It Was Him

By Jemellewrites

2.6K 125 4

"She was the sun, he was the moon and I was just another star." Dr. Sarah Jain had it all until love left her... More



81 4 0
By Jemellewrites



I let out a heavy sigh as I entered my bathroom. I ran my fingers over my tired-looking face, wishing to have managed to get a few more hours of sleep before another long day.

I splashed some cold water on my face in an attempt to wake myself up. The droplets of water dripped down my chin, it did little to ease my exhaustion.

Settling in another country is definitely difficult. Even though I was born here, the place where you are actually brought up will always have your heart. Right now I think it just needs time.

I am here to find my dad, my biological dad. My mom wanted me to meet him once, but it's absolutely impossible to find him in this big city. I just know his last name and his job. That's why Liyash told me to take help from the Singh's.
But, I guess I'd rather fuck Stella than kill someone.
Little liar.

A smirk pulled up the side of my lips as I thought of her. But I immediately pushed her out of my head, shaking my head. She isn't the one I should be focusing on. There are more important things I have to take care of now. I quickly brushed my teeth, took a shower, and put on a fresh set of my dark blue scrubs.

I hurried to my room to grab my white coat and phone. I turned on the screen and saw Liyash's texts asking me to call him whenever free, to talk about something important. Must be something serious, but I was not in the mood. So, I tucked my phone in my pocket and grabbed the keys from the table, not forgetting my stethoscope and scurried out towards the elevator of my building.

This place was just my temporary stay. I have found a much better apartment than this, which is near the sea and far from the crowd. I'd be shifting there soon.

I got into my Porsche. A vehicle was something I had to get after a shelter to survive in one of the busiest cities.

I started the engine and drove out of the basement of the building onto the paved road. My mind raced with the possibilities of what Liyash wanted to tell me about. It could be anything. I cannot just guess and don't know Liyash very well either, but the urgency in his message was unusual.
Should I call him once?

I shook my head and tried to shove that thought away. I will definitely reach out to him but not right now. I've to focus on the day ahead.

I took a glance outside to divert my mind. The morning sun shone bright in the sky, casting a warm glow over everything. I turned on the radio and Boombastic by Shaggy filled air, causing me to forget everything and tap my fingers on the steering wheel to the beat. The song did a lot to uplift my mood.

I reached the hospital and parked my car near a beautiful black jeep hummer, gleaming under the bright sun. Dark tinted windows and pristine black body made the beast stand out. A hulking, attention grabbing warrior with chrome rims on the wheels. Damn. I think I'm already in love with the owner.

Shrugging off my curiosity, I grabbed my bag and made my way inside the hospital, still humming the music. Fusion pop is the only genre which uplifts my mood no matter how shitty the situation is, I'll handle it while head bobbing to the beat.
I walked to my office, whistling and returning the gesture of all the smiles and good mornings I met on the way.

I pushed the door open, but halted my steps as my eyes caught doctor Sarah who was coming from the other side with some papers in her hands. She turned her head up giving me a smile, but I winked at her, breathing a laugh after seeing her confused expressions.

I know I've been rude to her for more than a week now for one mistake, but she keeps on making more and I kind of like it. It's funny to see her getting scared and fearing me.

I tossed my bag in the locker in my office and sat down on the chair to go through a freshly set of paperworks settled on my table. It was going to be a busy day, with overseeing operations, scheduling and meetings with staff. But I was fine with this. Work would keep me on my toes.

I was going through a patient's file when someone Knocked on the door. It was doctor Nikhil. I told him to come in and he entered inside with a huge grin on his face. "Good morning sir."
"Good morning." I smiled back.

"I was here to ask you if I could accompany you today for the mentorship of interns?"

"Sure, but are you okay with that?" I cocked an eyebrow. Dealing with students was definitely tiring and not everyone enjoyed it.

"Yes, sir. I love dealing with newcomers." He said.

"Okay then, I'll see you in the conference room at 12 pm sharp."

"Yes, I'll be there sir." His smile grew wider.

"And you can call me Ronan." I told him with a warm smile.

"Thank you, Ronan." Nikhil said grinning, before turning.

"Hey Nikhil." I muttered from behind and he looked back.

"Are you actually interested in helping interns?" I asked.

"Yes I am." He said and I cocked an eyebrow.

"Ronan I am. I know how to talk to youngsters, I mean I'm young myself."

"So you're thinking I'm old just because I'm on a higher Post? And I cannot handle young folks?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"No, absolutely not. You can handle them, but if I'll be-"

"The batch I'm dealing with today is from only boys college." I interrupted, knowing his exact reason and a smile curled up my lips seeing his disappointed expression.

"Oh. I mean, that's okay. I'll just help boys then. That's completely okay, Ronan." He said nervously trying to hide the disappointment in his eyes and I couldn't help but chuckle at his reply.

"What? I want to go with you to help, not to stare at young girls." He said, digging in his brows.
"Okay then, I'll see you at 12."

He nodded, looking a little sad and just about when he was about to turn my voice stopped him. "Hey, I guess I'll need your help with only girl interns too. After two days, the next batch is all girls." I told him.

Nikhil's face lit up hearing my words. "Yes, of course. Thank you Ronan." He said, trying to hide his smile and left my office.

I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. Nikhil was definitely a nice being and the most eager person too. I finished going through the patient's file and turned on my laptop, checking the schedules and setting them for tomorrow.

I leaned back on my chair, tipping my head back and closing my eyes for a moment, after attending a bunch of patients. My mind quickly raced to the countless responsibilities that still awaited.

Taking a deep breath I looked up and my eyes lingered on my phone, and Liyash's words hit me again. I still had thirty minutes more before twelve.

I picked up my phone and without thinking anything else I dialed Liyash, bringing the phone up to my ears. But he didn't answer and I was greeted with silence. I let out a sigh and hung up as my worry heightened up again. I thought of leaving him a text. Just as I was typing on my keypad someone entered.

I looked up and was greeted by a man in his sixties with round glasses that settled on his nose. He wore a shirt that was a little too tight around his stomach. His smile seemed kind, and he held out his hand for a handshake, coming towards me. I stood up taking his hand. He was not one of my patients and I haven't seen him around either.
"Nice to meet you, son." He said warmly.

"You too. Please have a seat sir." I gestured to the chair, still a little confused.

"I hope you know me, doctor Italian." He said, sitting down.

"No, I don't." I told him.

"You're sitting on my seat, in my office right now."
It took me a second but then it hit. He must be doctor Gopal.
He is doctor Gopal.

"Oh, I'm sorry sir. I didn't know." I said, still not believing that this was him.

"That's okay. We haven't met, so I thought of giving you my vision." He chuckled to himself and I stared at him. He doesn't look like a bad guy or someone whom anybody would hate.
Why are the Singh's behind him?

"Anyways, how's everything? Are you settling well with my people?" He asked.

"Yes, I guess I'm their new favorite." I gave him a slight smile.

"I doubt that." He looked up through the glasses and I shrugged, keeping my expressions straight.

"Well, you know doctor Sarah, right? I want you to treat her a little... nicely. She has been through a lot and I don't want any kind of work stress over her."

"She barely has any night shifts and most of her patients are handled by either me or someone else." I told him, wondering if she would've told him about this.

"I don't know about that, but don't be rude to her doctor Ronan, treat her like you would any other colleague." He said firmly.

"I am nice to her, besides she isn't aware of some things that I have to tell her." I argued, sitting back on my chair.

"I know." He paused, taking a breath and continued, "Okay, listen, If she makes some kind of mistake, then you have the full right to do anything. But otherwise, she's a human too."
I opened my mouth to argue back but decided to shut up. He is not the right person to fight with.

"Okay." I replied simply, clenching my jaw. Be nicer to her but not for her mistakes. Okay, I know exactly what to do with that little liar now.

"And if there's anything you need, any help or support, don't hesitate to ask me." He said.

"Yes sure, Gopal sir." I shook my head.

"I should probably leave now, see you later, doctor Italian." He stood up to leave and held his hand out again.

"It's Ronan." I said, but he chuckled and went out, closing the door behind him.

I'm not so sure about him now after our conversation. He seems like an innocent man or maybe acts like it.

But what if he is hiding something. I have to know the answers and I know exactly who had it. My eyes lingered over to Doctor Sarah's office through my window, seeing her talking to her patients on her table.
Coming for you Stella.

Nikhil entered my office again, reminding me to go for the conference.

"Let's go, doctor Ronan." He said, and we left my office going towards the elevator, the conference room was on the ninth floor.

Once we arrived at the conference room, I gathered my thoughts and took a deep breath. We entered the room and I chuckled after seeing the look on Nikhil's face when he saw a few young boys sitting around a long table.

"What happened, Nikhil?" I teased, giving a light slap on his back.

"Nothing. I'm good Ronan, let's start." He said, nervously and my lips lifted up in a grin.

They all greeted us and after my introduction I went on to explain the schedule, expectations, and projects for them. The session wrapped up with Nikhil answering their questions.

"Great job, man." I patted Nikhil again.

"Thank you, next time I'll be with you only for the girl interns." He said.

"Okay, sure." I replied and moved back to my office.

I was walking towards the OT to check on the ongoing surgery when a body hit my chest, and she stumbled back. It was doctor Sarah. Is she always drunk? I thought to myself.

"Sorry, doctor. I was just going to my office to get a file." She stuttered.

"Watch where you're going." I told her sternly and continued my way further.

"Excuse me, doctor Ronan?" Her voice made me pause again and I looked back, cocking an eyebrow.

"Uh... nothing sorry." She trailed off, a sense of unease in her eyes and went inside her office leaving me standing there, confused.

She has been acting weird since the day her friend came down. She now either tries to avoid me or tries to speak something but then trails off. I wonder if she knows, I was the one who saved her that day.
I shook my head, frustrated and focused on the work.

I entered the OT, inspecting the work of other surgeons there and giving them a little help.
Hours passed, and I worked alongside my colleagues with singular focus, our hands moving in together as we tried to save the patient's life.
Finally the surgery ended well and I breathed a sigh of relief. I left the operation theater after washing up and changing my scrubs, feeling exhausted yet pleased. I went to my office to gather my stuff and go back home as my shift was over. It was nearly eight.

I picked up my phone and thought about Liyash. There was a missed call from him, but I thought of dealing with it after reaching home. I came out of the office, rushing towards the elevator and saw doctor Sarah standing there too, waiting for the lift to come up.

Our eyes met but she suddenly turned her face away, trying to avoid eye contact. The elevator dinged and I waited for her to enter first but she turned away and said, "I'll take the other elevator."

She tried to move away but I held her hand, yanking her back into the open elevator. "That elevator is not for staff."

She gasped and stumbled back in but stood there in silence. I pressed the button for the ground floor and the elevator descended.

I felt her eyes watching me as we both stood there in silence. I tried to hide my smirk which lifted up my lip. I hate the effect she has on me and that's why I'm rude to her. I don't want any distractions between my work and the time I was in India.

The elevator stopped at the ground floor and I waited for her to step out first, following behind her. She speed walked towards the exit, clutching her bag in her hands tightly.

I walked behind her too, moving towards the parking lot. My eyes widened with a little surprise when I saw her rushing towards the black jeep which shined under the moonlight near my car.

She quickly unlocked her car and before settling in I called behind her.

"So you've got a taste, huh?" I said, stalking towards her. She looked at me confused.

"This is yours?" I asked, jerking my chin at her jeep. She nodded a little uneasiness in her eyes.

"I'm amazed actually." I said, crossing my arms.


"I'm amazed that you didn't make a mistake choosing the right car." I breathed a laugh and she gave me a half smile. I sensed her uneasiness again, but stopped myself from asking anything and moved towards my car door, ignoring her eyes.

I opened the driver's side door, but just when I was about to sit, she called out,"Uh... excuse me, doctor, Ronan." Her voice made me pause.

"I wanted to tell-" she trailed off trying to say something.

"Tell me what?" I walked towards her with my arms folded. She took a breath and finally muttered. "Doctor, I'm so sorry. I know you were the one who saved me and I told you my made up name. I was drunk and nervous and I swear, If I knew-"

"You're forgiven, Stella." I cut her in, already knowing her words. "What? I-I mean, really?" She asked, looking confused.

"Yes, I understand that people forget their names when they're drunk and don't want to reveal their identity to the person who helps them." I said in sarcasm.

"No, doctor, I'm sorry. I'm actually sorry. I know I became a-"

"A little selfish? I know, but that's okay. I forgive you." I interrupted her again.

"Thank you, but I was not being selfish, sir." She protested.

"Okay, yeah, little liar." I scoffed and went back to the driver's side of my car.

"I'm not a liar." She uttered and I gave her a look, before turning back.

"Okay maybe, I was." She said, taking her words back.
Good girl. My lips curled into a smile as I walked towards the driver's seat.

"And by the way thank you sir, for that day." She muttered from behind as I opened the door of my car again.

"See you tomorrow, Stella." I blinked at her before sitting inside my car.

I pulled away from the hospital's parking area, taking one last look at her from my rear view mirror. She still looked miserable as always, but a little relieved.

I sighed, turning left from the hospital road, taking the road to my house.

I knew she was worried about something else, it was one of the things in her mind that she said. Maybe that lifted a little weight over her shoulders, but I'm glad she said it.

I never actually forgive that little liar, I needed a better apology someday or soon.
And I think...
Messing up with Stella a little wouldn't mind much. A little distraction is good. Besides I needed something to perk me up, something that would give me the boost I needed. The thought of her dancing under my orders seems fun, and I couldn't help but smirk, thinking of all those things I'd do to her.

I turned the radio on, The hills by the weekend played. I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel along the beats forgetting everything.

I reached my building, parked my car and took the elevator. I rushed to my apartment, reminding myself again about Liyash.

I pushed the door open after putting in the key. My feet hit something as I stepped in, a black box. I pinched my eyebrows together in confusion. How'd someone get in and leave this at my house?

I picked up the box and my eyes widened with shock when I saw a gun inside it with a note that said, "make him dead or see her dead."



Thank you for reading ♡♡
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See ya...♡

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