You're a Nightmare ⋆ Ticci To...

By LovingMe232

18.1K 545 203

Unfortunately Tobias Rogers needs help, and your the only one who can help him. But that doesn't mean either... More

Something Bad is About to Happen to Me.
Never Ever Getting Rid of Me.
Sad Girl.
Lotta True Crime.
Wildest Dreams.
Lost Cause.
Devil in Disguise.
If I Killed Someone for You.
American Idiot.
Daddy Issues.
I Knew You Were Trouble.
Can't Help Falling in Love.
Fuck Up the Friendship.
Sex, Drugs, Exc.
What Was I Made For?
Dead to Me.
You Get Me So High.
No body, no crime.
End of a Beginning.
Love Story (Taylor's Version).
Save Your Tears.
Kiss Or Kill.
Getaway Car.
Sequel Is Out!!!

Hit and Run.

810 23 22
By LovingMe232

Chapter 5

"Hit and Run

The room was a mess. Her room looked like it came off of the show Hoarders. It went from clean and pristine, to everything she owned being thrown around the room. She looked around and saw a fist sized hole in the middle of her wall.

Y/N rubbed her eyes, as she felt the tears coming. She didn't want to cry, especially in front of her coworker.

A hand squeezed Y/N's shoulder, it was Lacy. She gave Y/N a reassuring smile. "I'm gonna go call the handy man." Y/N nodded, and Lacy was off.

After a good few hours and a repair company Y/N was finally able to get her room back to its original state. Unfortunately the stench of cigarettes still lingered throughout the room.

Y/N couldn't help but feel like this somehow had something to do with Toby. She grimaced at the thought of him. She sat at her desk to review some of her files. She pulled a few files from the drawer from below her.

She groaned when she realized another one of her possessions had been ruined. The metal drawer had a huge dent in it. She had to tug and tug and tug for the drawer to finally open. She mentally told herself she would have to make a trip to the town next to her to replace all of her damaged items.

She grabbed the first file she saw. On the front in big bold letters was CONNIE ROGERS. Y/N frowned. She had heard the poor elderly woman's story over and over again, and still she hadn't been able to meet the woman. Even though they had plenty of appointments scheduled, Connie had never managed to come make it to them.

Her frown deepened as she remembered her coworkers' words. She's insane. I guess you could say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. She couldn't help but feel bad for the woman. She sighed and opened the file up.

A picture of a smiling woman with brown hair and eyes. Y/N assumed that this was many years ago. Based on what she had heard Connie Rogers had crazy gray hair, and eyes like a mad woman.

She flipped the picture over and stared at the many words written over the paper. Clinically depressed and anxiety were written in bold letters. Y/N continued reading about her. Her coworkers had written a few words for her. Extremely paranoid. Trashed my whole room. Impossible to work with.

Y/N couldn't help but feel bad for this woman. She sighed and placed the file back in the cabinet.

Y/N checked her phone, and realized it was finally time for lunch. She packed her stuff up, and went on her way to meet up with Lacy.

Y/N had finally made it home. It was already six pm and Y/N waited to find Toby and finally give him a piece of her mind.

As Y/N walked up the stairs she realized she didn't know where she was supposed to find him–or contact him. Still she stopped up the stairs and swinged her front door open.

Y/N scoffed at the sight in front of her. "What are you doing here?" Toby turned to her and smiled. She shivered at the sight of the scar on his cheek. She couldn't help but wonder where it came from.

"I just wanted to get a little beauty sleep." He was sitting on her couch. "The last thing you'll be getting here is sleep." He stood up. Her eyes followed him as he stood up. "And why's that?" She rubbed her temples.

"One of your 'friends' recked my office." He looked down at her, as she pushed her figure into his chest. "What are you talking about?" She took another step–they were so close they could feel each other's breath. "My office was a mess this morning-it still reeks of cigarettes." His eyebrows furrowed a little, as she continued to ramble about her office.

"It what?" He cut her off. "It smells really bad-" Toby sighed and walked back to the couch. "You've gotta be kidding me." Y/N followed him. "What?" He looked up to her. "It's nothing."

Y/N turned away and walked to the kitchen to cool off. Everything he seemed to do made Y/N want to explode with anger.

Why would I ever agree to such a stupid deal? She thought. She buried her hands in her hair and rested her arms on her counter. Maybe it's not too late to change my mind.

She straightened out her back and walked into the living room. She fully expected to see Toby lounging on her couch, but instead she saw an empty room, with her door wide open. She scowled and firmly grabbed the door handle.

She scanned the forest for Toby, but he was nowhere to be seen. Instead her eyes landed on a man crouching behind a bush. Goosebumps formed on her arms and neck the moment she saw him.

She stared at him, while he looked back at her. His mask was emotionless. She turned her head back to her table, where her phone laid. She looked back to the man, who was now standing up. She could see a crowbar dangling from his hands.

She gulped and took a step back, before bolting to her phone. She ran back to her door, but the man was gone. Y/N slowly closed her door, and decided she couldn't be here without some protection.

After Y/N ate some dinner, she got into her car and drove to the next town over. It was dark and looked deserted. She pulled into the parking lot of a gun store.

She walked into the gun store. A man around the same age as her was at the counter. He smiled and waved to her. Y/N wandered the store looking at each gun. "Do you need a little help?" Y/N flipped around to face the man running the store. She laughed. "Yeah." He smiled and took a step closer to her. "What are you looking for?"

She looked back to the large gun she was looking at before. "Something I could use to protect myself." He looked up to the gun she was previously looking at and smiled. "I don't think you need something this big." He grabbed her hand. "Follow me."

After searching for a while, the man was able to set Y/N up with a gun license and a small handgun.

"Your total is 593.62$." Y/N mentally cringed at the price but handed the man her card anyways. "Maybe I could.." Y/N looked up to him, and he smiled at her. "Maybe I could give you the friends and family discount." The man looked at his register and started typing away. "What- no, you don't have to do that." He looked back at Y/N. "I insist- anyways that brings your total to 350, even."

Y/N nodded and smiled at him. He handed her a bag, her card, and her recipe. "Thank you for all your help." He nodded. "It was my pleasure." She giggled, and walked out of the store.

She hopped into her car, and looked at her recipe. Scribbled on it was Call me 205-954-3944. She smiled, and blush rose to her cheeks. She carefully folded up the recipe, and tucked it away.

Y/N drove through the woods, singing along to the songs playing on the radio. In the back of her car, a new cabinet, and some other items, bounced up and down.

Y/N continued singing along to the music until she was interrupted by a blood curdling scream. She immediately stepped on her breaks. She got out of her car, and closed the door as quietly as she could manage. Again another scream rippled through the woods.

Y/N turned in the direction of the screaming. Maybe it's just some kids. She thought. Another scream flooded Y/N's ears. She jumped up, and turned back to her car. She swung the door open, and grabbed the gun she had just bought.

She took a deep breath, and mentally cursed herself out for becoming a cliche horror movie character. She turned back to where the scream came from, and darted into the woods.

Y/N tried to push all the branches and leaves out of her way, but still managed to gain scratches all across her face. Another scream ripped through the woods, this time it was closer. Y/N ran as fast as she could, until she came upon a cleared out area.

Y/N gasped when she saw a young blonde woman clutching her sides, sitting at the bottom of a tree. Her clothes were drenched in blood, and tears ran down the poor girl's face. Y/N ran over to her, the woman immediately put her hands over her face. "Don't hurt me!" Y/N slowed down and crouched by her. "I'm not going to hurt you- what happened here?"

More tears poured down her face. Mascara smeared down with them. "He's gonna come back! He's gonna kill us!" She had a thick southern accent. "Who's he?" She huddled into a ball, and continued weeping. "Miss?"

Y/N placed her hand on the woman's shoulder, and gave it a squeeze. Finally the woman looked back up to her. "Can you walk?" The woman shook her head. Y/N wrapped her arm around the woman and lifted her up.

The woman winced as she stood up. It was only then when Y/N was able to see the many rips, and stabs into her clothes.

"It's going to be okay- I'm going to get you to a hospital." The woman shook her head, no, again. "He'll find us." She whispered, but continued to hobble with Y/N.

Eventually they made it to the road. Y/N arm was wrapped under the woman's shoulder, and on the other hand she held tightly onto her gun. They walked until they were only a few steps left until they were in the car.

The woman stopped and started running to the car despite her injuries. Soon Y/N found out why. Y/N turned around, and saw a man that looked like a dead man. Y/N froze, as the man laughed and started walking towards her. Y/N pointed her gun at the man, her hands shook with every breath. He stopped for a second before he started sprinting at her.

Y/N pulled the trigger, only to find out she had forgotten to load the gun. The man laughed and continued to run at her.

Y/N flipped around and started sprinting to her car, the blonde woman tugged on the door handle that wouldn't open. Y/N yanked the back door open and the woman climbed in. She slammed the door shut and grabbed the driver's seat door.

Before she could hop in she was grabbed and thrown into the side of the car. Her eyes widened when she saw the person in front of her. His hair was black, long, and shaggy. His skin was as white as snow, and his mouth had slits that looked like they at one point in time were cut open, and worst of all he had no eyelids.

He laughed and pressed Y/N harder into the car. "He's been looking for you! He'll give me anything I want if I bring you to him!" He smiled widely, and leaned in closer to me. "I can still have a little fun with you though." He licked his lips, and wrapped his arms around Y/N's neck.

Tears filled Y/N's eyes, the woman in the car banged on the window, and pleaded for me to fight back.

Y/N put her hands to his chest and tried to shove him off, but he didn't budge. "Get off of me!" She weezed out. "Get off!" She was louder this time, but she was still pressed against the car. "Who's the mole who's been helping you?" He screamed, her hands immediately came to her face to protect her nose from his bad breath.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" He laughed again. "Yeah right-" Y/N finally found the strength to hit the man in the head. He let go of her and hunched over holding his head. Y/N ran to the car door, and swung it open. She slammed in closed again and started the car again.

Behind her the blonde woman also opened her door, wacking the crazy man, and making him topple over. The woman shut her door with a bang.

The man got up again, and walked over to Y/N's window, and banged on it. "Come out!" Y/N ignored him, and quickly grabbed her phone to snap a picture of the man. "I'm better in person!" He screamed. She stared at the man for a second, thinking about what would have happened to her if she wasn't able to hit him.

She shivered and looked away from the man. "I'll find you! Both of you!" He screamed again. Y/N ignored him again, and stepped on the gas pedal. The man screamed again, this time a long, petrifying, and painful scream, presumably from Y/N running his foot over.

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