The Model (Scarlett J. x Fem...

By Karen1291429

40.4K 1.1K 149

Anastasia Volkova, a rare beauty, orphan, raised in Russia. Trained to be manipulative, heartless, seductive... More

The Beginning
The Invitation
Welcome to New York
The Met Gala
Reality Check
It's Always About Him
Fears and Courage
It's a Date?
Conversations and Margaritas
Pool Party
Pool Party 2
Lie to Me
Walk of Shame
The Trial
Dark Thoughts
Welcome to L.A
I Dare You
Forget and Move on
Ms. & Mr. Hollywood
What if?
Convolution / Complications
Good Girl Era Gone Bad
Sincere words
Off we go
DΓ©jΓ  vu
Show Time
Do dreams come true...?

We're back, baby

785 26 4
By Karen1291429

Third Person's POV

Anastasia and Ekaterina were temporarily stopping their "investigations" after almost a year. They had done more than enough to stop the field missions and each had their respective unfinished businesses with their companies. They both had been working on and off with several enterprises they owned while doing the missions, but couldn't fully keep up with all the work, so the decision was made to focus on that and once everything was organized enough, go back and finish what they started. Although, not wanting to separate, Ekaterina arranged to stay with Anastasia back at her home in Switzerland.

It was winter and both girls were sitting in the secondary living room, drinking hot chocolate and reading a book.

"Близнецы звонили мне на днях. (The twins called me the other day)" Ekaterina said referring to Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen. Anastasia took a sip of her hot chocolate and thinking out loud she replied "С тех пор, как я в последний раз с ними говорил, их было несколько. (It's been a few since I last talked to them)". "Я знаю, они обязательно сказали мне. (I know, they made sure to tell me)" Ina said standing up and walking towards the fireplace, she continued once she was comfortable in place "Ты знал, что скоро день рождения Лиззи? (Did you know it's Lizzie's birthday soon?)". Tia nodded looking at her friend. "Близнецы планируют вечеринку-сюрприз для нее и они пригласили нас. (The twins are planning a surprise party for her and they invited us)" the lawyer informed. Staring into the nothing, Anastasia thought for a second before asking "Думаешь, нам стоит уйти? (Do you think we should go?)". Resting her back on the wall of the fireplace and facing Anastasia, Tia took a sip of her drink and with a gentle voice spoke "Ты не хочешь пойти? (Do you want to go?)". "Должны ли мы? Не думаю, что кто-то будет рад нас там увидеть. (Should we? I don't think anyone would be thrilled to see us there)" said the model with a slight tone of sadness. "Ты знаешь, что это неправда. Лиз будет более чем рада тебя видеть. (You know that's not true. Liz would be more than happy to see you)" Ekaterina said knowing what Tia truly meant. "Я бросил ее... их. (I abandoned her...them)". "Тогда позвони ей или им обоим и помирись с ними. (Then call her or call them both and make up with them)" Ina said as if it were the easiest thing in the world. For Anastasia it wasn't easy, she had never had to make up with someone who wasn't Ina, she didn't know how to do it without fucking up again.

Ekaterina noticed her friend was deep in thought and not wanting to push her to do something, she just said "Подумай об этом, я уверен, что тебя не хватает. (Think about it, I'm sure you're missed)", and began walking away but no before giving a light squeeze to her  friend's shoulder. Ina knew Anastasia needed some time alone to think things through, she knew Tia had been struggling ever since she left those two and maybe seeing them would help her get better. It's not like Ina minded taking care of Tia, it's just... she worried, she worried she would get hurt if she didn't have her mind straight. The nightmares, the deprivation of sleep, the constant violence... Ina could see the clear change in behaviour. Anastasia hadn't been her usual self ever since the actresses and her stopped talking.

A couple of weeks went by and Anastasia had decided to accept the invitation. Ina and her would be going back to the States for Lizzie's birthday. They would surprise the girl and, so that the transition wouldn't be so rough, little by little Anastasia began talking more and more with Elizabeth. In those weeks, Ekaterina had seen that spark Tia once had. It was encouraging. Ina had never fully stopped  talking to the actress so that wasn't exactly a situation, and their relationship had quickly gone back to normal. The spies were happy about going to surprise their friend, specially because the latter was completely unaware of this. For the record, Liz had invited them to L.A to celebrate her birthday, grab a coffee and maybe have a girl's night like they used to do — of course not knowing of the surprise party — but Ina and Tia had rejected saying they couldn't make it, hiding the truth about the surprise.

— February 16th, Elizabeth's birthday —

Orlova and Volkova had just landed in L.A — a place so familiar for them yet it felt so strange. Fully aware of their status with the wrong people, they brought extra security with them. The Russians arrived around 11:00am to Los Angeles and the party wouldn't be until 1:00pm, so they decided to go and get a room at a hotel, thinking they would only stay for a few days and then go back to Europe.

I don't think I've mentioned this but both Anastasia and Ekaterina look very different to how they looked a year ago. Due to the missions, they had newer and fresher scars around their body and of course, some bruises. Ekaterina had previously had long platinum hair but she was now rocking a medium dark brown hairstyle while Anastasia had dyed it black with red in the ends. The spies went to their hotel to check the place out and a few hour later, they were on their way to the party at Lizzie's.

Ekaterina's POV

Anastasia and I were on the car a couple of meters away from our destination. I knew my beloved Tia was anxious about seeing the two women again but she hid it well under a big pile of confidence. As we parked, I texted the twins, alerting them of our arrivals. We have no clue who has been invited but if I know anything about the twins' surprises is that it'll be a hell of party, so, let's party.

I wore a splendid white outfit while Tia wore a black one. The etiquette of the party: semi formal attire. We matched, complemented each other. It was planned, people need to know we are together and come in pair. I won't lie, I feel fucking good and I hope no one ruins my mood because my patience is not the same as it was last year.

We walked to the home, Anastasia and I held hands and our bodyguards were a few steps behind. As we entered, we did it as if we owned the place. You could feel our confidence from the other side of the room and people noticed. Some we knew, some we didn't. It didn't take long before we saw the twins approaching us. "Look who came!" Ashley exclaimed while approaching with open arms. "We're back, baby" was my response while hugging her and then MK. Anastasia followed with the greeting. "You really are, look at you both, you guys are smoking hot and that makeover... shit" MK complimented, boosting our confidence. "Take a picture, it'll last longer" Anastasia cockily commented, winking at MK. "Where's the birthday girl?" I asked wanting to see Lizzie. The twins began guiding us to their sister. "She'll freak out when she sees you both" Ashley announced.

In the backyard of the house, sitting on a long exterior couch around a bonfire we could see Elizabeth surrounded by friends and family. As we approached I could see Scarlett sitting nearby and I think Anastasia did too because she squeezed my hand lightly. I know this was her way of saying "I'm anxious" so I gave her a quick smile and pulled her closer, moving my hand to her lower back. Both Ashley and Mary-Kate loudly said "Liz! Your presents are here!". Lizzie and everyone around looked confused but she quickly realised what her sisters were referring to when she saw us. An expression of shock mixed with happiness could be seen in her face while she stood up, and in a blink of an eye she was standing in front of us with tears in her eyes. I signalled towards Anastasia, allowing her to be the first one to hug Liz. Elizabeth hugged her so tight, holding onto her as if she were going to disappear, at the verge of crying and completely stunned. I could hear her trying to say something but she couldn't speak, so Anastasia spoke first, still holding her "Hey gorgeous, happy birthday", with a smile on her face and tears running down her cheeks, Lizzie now wrapped me in a warm tight hug, just like she had done seconds ago with Tia. "Happy birthday, beautiful" I whispered in her ear. The poor thing, she was so overwhelmed. "I-I- I'm so happy you're here. I missed you guys. It's been so long" she said while trying to calm down. Noticing a tear go down her cheek I quickly dried it and help her fix her makeup.

Ashley and MK had big proud smiles on their faces, they were happy to see their sister so moved. "We'll leave you to it" Ash told her sister as she grab her twin and they began walking away. I could see how much Elizabeth had missed Tia, after all they were very close before she left. We stood for a few in the middle of the backyard chatting. Liz told us she was a bit shocked to see us and worried too when she noticed our new collections of bruises. Between Tia and I, my face didn't have a lot of bruising but Tia had done a last emergency mission before we left and well, her lip had taken a good punch and her right eyebrow had been split open. Not wanting to reveal much, we just said we had gone back working for the military as private contractors but we had taken a break.

We must have spent 5min talking when Liz invited us to sit down with the rest, which meant in the same area as Scarlett, Evans and a few other cast members and friends, and of course, the twins. As we sat down around the small bonfire, I took a place next to Ashley, Tia sat next to me and Liz next to her, changing places from where she was before. Scarlett was in diagonal to us and Evans was next to her. Not even 2 seconds after we sat down, Evans clearly upset with our presence decided to make a snarky comment "Since when do you invite strangers to your parties Liz?". Here we go. "Good to see you too Christopher" Anastasia sarcastically replied. "I can't say the same" he answered back. I could see Scarlett whispering something to him, probably to make him stop. Not wanting the tension, the twins introduced us to those who didn't know us which were a few cousins and siblings and some of Liz's friends. During all this, Tia couldn't be any less interested, she was fixed on Scarlett. I thought she was going to drill a hole in her head with her stare, gosh.

Third Person's POV

Elizabeth, Scarlett, Evans, the Russians and the twins with the rest of invites chatted for the next 40 minutes. A joyful energy could be felt in the group, well... almost. Evans didn't stop making faces every time either Orlova or Volkova spoke and it was starting to bother them.

Trying to keep her cool, Anastasia excused herself to go for a drink while Ekaterina stayed chatting with a few people. The model was pouring some tequila in a glass when she felt a presence that she knew too well. A floral scent from a perfume loved, the sound of those 3 inch heels and that voice, raspy and strong, yet sweet and innocent. "Hey" the woman spoke from behind. Anastasia put the bottle of tequila down on the table and turned around, feeling a bit anxious but not showing it. "Hey" she replied with a small smile on her face. Scarlett slowly approach, almost too slowly as if she were scared the woman in front of her would just vanish. It seemed to be the fear of the day. "It's been so long..." Scarlett thought out loud. "I know" Tia replied, a bit ashamed of her answer. "You look stunning, by the way" the model finally said what she had been thinking all day long. A tint of red appeared in Scarlett's cheeks "Thank you. You look... like you've been through a lot". The first mention from Scarlett about the bruises. "We both have", "True... Should I be worried?" the actress asked pointing at the bruised lip and cut eyebrow. Anastasia smiled thinking the question was cute. "I'm alright" the model said. Scar moved a hair behind her ear and dismissed the answer, knowing Anastasia wouldn't say much about how she got those bruises. "I wanted to say thank you for my birthday present" the actress said, subconsciously playing with a hidden necklace. "Of course, I wish I could've given it to you in person but I didn't know if it was going to be well received" Tia confessed. "No, no, I get it. It meant a lot, thank you. I just wish I could've said it sooner" Scarlett rambled a bit. "Did you like it?", "I loved it" the actress said finally pulling out the necklace she was playing with, revealing Tia's gift to her. Anastasia's smile got bigger "It looks beautiful on you". "Thank you. I always have it on, it makes me feel closer to you" the actress spoke not fully realising the declaration she had just made. The second she realised a wave of panic shook her, with big open eyes Scarlett was about to begin over explaining when she felt a hand on her arm. Anastasia had noticed the panic in the actress' eyes and just like she used to do a few months ago, she used physical contact to bring her back to the moment. "I'm sorry, I really am, for everything. You deserved better and still do" , an apology that the actress wasn't fully expecting at the moment fully grounded her, forgetting the panic she was feeling only moments ago. "I'm sorry, I- I let my insecurities get in the way of our relationship and I shouldn't have. That day cost me everything and I'll forever regret what I said". Maybe not everything is lost, the model thought. Scarlett took a step closer and took Tia's hands in hers, this was the first real physical contact they had since the last time they saw each other. It was such a pure gesture and it felt even better but the spy knew she couldn't allow it, not with her current lifestyle. It was too dangerous and she had hurt the actress enough. She was only a monster and a monster like her can't be with someone so good. "Я тебя не заслуживаю. (I don't deserve you" Tia whispered knowing the actress wouldn't understand. She let go of her once lover's hands, took a step back and with a sad smile she just said "We should go back". The look on Scarlett's face almost made the model break, it pained her so much to see her Scarlett like that and it pained her even more she was responsible for it. Anastasia quickly left the kitchen and started walking towards the bonfire, Scarlett stayed behind.

In the meantime, Chris Evans found himself peaking at the two women talking in the kitchen. He never really liked Anastasia but after what she did to his friend, he had grown to really dislike her. On top of that, seeing what he thought to be Anastasia bluntly rejecting Scarlett's kind words, made him madder about the situation. How could she even dare to come back after what she did? The actor asked himself with anger. As he saw the model walk away, he decided it was time to intervene.

The honorable captain America found himself walking aggressively towards the model, when he was close enough, he took her by the arm and with a threatening voice said "Leave her alone or has the pain you've caused her not been enough?". Anastasia looked at him with an almost impress face for his incredibly stupid action and signalising her bodyguards to let her handle it she spoke "Mind your own business", looking down at his hand on her arm she added "And get your hands off of me""Not until you tell me you'll leave her alone" Evans insisted. Anastasia let out a menacing laugh and without pronouncing a single word she removed herself from his grip and walked away. "ANASTASIA!" Evans yelled with an angry tone and quickly approached the model. As he did so, everyone turned to look at him. Scarlett barely had time to loudly say his name as to stop him but before anyone could fully realise what was going on, he harshly grabbed Tia by the arm. It took Anastasia 3 seconds before she pinned the actor down, which ended up with Chris' face on a now shattered glass table that was near them, unable to move from Anastasia's grip. Screams of fear were heard as the glass under his face cracked. With a calm yet threatening voice Anastasia bend over and told the actor "Whatever happened between her and I is our business, so stay out of it... and don't you ever touch me like that again". Ekaterina, who was sitting nearby, smiled at her friend's actions. She warned him, she thought.

Anastasia abruptly stood up straight letting go of the actor. Everyone around stared at her with shocked eyes, everyone except Ina. She gave the model a smile, approving her behaviour. A girl came rushing to Chris' side, the girlfriend, and looking at his bleeding face she yelled at the model "Are you crazy? What the fuck is wrong with you?". The model completely dismissed her, and walked to where Ekaterina was sitting down, taking a sit next to her friend as if nothing had happened. Elizabeth was surprised by the aggressive actions of her friend and tried to get some answers from her sisters but these ones just nodded in disapproval as they stared at Evans.
Quiet, intense, heavy, uncomfortable quiet. Chris was trying to stand up, RDJ and Elizabeth's brother were trying to help him but he seemed out of it, probably due to the impact of his head on the hard glass. He was scared, the second he saw a very calm Anastasia, he got scared. She was so unbothered. He knew in that moment she was a real danger to him, to Scarlett, to Lizzie, to everyone. "You'll pay for this" the girlfriend said. "What are you going to do? Sue her?" Ekaterina replied with a smirk on her face. "You could go to prison for this" she pointed at Evan's face. "As if" Anastasia replied with a smug tone. "Go ahead, sue me" she added. Scarlett was perplexed by Anastasia's behaviour, she could hardly believe it. The woman she had fallen in love with was gentle and kind, sure, she was confident and knew how to defend herself but this Anastasia, she seemed too arrogant and far more aggressive. The actress knew Tia had gone through things, it didn't take much to notice, just one look at her and you could see something had happened but she had talked to her minutes ago and that sweet Anastasia was there, just like she remembered her. The comparison between these two wasn't nice, specially since she couldn't recognise the scarier Anastasia. It worried her and scared her.

As the ambience got more awkward, both Anastasia and Ekaterina decided it would be best to leave. At the end, it was Elizabeth's birthday and they didn't want to ruin it for something so insignificant. The girls stood up and with them the twins. They asked to speak with Liz and she came with them inside the home. "I think it's best we leave" Ekaterina said extending her hand to reach Lizzie's. "You're leaving?" the disappointment in Lizzie's voice could be heard. Even though Elizabeth didn't agree nor liked Tia's behaviour, she missed her, she missed them both and deep down she feared she would leave again, vanish, just like last time. "Here, this is where we're staying. Come tonight and we'll do something together, like we used to" Anastasia handed her friend a piece of paper with the name of a hotel and a suite number. "Promise you won't leave?" The actress asked the girls. "We promise" they both said, smiling at the blonde actress. The spies said their goodbyes to Elizabeth and Mary-Kate and Ashley escorted them to the door. "I'm sorry for the mess" Tia apologised knowing the sisters had put effort into the birthday party. "It's okay, we may not agree with what you did but he was being a dick" Mary-Kate replied. Anastasia laughed at that. "At least you can say the party was a hit, no pun intended" Ekaterina sarcastically said. The twins rolled their eyes with a smile of their faces. The girls left grimacing after their interaction with the twins.

Walking towards their car, Anastasia could see Scarlett standing at the door, looking at her with sad eyes. The model picked up her phone and dialled the number she had wanted to call for months... *ring*... Scarlett looked down at her phone screen, looked back at Anastasia, who was now in her car, and picked up the phone. "This is my new number, save it. Call me" the model said before shortly hanging up. The car drove away and just like that, the Russians had made a big entrance and an even bigger exit.

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