Magix Ultra

By inky2556

6.9K 238 110

A mysterious ultrawoman crash lands in the Land of Light and wakes up with no memory of who she is or where s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Notice of Hiatus
Chapter 25
Side story #1 Pt1
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 24

238 7 13
By inky2556

Chiara's reunion with the new generation and Zero was put on hold when the ruins of her old home became well, even more ruined. The ground shaking as a result of Zero landing in his giant size made the already unstable husk of the destroyed mansion give out and crumbled all the way through.

Zero of course apologised for it. However, she told it him it was fine. She didn't hold it against him since it was a place that only held painful memories. Although she was vague about her feelings for the place,she couldn't help looking a little heartbroken seeing it completely go down.

Since the grounds of her old home were unstable, they all decided to head back to the winx's lodging.

"Alright, everything's all set. I booked a few rooms for you guys on the same floor as ours. Since you're the only girl, you'll be staying here with us Asahi. I hope you don't mind." Said Chiara. For the duration of their trip to Aeros, the winx booked a spacious suite that fit all seven winx members with the addition of Asahi. Luckily, the rooms near them were vacant or else, the guys would have to crash on the couch and floor.

Currently,they were all gathered in the winx's room to discuss the matter at hand. After getting introductions out of the way, they got straight to business.

"Wait, if Argant can stretch her powers and reach you guys all the way in another universe, then why would she make us, especially Chiara, go through the trouble of returning to Aeros? Couldn't she just go inside your head anytime anywhere?" Bloom questioned.

The fact that while the dragon was busy pulling Chiara out of reality and showing her a lot of messed up stuff, she also somehow managed to cross through the multiverse and aid the ultras as well as have a little talk with Zero.

"I think it's because Aeros, particularly the Axilla tree located on my family land, was a place she cherished so much as well as her final resting place. Not only that, that tree is the only thing left from her battle with Armadus all those years ago. It acts as some sort of link to the past that Argant showed me." Chiara explained.

"Speaking about the past, you're saying that Argant and Armadus were lovers. But then Nera tore them apart to the point where they ended up killing each other."

"Now that Nera has resurrected him, the multiverse is going to be thrown into chaos once he regains his power. Is there really no way to save him?" The question came from Sho.

He wasn't the only one that thought of that. Truthfully, Armadus was and is still a victim of Nera's treachery. However, was there anything left of the real Armadus?

The entire thing was sad and messed up in her opinion. Not only because of how it led to Argant and Armadus killing one another. But because, according to the history of her home realm, millions died in the war of Light and Darkness. Although Argant didn't say it, but everything she was shown fits that piece of faded history.

Chiara clenched her fist in a vice grip. All this....All this because Nera was being a spoiled brat.

"Actually,I don't know. But if even Argant couldn't get through to him then how can we?" Chiara answered. And could Armadus really live with himself knowing that he killed so many innocents? Including Argant who ultimately died from the injuries inflicted upon her by Armadus.

"So now we have to get to this thing called a Shadow Spark before they do." Said Katsumi

"And it's in the universe where you...where you..." Flora couldn't bring herself to finish.

"'s alright, honest. Today has shown that I can't run away from my problems forever." Chiara said with an assuring smile.

The entire multiverse is on the line so any grievances she has with them needs to be put aside. They're the ones that wronged her. Not the entire universe. That, and she didn't want to be a coward. Chiara was determined to face everything head on.

"Well, if it's like that how about we make battle plans tomorrow? It's late already so we shoul get some supper before going to bed." Aisha suggested.

"Right,I'll order some take out. While we wait, tell us more about all the things you guys do as giants of light. Emphasis on the word giant. Something Chiara forgot to mention to us." Said Stella as she playfully glared at the fairy of light.

As they did so, Chiara excused herself to the balcony to enjoy the cold winter air of Aeros. As her hands rested on the cold railings, deep in thought, a hand all of a sudden touched her shoulder. Unlike similarly previous encounters, she merely placed her hand on his and turned around.

"Ya know, I always got the feeling that Argant told you more then you let on."

"What makes you say that?"

"Like I said, just a feeling."

Zero then joined Chiara at her side. He had been awfully quiet throughout everything and she wondered if he was sick. Without warning, he suddenly took her hand in his. The action made her flinch with the electricity that sparked through her hand. She turned around so fast she could've gotten whiplash.


"Mirror Knight told me I should..." Zero trailed off.

"Mirror Knight?" Now it was his turn to be flustered.

"Gaaah! Why is this so hard?!" He turned his back to her and did whatever frustrated act he was doing out of her view.

"...If this is about what I said right before Argant took me back then I'm sorry."

Zero halted. She-she was sorry? Sorry for her own feelings? Before he could get a word in she continued,

"The truth is I've liked you for a long time. I tried to ignore it because I was scared and also because I already got my heart crushed once. But then...then Armadus said you were gone..."

"If me confessing like that troubled you then I'm deeply sorry. When I said I liked you I never expected you to like me back. I jus-"

"Who says I don't like you." He suddenly spoke.


Zero spun around and took a step closer.

"Just what makes you think I won't ever like you?" He questioned with a hint of frustration in his tone.

"Well...I don't know if you know this but I'm not the only girl who likes you. There are tons of ultrawomen in the Space Garrison and the Land of Light that fawn all over you and they're not so subtle about it either. But you've never once look their way so why would I be any different? Besides, what do I have anyway other than my Dragon's Spark?"

Zero exe has stopped. Rebooting. Ding! Reboot complete.

"Oh come on! What do you have? What do you have?!"

"You're kind, you're brave, you're so freaking intelligent you could work at the Science and Technology Bureau,you have an unwavering spirit and if I had to the list everything down it would take dozens of datapads! So what if I don't look at other girls? You're the first one to-to..."

His colour lamp began flashing red and beeping at a low volume. But it wasn't from lack of energy. Zero pointed a finger at it to get his point across.

"This! You're the first one to make THIS happen to me! And if it's still not clear to then let me make this clear." He took another step closer until he was towering over her and looked her straight in the eyes

"...I like you too. And if you're still second guessing all of it because of what that chicken wing did to you then don't. I'll go through another 20000 years of training in tector gear with Master Leo if I lied about anything I said."

After a moment passed following Zero's own heartfelt confession, tears suddenly welled up in her violet eyes. And then she smiled. Then she giggled. He didn't know whether to be worried or to be relieved.

"Is this how it feels when your crush genuinely likes you back? It feels nice." She said while wiping away her light tears.

"I'll hold you on that promise, Zero."

His own smile formed as he let out a laugh. Things were looking good between them.


Inside, the others, who were shamelessly watching their friends special moment, squirmed, fist bumped and even shook each other.

"Finally, those two did it." Said Gai while taking a sip of hot chocolate.

"I'm so happy for them!" Asahi exclaimed excitedly.

"I'm ultra happy too!"

"Hey, we may not know the entire story but getting to know you guys and seeing your reactions tells us he's all good." Came Tecna.

"He kinda reminds me of Riven with that bad boy attitude. But Zero's more well behaved. No offense Musa." Aisha added.

"None taken."

"The foods already here. Should we call them?" Asked Flora.

"We want to but...those two are still having a moment out there." Daichi said awkwardly.

"No problem. Just open up all the pizza boxes and we can guarantee you Chiara will be the first one to come running in." Bloom chimed.

"The withches of Cloud Tower can attest to that. They tried hexing all the food during an Alfea fairies and Cloud Tower witches gathering. Let's just say that since then, they always run for the hills whenever they run into her in Magix."

Collectively, they all shared a laugh at the new info for the ultras and the memory for the winx.

The girls weren't wrong though. After opening just one box of pizza, the sliding doors of the balcony slid open and in came Chiara. Atleast she didn't forget to drag Zero along with her.


By the suggestion of a dear friend of mine, I was able to create a digital image of Chiara using AI. Thanks to it, I don't have to worry about my terrible art skills.

So here she is dear readers,

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