By TheTypingAvocado

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As Peter Parker tries to string together the messy web that is his life, new threats erupt onto the scene, ma... More



71 2 0
By TheTypingAvocado


Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Spectacular Spider-Man Characters or Marvel Characters included in this fanfic, I do this for fun :)

MAJOR DISCLAIMER: Aspects of this chapter are very mature, especially with the language and violence. This'll apply to future chapters too.


"Like... don't you know how I feel? I want this guy gone. Off the face of the earth. Like—wouldn't you want that for your Uncle's killer?"

Those words rang in Harry Osborn's mind since his discovery of his oldest friend, Peter Parker's infamous secret: he was the man who murdered his father in cold blood. He was Spider-Man. That especially rang in his head once he spotted Peter and Liz during student pickup with his Aunt May. However, being so far away, he couldn't make out what his aunt told them, but he knew it made them wail. Anything would've made Liz bawl... but Harry hadn't seen Peter shed a tear since his uncle's funeral. Yet there Peter was, bawling his eyes out on his aunt's shoulder.

As Harry intently observed, he blurred out everyone else around him. Not like any of them have their own bombastic secrets. Even his own butler, as he came to pick up the highschool senior in the limo. Harry's eyes and mind glued onto Peter, and haven't let go.

Even as he laid in bed, four days later, all his focus was on him. He even glanced at a childhood picture of him and Pete, thrown into the corner, with the glass on the frame, completely shattered. But the picture didn't have a tear.

'I don't remember throwing that–unless I... blacked out again...'

Everything else has been a blur. Barely even sleeping since he got to the manor. Didn't help that he trembled back into the globulin green's grasp, drinking his sorrows away in his room.

Suddenly a mysterious voice spat, 'Harry, you need to wake up!'

Harry frantically darted around, "WHA–WHO SAID THAT?!"

The deep, yet sniveling voice sounded nearby him—like it was in his room.

'Who do you think?'

"Sho-show-show yourself!"

'Turn around'

At instructed, he turned, with his eyes landed on the mirror.

'What is this nonsense-'

The dark, breathy voice roared, "HARRY! Have you gotten soft?!"


"Our father wouldn't be happy-"


"He'd be very disappointed in you, especially with your inaction"

"Wait-wait-wait-wait... inaction?"

"Yes... with Peter Parker"

"Stop it. Pete's my best friend–my oldest friend"

"FRIEND?! Do you not remember what he did to our father?"

"It could've been an accident-"

"NO IT WASN'T? Do you not remember the glare in his eye when he... took him way from us?"

Harry couldn't respond.

"It didn't look like an accident, did it? So stop trying to convince yourself"

"Still...I'm not gonna hurt him"

"Gotten soft?!"

"NO I'M NOT SOFT—I just don't wanna hurt him-"

"Harry, this delinquent, miniscule bug, killed our father... and you're not gonna do anything about it?...'

"I didn't say that-"

'Our father has gotten us and our mother so far–where we can live in this gorgeous manor—above everyone. He's gotten us where we are today... And where has Peter Parker gotten us, huh?"

Harry drowned in silence.

"Exactly nowhere, except leaving us without a father, and our mother without her husband"

"But... Peter helped me when I was alone. Even in 2nd grade. At least he'd talk to me... it made elementary school bearable"

"So, he's just another human being with a mouth. The hobo on the street could talk to you, and claim to be your friend... but you were just soft–"

"We'd play video games all the time, talk about girls and our feelings... It was fun–"

"Ugh, is that how you define friendship with that? How pathetic!... And if we're talking about feelings, yours especially... Do you not remember when Peter planned to break you and Gwen up? You heard every single thing about that plan! Do you remember that?!"

Harry gulped. He remembered every detail of that terrible night. At first, he called for Gwen's help, and instead, dragged Peter into his problem. Then Peter and Gwen were alone... and both let their guard down.

"DO YOU?!"

But Harry shook the notion off him, "I-I'm going crazy–hearing all of this!"

The sniveling voice proclaimed, "STOP IGNORING ME, HARRY! YOU KNOW I'M RIGHT!"

Throughout that day, the voice stayed nagging in his mind. So much in fact, he couldn't get through the day without punching a wall, plugging his ears, or wanting to scream. Even his mother noticed his odd behavior during lunch, and contemplated on calling his therapist. But Harry dismissed that idea–all of those sessions for what? Later that day, he realized needed to sleep on it, even though sleep became harder to come by.

The snivelling, authoritarian voice fully manifested into his mind, once that Sunday morning rolled in. He laid there on his bed, contemplating his next move. And listening to the voice in his head, overwhelmingly getting louder... more obsessive... and more... right?

'Wait, no-no-no-no—it can't be, can it?'

But he reminded himself of all the pain and infuriation he bottled up, because of Peter. From splitting him and Gwen, to killing his father.

He couldn't stand listening to himself... so he fled his room to eat breakfast, and asked for another perspective.

Harry asked, "Mom, can I ask you something?"

"Is it anything important?"

"I'd like to think so"

"I guess go for it"

"Alright, here it goes–What would you do if you ever found out who killed dad?"

His mom sat there stunned, seeming like that question hit her harder than a truck could.

"Mor me... om?"

"I'd like to know why they did it–Like what was going through their head? Cuz your father was sick–he really was—he needed help, and well, they snuffed away that opportunity... forever"


"That's probably it"

"What do you mean, that's it?"

"I wouldn't do anything else"

"Why? It's dad... you wouldn't do anything for him?"

"A part of me wished I could. Another part tells me I should. But I-I wouldn't because... well—what's the point of it. It's not going to change a thing"

Harry completely zoned out, with this high-pitched ringing noise drowning out everything she said for several seconds.

"Why're you asking, honey?"

He gulped while his eyes darted around, "Um... no reason."

After quickly finishing up his breakfast, he rushed back into his room.

His head lowered in front of his mirror, 'You heard what mom said... I'm not doing it'

'Not doing what? Avenging your father, doing what he rightfully deserves?'

'Stop it. Vengeance should never be an option'

'But it's the only option you have. You know your father's killer, and you won't do a thing about it? God, you're weaker than I thought!'

'Shut up!'

'Why? Cuz I'm right? And you know it!'

'How would you know?'


'No-no-no-no-that's not true'

'Do you not see it? I'm the best part of you!'

'No, you're not'

'I've always been here-'

'S-so why am I only hearing from you now?'
'Because you're taking your time, thinking—than actually doing what's needed!'

'You–you want me to hurt him...'

'Yes! Make him feel like how you felt for the past year!'

'What if... I confront him first, like mom said. Then if he won't fess up, I'll expose him. That sound better?'

'A step up from a minute earlier, yeah... now you just need to get him'

'How am I supposed to do that?'

'Harry, look in the mirror...'

He did as instructed, 'Not this again. I know already that you're me-'

It wasn't him. In the mirror, he saw a grim figure with fuming scarlet eyes that pierced into the soul. A face shrouded in darkness, with a harvest-dyed hoodie and cape. His hand even held a blazing sword of flames.

'Wait–wha–that's—what're you? That's not me... that's-'

'That's the prototype armor you've been tinkering with for months! Everything you put to work, it's finally ready for you now.'

He stopped staring at the mirror and plopped down on his bed. He grabbed his phone and dialed up Gwen Stacy. In need of her advice. She helped him before, she could do it again.

He impulsively called her, but he threw it on his bed, while he anxiously paced around the room.

'C'mon, stop calling her–you know she doesn't care about you!'

And that phone rang...

And rang...

And rang...

And rang...

And rang—for what felt like an eternity, till he finally didn't hear a reply.

Her voicemail echoed, "Hi this is Gwen! Sorry I couldn't get to the phone, but I'll get back to you as soon as possible, so leave your message at the BEEP-"

Hearing Gwen's voice rushed plenty of memories back. So much, he immediately ended the call, before he could leave a message.

'Anyway like I was saying–do what you need to do, NOW!'

'How am I gonna do that?'

'Lure him in'

A second later, something clicked for him. He pulled out his phone and texted Peter.

'Hey, can you meet me at the Silver Spoon? It's really urgent!' - Harry.

Many minutes later, he poked around, ensuring nobody roamed outside of the wine cellar, before he instantly rushed over to the wine cellar. Through it, he slowly descended into his underground workplace, that only had a few sources of light. But the main items illuminated was his prized goblin armor, glider and sword.

"Time to take action... for our mother... for our father..." he muttered.



Meanwhile, on the other side of that call, was the blonde, Gwen Stacy, who was in the middle of her apology to her dearest redheaded friend, Mary Jane Watson.

Mary Jane asked, "Who was that?"

Gwen dismissed, "It was nothing..."

She tossed her phone onto her desk and sat next to Mary Jane.

"Anyways as I was saying Mary Jane... I'm sorry... for everything I've put you through"

"Gwen it wasn't your fault-"

"It was. You were kind enough to come with me there... and I just left you in the midst of chaos. I still can't believe I did that... at all"

"Won't lie to you Gwen, there was just so much going on at once–and sure it stunned me when you left. But that was still the least crazy part of that whole thing, girlfriend"

"Yeah it was—I'm sorry I couldn't muster up these words earlier"

In her mind, Gwen kept dreadfully picturing everything. From the chaos in the Connors' basement to Mrs. Connors' last few words. Then chasing after Billy at DisneyWorld traumatized her. Some bodies were all over the floor, while there was a blood trail for the rest of them.



Her father, George Stacy asked through the door, "Gwen, Mary Jane–You girls want breakfast from the Silver Spoon?"

"Not hungry right now Dad"

"Alright then. I'll be outside"

Mary Jane teased, "Hey-I was feeling kinda hungry."

Gwen just unraveled on her bed, and MJ did the same. The young ladies just laid there, on the bed, staring at the popcorn ceiling...

Till Mary Jane expressed, "Gwen I know we have Liz and Glory to confide in, but don't shut yourself off from your dad."

"I wasn't trying to-"

"It's coming off that way. You told me right when I got here, you haven't left this room, since we've got back–Your dad is one of the good ones. Trying to be there for you... Not all of us have that"

"You're right-you're right... I just don't know what's wrong with me these days"

"There's nothing wrong with you—you're just grieving the hardest way possible. But you don't need to do that anymore"

"Right... I guess do you wanna grab that breakfast now?"

"Not anymore. I got food at home. But you two, should grab breakfast"

"Let's get out there"

The girls

Mary Jane waved to Gwen's father, "Gotta go, bye Captain Stacy!"

"See you, Ms. Watson!"

The instant she left out the door, George Stacy pointed out, "Surprised you're not going with her."

"Still on for breakfast at the Silver Spoon?"

"Always, sweetie. Lemme lock up since we're going to walk there"


So once he officially locked up their home, they went on their stroll to the Silver Spoon Cafe.

While they strolled over, Gwen still remained silent, only scratching her hands and arms.

Then she instantly broke the silence.

"Dad, I'm sorry for... basically shutting you out recently"

"Honey, you're just processing the way you needed to. It was good to take your time"

"I know... I just wished I didn't take it out on you"

He slightly grinned, "You know... I did miss talking to you though, sweetie"

"Missed talking to you too"

"You should probably know, that... I'm going to hold onto you as tight as I can"

She giggled, "I knew the instant I got home"

Her eyes noticed him snicker at the mention of it, with his eyes welling-up. Her hand moved closer to her father's hand and held it close. As they strolled closer to the cafe, they noticed spotted a familiar face, anxiously darting around the front of the cafe.

Her father pointed out, "Gwen look... its Peter"



Meanwhile for Peter Parker, he strolled over to the Silver Spoon Cafe, for a different reason. He was here to meet his buddy, Harry Osborn, to basically be an ear for Harry's family emergency. To Peter, Harry seemed as frantic as he can be, in a text message:

'Hey, can you meet me at the Silver Spoon? It's urgent man!' - Harry.

'Sorry Har, but I gotta be here for Liz. She's going through a tough time right now' - Peter.

'Please Pete, its urgent' - Harry.

'How urgent?' - Peter.

'It's my mom. She's really ill right now. I need your help dude' - Harry.

Peter, alarmed, instantly responded, 'Oh shoot! I'm on my way' - Peter.

'Thanks dude' - Harry.

'Do you want me to head to your house?' - Peter.

'No, the silver spoon is a good middle ground. Meet you up front' - Harry.

'Alright, meet you there' - Peter.

He needed to be there for his friend, because that's what friends are for...

But a slice of him didn't want to leave his girlfriend's side. But she seemed dismissive of it. Recently, since they've got back to New York, he noticed Liz being far more consumed by every little activity. Either her constantly precisely cleaning her restroom every other hour, fixing her clothes or vacuuming her carpet.

It kept her busy. Especially after that morning's patrol, when he snuck through her window, she didn't even notice him.

Speaking of his patrol, swinging through New York's skies didn't hit the same anymore. Not feeling weightless, soaring through the New York Skyline. Something weighed him down, while he swung. Those loud thoughts in his mind, kept rambling on, constantly picturing what he saw in Orlando. He grimaced at the sight of it.

But that wasn't the only thing he grimaced at. He noticed far more gang activity through the dark alleys of manhattan, than when he left it a couple days ago.

'Something's up!'

So the instant he webbed up one of the criminals, and he interrogated him, upside down. Or right side up. It was hard to tell for a criminal hanging from his feet, with the blood rushing to his head.

It wasn't long till the goon spilled, "Alright... alright... its Hammerhead. I work for Hammy"

"He's dead, numbskull... try again"

"Wait—You really thought that's how Hammerhead was gonna go out. In a fiery car chase?! Spidey, you're as dumb as rocks! MY GOD–"

Before the goon could spit out another word, Spidey webbed up his mouth.

"Alright that's enough outta you!"

'How did I not see this before? All that attention... all that showmanship... wasn't Hammerhead's MO. He played me-'

Currently, Peter paced around to the front of the Silver Spoon Cafe for a moment.

'Huh-kinda weird how he wants to meet here of all the places,' he admitted.

He fidgeted with his thumbs as his mind rambled. From Hammerhead potentially being back, to his grieving girlfriend—with the addition of his parents' tainted, hydra-filled legacy. So much to bottle up for the young man.

HELL–even Harry's revitalized interest in Spider-Man. Not like it ever disappeared, but his interest in his wall-crawling persona spiked since his father's death. But Peter hoped they could put it behind them.

Immediately his spider-sense rang.

Chills surged down his spine.

The hairs on his arms sprung up.

'Now?! Of all the times in the world!'

No time to suit up. Instantly his hands readied his web-shooters while his eyes darted around for suspects.

Preteen walking his dog on the sidewalk... Nope.

The elderly woman entering the coffee shop... Probably Not.

Gwen and Captain Stacy waving at him... Hopefully Not.

Thankfully, it wasn't. Peter didn't know who or what his spider-sense rang on about... till... he turned to see obviously suspect number one. 'That's probably it!'

Freakishly, a hooded freak boomed to him with a large gothic glider, with a mysterious gas venting out of it. Peter instantly covered his nose and mouth, not trying to breathe it in. Consequently, a second later, the eerie figure viciously scooped him up, like a bald eagle grabbing its prey. It threw him over its shoulder, with such an immense grip around his waist.

The wind violently rushed past Peter's face, with small bits getting blown into his eyes.

From afar, Peter's ears heard Gwen scream amongst the many screams,


Not long after, after pushing back the best he could, the figure powerfully hurled him onto the rooftop of a random building. However, soon, he'd recognize it.

He grimaced and groaned from the hard drop. Being superhuman doesn't make it hurt any less.

His eyes gazed up to see this person, but the bright sun's glare got in the way. But what he could make out, was a familiar look from his most infamous foes; the Green Goblin. This time, this figure had a flowing cape, and a harvest color scheme.

'How did someone get access to Oscorp tech—Harry?! No-no-no-please don't let it be–' he quickly dreaded.

The hooded figure deeply proclaimed, "This is where you killed him-"

"Hey–I didn't kill anybody, dude!"

The figure screeched, "LIAR! MY FATHER'S DEAD CAUSE OF YOU! YOU KILLED HIM!" Peter could tell the infuriation fuming through those red eyes. It was horrifyingly familiar. 'Oh god its Harry!'

"Wha- I never killed him! Don't even know who he is... but I can help you find him-"

"No-no. You're the guy... so stop lying, for once, Pete."

Peter gulped the instant his name was spat.

"Ahem–I mean—you can't hide behind that dumb Spider-Man mask no more, Pete!"

Peter's eyes exploded out of its socket after the dangerous individual proclaimed what he knew.

The sinister figure held him close, sneering at the sight of it.


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