Y/N the Creator (Alphatale Fa...

By DynamicCiocea

46.5K 1.3K 874

An Undertale fan gets reincarnated into the Alphatale Multiverse. Will they use the knowledge gathered from t... More

1: CORE!Frisk
2: The God of the Multiverse
3: Upgrades
4: The 'Bad' Sanses
5: The star Sanses
6: Gang Activities
7: Ghost Pranks
8: Y/Ntastrophe Part-1
9: Y/Ntastrophe Part-2
10: Omni
11: Brothers Reunion
12: Alphatale Reunion
13: Goodbyes
14: The King of the Multiverse
15: Training
16: Multiversal Adventures
17: Recovering
18: Power
19: The Deal
20: Rampage
21: Y/NMageddon Part-1
22: Y/NMageddon Part-2
23: Return
24: Chaos
26: Chocoholic
27: Date?
28: New Underground
29: Unexpected arrival
30: Tournament
31: Tournament Part-2
32: Tournament Part-3
33: Tournament Part-4
34: Relaxing
35: Mistake
36: Connection
37: Undertale
38: Christmas
39: Creation

25: Party

911 30 35
By DynamicCiocea

A week past with Y/N spending most of his time in StoryShift #532, although he still went back to Nightmare's Castle at night, when he didn't accidentally fall asleep on Chara's couch.

He whould also go back and spend some time with the 'bad' Sanses from time to time, but most of his time was spent on patrols with Chara.


I was walking with Chara around Snowdin's forest as I remembered something.

"Hey, Chara." I called as she looked back with a questioning look.

"S-So, the 'bad' Sanses are hosting a party at Nightmare's Castle. They want to calm everyone down from the recent events, since the balance is too much on the negative side." I explained as she stared at me. I looked in her red eyes and took a deep breath.

"A-And, I was wondering if you wanna go with me." I finished as her face lit up.

"I'd love to." She said as she gave me a hug.

"So, when is the party? I'll finally get to see some alternative versions of myself." She asked excited.

"W-Well, the party starts tomorow at 3 pm. And there will mostly be Sanses there, but maybe some Charas will participate too." I explained as she stared at the trees, deep in tought.

I gave her a chocolate bar and she started munching on it as we started walking towards the Sentry Post.

Temskip (Brought to you by Y/N and Chara lazing around all day.)

The time for the party finally came as we said our goodbyes to Azzy. We just told him that Chara will show me around the underground, so we'll probably be home in a few hours.

We took a shortcut to the end of Snowdin, so no one could see us enter a literal Wormhole.

As we got there, I summoned the Wormhole after checking to see if there is anyone around us.

"Are you ready?" I asked as I held my hand out.

"Yea" She responded as she took my hand and dragged me into the Wormhole.

As we got to the other side, we appeared in front of Nightmare's Castle.

We entered the Castle and were suddenly in the throne room. I guess Nightmare changed the layout of the rooms for this event.

There were all kinds of Sanses in the room and in the far back stood a grinning KM on Nightmare's Throne.

Near the throne, I saw DanceTale Sans playing the music. I guess he's the DJ.

I looked around and saw a lot of familiar faces. Everyone was here, Classic, Fell, Blue, Outer, Epic, CORE and a lot more. Except Dream. He probably couldn't handle the negative emotions here.

Even Geno was there, but his eye wasn't glitching, so he was probably from a timeline where he left the loading screen with the help of some monster food.

I then looked at Chara as she stared at the wide variety of Sanses.

"T-They all look so much like the king....." She mumbled as she looked around.

"Yea." I said as I spotted a skeleton in pink.

"Ugh.... not him...." I muttered as Chara looked at me confused.

"See that skeleton in pink that's flirting with everyone. Just.... don't go near him. That's Lust from LustTale. I think you already get the idea from his name." I explained as she nodded.

"Cmon' let's go get some snacks." I said as I dragged her towards the wide variety of foods laid on a side table. There was even a chocolate fountain.

As we got closed, I spotted a familiar face. Horror was stuffing his face with all kind of foods as the Shadow Papyruses were constantly bringing in food.

"Hey, Horror." I greeted and chuckled at him.

"Y/N, you're finally here. And that must be....." He said as Chara interrupted him.

"Chara, nice to meet you." She said as she held out a hand.

Horror grinned and went to accept the handshake, but I stopped him. He looked at me confused as I stared at the joy buzzer hidden in his palm.

"Horror, she's human. She'll pass out from that." I said as I sighed.

He quickly took it off and hid it in his pocket.

"Oh, sorry about that. Kinda forgot how humans react to those." He apologized as he shook her hand.

As they're hands parted, Horror's hand was covered in ketchup. He licked it and smirked.

"Guess I should have expected that." He said as he began stuffing his face with food.... again.

I sighed and took a few chocolate bars, handing some to Chara and eating one myself.

"So, where are the others?" I asked as he grinned.

"You'll see soon enough." He said, not looking me in the eyes.

I sighed looked beside me, only to find noone. Chara disappeared.

As I scanned the room, I found her with a group of Charas chatting at a bar.

I smiled and looked at KM.

"So, what was Nightmare's reaction to KM's sudded takeover of the throne." I asked as he chuckled.

"He tried grabbing him with his tentacles, but he suddenly fell to his knees. We began laughing and he started chasing us all around the Castle." He explained as I smiled, imagining the encounter.

A sudden poof sound could be heard behind me. I turned around and stared at the one and only.... Fresh.

During my training period with the 'bad' Sanses, I encountered most of the influential figures of this Multiverse, including Fresh.

"Yo, wassup muh Creator broski?" He asked, balancing himself on his skateboard.

"Hello, Fresh. How did you even recognize me? I'm not in my skeleton form." I asked as he smirked.

"How could I not recognize mah super rad skelebro. So, you rememba our bet? Seems like I won." He said, grinning as he looked towards Chara.

I sighed and created an exclusive furby.

"Here...." I said, crossing my arms.

He took it and quickly skated away towards Fell, probably to annoy him.

I then turned back to Horror, who was munching on a big piece of meat.

"What about the Alphatale brothers? Are they comming?" I asked as he seemed to think about it. That hole in his skull affected his memory a bit, so he sometimes had a hard time remembering stuff.

"I think they said they'll be arriving later in the evening." He answered as I just nodded.

"Alright, I guess I'll go look around for a bit. See you around." I said as he nodded and gave me the whidest grin, which made me feel uneasy towards what they planned.

I walked around for a bit until I spotted the last person I expected to see here.

"Hello, Ink." I greeted as he stared at me. I noticed he didn't have his vials anymore.

"Who are you, human? I haven't seen you before in any AU. Are you an anomaly?" He asked as his eye lights turned into question marks.

"It's me, Y/N. Soo, how's the new soul?" I asked as he stared at me in disbelief.

"C-Creator? T-Thank you for the soul and for s-stopping me. I was foolish and didn't listen to them. A-And in the end, I became a puppet...." He said, staring at the ground as his eye lights began to fade.

"Hey, hey it's alright. I guess it's kinda my fault too. I sould have been more careful with the Unnameable, but it's over now. So just enjoy life and keep the blance." I said as he nodded.

"So, why are you a human now?" He asked as his eye lights turned back into red question marks.

"About that....." I tried explaining as I felt someone pull my hoodie.

I looked back to see Chara and Ink looked even more confused now.

"Chara, this is Ink, the protector of AUs." I said as I introduced Ink.

"Greetings." She greeted as Ink gave a handshake, grinning as he cought on to the situation.

"So, that's why you're hum-" He tried saying, but I quickly snapped my fingers and his mouth disappeared as Chara giggled.

"So, Chara how were the other Charas?" I asked as she seemed to think for a bit.

"Pretty much like me, but unique in they're own way." She said as I gave Ink his mouth back.

"So, Ink. Why are you here?" I asked as he crossed his arms.

"It's not like I wanted to come. Blue kept on bugging me as I eventually gave in. And, I guess I want to know what happened after the whole 'Unnameable' incident." He said, pouting as both me and Chara giggled at his reaction.

"Yea, about that. Horror said they were planning something. I wonder wha-" I said as I was interrupted by a loud booming sound.

I saw the ground elevate a bit in front of KM's stairs, though he was still higher.

Nightmare formed from some goo and gave a glare to KM before his voice rang through the entire room.

"Hello, everyone. Thank you for coming. I hope you enjoyed the party so far. Now we'll explain the recent events that shook the entire Multiverse." He said as Dust, Cross and Killer appeared behind him.

I then felt a skeleton hand on my shoulder and looked back to see Horror.

"Nightmare told me to ask you to transmit the message through the Multiverse." He said as I nodded and snapped my fingers, creating a hologram screen in all the Multiverses who were aware about AUs.

Nightmare then went on, explaining about Realities and Eden Orbs as nobody dared to doubt him, since The King of The Multiverse stood right behind him.

He explained how Ink was controlled by a higher being and how they almost destroyed the whole Reality trying to stop him. Then he explained how an even bigger threat appeared and glanced at me.

I took the hint and teleported onto the stage. I transformed into my skeleton form in front of everyone and noticed Classic seeming to remember my human form.

I nodded at him as Nightmare began introducing me.

"This is Y/N, a Creator. He's a part of the 'bad' Sanses and the one who stopped the threat. Y/N, if you will." He said as I nodded and made a hologram screen, showing the batte with Ink, Adam and Malware, that I got from William's memories.

I then teleported back to Chara and turned back into my human form as we watched the battle together.

It showed how Adam absorbed all of the Multiverses Souls, which is why most people gathered here, and how Ink transformed into his Inkmation form.

I looked to the side to see Ink shivering. I put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a nod, after which he seemed to calm down.

After they launched they're attacked it showed how M!404 appeared and brought everyone to they're knees.

Then it showed our fight. As it got to the part where M!404 almost killed me, Chara gripped my hand tighter as I pulled her in for a hug, which calmed her a bit.

"Don't forget, I was the one who saved you, kid." Said a floating blob near my head with a smirk.

Chara giggled at this, since I allowed her to see and hear him too, as I just sighed.

I stopped the video before it got to the Edensphere, since that whould cause too much panik.

Nightmare took the stage once again and started explaining bits and pieces here and there.

He began taking questions like this was some kind of press conference, making me chuckle, which resulted in an angry glare from him.

As the questions finally ended, the stage went back into the ground and Nightmare climbed the stairs to talk to KM.

They were whispering, but I still understood what they were talking about.

"You sure this was a good idea?" Ashed Nightmare as he leaned closer to KM.

"They have the right to know...." Said KM as he cought sight of me. He climbed down the stairs to greet me.

"Hey, kid." He greeted as he looked to my side.

Others tried to approach, but they immediately stopped upon realizing the King was talking to me.

"Hello, KM. Do you know where William and the other are?" I asked as he pointed towards the ceiling.

I looked up and saw a stage floating in the air. The whole Alphatale family was there.

"What, did you really think they'd miss your battle? And who might this be?" He asked teasingly, looking at Chara as a smile formed on my face.

"This is Chara." I introduced her as she whispered to my ear.

"This is The King of The Multiverse, right?" She asked as I nodded.

"It's an honor to meet you King of The Multiverse." She said as she bowed slightly.

"If you're Y/N's guest, the honor's all mine." He said with a grind plastered on his face as he winked at me.

My face became bright red as I looked away only to see William and his Chara, with the others behind him, walking towards me.

"Y/N." Greeted William as he looked to my side to see a grinning KM and a Chara.

"Who's this?" He asked as Chara ran up to him, recognising him from the battle.

"I'm Chara. And you're William, God of The Multiverse, right?" She asked as I giggled and looked at the confused William.

"That's right. Are you Y/N's friend, or....." He asked with a smirk as I blushed, giving him the reaction he wanted.

"Yea, I guess you could say that...." She said as she looked away, also blushing. The others smirked and began whispering. They eventually scattered around the room as William went off with his Chara somewhere.

KM walked back to Nightmare's Throne as I took Chara's hand.

"Let's go. I still haven't introduced you to Nightmare and the others." I said as I sensed them near a food buffet.

We walked over to them and, of course. Horror was stuffing his face with food.... again. They're really lucky they have Farmtale....

"Hello, Nightmare." I greeted as he turned to us, seeing who I brought along.

"Hello there, Y/N. Ah, you must be Chara, right? Y/N's told us a lot about you." He said with a grin.

"Oh, did he now?" She asked, looking at me as I struggled not to blush..... again.

"Yes. He keeps talking about you all day long. Chara this, Chara that. I was wondering when he was gonna introduce you to us." He said as the others looked towards us.

"Oh, shut up." I said as I crossed my arms, hiding my blush with illusion magic.

"You're using illusion magic, right?" Asked Nightmare as I stared at him in disbelief.

"H-How....." I asked as he interrupted me.

"You're not blinking." He said as I deactivated the magic and everyone began to laugh.

The others greeted Chara as she greeted them back and they started talking about embarrassing things. I was sure they were doing this on purpose.

And Nightmare was the worst. God, he was acting like a mother who finally had her son bring a girl home.

I couldn't bare it anymore, so I took Chara's hand.

"W-Well, I'll show Chara around the Castle now. See you later!" I said as I rushed through the back door with a giggling and teasing chocoholic behind me.


Words: 2638

A/N: Hello everyone.
Long chapter.....

Next chapter will be a bit more emotional. I'm not so good with those, but I'll try my best!

Longest chapter to date. =)

I hope you liked the chapter. See you soon.

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