Little Ba Reum AU - The roads...

By Anki_Carrington

11.4K 662 286

NEW CHAPTER Instead of hiding his little headspace from his friends for years, Ba Reum is found out sooner. N... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chpter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 9

289 18 4
By Anki_Carrington

"Ah, prosecutor Ji, we've been expecting you," the director said, greeting the tall prosecutor, who nodded stiffly, not having wanted to be there at the moment, and not having counted on it at all.

"Yes, of course. So, today we were doing a tour, and then I'll go over the program and see if there are a few detectives who are willing to give a few classes about real cases," Hyuk said, going over the schedule, and hoping the man would stick to it, and that it wouldn't wind up being one of those overly long tours.

"Yes, indeed. Very short and businesslike," the director said, looking slightly taken aback. Hyuk frowned, not wanting to be short, but he didn't defend himself.

Normally, he should've started his halftime schedule this week, and he had for the past few days, but Cha had an emergency, and he was supposed to do a tour of the police school today, to meet the students, and see if there was improvement necessary.

And thus he was here, doing a tour of the school and perhaps hear about what the new recruits were doing and just hoping that it would be over soon. The facilities were quickly inspected, Hyuk taking notes here and there when necessary and asking questions. It wasn't because he didn't want to be there, that he would do a bad job, no, that's not him.

"We are trying to invest in diversity as well. Most of our students are males, base and caregivers, but we have a fair number of girls, and there is even a little this year," the principal said.

"Oh, that's good. We have a few detectives who are littles," Hyuk commented, pleased to hear that some of them dared to come in these kinds of jobs. He followed the man down a few hallways, looking inside a few classrooms.

"There are currently classes held here, so we best keep out," the director said, just when a door barely opened and a young woman slipped out, looking surprised to see the two of them standing there.

She looked hesitant, but then her face looked a lot more certain, and she quickly jogged to them.

"Excuse me, director, but I have a concern," she said, glancing at Hyuk.

"A concern? Is it urgent?" the man asked, feeling annoyed that she was bothering him now. He didn't want anything negative to be said with the prosecutor there and hoped that she would get the message.

"Yes, it is. The teacher is harassing one of the students, a little," the girl said, and Hyuk immediately felt his hackles rise at that.

"You sure he's not overreacting?" the director said, and then Hyuk glared at the man, making him feel as of he had just done a faux pas. But surely, this scary looking man couldn't be a caregiver?

"Let's go check it out," the prosecutor said, already moving towards the classroom the girl had come from, the director hurriedly following, praying that it wasn't going to be anything troublesome in the classroom.

Without so much as knocking Hyuk opened the door, making the teacher turn around and look at him with a frown.

"Yes, can I help you?" the man asked, looking confused, and looking a little worried when he saw the director enter the room as well. Hyuk didn't bother answering the man, instead looking around the room to find the little the girl had been talking about.

"He's over there," the girl said, pointing to a student standing in the corner, the seat of his pants soiled from where he clearly had messed himself.

"Why is he in the corner?" Hyuk asked, and the teacher seemed unwilling to answer that simple question, instead being evasive in the slightest.

"How I teach my classes are none of your business," the man said, and the director winced.

"Actually it is," Hyuk said, his voice dark and deep and having a no-nonsense quality to it.

"He asked to go to the toilet, but the teach never lets us, but he's a little and couldn't hold it," the girl explained, and Hyuk frowned.

"Diversity, uh?" he asked, and went over to the little while the director glared at the teacher, knowing that this wouldn't look very well.

"Why the hell didn't you let him go to the toilet?" Hyuk heard the man ask, and a stuttered answer about when they were on a case they wouldn't be able either was given, but Hyuk wasn't listening anymore.

"Hi there, are you okay?" Hyuk asked the little softly when he had approached, but all he got as response were a few sniffles, a suppressed sob, and the little pressing himself even tighter against the wall.

Hyuk frowned and softly touched the back of the little, who winced, and made a small whimpering sound, his hands now resting on the back of his head as if he was waiting for a blow to come.

"It's okay, I'm guessing you slipped in headspace," Hyuk said, keeping his voice friendly, wondering how old the little would be. Probably a toddler if he still had accidents but wasn't wearing protection when he was in his big headspace.

"Sorry," a soft and familiar voice came, and Hyuk's eyes widened when Ba Reum turned a little towards him. He hadn't expected to see the familiar little again so soon, and least of all here.

"It's okay," Hyuk said, keeping a smile on and holding out his hands, knowing that it was best to keep calm, "let's see if we can get you cleaned up, okay?"

"Sorry," Ba Reum repeated again, looking confused and afraid, tears still dripping from his eyes.

"It'll be okay," Hyuk said, taking his hand and tugging him with him, going to the principal, who was berating the teacher. Ba Reum immediate hid behind Hyuk, shaking and whimpering, and the prosecutor was resisting the use of violence right now, even though it was all he wanted to do.

Ba Reum just was too afraid of the teacher right now and didn't want the man to see him and get angry at him for getting out of the corner without his permission.

"I'm really sorry about this," the director said, while the teacher turned around and angrily started packing up his stuff.

"Yes, of course this will still be looked in further," Hyuk said, "but for now, he's in headspace, and I think we best get him cleaned out and ask his caregiver or family to come and get him,"

"Yes, that seems like a plan. I'll ask my secretary to look into his file," the director said, calling the woman and then guiding Hyuk to the locker room.

"Where's his locker?" Hyuk asked, frowning when he saw the numerous lockers, each with a numeric lock.

"They're random," the director said, "Mr. Jung, where is your locker,"

"Sorry," Ba Reum squeaked, hiding a little more behind Hyuk and crying. He wasn't sure what everyone wanted for him, but the fact that he had messed himself couldn't mean much good.

Standing in the corner had been one of the more embarrassing moments in his life, and how much he had wanted to, he had been unable to fight the fuzzy feeling that overcame him. The mess in his pants wasn't helping with making him feel big either.

And then he had seen the nice caregiver from the fair, and he kind off had latched on to him. He still was being very nice to Ba Reum, and the little didn't really understand why. He had clearly been bad, and normally people were more like the teacher and knew that he didn't deserve any kindness.

His aunt would have said that holding your bladder or not messing yourself was one of the base skills. The thought of being so bad brought fear in Ba Reum's mind, and he shuffled a little, wondering of there was going to be shouting against him soon.

"I guess he doesn't understand," Hyuk said, shrugging, "let's see if we can get him cleaned up and you do have some reserve clothes?"

"Yes, uhm," the director said, looking hesitant.

"Well, go get them. I'll get him in the shower already," Hyuk said, turning towards Ba Reum, whose eyes widened when the caregiver turned to him. Stepping back, Ba Reum winced when Hyuk lifted his hand, thinking that the man was going to hit him.

Frowning Hyuk patted the head, wondering if calling his caregiver would be a good idea. He wasn't liking the reaction the little had, the fear was not normal.

"Come, let's get you out of those clothes," Hyuk said, gently taking off the shirt, and then easing of the pants. By now, Ba Reum had his index and middle finger in his mouth. Hyuk smiled, and took the other hand of the little, taking of his watch, not knowing if it was waterproof.

The mess was greatly contained in the underpants, but some of it had seeped through. Frowning, he gently slid off the underpants, the little shaking in what he hoped was cold, but expected more to be fear.

"So, let's see, I'm afraid I have nothing to wipe away the mess, but perhaps we could use the shirt. It's dirty anyway," Hyuk said, keeping his voice gentle and soft.

"Icky," Ba Reum said, "bad,"

"Bad?" Hyuk asked, and Ba Reum nodded, taking his fingers out of his mouth, a trail of saliva coming from them.

"Ba Reum bad, icky mess," the little repeated, and Hyuk frowned, taking the shirt and gently wiping the mess away, noticing that there was some redness around his whole genital area, and not just where the mess was.

"You're not bad for creating a mess, sweetheart," Hyuk said, the endearment coming from his mouth without him even meaning to, "it just sometimes happens,"

Ba Reum stared at him, clearly not progressing the words, and Hyuk just stood up after having cleaned most of the mess, the filthy clothes lying on the floor. The door opened, making Ba Reum give a small, scared sound, staring at it, before staring at Hyuk again and a moment later the little was hidden behind Hyuk again, two hands grasping the back of his suit while the head was buried against his back.

"I got you some towels and clothes," the director said, having personally came to bring it, in the hope that the prosecutor wouldn't destroy them in a review.

"Thank you," Hyuk said, "did you call his caregiver already?"

"Ah, well, no one is listed," the man said, making Hyuk frown.

"Emergency contact?" Hyuk asked, but again the director shook his head.

"None listed," the man said, looking a little put out, "I guess we could contact an hospital or something,"

"Why would you do that?" Hyuk asked, the director looking in shock at the incredulous tone of the prosecutor. He heard Ba Reum take a sharp breath in, and tighten his hands at Hyuk's tone, and winced, regretting it.

"Because he's in headspace. We can't leave him on his own," the director said, and Hyuk's glare softened just a little.

"No, we can't leave him on his own," the prosecutor said, thinking through his options, "I know him a little. Not very close, but we've talked a few times. I'll take him with me until he's big,"

"Oh, if you know him, that's okay," the director said, feeling relieved, "uhm, do you still need me? I would like to handle the disciplinary actions against the teacher for now,"

"No, I don't need you anymore. Me and Ba Reum will leave, and I take it he's excused from his classes," Hyuk stated, knowing that new recruits weren't allowed to miss classes without a doctor's note or a very good reason.

"Of course he's excused," the man said.

"Good, now we'll shower. Perhaps you can ask someone to discard those dirty clothes," Hyuk said, not feeling kind or generous and remove them himself. The director nodded, and Hyuk turned around, so he could see Ba Reum.

The little still looked scared, but when Hyuk took his hand, he followed the man easily enough. It seemed that how scared he was of the current situation, he wasn't scared of Hyuk at all.

"Let's get you under the water, sweetheart, just like that," Hyuk said, putting Ba Reum in the shower and glad that it was a detachable head. He quickly rinsed Ba Reum as good as possible, making sure that all the caked-on mess was completely gone.

"Wet," Ba Reum said, wiggling around, and giggling when the spray hit some ticklish spots.

"It is wet, it's water, silly," Hyuk said with a smile, feeling something deep within him just feel right.

"Water," Ba Reum repeated, standing under the spray and trying to catch some, while Hyuk did his best to wash him.

He looked at the little standing under the water, and just could imagine doing this a thousand more times. Gently, he wrapped the towel around Ba Reum, and made sure to dry the hair, before helping him in the clothes.

It was weird how helpless Ba Reum was being right now, and Hyuk guessed he must be in a younger headspace than normal, because toddlers were a bit more self-sufficient generally than what Ba Reum was.

"All dressed," Hyuk said, smiling at the little, who smiled back, once again having two fingers in his mouth. A few garbled sounds came out, but Hyuk had no idea what the little was trying to say, and he didn't bother trying to decipher it.

He quickly grabbed Ba Reum's watch, the rest of his belongings probably safe within a locker and put it in his pocket. The little didn't have a use for it now anyway.

Grabbing Ba Reum's hand, he tugged the little behind him. The prospect of taking him home making Hyuk feel happy.

"Uk?" Ba Reum said, following the caregiver with a very unsteady gait, and Hyuk slowed down his speed.

"Yes, Ba Reum?" Hyuk asked, seeing the little look at him while he shuffled further, his shoes luckily having been saved from the mess.

"Ba Reum bad?" Ba Reum asked, his eyes big and serious, and Hyuk's heart broke at the question.

"No, sweetie, you're good," Hyuk said, "now, let's go over to my place and see what we can do to keep busy, okay?"

Ba Reum blinked at the words, feeling as if he should understand what was being said, feeling as if he should pull back from the caregiver and do something important, but the fuzzy feeling was pushing away all thought of responsibility and it felt so good to let the kind caregiver take control.

Ba Reum shyly tugged the arm again, wanting to hear it again.

"Ba Reum, good?" he asked, feeling afraid that he had misunderstood, but instead, he got a smile of the man, and a pat on the head.

"Ba Reum good," the man repeated, and Ba Reum couldn't help but smile shyly, wanting to hide his face in the glee that he felt at those words.

He was good. 

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