Meerasim Ki Dunya

Από FWriter3247

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What if Meerab and Murtasim always had feelings for each other but kept them hidden because they were both un... Περισσότερα

Chapter 1. Meerab
Chapter 2. Murtasim
Chapter 3. Graduation
Chapter 4. Promise
Chapter 5. Making Amends
Chapter 6. Apology
Chapter 7. Engagement
Chapter 8. A Turn Of Events
Chapter 9. NIKAH
Chapter 10. Wedding Night
Chapter 11. At The Village
Chapter 12. Reactions
Chapter 13. Heart Attack
Chapter 14. Love Of Your Life
Chapter 15. Discussions
Chapter 15. Discussions (2)
Chapter 16. The Family Jewels
Chapter 17. Jealousy & Greed
Chapter 18. Sanjeeda Faisla
Chapter 19. Walima
Chapter 20. Matters of the Heart
Chapter 21. Lost
Chapter 22. Found
Chapter 23. A New Beginning
Chapter 24. Guilt
Chapter 26: Care
Chapter 27: Fear

Chapter 25. Worry

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Από FWriter3247

Murtasim strode purposefully towards the imposing Malik residence, the gravel path beneath his boots crunching with each determined step. The building's grandeur loomed before him, its towering arches and intricate carvings casting long, ominous shadows that seemed to dance in the daylight.

He pushed open the massive, intricately carved wooden door, and it groaned ominously on its hinges. As the door swung open, the heavy scent of aged wood and the faint aroma of incense greeted him, setting an eerie backdrop to the impending confrontation. Murtasim entered the cavernous grand hall, where heavy, velvet drapes hung from the windows, casting a rich, crimson hue over the room. In the center, an opulent chair sat in its glory, occupied by none other than. Malik Mukhtar.

Malik Mukhtar, adorned in traditional attire, looked up from his contemplative state, a mixture of surprise and curiosity in his eyes. He folded his hands, his fingertips just grazing his salt-and-pepper beard, which gave him an air of distinguished authority. "What brings you here, Murtasim?" he inquired with a voice that exuded a sense of authority, though thinly veiled with potential hostility.

Murtasim, unfazed by the intimidating surroundings, advanced with a solemn gaze locked onto Malik Mukhtar. His voice was unyielding, and he spared no words. "You know why I'm here," he said, the words resonating with unwavering determination. "Your son and his men abducted my wife, Meerab. She was taken against her will, and they mentioned your name. I demand answers."

As the tension in the room thickened, Murtasim's right-hand man, Bakhtu, stood by his side, his eyes as sharp as a hawk's, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. Along with Bakhtu, a couple of Murtasim's trusted guards flanked him, their expressions unwavering, their presence a testament to the gravity of the situation.

Before Murtasim could respond, the door to the grand hall swung open with a resounding thud, and Malik Zubair stormed in. His face was flushed with anger, his eyes burning with a volatile intensity that threatened to ignite the room. His hand instinctively reached for the concealed weapon tucked in his waistband, its hilt gleaming with perilous intent.

Murtasim's senses were on high alert, and he reacted with lightning speed. His fingers wrapped around the grip of his own weapon, the cold metal comforting in his palm. The room hung in a tense, breathless moment, the clash of wills palpable. Then, as the room teetered on the edge of chaos, Malik Zubair pulled the trigger.

The deafening gunshot echoed through the hall, and the bullet struck Murtasim, sending a searing shockwave of pain through his body. His cry filled the room as he staggered backward, his blood staining his clothes and pooling beneath his feet.

Malik Zubair's aim, distorted by his blazing anger, spared Murtasim from a fatal shot. The bullet struck him in the shoulder, tearing through flesh and muscle, but sparing his life. Murtasim's pain was excruciating, but his resolve remained unbroken.

Despite the searing pain, Murtasim's training and instincts took over. He squeezed the trigger of his own weapon, and a single shot rang out, striking Malik Zubair in the chest.

As he gasped for breath, Malik Zubair's eyes widened with disbelief, and his hand released its grip on the weapon. His crimson blood began to seep through his clothing, staining the fine fabric in stark contrast to the ornate surroundings.

Malik Mukhtar, who had been an unwilling spectator to this sudden and violent exchange, sat frozen in his chair. Horror and fear intermingled in his eyes, and the weight of the consequences of this confrontation hung heavily in the room's opulent air.

The grand hall, which had been the epicenter of tension and confrontation, now lay in eerie stillness, save for the ragged breathing of the wounded. Murtasim, clutching his bleeding shoulder, fought to remain upright, while Malik Zubair lay on the floor, gasping for breath, his life slipping away with every heartbeat.

Malik Mukhtar, his face a mask of shock and disbelief, finally found his voice amidst the turmoil. His words, a trembling yet resolute command, cut through the air, igniting urgency within the opulent walls.

"Get the men, call for help!" Malik Mukhtar ordered in a voice that rang through the ornate hall. His orders set a flurry of activity into motion, as loyal servants rushed to action. They knew the gravity of the situation, and they acted swiftly.

The grand doors of the residence were flung open, revealing a world beyond the opulence. Malik Mukhtar's servants, in a choreographed display of efficiency, began making calls. Their voices resonated with an almost musical urgency as they summoned a team of men who would be tasked with transporting the ailing Malik Zubair to the nearest medical facility.

In the midst of this organized chaos, hidden from the commotion in the grand hall, Murtasim's right-hand man, Bakhtu, and his guards moved with purpose. Their actions were swift and discreet, guided by an unspoken understanding of the gravity of the situation.

Bakhtu, a pillar of strength and vigilance, took the lead. With practiced finesse, he guided Murtasim through a side door that led to the serene courtyard, washed in the intense light of the noon sun. The ancient stone walls that framed the courtyard stood as silent witnesses to the unfolding drama.

In this brief respite, Murtasim leaned against a weathered stone wall, his face etched with the lines of pain, his eyes reflecting a deep resolve.

The wounded Murtasim knew that time was of the essence. Every passing second could spell danger. Bakhtu, a man of quick thinking and unwavering loyalty, spoke in hushed, urgent tones to Murtasim. "We must leave now, Maalik, before they return."

With Bakhtu's assistance, Murtasim managed to regain his footing. Every step was a painful endeavor, sending waves of agony through his wounded shoulder. But the group, moving slipped away from the opulent Malik residence, settling inside their cars as they made their way towards the Khan Haveli in the village.

In a room adorned with heavy drapes and well-worn furniture, Mayi sat beside the antique telephone, her eyes consumed by worry and fear. The room exuded an eerie stillness, the air thick with anticipation as the recent events hung like a dark cloud over her thoughts.

The wall clock, its ornate hands moving with excruciating slowness, seemed to resonate with the room's heavy atmosphere, its relentless ticking amplifying the weight of the wait.

Then, finally, a resounding ring shattered the silence, sending a jolt through Mayi's heart. She seized the receiver, its cool, smooth surface a stark contrast to her trembling hands. Her voice wavered as she engaged in the conversation with Murtasim's loyal messenger.

Their words were terse, punctuated by a grave sense of urgency. Mayi's face, once etched with anxiety, now bore the marks of somber understanding. The room, once draped in stillness, seemed to close in on her as she listened.

After the brief conversation, Mayi gently placed the receiver back in its cradle, its echoing click resonating like the closing of a heavy door. The room, now shrouded in a deeper silence, was filled with the heavy realization of the message she had just received.

With a heart weighed down by the gravitas of the news, Mayi turned to face Haya and Meerab, who sat in the adjoining living room. Their expressions ranged from anticipation to dread, mirroring the spectrum of emotions that had coursed through Mayi.

Taking a deep breath, Mayi began to convey the devastating news, her voice quivering with raw emotion. "I just received a phone call about Khan." Her words were measured, yet heavy with a sense of impending tragedy. "Khan ko goli lagi hai bibiji."

Haya, her heart divided between concern and the persistent ember of jealousy, absorbed the news with a conflicted expression. She felt a twinge of satisfaction in seeing Meerab's anguish, a complex cocktail of emotions that underscored the depth of her own unspoken feelings.

Meerab, on the other hand, felt her world crumble around her. The news of Murtasim's injury was a devastating blow that sent her into a state of emotional turmoil. Her tears welled up, mirroring the torrent of love and concern she held for the man she had yet to fully admit her feelings for. "What? No, it can't be true," she whispered, her voice trembling with worry. The weight of the revelation hung heavily upon her, making it hard to breathe. In that moment, she grappled with the overwhelming fear that had descended upon her heart.


As they made their way back to the Khan Mansion, the sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, golden glow over the surrounding landscape. The car's interior was dimly lit, and the rhythmic hum of the engine provided a sense of solace to Murtasim amidst the searing pain in his shoulder.

Bakhtu, always the pillar of support, reached for his phone, his fingers moving with practiced precision as he dialed a number etched in his memory—a lifeline in times of crisis. The recipient, a trusted physician known for discretion and swift response, was the kind of ally one sought in situations demanding urgent medical attention.

The physician's voice, calm and measured, resonated through the car's speaker as Bakhtu explained the dire circumstances. He provided meticulous details about Murtasim's gunshot wound, the urgency of the situation palpable in his low and urgent tone. The physician, understanding the gravity of the situation, assured Bakhtu that he would make his way to the Khan Mansion with the utmost haste.

The Khan Mansion loomed ahead as they finally arrived, bathed in the soft light of the setting sun. Murtasim, still wracked with pain, couldn't help but feel a profound sense of relief wash over him. His yearning for this familiar and secure place was not solely due to the medical attention he required. It was also because the woman he loved, Meerab, resided here. The thought of seeing her, the woman who held the key to his heart, provided a glimmer of solace amid the chaos and uncertainty that had marked their day.

With a sense of trepidation, the grand doors of the Khan Mansion swung open, revealing the opulence within. The small entourage made their way inside. Bakhtu, the unwavering right-hand man, was a steadfast support for Murtasim, who continued to bear the agonizing pain in his shoulder.

While the Khan Mansion's interior exuded grandeur and familiarity, it was also charged with tension. Guards stationed themselves outside, ever watchful and ready to protect their leader should the need arise.

Inside, a palpable sense of anxiety hung in the air. Meerab, who had been anxiously awaiting their return, had her heart in her throat as she rushed from the depths of the mansion. Her eyes widened with a mix of relief and concern as she spotted Murtasim, his face etched with pain, being assisted by Bakhtu.

Without hesitation, Meerab approached her husband, her hands trembling as she gently cupped his face, her eyes reflecting a potent mix of worry and love. Her voice, laced with emotion, quivered as she spoke "Murtasim, you're hurt."

Murtasim managed a weak but reassuring smile, despite the pain. His gaze, unwavering and filled with deep affection, locked onto Meerab. "I'm here, Meerab. I'll be alright."

Meerab, her eyes glistening with tears, nodded, her heart flooded with relief. "We'll take care of you," she affirmed, her voice carrying a newfound depth of love and devotion.

With Bakhtu's strong and steady support, Murtasim was gently led to his room, a sanctuary of safety in the Khan Mansion. The room, bathed in a soft, dim light, held the familiarity of countless nights of rest. Murtasim, though still wracked by pain, felt a wave of calm wash over him as he settled into the comforting embrace of his own bed.

In swift response to Bakhtu's call, the physician arrived, carrying his black medical bag, a repository of healing in times of need. The room was adorned with a soothing ambiance, and Meerab, her concern etched across her face, stood unwaveringly by her husband's side. Her eyes never wavered from Murtasim's face, her gaze an anchor in the sea of turmoil.

With the methodical precision of a seasoned healer, the physician got to work. He examined Murtasim's gunshot wound, his gloved hands moving with a gentle but expert touch. As he worked, Meerab remained a silent but vigilant presence, her unwavering support resonating in every gesture.

The physician, a man of reassuring professionalism, delivered his diagnosis and treatment plan with a calm and steady demeanor. "You're fortunate, Khan, that the bullet didn't cause more damage. With proper care, you'll heal well," he assured, his voice imbued with the quiet confidence of experience.

Meerab, her hands trembling as she held a damp cloth, couldn't help but voice her concern. She watched her husband with a mixture of love and worry. "How did this happen, Murtasim? Who did this to you?"

Murtasim's brow furrowed slightly, his thoughts drifting back to the intense confrontation at the Malik residence. "It was Malik Zubair who pulled the trigger. He couldn't bear the fact that he'd been cornered, and I had gone there to confront him about what he did to you, Meerab," he explained, frustration coloring his words.

Meerab's eyes widened with a combination of surprise and fear. "Oh my God. Allah ka shukar hai that the wound isn't fatal. But you shouldn't have gone there, Murtasim."

Murtasim's gaze softened as he reached out to gently touch her cheek, his fingers a reassuring caress against her skin. "I would do anything to protect you, Meerab, no matter the cost. And I knew that if I didn't act, the consequences would have been much worse."

The depth of their feelings for each other was unspoken but palpable, a silent understanding that transcended words.

With his work complete, the physician took his leave, promising a follow-up examination in the near future. The room descended into a more peaceful silence, leaving Murtasim and Meerab alone, their hands naturally finding each other and intertwining.

Meerab, her eyes dancing with a playful twinkle, leaned in to plant a gentle kiss on Murtasim's injured shoulder. Her lips brushed his bandaged skin in a tender caress, a silent affirmation of her love that spoke volumes.

Despite the pain, Murtasim couldn't help but chuckle softly. "If getting shot means I'll receive kisses from you, Meerab, I might be tempted to get shot every day."

Meerab blushed, a soft rosy hue gracing her cheeks. "You don't need to get shot for that," she whispered, her voice filled with affection. She leaned in to kiss him again, this time on his cheek, her love and devotion expressed through her tender actions. In the room's cocoon of intimacy and healing, the unspoken bond between them had transformed into an undeniable force of love and strength.

Amid the tender moments they shared, the room's atmosphere brimmed with affection and longing. Murtasim, seeking solace in Meerab's presence, inched closer with the intention to kiss her gently, further deepening the unspoken connection that had silently flourished between them.

Just as their lips hovered on the brink of uniting, the tranquility was rudely disrupted. The door creaked open, and Haya entered, her arrival akin to an unforeseen storm amidst an otherwise peaceful day. Her eyes, which often concealed a mix of bitterness and jealousy, now held a piercing concern.

"Murtasim, how are you? Is the pain too much?" she inquired, her voice a mix of anxiety for his well-being.

Murtasim, exasperated by her intrusion, disregarded her question and addressed her breach of etiquette. "Haya, don't you possess the courtesy to knock?"

Haya, her initial concern replaced by a blend of disgust and jealousy, retorted with a hint of disdain. "I only came to check on you, Murtasim. Maa Begum was worried during her phone call, par yahan tou kuch aur hi chal raha hai." Her words were laden with insinuation, and the realization of what had been transpiring left a bitter taste in her mouth.

Haya's words held a tone of bitter resignation as she decided to make her exit. "You guys carry on, I'll let Maa Begum know how her son is doing," she retorted before storming out of the room, leaving behind the resounding slam of the door as a testament to her frustration and the unresolved tension that lingered in the air.

With Haya's abrupt departure, the room was left in an uneasy silence. The atmosphere, once charged with an intimate connection between Meerab and Murtasim, had now been irrevocably altered. The unspoken desires and emotions that had hung in the air moments ago were replaced by a palpable tension, their interaction disrupted by an intrusion they had not anticipated.


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