Young Justice: Nomad

By TheCayde

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Follow the lives of teenage superheroes and sidekicks, namely Red Robin, Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Superboy... More

Independence Day
Welcome to Happy Harbor
Drop Zone
Alpha Male
Usual Suspects
S1 Finale: Auld Acquaintance
S2: Bio
Incorrect Quotes
S2: Happy New Year
S2: Effed Around and Found Out


789 25 5
By TheCayde

Central City; November 11th, 07:16 CST

An alarm blares. Wally, sleeping on his stomach, doesn't even raise his head as his hand searching for the alarm button. As his hand hits the button, half the number is covered by dirty laundry. He groans, then rolls over letting out a loud yawn. His eyes snap open.

Wally: Hey! Sweet 16!

He rockets into a sitting position, dancing a little as he sings in his head.

Wally: 'That's right, it's my birthday. Arm's all better. Got my cast off too. He looks out his window, smiling brightly. And it's snowing? Cool! This is gonna be a good day.'

Downstairs, his mom makes a large stack of French Toast before bringing it to the table and placing it in front of Wally.

Mary: Happy birthday, Wally.

Wally: Oh, my favorite breakfast! Heaping piles of everything!

There are large bowls of sausages, deviled eggs, and hashbrowns as well as plates of bacon and waffles and a large container of Orange Juice. Along with a metal container of Syrup.

Wally: Thanks, Mom.

Wally reaches out with his fork grabbing a sausage and a French Toast slice and digging in. Rudy chuckles.

Rudy: You know, if you ever come up for air, I can take you to the DMV to get your driver's license after school. This weather will be a good proving ground.

He then sets down his newspaper. Wally hums, grabbing an egg with his fork.

Wally: Not really in a big rush to drive, Dad. 'Cause, you know, I'm me.

Wally says nonchalantly. Rudy gives a short single laugh.

Rudy: You certainly are.

Wally: Plus, the Team's throwing me a big surprise party this afternoon at the Cave.

Wally informs, then takes a large drink of orange juice as he grabs another slice of toast. Then pouring syrup on the toast.

Rudy: In school today, ask your teacher the definition of "surprise".

Wally spreads butter over the slices of bacon he has on top of a fried egg on a waffle.

Wally: You want surprised? Just watch Miss Martian's expression when I collect my birthday kiss. And win the bet against Red, Robin, Kaldur and Speedy!
A/N: The bet was before the events of Young Justice. The big 5 which is what I'm calling them; made a bet saying whoever gets a kiss or a girlfriend before then end of the year wins $20 from each sidekick. So far Mason has it in the bag.
A/N: The Big 5 consists of: Red Robin, Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash, and Speedy, now back to our regular schedule program.
He stacks a second waffle on top to turn it into a sandwich. Kissing the waffle sandwich and letting out a short laugh. Mary turns on the TV.

Mary: Well, I have a surprise for you. Or at least your Aunt Iris does.

On the GBS News Channel Iris sits in the main chair.

Iris: And a special shout-out to my nephew Wally wishing him a very happy 16th birthday.

Wally: So cool!

Iris: Now for school closures. The following schools have declared today a snow day: Dubuc Elementary, Spisak Junior High, Central City High, Keystone High,

Wally: Oh, yes! 'Could life get any sweeter?'

Outside a car screeches as the back wheels slide out for a moment. Above the dark, snow-filled clouds, the sun shines bright, but also there's a large machine floating over the clouds pouring snow from every angle.


Mount Justice; November 11th, 16:05 EST

The thunder rumbles over the snow-covered mountain, but oddly enough the winds are calm.


Kid Flash; B-0-3

Wally appears in the Zeta Tube, wearing his red turtleneck, dark heavy-duty pants, tucked into black boots, and an open brown jacket with fur on the hood that is pulled down.

Zeta Tube Network now off-line due to extreme atmospheric conditions.

Wally walks through the empty training area,

Wally: Whoa! I just made it.

He walks into the darkened living room, though the kitchen lights are still on.

Wally: Be a tragedy if I missed my own-

The lights snap on, causing him to reel back.

Everyone: Surprise!

The entire team, Flash, and Red Tornado are all there. With a large banner 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' with presents and cakes on the coffee between the two couches. Wally massively overplays his surprise.

Wally: What?! Oh, you guys. You shouldn't have.

Mason: Right, not like you've been hinting for days or anything.

Wally kneels down in front of the coffee table, two cakes in front of him as he now wears a party hat on his head.

M'gann: We made two cakes.

Wally: Awesome! What'll you guys eat?

M'gann: We'll split the cupcake. Make a wish.

Wally: Way ahead of you.

Wally flirts before blowing out all the candles on both cakes. They all cheer and clap. Wally looks at M'gann out of the corner of his eye as she cuts the cake.

Wally: You know, if I tell you my wish, it won't come true. But if you guess...

He trails, smirking. Ignoring him, she hands him the first slice of cake.

Wally: Nope. Guess again.

Artemis turns away, narrowing her eyes. Barely avoiding glaring, Mason walks over planting a quick kiss on her lips while the team was too busy with Wally.

Mason: Hey remember our deal.

Artemis: I know... but he's so-

Mason: Wally? Relax love.

Artemis: So when are we gonna tell them about us?

Mason: Let's give em till New Year's Eve. I wanna see Wally and Robin's face when it strikes midnight. Plus their faces when I win the bet.

Artemis: Which is?

Mason: Which one of the big 5 could get a girlfriend first. And it seems like I already got the best girlfriend ever... even though we've been dating for a day.

Artemis chuckles leaning on his shoulder smiling. Meanwhile M'gann gives Wally a kiss on the hairline.

M'gann: Happy birthday.

Wally sighs a little, disappointed while Artemis' lips twitch into a small smile as she snuck a kiss on Mason cheek. Kaldur and Conner talk to the Flash while Zatanna remains bundled up in her jacket with her hat still on as well. Robin offers two pieces of cake, the plate being the first thing she sees out of the corner of her eye. She turns, a little caught off guard.

Dick: You settling in here okay?

The Boy Wonder asks low, but genuinely. Zatanna takes the plate from him. Looking away.

Zatanna: Oh, yeah. It's just like home.

Robin frowns briefly before continuing.

Dick: I know this is all very new and intimidating, but I promise you someday...

Wally slams an entire piece of cake into his mouth, chomping down- physically unable to close his mouth with the size of the bite he took- and spilling crumbs everywhere.

Dick: You'll get used to watching Wally eat.

Robin finishes with a smirk. Zatanna smiles as Mason and Artemis walks up to the two of them.

Mason: Think we should tell him?

All four watch as Wally flirts with M'gann as she cuts another slice.

Wally: You're getting warmer, babe, but I could make you warmer still.

Robin raises an eyebrow, looking to Artemis.

Dick: He is the only one who doesn't know.

Mason: So who gets to do the honors?

Artemis: Please, allow me.

Wally watches as M'gann stands up, while Artemis moves nearly unnoticed to sit on the couch just behind his right shoulder as M'gann walks away.

Mason, Robin and Zatanna can't hear what Artemis tells him as she places a hand on his shoulder and whispers in his ear, but they can see his eyes widen, as he turns to look at her before looking towards M'gann and Conner.

M'gann feeds Conner a piece of cake, which results in some frosting getting stuck on his lip. Wally's mouth drops open as M'gann wipes it off. She giggles as she licks it off her own thumb. Wally frowns, hard, then whines.

Wally: Oh, man.

Batman: Attention, Team. Suit up.

Batman says over the loudspeakers.

Batman: Polar Stealth. Mission briefing in five.

Mason: Welp. Time to go to work.

Batman is on the large screen in the Zeta Room, the entire team- including Zatanna- are wearing their costumes, except their all-white or shades of pale grey.

Wally: Where's Flash?

Batman's Flash and Red Tornado already have their assignments.

He says as he flies through the storms in the BatPlane.

Batman: A massive ice storm has paralyzed North America from coast to coast. Satellite imagery has detected five flying ice fortresses, source unknown.

An image of one shows up on the screen.

Batman: Which seems to be responsible and must be stopped.

Wally: Can't the Watchtower blow them out of the sky or something?

Artemis sends Mason a look, while Zatanna's the one who voices their question.

Zatanna: What's a Watchtower?

Batman sighs, heavily, sending a look toward Kid Flash.

Batman: The League's orbiting headquarters is not weaponized. And with both Green Lanterns off-world, I need all hands on deck.

Robin's eyes widen behind his mask.

Robin: Does that mean what I think it means?

He asks, unable to keep the slight edge of joy from coming out in his voice.

Mason: The League and the Team fighting side-by-side?

KF: Whoa! Really?

Wally questions from the other side of the lineup.

KF: 'Now that's a birthday wish come true.'

Batman: Superboy, use the Super-Cycle to rendezvous with the Batwing at Ice Fortress 1. You'll drop off Red Robin, Robin and Aqualad, then continue on with Wolf to meet up with Black Canary and Red Tornado at Ice Fortress 2. Miss Martian, Artemis, Zatanna take the Bio Ship and rendezvous with Green Arrow and Martian Manhunter at Fortress 3. Other leaguers will deal with Fortresses 4 and 5. Sending all coordinates now.

Wally pauses for a moment, then steps forward a little.

KF: Uh, Batman? I think you skipped...

Batman: Kid Flash.

Batman starts, Wally absolutely beams.

Batman: A young girl in Seattle is in desperate need of a heart transplant. With all conventional air traffic grounded by the storm, you'll need to pick up the donor heart in Boston and run it 3,000 miles cross country.

KF: 'No, no, no.'

Wally's face falls into pure distraught.

KF: 'He can't seriously expect me to skip the first-ever League-Team team-up?' Who is this girl?

Batman: Does it matter?

KF: No, of course not, but can't we Zeta...?

Robin: Zeta-Tubes are offline. Sorry.

KF: Right. Then how can I say no? 'Seriously, how?' Guess I won't be needing stealth.

Wally hits his logo with his fist, his suit returns to the classic yellow and red coloring.

KF: Speedy Delivery Boy, at your service.

Lighting cracks outside the mountain. The ramp opens up into the mountain and Wally runs out of the Mountain.

Batman: Law enforcement across the country has been alerted to your mission and is clearing your route.

Batman says over the radio in Wally's suit. He looks down at his computer screen on his right wrist, looking at the route they're sending him through.

Looking up just in time to see the BioShip fly off. He moves left while SuperCycle drives past him before taking off into the air. Wally huffs.

KF: Lucky stiffs.

Boston; November 11th, 16:26 EST

Lightning cracks in the sky, while the roads are caught in a gridlock and cars honk at each other. The roads are lined with cars on either side, but the middle is completely clear for Kid Flash to run. Every few hundred feet there are cop cars with their lights flashing. In one of the gridlocked roads, there is a fully loaded dump truck that is stuck between the two rows they're making.

Cop: Put your backs into it. We have to clear this road.

One of them commands, five people physically try to help push it out of the way.

KF: 'Too late. Too late.'

Wally gripes, kicking off the ground to bounce off the stopped buses to get on top of a third before jumping down onto the top of the hood of a car to keep running. At the entrance of Boston General Hospital, four doctors/nurses stand outside, with a backpack in one of their hands, while one of them looks down at her watch. Wally skids to a stop before them, breathing a little heavily.

KF: Someone order a pizza?

The woman answers while one of the men puts the pack on Wally's back.

Nurse: What you're delivering is considerably more precious to a girl whose life depends on it.

KF: Duh, I meant: did anyone order a pizza for me?

Wally says, turning back towards them, hand over his heart.

KF: A guy burns a lot of calories running a few MPH shy of the speed of sound.

Nurse: Sorry, no. Now, listen. This pack is heavily insulated for shock absorption but that doesn't mean the organ within needs any extraneous jostling.

She checks the pack resting against Wally's back.

KF: So no krumping. Got it.

Nurse: Your PDA? You have four hours to deliver the heart before it's no longer viable.

The four-hour countdown has already started.

Nurse: Is that clear?

KF: As crystal, babe.

Wally says with a dopey look on his face.

Nurse: Then go.

KF: 'Guess asking for her number's pointless.'

He still gives her a flirtatious smile before running off.

Chicago; November 11th, 16:49 CST

On the inside of a line of cop cars is a line of police officers.

Officer: Do you see him?

Officer 2: Nope.

The one beside him intones. Wally zips past the line of officers.

Officer: Did you see him?

Officer 2: Nope.

Wally looks down at his timer. 02:38:46.

KF: 'Making decent time at least.'

He flips to the map.

KF: 'I'm at max speed now, but if I push it maybe I can dump this load, save the girl, and join the real action.'

He switches over to a Newsfeed on one of the Ice Fortresses. The Batwing comes to a stop beside the flying fortress, dropping several small grenades on the surface, knocking out the weaponry on that side of the fortress.

Robin swings in beside his mentor- now in completely opposing colors to the Dark Knight, it's almost jarring- landing on another one of the mounted turrets. Planting a grenade before flipping off it and landing on the surface just before it explodes. Batman turns to Robin then looking around.

Batman: Where's your brother?

Right on cue Red rolls in front of them smirking.

Robin: Where were you?

Mason: Making art.

He pointed behind him showing more of the weaponry exploded all in unison gaining a nod from the Bat while he fist bumps his brother. Behind him, Aquaman and Aqualad run over to the other side of the fortress.

Aqualad ducks behind a corner to avoid the shots, but Aquaman continues to run forward, ducking under the shot. Aquaman stops, grabbing the lip of one of the plates, pushing it up to block the next shot. Pulling out a WaterBearer Aqualad runs up behind Aquaman, kicks off his shoulder as a second shot hits the barrier.

Aquaman looks at his protege, slightly stunned, but Aqualad keeps moving, swings his whip-like WaterBearer at the turret. Destroying it in one fell swoop. Flash runs past him, running literal circles around the next turret to avoid the shots, before grabbing one end and using his built-up force to easily rip it off the mount.

KF: 'Oh, come on! Robin, Red Robin, and Aqualad with Batman, Aquaman, and Flash? Who's missing from this picture?'

Wally gasps as something just barely catches his attention beyond his screen.

KF: Uh-oh.

He hops over a couple of the still cars then uses one of the pile-ups to get onto the bridge running across the highway.

KF: Need to find me a little detour. 'Oh, man!'

Wally whines to himself as he runs through an alley between rows of restaurants and fast-food shops.

KF: 'I'd give this heart for a double chili-cheeseburger or a, mm, tacostada or, ooh, a Chicken Whizee.'

Wally cuts across, using a slight hill to get back on the highway.

South Dakota; November 11th, 16:13 MST

Wally can now run on the completely open interstates. His timer continues to tick down.



Ranger: He's due past here any minute.

A Ranger says, looking down at his watch.

???: Lovely.

A low voice says, the four Rangers look up, seeing an intimidatingly large figure standing on the top bridge, standing on the guard rails.

Savage: Now all I have to do is get his attention. Any ideas?

He completely disappears as he drops off the rail. He lands in a plume of snow, immediately lashing out. Kicking one in the stomach and punching another in the face. A third charges at him with his baton, Vandal moves out of the way and knocks him to the ground with ease.

The fourth jumps at him from behind, grabbing him around the neck. Vandal easily grabs him by the arm, throwing him over his shoulder and into the two Rangers running at him. Another Ranger gets to his feet, pulls out his baton, and charges at Vandal with a yell.

With a manic grin, Vandal turns towards the man, grabbing him by the collar of his jacket. Wally runs past, only catching sight of Vandal once he's even with him due to the snow cover.

KF: 'What was that? Who was that?'

He makes a wide circle to come back around just as Vandal lifts the limp Ranger over his head.

KF: 'It's him.'

Wally hits him hard in the chest, sending Vandal flying backward and the Ranger over him to crash into a snowpile as he skids to a stop. Vandal stands up, glaring at Wally.

KF: Go! Get out of here!

Wally shouts, turning slightly towards the group behind him.

KF: I'll handle Vandal.

Savage: You'll handle me?

Vandal questions, grabbing Wally by the hair and pulling him off the ground.

Savage: Little Hero, do you really think you have what it takes to survive Vandal Savage?

Vandal taunts his smile going wide. Wally lashes out with a kick to Vandal's stomach, completing a full flip before he comes back down. Aiming both his feet for Vandal's face. Vandal's smugness turns to anger as Wally lands on the ground with ease, sliding only a little before taking off back towards Vandal.

Vandal throws a wide cross that Wally slides under, letting his knees whisk the snow cover. Using his right hand to make sure his back doesn't get too close. Going to grab Vandal's ankle, but Vandal jumps away from the hold, leaving Wally open for his uppercut.

Wally goes flying, but controls his landing, bringing his head down and using only one hand to bounce off to land back on his feet. Though he slides several feet back before coming to a stop.

Wally: 'This guy is so going down.'

Savage: When I heard authorities were cordoning off this highway for a speedster, I assumed I'd be confronting Flash himself. He and I are due for a reckoning.

Wally stands up straight.

Savage: But I suppose I must settle for making him miserable by killing his brat Sidekick instead.

Wally's eyes move from Vandal to slightly to the right but further behind him.

Wally: 'Troopers are safely out of range.'

He lets his smirk overcome his calm smile.

Wally: 'Good. Frees me up to show Savage just what a brat Sidekick can do.'

Wally takes off with a blast of speed as lightning cracks overhead. Cut to a turrets firing rapidly at SuperCycle, while Superboy dodges the fire Black Canary lets out her iconic cry. Weakening the fortress.

The SuperCycle controls her own flight while Superboy and Wolf jump onto the surface of the fortress, just behind the still firing turret. Superboy yanks it out at the base, and with a snarl, Wolf bites through the wires. Disconnecting it as electricity flashes.

Superboy throws it into the air, Red Tornado- above the fortress- catches it with his tornado sending it back at the fortress. Right into another turret that blows upon impact. Meanwhile Wally runs full-on at Vandal pushing at his chest and sending the mammoth of a man skidding backward.

Wally: 'Kind of bashing my head into a brick wall, here. Need a new approach.'

Wally narrows his eyes before taking off harshly to the left.

Savage: Well, you're truly running circles around me.

Vandal comments, watching Wally run around him. Keeping him in his sights.

Savage: How will I cope?

His eye jilts for a second before he moves fluidly as he tries to grab Wally but his hand gets pushed away by Wally while he keeps running. Suddenly, Wally hits Vandal between the shoulder blades with an elbow before starting his circles again.

Wally: 'Not coping so great now, is he?'

Wally's timer beeps.




Wally: 'What am I doing? Sure, I'd love to finish trashing the big jerk, but that won't save the girl.'

He finishes the circle around Vandal before taking off on his original path. Vandal pulls a pocket watch out of his breast pocket. It ticks as he opens it.

Savage: It should suffice.

He says to himself looking in the direction Wally ran off.

Montana; November 11th, 17: 00 MST

Wally keeps running, glancing down at his watch. 01:18:35.

Wally: 'Wasted about fifteen minutes on Savage, but I can still reach Seattle on time.'

Wally pops open a compartment on his other wrist.

Wally: 'Great. Out of snacks. He closes it back up. Dude, you are so running on fumes right now. Battle didn't help with that either. But forget the hunger. Forget the freezing temp. Forget the windchill. Just go. Go!'

Lightning cracks behind one of the Ice Fortresses and the BioShip flies in, unleashing a red laser beam that slices through the turrets firing away with ease.

Inside the Fortress Green Arrow and Artemis stand back-to-back, firing off arrows. On the outside surface of the Fortress Martian Manhunter yanks a turret free with his superhuman strength.

Miss Martian flies up to one of the vents pushing out snow and uses her telekinesis to seal it shut. Watching how it bulges, and as she flies away how it explodes behind her.

Zatanna: Erif nrub, nordluac elbbub!

Zatanna incants, her hands moving from in front of her hips, pointed at the Fortress to coming together in front of her with her first two fingers creating an X. Fire erupts on the surface of the Fortress just before the whole thing explodes and comes crashing down.

Seattle; November 11th, 17:00 PDT

In front of the Hospital, a nurse stands before the Emergency entrance, looking down at his watch for a moment before looking back up at the sky and turning back to head into the heated building.

Wally skids in the parking lot, losing his footing and falling on his butt, skidding all the way until he is well under the overhang in front of the entrance of the hospital. A black-haired, compared to the light brunet or blonde that was there, nurse runs up to him the second he comes to a stop. Putting his hands on Wally's shoulders.

Nurse: Kid Flash.

Wally pushes his goggles up onto his forehead, pulling the backpack off his shoulders.

KF: I made it. I'm here.

Nurse: I'm... I'm sorry. You're too late.

Wally looks at him dumbly before looking at his wrist.

KF: No, no. Look, I've got almost 20 minutes to spare.

He shows him the timer too.

Nurse: I know, but she passed away 12 minutes ago.

Wally's eyes go huge.

KF: Twelve? Twelve minutes?

He questions, his voice sounding not only disbelieving but also heartbroken. Wally slumps.

Nurse: Please, don't blame yourself.

The nurse grabs his shoulders as he works his way to his feet.

Nurse: I'm sure you got here as fast as you could.

He lets Wally pass the heart to him again. Wally ducks his head and squeezes his eyes shut before turning his left shoulder to the nurse. The nurse smiles, proud and twisted.

KF: 'Twelve minutes. The fight took fifteen.'

Wally buries his face in his hands as the nurse wraps the heart in his jacket.

Nurse: Maybe another recipient can be found.

He says as he turns away and heads inside. Wally groans and follows him inside, mentally checked out as he sits on the bench closest to the door.

PA: Paging Dr. Howard, Dr. Bedford, Dr. Bereno.

comes over the PA system but it's barely processing in Wally's head. He sighs as a patient walks by with his IV stand, then clues into the sounds coming from the TV.

Cat: Superman, Captain Marvel, and Doctor Fate have brought down a fourth ice fortress.

Doctor: Kid Flash

Wally's attention snaps to the source finding three nurses heading, nearly running, towards him.

Doctor: We've been waiting for you. Where is the queen's heart?

Wally looks at them, confused

KF: The girl's dead so now the heart's going to a queen?

Doctor: The girl is the queen. Queen Perdita of Vlatava, age ten. And she's not dead, but she is running out of time.

Wally's eyes skate to the side as hears this, putting it together in his head in a matter of a moment.

KF: 'I've been conned!'

He grits his teeth and gets back to his feet. When he stands, he can see just past two of the nurses' arms the man he gave the heart to get in the elevator, the heart still wrapped and hidden in his jacket. Wally takes off past the nurses in an instant.

KF: 'No!'

He braces with his hands against the now-closed elevator doors but glances up at the arrows. Showing that it's going down. His boots screech as he speeds to the door and rockets down the stairs.

Heading all the way down to the lowest levels and into the garage. Just in time to see the man passing the heart through the window of a car with tinted windows. He snags it out of the man's hands into his own arms.

The man only stares at his empty hands for a few seconds before pulling out a handgun and firing at Wally. Two people step out of the front of the car and using automatics join in the hail of bullets that Wally's dodging.

KF: 'Love to take these creeps out but can't put the heart at risk... again.'

One of the men is blocking the stairs, but not firing at him until he gets a little closer. They're blocking the stairs so... He kicks off the pillars, heading sharply in the other direction, heading for the car exit.

KF: 'We'll take the high road.'

He's hit with a sudden wave that has his knees giving out from under him.

KF: Whoa!

He manages a few sloppy rolls that keep the heart tucked to his chest.

KF: Ow... still hurt. That was nauseatingly familiar.

Behind him stands a familiar pale blonde man.

KF: Count Vertigo. Now it all makes sense. Queen Perdita stands between her uncle Vertigo and the Vlatavan crown.

Wally inches his way forward, too nauseated from Vertigo to try and get his feet back under himself.

Vertigo: Crawling away. Is the young Hero reduced to that?

KF: Hey, I'm not proud.

Vertigo: Apparently.

KF: 'And not defeated either. Not when I still have one weapon left: My big mouth.' I don't get it, Vertigo. You were defeated with the rest of the InJustice League. How come you're not in Belle Reve Prison with your putrid pals?

Vertigo: As a member of the Vlatavan royal family, I have immunité diplomatique, as long as no crimes against Vlatava can be proven against me." he muses.

KF: But when the queen needed a heart, Count Heartless heard opportunity knock. The ice fortresses were all part of the plan to murder your niece. And Savage, he intentionally stalled me as a favor to you!

Vertigo chuckles a little.

Vertigo: It is nice to have friends.

He raises the sword out of its sheath.

Vertigo: Now, shall we see if I can kill two hearts with one blow?

KF: Take your best shot.

Wally growls, then slides the heart along a long patch of ice. Sending it under a parked car, and when Vertigo turns to watch it Wally kicks his legs out from under him. Sending the Count down with a thud.

KF: 'Yes! Still off kilter from Vertigo's powers!'

Wally breathes heavily but charges at the gunmen. Kicking each one with enough time and force to bounce off and land on the next before landing solidly on the ground.

Vertigo: Enough.

Vertigo growls, once again back on his feet and in front of Wally. He groans, but grips his head and pushes through his powers, shoulder-checking a surprised Vlatavan Count in the stomach and sending him flying. Wally jumps on top of Vertigo's chest, going for the transmitter on his head.

KF: Love to continue this love fest, Count.

He gets it off and turns his back on him, already running.

KF: But you're not my priority.

He slides on the ice, grabs the heart so that he slides under the parked car, and picks up the heart, holding it to his chest.

KF: 'Tell me there's still time.'

He begs the universe as he runs out of the garage. He comes through the emergency doors, the glass automatic doors shattering as he charges through them. He rolls through it, coming to a stop at the feet of the nurses he left.

KF: Take it. Go!

The lead nurse takes it from him.

Nurse: Right. Right. Transplant team to O.R. Two, stat.

The three head into an elevator and Wally just barely watches as the doors shut before he falls to the floor, unconscious. A roast is pulled out just enough to check before it's slid back in.

Mary: Wally's birthday dinner will be completely dried out.

Rudy shushes her.

Rudy: Mary.

And he turns up the TV volume.

Iris: Hawkman, Hawkwoman, Captain Atom, and Wonder Woman have defeated a fifth flying ice fortress."

Iris reports and her voice changes tone completely.

Iris: But... this just in: Despite the best efforts of Kid Flash and a team of transplant surgeons young Queen Perdita of Vlatava died, on the operating table at Seattle Medical Center.

Mary and Rudy can only stare and share a single look.

Seattle; November 12th, 06:39 PDT

Wally comes to, seeing a familiar face at the foot of his hospital bed.

KF: Count Vertigo.

He growls, hearing a heart rate monitor beep rhythmically.

Vertigo: That's King Vertigo to you, peasant.

KF: King?

Vertigo: Perdita is dead. And the beauty of it is I never laid a hand on her.

KF: And now no one can lay a hand on you.

Vertigo: As King of Vlatava, I'm untouchable.

KF: Let's test that theory!

Wally snaps, going to sit up, but something catches in his chest and he grips it as he yelps in pain.

KF: Ow.

Vertigo raises a hand.

Vertigo: Now, now, little Hero, you'll pull your stitches. Besides, who exactly are you mad at, hmm? She died on the table. All that planning, all that effort, neither of us need have bothered.

Wally moves into a more proper sitting position slowly.

KF: Right, and now it must kill you to know that you owe favors to Vandal Savage and- I'm guessing- five ice Villains for nothing?

Vertigo taps his sword against his hand.

Vertigo: Not at all. They played their roles in my attempt to rid Vlatava of Perdita. We couldn't know it was unnecessary.

KF: So you all still deserve credit for attempted murder.

Vertigo: It's called regicide.

KF: It's called..."

Wally parrots the Count and suddenly reaches out to the curtain at his side,

KF: you're busted, jerkface.

Revealing two agents, and a young girl with the same blonde hair as Vertigo along with vibrant green eyes.

KF: I believe you know Queen Perdita.

Vertigo's eyes shrink as he stares in fear.

Vertigo: No!

Perdita holds up a recording device. Vertigo saying, "It's called regicide." plays back.

Perdita: Count Werner Vertigo, as Queen of Vlatava, I hereby accuse you of high treason against the Crown and revoke your diplomatic immunity.

She says with all the power she knows she has. Though with her accent the W in his name comes out more as a V.

Vertigo: No!

He shouts again, this time pulling out his sword, but it gets stopped by Wally's IV stand and clatters to the floors as the two agents charge at him. Wally walks up to the Count, only setting down his stand once he's in front of him.

KF: Send this clown to Belle Reve.

Vertigo: Well played, children. Admittedly, well played. This round goes to you.

He starts getting dragged out of the room.

Vertigo: And please, by all means: allow the victory to go to your heads.

Wally picks up the sword and sheath, returning the sheath back over the sword before turning to the young Queen.

Perdita: Thank you. Your plan worked, perfectly.

KF: Well, when I woke up and found out you were in recovery, I knew Vertigo would make another attempt on your life unless A, he thought you were dead, and two, he lost that darn immunity and was sent away for good.

He holds the sword out to her. She shakes her head.

Perdita: That sword is an heirloom belonging to my country. Not to the Count.

She then smiles at him again.

Perdita: I would be pleased for you to have it as a reward or as a souvenir?

Wally pulls it back towards his stomach and meets her eyes. They share a smile.

Belle Reve; November 13th, 12:00 CST

Vertigo stands, now decked out in orange, and holds out his tray in the lunch line, hearing ambient chatter between the other inmates.

Brick: And here's the king's royal lunch.

The server, Brick, taunts. Laughing at how it gets all over Vertigo's clothes and his face. Other inmates join in. Batman and Flash stand in the warden's office.

Batman: The League destroyed the five ice fortresses but failed to capture whomever was behind them.

He takes a few steps forward,

Batman: But Icicle Sr., Icicle Jr., Killer Frost, Captain Cold, and Mr. Freeze are by far the most likely suspects.

He tells the man, putting his hands on his desk.

Strange: That's impossible.

Hugo Strange says, pulling up camera footage on his computer.

Strange: All five were in their cells for the duration of the crisis.

Flash and Batman exchange a look. Wally stands in his room in the mountain, holding a familiar white backpack in his arms.

Wally: 'The sword was cool but this just seemed like the right souvenir for the right mission.'

He places it down on a shelf. Smiling, hand on his chin. Robin and Mason walks in behind his turned back.

Dick: Dude, we just heard! You saved an entire country. Major kudos.

Wally: What can I say? I'm the man.

Wally says brightly to his best friends but turns to look back at the backpack, a softer look coming over his face.

Wally: 'The man who finally figured out that the sweetest birthday present a lucky stiff like me could ever get was seeing that little girl's smile.'


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