Closer | A Theo Nott Enemies...

By OutsidersAf

204K 2.1K 730

Amalia Zabini has never been one to rock the boat, being adopted made her the butt of all jokes, especially t... More

Don't Trust Me
In My Room
Come As You Are
In My Feelings
Be Quiet and Drive
Notice Me
Playing Dangerous
Kinda Out Of Luck
Fast In My Car
Bound 2
If u Think I'm Pretty
Teacher's Pet
Little Bit
feel something
Author Note
Night Shift
Good Looking
Je Te Laisserai Des Mots
Atlas: Touch
Tutto questo sei tu
It Will Rain


4K 35 9
By OutsidersAf

Getting back to my dorm I was surprisingly really tired, on top of that, my high was completely gone.

"So how was practice?"

Pansy sarcastically questioned, sitting up right in the most unserious way.

"Shut up."

"Okay but in all seriousness, you showed up high? Did you get kicked off, I heard you didn't, and then I heard you did, so I wasn't sure-"

Pansy began to ramble while becoming more frustrated and confused, so I had to stop her.

"Pansy, relax, I'm not off the team, Adrian just had me sit out since Dumbledore knew I would try things to get me off the team. Who even said I wasn't on the team?"

Not that I cared, it's just annoying when people start to spread things that are so loose.

"Some first years were talking about it when I walked into the common room, I asked them but they said they overheard six years talking about it."

"Whatever, this school has nothing to talk about that when they get even the slightest bit of wild information they go insane, it's so childish."

Entering the shower, a tad bit more frustrated at how bored people here truly are to believe things that doesn't even come from the person themself.

"And get this, I heard Theo yell at a bunch of first years about it and to leave his girl alone."

Pansy said, excitement in her voice.

My eyes go wide, why would Theo say that? Maybe it was in the heat of the moment, especially where we left off on the field.

But it also didn't make sense because he seemed really annoyed when Adrian said I wasn't kicked off of the team.

"No he didn't."

Disbelief was written on my face and in my voice.

"Yes! Okay well technically Astoria said she heard that through a third year and that third year heard it from her boyfriends, friends, friend who was there."

Pansy's voice slowly turned into uncertainty as she finished.

"Well, it was something like that, anyways! Enjoy your shower, can't wait for the big game on Friday!"

Pansy whooped walking back to her bed.
Closing the curtain shut I shake off everything Pansy had just gotten me excited about.

I just have to remember that whatever Theo had said it must have worked since no one was talking when I walked into the common room.

Or, what if they stopped because they were talking about me and then entered the room?
I try my hardest to forget all of those negative thoughts and clean myself until I no longer have the smell of old sweat and dirt off of myself.


"They better not make me wear this helmet."

Turning to Pansy in despair as the horrendous beige helmet sculpt my head into a near perfect circle.

Pansy burst out laughing, as she should, I would too if it wasn't me wearing it.

"Hey the good thing is, you only wear it if you want to."

"Well the good thing is, it makes my ass look good, too bad we have a cloak over it."

Lifting my cloak to reveal to Pansy how good my body looked in the uniforms pants.

She howls in approval, clapping and whistling.

"Okay, I have to go, please don't even bother coming, I won't even play, as per Mcgonagall's request."

Even though I was in full gear, Mcgonagall did say I wasn't allowed to play, but Adrian told me since I had to be on the bench anyways. I still had to the other practices to practice with the team and they actually had me in one play, but then immediately took me out when I was flying away from the snitch.

Luckily my mother had found out I was on the Slytherin team and was just so excited for me she sent me the newest Nibus and had it customized so my name was carved in it.

It was a sweet gesture but to me it's hilarious since she wasn't told that I was forced onto the team, I'm assuming she wasn't due to the extravagant gift and excited howler she had sent me this past morning. 

Grabbing my broom, giving my self one quick look in the mirror before I left.

Even though I was in a hideous uniform, I still had to look cute. I put my hair in a tight braid.
Keeping my head low to avoid eye contact with anyone who dared to talk to me in the common room, I made it out.

Going fourth towards the quidditch pitch, trailing behind a few students who were already heading to the game.

"Zabini! Zabini! Amalia!"

A voice calls out behind me.

No one ever called me by my last name so I originally thought Blaise wasn't too far behind me, that was until whoever it was said my name.

Turning around to face the Slytherin team waving me over to them, all the way at the top of the hill.
I mean I wasn't that far down the hill but still, so much walking.

They wave me over to join them, of course they wave their hands faster, ordering me to rush as if I was late for something.

"What? I was heading to the pitch?"

Confusion and annoyance mixed in my voice.

"Have you ever been to a quidditch game you twat?"

Adrian was clearly annoyed and pissed as if I should have known we shouldn't go to the field that we are going to play on.

"No I haven't, but if we play over there shouldn't we be there?"

Scoffing, crossing my arms across my chest.
Adrian's fist turn into a ball as he bites his lip, holding back what he so badly wants to say.

"We fly in from over here Malia."

Mattheo points a few yards away, his response to me seemed to calm Adrian down, as Adrian slowly exhales and leads the boys to the area.


Mattheo grabs my arm, forcing me to turn towards him. His face couldn't hide the fact at how utterly confused he was.

"Wait you've never been to a quidditch game?"

Nodding in response to Mattheo, not sure how to feel about this.

"Malia, hasn't Blaise been on the team since he was a first year?"

Mattheo's expression still as confused as it was before.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"So you mean to tell me, you never witnessed your brother play ever, not even when we went to the championships?"

Mattheo laughed at how ridiculous this situation was.

I did realize it was a pretty shitty thing to do but I didn't care, neither did Blaise.

"Oh whatever, I'm here now aren't I?"

We laugh, heading towards the team once more.
Almost instantly as Mattheo and I approached, everyone of them mounted their brooms, even Mattheo.

"Alright on the count of three, one, two-"

Mattheo turns and sees I'm not on my broom and his eyes widen.

"Malia! Get on your broom!"


Adrian screamed and the boys all went soaring.
Hurriedly I sat on my broom, going as fast as I can to catch up with the boys.

Feeling my grip loosen, I had almost fallen off of my broom, I had no idea how fast this broom was compared to the practice one I was using.

I get to the boys in a matter of seconds, catching Mattheo by surprise.

"I didn't even notice your new broom, hey maybe now you can get in this game."

Mattheo shouts as we fly past each other.
I must admit, flying in a straight line is pretty nice, but not chasing a tiny gold ball as well as not trying to get hit.

"Malia we go down, up, circle around to the ground in a spiral, then we get in line, shake hands, mount our brooms again, get into a huddle, then we start the play, got it?"

We stare at each other for a moment as I try to take in the two words I heard come from him.


"Just get behind me, now!"

Pulling my broom back, I barely make it behind him before he dips down into the stadium. I mimic Mattheo's every move.

Spiraling down the stadium, the roar of students was so loud it was all I could pay attention to.

"Malia pay attention!"

Snapping my head I am inches away from Draco.

Quickly I move myself back to my original spot, if Draco hadn't said anything we both would've been down for the count.

Finally stepping down on the grass we are greeted with the Gyffindor team to shake their hands. Unlike the rest of my team I willingly shake the hands of every Gryffindor, earning dirty looks from both teams.

"I promise to go easy out there on you."

Fred whispers in my ear, winking at me as we walked towards the end of each other's lines.

"Alright teams, best of luck to both of you, at the sound of the alarm, you must be in position where we will then start, let's have a clean game."

Some guy explained, he looked familiar but I couldn't tell.

In a midst of me trying to determine if I knew who this was, our team was already in a huddle.
I ran in a little too late and the huddle broke apart and everyone that was in flew up on their broom to start while me and a few others sat to watch.


Although quidditch wasn't as bad as I thought it was to watch, it was just so repetitive. I almost got dizzy watching Draco fly in a circle to catch the snitch, until him and Harry disappeared outside of the field, I could never chase that thing, so props to them.

A sudden horn is sounded and everyone stands up looking everywhere around them. I sat with my arms crossed, looking around to see what everyone else was looking for me.

"Hey, what's happening?"

Asking Adrian as he comes down from the sky.
"One of the seekers is hurt, hopefully it's not Draco."

Adrian pants, running past me to the locker room, soon after all of the Slytherin's flew down and joined him in the locker room.

"Malia, come on."

Mattheo called me over to the locker room.
I swiftly followed, concerned to see if Draco was okay.

Walking into the locker room I almost died at the smell of the sweat radiating off of all of the boys.

"So why are we here?"

I whisper to Mattheo.

"When a seeker gets hurt, the teams wait in their locker room until further notice, so we might be here for a while."

The thought of staying in this disgusting locker room any longer than I need to be. I grab a seat next to Blaise, sitting along side everyone as they either sat in silence, caught their breaths, drink water, or just close their eyes.

Almost forty minutes pass and Adrian walks into the locker room, without Draco.

He didn't even have to say anything, everyone kind of accepted that he won't be returning. It must have been bad, Draco loves quidditch and he would play if both of his arms were broken and he had a twig to ride.

An overwhelming urge of anxiety tan through my body as Adrian slowly turned his head to look at me, following was Theo, then Blaise, then Mattheo, until the entire locker rooms eyes were on me.

"What're you guys staring at?"

"Since we don't have a back up seeker, considering Goyle is too slow and you could not possibly even fathom a ball coming towards you, you will be seeker."

Adrian's tone was not hopeful in the slightest bit.
Without another word he headed back to the field, along with the rest of the team, dropping their heads in defeat as if we had already lost.


Understandable, I'm not the best player but man that reaction hurt.

Following the group I'm yanked back by my arm and slammed into the wall by my waist.

"Just catch the damn snitch."

Theo gritted through his teeth, his face merely inches away from mine.

His eyes flickered to my lips and back to my face before shoving me in front of him to the field.

Mounting my broom I try my hardest to swallow the lump that has formed in my throat.

Just relax, all you have to do is chase a really fast and really tiny gold ball.

Meeting with the rest of the team in the sky, I lock eyes with Theo, he gives me a small nod, telling my that I've got this. Responding back to him with a small smile I face the person in front of me, Harry Potter.

"Hey, I know you hardly have played so, I'll give you a head start."

Harry's words were sincere and awkward at the same time.

"Oh don't go so easy on me Harry, I love a challenge."

Winking at him with the most flirtatious sound in my voice.

Harry raises his eyebrows as his face grew with redness. Suddenly the alarms sound and the snitch appears right before mine and Harry's eyes.

Struggling to maintain my balance on my broom, I tried so hard to maneuvered through the brisk wind. Harry, on the other hand, seemed to be everywhere at once, effortlessly chasing the elusive snitch.

My frustration grew as the minutes ticked by. The snitch darted and dodged my every movement. My hands ached from clutching my broom handle, not to mention I almost slipped from how sweaty they are.

The Gryffindors cheers for Harry were extremely difficult to ignore. I just chose to follow Harry on as I followed close behind him, on the other hand, the  Slytherin's encouraged me, but it seemed like a hopeless pursuit to them.

As the game reached the thirty minute mark as some boy announced, I struggled to keep up with Harry, especially now with Gryffindor in the lead, my spirits were at their lowest. Finally catching up to Harry, we were neck and neck, both of us just inches from the snitch, yet it fluttered just inches from our grasp.

We were was losing, unable to keep up with Harry's moves and maneuvers. Desperation grew in me as the snitch darted further and further away.

As I fought to keep up with Harry, I suddenly found myself caught in a whirlwind of gusty wind created by the Whomping Willow on the Quidditch pitch.

My knuckles turned white as I held myself on my broom but it was no use, I tumbled off my broom. Grabbing the air was the only thing I could do as I saw a Slytherin player dart for me, in attempts to save me from hitting the ground.

Just as I was about to hit the ground, I extended my hand, fingers outstretched, reaching towards the Slytherin player to grab his hand. In a matter of seconds I find myself on my back on the ground of the quidditch pitch.

Without a moments notice every
thing turns black.

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