyes, by now a finger stuck in his mouth.

"Good," Ba Reum answered softly, and Hyuk smiled pulling him up.

"Now, I don't have any clothes in your size, but a shirt and some socks will have to do for now," Hyuk said, knowing that his shorts would be overly large for the man and fall off, but his shirt should stay on, even if it pooled to his tights.

The socks were a bit too large as well, coming half way through his calves, but it would be better than nothing.

Once again, he picked up the little, who was not holding him as tightly as before anymore, seemingly more at ease.

"Let's go eat now," Hyuk said with a smile, feeling better than he had in a long time. 

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