camera girl {alex turner x fe...

By lanaxturnerr

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please notify me if any mistakes in grammar, spelling, etc. are found!! thanks xx (ps save me some grace, i... More

authors note
alex x yn part 1
alex x yn part 2
alex x yn part 3
alex x yn part 4
alex x yn part 5
alex x yn part 6
alex x yn part 7
alex x yn part 9
alex x yn part 10
alex x yn part 11
alex x yn part 12
alex x yn part 13
alex x yn part 14
alex x yn part 15
alex x yn part 16
alex x yn part 17
alex x yn part 18
alex x yn part 19
alex x yn part 20
alex x yn part 21
alex x yn part 22
alex x yn part 23
alex x yn part 24
alex x yn part 25
alex x yn part 26
alex x yn part 27
alex x yn part 28

alex x yn part 8

276 4 53
By lanaxturnerr

trigger warnings: alcohol and tobacco depictions

"im being fucking serious," she whispers.

i think she's on verge of tears the way her voice is shaking. i should be the one worried. but i don't know what i expected, i've been a douchebag and total arse. it still hurt though, not like she knows.

"and alexander. don't you goddamn dare tell her i told you about this. i would lose all of her trust and she'd never speak to me again. don't even mention it at all, she'll figure out i told you." i don't answer but i know she's on the other end of the line, probably sitting on her floor.

"i won't tell 'er. i just-i-did she send you a picture of him?" i reply.

"she gave me his instagram. hold on i'll send it," she says. i see my phone light up with a notification. my hand feels sweaty as i click on it, my thumb even leaves a small print. its so weird.

when the page loads, i felt sick to my stomach. i'd been warned about things when i started my career. paparazzi, interviews, big concerts, and crazy fans. but this was another level. this was obsessive. and not like when they stalk my next concert and reach their arms as far as possible, trying to reach for me to the point where they fall over the railing.

"he looks like me.."

"i know alex, it's fucking freaking me out!"

the man's user was "theonlyal" with a description that said "sheffield born musician, 26" the scrolled down to the most recent picture. it was him with aviators like mine, and a quiff with just a few pieces of hair pulled down. that was my hair. the hair i did because yn said she'd like it like that, the hair i did for her and not for stupid "al".

"he's a foken carbon copy of me," i whine to her.

"i don't know alex, this whole thing is weird to me.." she replies. very comforting.

"he's not got my hunk of a nose, that's damn sure," i say as i continue to scroll.

"you've not got a hunk of a nose, plus the ladies love it."

"yeah, they love it until there's a better option to love more. is his music worth shite?"

she scoffed, "nah he's just a covers band."

"maybe i should just stop, lilly. you're her best friend and she trusts you, she wouldn't be happy to know yer in contact with me.."

i hear her sigh over the phone. "okay. but i'm just a call away if you need anything al. i know it's not been easy for you recently, you need someone to talk to."

i hum in response and hang up. i'm mindlessly swiping up on his page, continually refreshing it while i think. there's not much to think about though. she's moved on so i might as well move on. but that was the issue. i was supposed to already have moved on, been the reason she had to move on.

a second later, a new post popped up on my screen. it was a photo of a neatly seat up table in a dim light restaurant. a soft bouquet a flowers were placed as decorations, and a wood seat was across from him. it would soon be taken by her. i vaguely recognize the place.

"verogustos?" i breathe. that place is fuckin expensive, whos he planning to pay for it with his "covers band" money. i know i shouldnt, but i want to go. it's like a sign, the caption saying "meeting her at five sharp". it wants me to go, it's too obvious.

i phone matt. "oi," he responses.

"are we busy at..erm..five tonight?" i ask.

"not that i know of, why?"

"i'm going out for the evening."

"fine by me, but don't get pissed out yer right mind or ye might end up back in yns apartment," he says with a chuckle.

"nah nah yeah. wouldn't..wouldn't want that," i reply, zoning out. "aight thanks mate," i finish and end the call.

i suppose i'm free tonight.

• • •

"so where are ye from," allen asks from across you. it's been years since you've been to verogustos, you felt like it was a movie set. all the conversations around you were quiet, and slow piano played in the back. you poke at your pasta and twirl it with your fork.

"oh uh, nashville. tennessee. you?"

allen let's out a small laugh and drops his fork onto his plate, grabbing the attention from the people around us. they looked at him the way they looked at me and alex every time we started bursting laughing at an inappropriate time, like a movie or meeting.

"what's funny?" i ask.

"tennessee? i foken hate the place. i mean no disrespect to ye but it's too..crowded there i mean honestly. that's why you've not got much of an accent."

i push past his first comment and move the conversation along. "well, ye can't talk about nashville bein' crowded when ye fucken moved to sheffield of all places."

he nods absentmindedly and looks at the bar behind me that joined with the restaurant.

"is this too formal for ye? we can go get some drinks if ye'd like," i say.

"i'll just go check out what they have first. you can stay," he drones.

"oh i've been there before for work. they just got the basics, but pretty bad margs.." i gulp down my last sentence. i'd been there with alex and the boys on an off day, they had a urge to spend some cash. alex being alex ordered a margarita and brutally judged it to you, saying it tasted like water. but allen was a completely different person who you will STOP comparing to alex because alex no longer cares about you and allen will probably LOVE verogustos margaritas.

he sighs and calls the waiter over for the check. he hurries towards your table and places down the paper, gathering your dishes.

after getting his card back, allen throws his jacket onto his shoulder, and offers his hand to you. you take it, walking up the few steps and past the small gate that divided the bar and the restaurant.

you sit down on a stool, fiddling with your rings.

"stay here," allen says. "i just recognized someone, im gonna go talk to them."

you look up, curious. "oh can i come? i'd love to meet them!"

"nah nah you don't wanna meet him. he's an old friend, but he's pretty junky and violent. not good to bring pretty girls like you around him. go ahead and get yerself a nice drink," he says with a quick wink and kiss on the cheek.

once he's gone, the bartender approaches you with a glass in hand. he wipes it inside out with a small blue towel then places it on a rack. "what can i get ye?"

you smile and tap your nails against the wood, thinking for a moment. "um, i dont think i'll be drinking tonight, i'm just here with a friend. thank you, though."

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