Long Way From Home

By Queen-Bunny-Books

7.6K 214 7

This takes place in the 21st century. Paring - David (Lost Boys) x Luna Dwayne (Lost Boys) x Luna Marko (Lo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 7

347 11 1
By Queen-Bunny-Books

Italic The Song 

"Whoa! HEY!" I yelled, pulling away from the giant blond vampire. I glare up at him, "Clothes! Dress your naked ass first!"


"Okay! Here we go!" I drive us to the laundromat, the music picked by Laddie as he holds my phone. It was basically deserted at this time of night but I was happy that it ran well into the early hours of the morning. I got the clothes situated, placing my quarters into the machines and sitting with Laddie by the windows. He leans into my side, bear in his arms as I read him the story. It turned out to be an old book of a collection of Winnie the Pooh stories. Some pages were burnt, torn, missing, but Laddie seemed to be enjoying it.

"Can we get pizza and ice cream?"

"Pizza and Ice cream?!" I ask, not shocked that he was hungry. Laddie nods, smiling up at me, hope in his eyes. I cave easily, grinning down at him. "Okay, but you gotta help me pick out food for the guys too okay? I don't know what they like so you get to pick for them okay?" He nods, helping me fold the clothes and get to the car. Ordering five pizzas, buying two tubs of ice cream, and getting juice for Laddie, we then make the short drive back. Laddie carries his jug of apple juice, bear, and book down to the cave while I carry the pizzas and laundry, the bags of ice cream around both wrists.

"We're back!" Laddie calls, cheerful as he skips to put his things down on his bed.

"I smell pizza!" A naked Paul yells, rushing over.

"Whoa! HEY!" I yelled, pulling away from the giant blond vampire. I glare up at him, "Clothes! Dress your naked ass first!"

Paul smirks as he takes the basket from under the pizzas, leaving the food with me. "Come and get 'em boys!" He passes out the clothes, each boy getting dressed wherever they were. I clear the coffee table, setting the pizza and ice cream down. I had the thought to buy paper bowls, plates and spoons as well. Good thinking. I mentally pat myself on the back for that as Star walks over with her blanket wrapped around her shoulders.

I jump as my phone suddenly blares a Nickelback song. I turn to see Paul with my phone in hand, looking very confused as he glances at me. I sigh, reaching up and taking it from him and hitting pause on my music.

"Awww! Why'd you turn it off?" He pouts, and I roll my eyes.

"Like you even know the songs on here! They haven't even come out yet Paul." I laugh, placing my phone down on the coffee table. Paul snatches it back up, taking a big step away as I try to snag it back.

"All the more reason to listen! It's the voice of the future babes."

I scoff, shaking my head with a laugh. "Sure, don't whine if you hate it though." I grab my laptop, setting it on the table before going to my iTunes. I pull up my music, going to my own playlists I've made myself. I hum, tapping my chin before I spot a song Paul would like. Nickelback of course, 'She Keeps Me Up' starting to play.

"Ooooh!" Paul says, starting to sway to the beat as he hops up on the fountain, eating some pizza as he went. I sit beside Laddie, who had his arms around his bear and was eating his own pizza, Star was beside him, wiping some Pizza from his cheek. I dance a little, only able to move my shoulders and head as I remained seated.

"Dance for me chicka." Paul says, coming to grab my free hand just as I finish a slice. I allow him to pull me up, dusting myself off as I climb onto the fountain with him. The music echoed in the cave, not as loud as his stereo but close enough. I rocked my hips to the beat, still wearing my bikini top with shorts. I held Paul's hand as we danced around the fountain, turning and dodging the chandelier. The night was filled with music, laughter, food, dancing, and sweet words from the boys.

"Luna!" I sprung up in my bed, the cave lit from the daytime as waves crashed a lovely melody from outside. It was yellow and orange, which gave me the feeling that it was early evening, not yet sundown. The reason for my wake called again, Laddie's shrill little voice filled with fear and pain. I sat up, the blanket falling from my shoulders as I turn to see him huddled in his bed, the drapes pulled to lessen the sting of the light.

"Laddie?" I asked, voice raspy as I walked over to his bed. Star was still sleeping soundly, her thin blankets around her shoulders. I pass her, sitting at Laddie's side, blocking the sun from him so he could peak up at me from the blankets. "What's wrong baby?"

"I had a bad dream..."

My chest ached for him, as I remembered how nightmares scared me as a child, especially when I was alone when I woke up. Countless dreams of spiders eating me, things chasing me around. I rub his shoulders, "Do you want to talk about it?" He shakes her head, eyes puffy with tears. "Want to sleep with me?" He nods, and I awe at his cuteness. "Okay, c'mon."

He stumbles after me to the couch, and I move myself up a little, so I am able to lean on the arm of the couch. Laddie crawls on top of me, turning away from the sun and resting his head on my shoulder, tucking his face into my neck. I rub his back, and smile as he clutches his bear. "Okay, let's get you back to sleep."

He lays still for a moment before he looks up at me, "Will you sing to me?"

"Sing?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. I couldn't sing, not nicely anyways. I mean, I would sing little lullabies to my friend's little siblings whenever I would help babysit, but they were always just little infants then. It was always something I loved to do, a mothering instinct I suppose. Laddie nods, hopeful eyes watching me. I cave, nodding my head. "Yeah, I can do that. But I won't promise it'll be good." I chuckle, getting a smile from him. I was glad I was resting in a seated position, because if I was laying down it would be rough to sing with Laddie's weight on my chest. I think for a moment, before I come up with the perfect song.

"Wise men say.

Only fools rush in

But I can't help falling in love with you.

My left hand comes up to brush his hair, my other wrapping around him, pulling my blanket up to cover him. I smiled a little as I feel him relax, his weight getting heavier as he closes his eyes.

Shall I stay?

Would it be a sin?

If I can't help falling in love with you?"

Laddie curls closer to me, making my heart warm as I look out to the opening of the cave, the light falling to a deeper orange.

"Like a river flow

Surely to the sea

Darling, so it goes.

Some things are meant to be.

Take my hand,"

I smile as Laddie grabs my free hand, holding onto it as if it were a lifeline. I squeeze it three times, a thing my family have always done to each other when we pray together. A stubble reassurance of love, to let them know we are there for each other.

Take my whole life, too.

But I can't help falling in love with you.

Like a river flow

Surely to the sea"

The waves crash onto the shore, the light begins to fade around us as Laddie falls asleep. I know he is gone to the world now, but I do not stop my singing, knowing from previous experience that children will often wake when their lullabies stop. I don't mind singing to the boy though, his sweet face so relaxed as he sleeps against me. I close my eyes, allowing myself to relish in the comforting song.

"Darling, so it goes.

Some things are meant to be.

Take my hand,

Take my whole life, too.

For I can't help falling in love with you

But I can't help falling in love with you..."

I finished the song, but within a few moments I started over. More for myself than Laddie. I sat there, singing the song over and over before I heard the echoing whoops and hollers of Paul. Marko's laughter not too far behind. I glare at the opening of their sleeping den, catching Dwayne's eyes as he was the first to come out. Paul and Marko stumble out, having started to wrestle each other. Dwayne turns, hitting both vampires on the back of the head.

"Hey!" Paul hisses, rubbing his head.

"Quiet." Dwayne replies, ignoring the small glares from the two blonds. "Laddie is asleep."

"So?" Paul mutters, rounding Dwayne only to spot me with the said boy in arms. "Ohh." David steps out, rounding Marko to go sit in his chair. I continue to run my fingers through Laddie's hair, blonde locks soft from his bath, no longer greasy and dirty. The three come around as well, taking seats around us as I keep humming the song. Dwayne stands behind the arm of the couch, hand coming to brush Laddie's bangs away.

"A nightmare?" I nod, keeping the lullaby going. Laddie shifts closer to me, the arm around the bear tightening. I smile, squeezing his hand three times once more.

"He's still having those?" Paul asks, looking both surprised and concerned. Dwayne nodded before placing his hand on my shoulder, a gesture I could only guess as a thank you. I smile up at Dwayne, pulling the boy closer as I slowly shift my legs to allow room for them to sit. Dwayne does so, taking the empty space on the couch. I grin as he pulls my feet onto his lap, letting Laddie and I stretch our legs once more.

"Give him a few more minutes." David's voice is low, barely above a whisper as I begin to sing the words again. I complete the song before I shift.

"Laddie," I whisper, gently rubbing his back. "Laddie," He whines, turning into my shoulder as he starts to wake up. I laugh, pulling his hand to my lips and give the back of it a kiss. "Come on sleepy head, time to get up."

"Don't want to..." I hear him mutter into my shoulder, his arms abandoning his bear in favor of wrapping around my torso.

"Well, I guess I'm just gonna have to find another boy named Laddie to take with me to the Boardwalk...We'll go on any ride he wants, get any treats he wants..." I trail off, silently counting in my head as I wait for it to sink in. It only takes two seconds before he pops his head up.

"Me! I'm up! Take me!"

I laugh, throwing my head back as he sits in my lap, smiling at me. "Yes! Yes, who else would I take? Paul? Nope! Only you buddy!" I patted his back, "Okay, c'mon, time to get dressed and ready!" Laddie rushes off, quickly getting his clothes on. I stand, stretching as well.

"Nice pajamas chica." I hear Paul whistle and I roll my eyes. I slept in black volleyball spandex and a tank top. Of course, Paul would like it. Anything with legs I'm sure he likes. Not that it's a bad thing, more power to him.

"Who else would I wear it for Paul?" I throw back, getting an outfit from my bag, smiling at the laughter my comment received. Tonight was the night that I would take Laddie, we would have some fun then I would meet the boys before Michael and Star could go off for food. It was the night the boys would change him to a half.

The boardwalk was full of life when we arrived. I dismounted from behind Marko, smiling when he turns to give me his signature cat like grin.

"What?" I asked, tilting my head as he continues to stare at me. I don't wait for him to answer, instead I shake my head and turn to see Laddie hopping off of Dwayne's bike. Under the lights, everything had a red and orange glow. Laddie wore his usual attire, his marching band jacket with his black pants and shoes. I wore black workout tights with an old Def Leppard shirt, along with my jean jacket. My hair was messy, as I've yet to brush it at all the last few days, and from the ride it was windblown. I run my hands through it, fluffing it up as I feel my bracelets slide along my arm.

"Ready to go little man?" I asked, hand going to my back pocket to take my phone and move it to my inner pocket of my jacket.

"Yeah!" Laddie takes hold of my hand, starting to drag me off but David stops us.

"Elsie," I stop, spinning to see his eyebrow was cocked and he was looking at me expectantly.

"What?" I asked, glancing at them all before I blinked. "Oh!" I walk up to David and hold out my hand, "Money?" Paul and Marko laugh, large smiles on their faces. David leers at me before he slowly places a few bills in my hand. They were wrinkled, and I had a thought that they were from a past meal.

"Stay close."

"Thank you, David," I bet my lashes cutely, causing the boys to chuckle at my antics. I wiggle my eyebrows, "Don't worry, wouldn't miss this ride for the world. I'm riding with you Marko!" I yelled over my shoulder, walking away.

Paul scoffs, throwing his hands up. "You never ride with me!"

I turn so I'm walking backwards, Laddie holding my hand. "I'd ride bitch for you any time Paul, but today is not that day!" I salute him, causing Marko to hit his shoulder and tease him. Paul sags in his seat, hitting Marko back with a fake glare.

"Okay little man, let's do this!"

"I wanna ride the go-carts!"


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