TVD: Bennett Witches -Book 1...

By AlwayzzAndForeverr

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Book 1 of my Bennett Supernatural story... rewritten/updated This is an updated rewrite of my TVD story, Benn... More

S1: Characters
1)From The Perfect Start-
2)Night Of The Comet
3)Sport Is A Dangerous Game
5)Sexy Studs Fire Wash
6)Halloween Horrors
7)Happy? Birthday, Stefan
8)Emily Bennett
9)Bennett Hole In One
10)Faulty Decade Dance
11)Inhumane Hypocrite
12)Spelling Bennett Trauma
13)Miss Mystic Falls
14)Right Or Wrong?
15)Founders Day
S2: Characters
16)Happiness Is Overrated
17)Vampoline Carnival
18)Rings And Silver
19)The Moonstone
20)Masquerade Ball
22)A Blonde Distraction
23)Progressing The Plan
24)A Show Of Humanity
25)Vampires, Witches and Werewolves
26)Historical Learning
27)Dinner With A Dagger
28)The Martin Witches
29)The Power Of A Hundred Witches
30)Dance Till Your Dead
31)Klaus's Curse
32)Natures Goddesses
33)Sacrifice Ritual
34)The Hybrid Deal
S3: Characters
35)Hybrid Journey
36)Rebekah And Kol
37)Help At Home
38)New Year, New Trauma
41)Stolen Coffins
42)Happy Birthday, Caroline
43)Klaus' Obessions
44)Abby Bennett
45)A Double Brother Dinner
47)Mikaelson Ball
48)Natures Balance
49)To Link Or Not To Link
51)Dance Of Immortality
52)New Beginnings
S4: Characters
53)Dark Consequences
54)College Try Outs
55)Hunters And Tombstone
56)Another Year, Another Crown
57)The Start Of Expression
58)On The Second Day Of Sacrifice My Hybrids Said To Me
59)Fifty Shades Of Mikaelson
60)Out Of Control Bennett Twins
61)The Bad And The Even Worse
62)Girl Gone Wild
63)Silas Is Going To Be Trouble
64)Forced Humanity Switch
65)Expression Triangle
66)Graduation Day
S5: Characters
67)Does This Count As A New Start?
68)Qetsiyah, What Do You Know?
69)Goodbye, Bonnie Bennett
70)Will This Woman Ever Die?
71)Anchor Me To Life
72)Therapist Bennett
73)Sorry You Haven't Moved On
74)Chris' Double Scandel
75)One Girl Gone. One Girl Returned
76)Blonde Wonder Twins
77)Other Side Of The Problem
78)Everything That Could Go Bad, Has
79)The End?
S6: Characters
80)A Quick Check On The Outside World
81)Twilight Zone Of 1994
82)Depressively Endless Months
83)Somebody's Watching Me
84)Will We All Make It Out Alive
85)Fighting For Survival
86)Strangers, Friends or More?
87)Parker And Bennett, Past And Present
88)Behold, The Gemini coven
89)Investing In The Little Moments
90)Can We Find The Magical Solutions?
91)A Way On Both Sides?
92)Escaping The Prison?
93)The World Turned And Left Me Here
94)Spending Chris-tmas Alone
95)The Gemini Effect
96)Happy Birthday To The Bennetts
97)This Feels Like Time Travel
98)Back To Life. But Is This Reality
99)Snow Date In 1903
101)Preparing For The Worst
102)A Wedding To Remember

50)Never Let Me Go

395 24 3
By AlwayzzAndForeverr

<Don't forget to comment and vote>

3rd Person:

After Finn died and it was revealed to the group that the dark parts of Alarics vampire hating personality had smuggled and hidden the only white oak stake they had, Elena had decided to go to Denver and get Jeremy back since she thought that if Klaus found out about how the only thing that could kill him was in the hands of a vampire hating psychopath then he could use Jeremy to threaten them into hurting Alaric

They also needed to discover which sireline all their vampire friends were apart of and for that they needed to speak to Rose. Who was dead. But fortunately for them they knew someone who could speak to ghosts

Elena promised that if she ever went to visit Jeremy in Denver then she would invite Chris along, which she did. Chris accepted to go on the road trip with them to go and get Jeremy, the only thing he dreaded was being in the car alone with Elena and Damon

As he correctly knew, the ride over to Denver was irritating. Chris wondered if he could create a magical button to get Damon to stop talking along with his gross insinuations about himself and Elena

Eventually they arrived at a baseball batting arena where they saw Jeremy playing in one of the batting cages "There he is" Chris pointed over to Jeremy who swung at a ball and missed his shot

"The next time I compel him, remind me to make him better at baseball" Damon insulted making Elena roll her eyes

"Hey, Jer" Elenas voice rang through her brothers ears as she went up to the fence and shook it a little gaining his attention

Jeremy turned around to see Elena and Chris up against the fence, he took off his helmet and smiled. His smile dropped once he saw Damon standing behind them "What's wrong" He asked

While he was getting out of the baseball pen Damon explained what was going on in Mystic Falls and why they needed to figure out which Original their vampire friends were sired to "Katherine sired us. Rose sired Katherine. All we need to do is find out who sired Rose"

"Did you really travel across country to get me to talk to a dead vampire?" He asked as he put his bat away

"We also came for you. But yeah, we need the dead vamp to talk to" Chris told him since that's also why they came, to bring Jeremy back home

"I can't do that. I could only talk to Anna and Vicki because I knew them" He explained while putting his helmet away "I've never even met Rose"

"What's the point in you dying and coming back to life if you can't talk to a ghost when I need you too?" Damon said making Chris hit him

Elena stepped into conversation "Rose spent a long time running from Klaus. And her and Damon were close, so maybe you could use him as a connection"

Jeremy looked between the three of them and huffed "Fine, maybe. But could we do this later? My friend just got here. And yes Damon I actuallt have some.I'll call you later" Damon rolled his eyes. Jeremy kissed his sister on her cheek and walked in the direction of his friend which was behind them

"Wow, already being left for these new frie-" Chris turned around and saw Kol walking towards them with a wooden bat in hand and a massive smile on his face "Kol?"

"Hello, darling. I missed you" He said. Elena saw him and walked backwards slowly in shock and alerted Damon

"Damon, its Kol!" Elena shouted, but before he could do anything, Kol swung his bat and smacked Damon in the face making his neck crack backwards causing him to fall to the ground while breaking the bat in half

Jeremy was in shock at what his 'friend' was doing "What are you doing?"

Elena warned Jeremy "Jer, get back. He's an Original!"

"Kol, what the hell!?" Chris shouted at him

"No hard feelings mate, but we're not actually buds" Kol told Jeremy as he grabbed another bat before turning around to face Chris "My brother informed me about what your friends were up to, darling and I can't have that"

Kol used the new baseball bat to swing it at Damon but quickly Chris responded with a swift flick of his magic throwing Kol to the ground, he then used the broken piece of bat to magically throw it into Kols chest and turn him grey so he couldn't attack anyone else

"Wow thanks, Chris" Elena said gratefully

"Why's that so surprising. He just saved us from this psycho" Jeremy asked in a bit of confusion

"Remember that guy I told you about when we called?" Chris said slowly

"Really, Chris. Him!" Jeremy shouted at him in an accusatory tone

"You cheated on my sister with a ghost. You don't get to judge me" Chris spoke back "Now let's go before Kol wakes up and rips all your heads off"

"Wake up? You just staked him?" Jeremy said

"He's an Original vamp" He can't die like how Damon would" Chris told him as they all walked back to the car


They arrived at a motel to stay at for the night they all grabbed some bags, which were mostly Jeremys, from the boot of the car "I can't believe Kol was a vampire. And I can't believe you like him, Chris"

"Sorry but who said he was their friend? Exactly, he charmed his way into your life so don't blame me" Chris whined at him

"Yeah" Damon agreed "Didn't you find it weird you made a friend so fast? I mean have you met you?"

"See, even Damons on my side"

Elena looked back and smacked them both in the chest "Be nice" Chris and Damon look at eachother and chuckled a little then shook their heads

They walked into the hotel room where they were going to have Jeremy try to communicate with Rose if she turned up "This should work. Right, Jer?" Elena asked him

"Yeah, it doesn't really matter" He replied

Damon closed the door and began to immediately close the curtains so no one could look inside and see what they're doing "All right, what do you need? Candles? Incense? Pottery wheel?"

"That's not how it works. I'm not a witch" Jeremy reminded him

"That sounded agressive, I'll move past it" Chris added on "But you are correct. Don't you push from this side and the ghosts can push from the Other Side?"

"Yeah, something like that" Jeremy said before looking at Damon "You got a picture of her or anything?"

"Picture? From what? Our trip to Disneyland?" He laughed before talking to the air "Come on, Rose. You're not gonna actually make us wait, are you? I know you're obsessed with me" He smirked

Elena groaned and huffed then went and sat down beside Chris on one of the beds "Just tell Jeremy something special about her, okay?" Chris demanded him

"Um, special-" Damon hummed while sitting down on the other bed "-she did this little thing with her tongue-"

Elena interupted him before he went too far "Something that matters, Damon"

Damon thought on it for a moment and came up with the perfect memory "She spent her last day in paradise. Soaking in the sun and reminiscing about what it means to be human. And when death came... she didn't fear it"

"I was with her on her last day and she definitely wasn't in paradise" Elena said as she remembered when Rose went nuts from the werewolf bite and tried to kill her and chased her around the Salvatore house

"It was in the dream he gave her" Jeremy told them "She's here" Rose was sat on the empty chair in the room smiling towards Damon

"I don't really find it comforting that ghosts can just watch us from the Other Side" Chris spoke his mind "Imagine being the ghost though, I'd die again out of boredom"

"For me it's enjoyable. I ran so much when I was alive and now I get to do whatever I want whenever I want" Rose spoke to them all even though Jeremy was the only on who could hear and see her

"She says not to worry about her. She's happy" Jeremy translated for the other three

"She still hot?" Damon asked

"Tell him he's still dripping with sex too" Jeremy pulled a shocked, disgusted face upon being forced to hear that from her "Fine. Just tell him I miss him"

"She misses you" Jeremy told them

"And tell him that I'm rooting for him and Elena" Rose said smiling to Damon but Jeremy looked to Elena and crunched his eyebrows "Oh come on, I'm not the only one" Rose said looking at Chris who was obliviously and cautiously looking around the room

"Uh, she says that she misses all of you" Jeremy said looking to both Elena and Chris and wondered if it was true about Chris liking Elena and Damon together. He thought never in a million vampire lifetimes

"Unfortunately, I don't have news on the siring front. Klaus didn't sire me. No Original did. It was Mary Porter" Rose informed Jeremy

"She was sired by somebody named Mary Porter" Jeremy told them, mainly Damon as he would know more about the vampire community

Damon groaned and slouched on the bed "Ugh, scary Mary. Well, where is she, Rose?"

"I didn't keep track of her when I was alive, much less now. Tell him to sit tight and relax" Rose told Jeremy "I'll try see if I can find any information from over here"

While waiting they all settled for the night, mainly laying in bed watching TV and talking to one another. Damon and Elena shared one of the beds while Chris and Jeremy sat on the other one

While Damon was out grabbing some ice Jeremy thought this was a perfect time to question his sister "So, what's up with you and Damon?"

Elena, who was getting items out of her bag to get ready for the night looked up at him "What do you mean? Nothings up"

"You sure about that?" Jeremy asked her

"Don't poke the thread Jer" Chris mumbled while flicking through the TV channels

"Why not. Rose said something about them and you aswell Chris" Jeremy told them

"What did she say?" Elena asked while Chris sat up on the bed at the mention of his name

Before Jeremy could tell them Damon walked into the room and looked around as if he could sense tension "Everything okay in here?"

"Yeah. It's fine" Elena was quick to say to him

"Alright. I'm going to go and freshen up. You lot may want to rest. I'm sure Rose will make herself known when she gets back" He smiled before walking into the bathroom while suspiciously looking back at them all

The sun had finally gone down, Chris and Jeremy were asleep while Elena was still awake watching Damon walk around the room till he noticed her awake. She then closed her eyes and pretended to sleep until he joined her in their bed

Chris was woken as he heard Elena get up out her bed quickly and rush out the door. He looked up and saw Damon who had no shirt on grab a jacket and rush out after her

Jeremy turned over and sat up "Where'd they go?" He asked Chris sleepily

"Who knows?" Chris yawned as he got up out of the bed. He grabbed his own jacket as he heard Jeremy talking to himself and realised he was talking to Mary

Chris rubbed his eyes as he opened the door and when he walked outside he was startled to see Damon and Elena snogging one another up a wall

He rubbed his eye again as he thought he was seeing things "Oh, my god. Elena!" He shouted as Jeremy then came out the door aswell and was equally as shocked as he was

When Jeremy came up from behind Chris he saw them quickly backing away from eachother, more Elena than Damon

"Elena?" Jeremy gasped with a face of disgust

"Oh, my god. Jeremy, Chris, I..." Elena stumbled over her words

"Rose found Mary. She lives in Kansas if you wanted to know" Jeremy then walked off back into the room

"We can go whenever you've finished... whatever this is" Chris pointed between them both before following Jeremy back inside the room to gather his stuff up

Mary Porters House:

Damon drove the four of them to Mary Porters house in hopes of getting some information about who she was sired by, and hopefully she would've been turned directly so make this mission easier

They all hopped out of the car, as they had already done many times today "And this is Scary Marys place" Damon told them

Elena turned around and looked to Chris and Jeremy while Damon walked towards the house "Why don't you two wait here?"

"Why, so you two can make out some more?" Jeremy made a snide comment which made Chris let out a snort of laughter

Damon stopped walking and turned around upon hearing that comment "Don't be a dick. Listen to your sister" Jeremy sighed at this and reluctantly made his way back into the car "Thank you. Now you" He said towards Chris

"Excuse me? Your going to speak to a vampire, I'm a witch. If anyone should stay behind its the defenseless doppelganger" Chris said opening the car and picking up a flashlight before walking past them "Come on, keep up"

He opened the door and walked inside with Damon and Elena following behind him. Already the house looked like it had been invaded, items personal or not were scattered and stacked up in every place they could be, it was hard to walk around "Looks like a ancient Cosco sale in here" Chris said

"Who is this Mary person?" Elena asked Damon

"Scary Mary. Really old. Super creepy" Damon told her

"How do you know her?" Chris asked him

Damon chuckled seductively "You know" Which made Elena scoff at him "What? I said creepy, not ugly"

A loud crash came from another other room making Chris and Elena jump. Damon looked over to the door "Chris, go around" He said pointing to a hallway that went around the room

Chris nodded and walked around the house while Damon and Elena walked into the room the noise came from. They opened the door and saw the Mary woman with a stake inside of her hung up on the wall like a decoration "Mary" Damon said

The light in the room then turned on "Quite contrary" They turned around and saw Kol sitting on a desk chair with another bat in his hand, he then stood up and walked around towards the body

"Shame about Mary. She used to be a blast. I don't quite know what happened. I fear all the time she spent with my family might have ruined her. She was a bit of an Original groupie"

"Sounds a bit familiar I'd say" Damon pumped his eyebrows towards Elena

"Shut up" Elena said understanding what he was going on about "He's not like that"

"I've heard about you Damon" Kol said "Are you one to talk about obsessions?"

"Was she-?" Elena said before Kol interupted her

"Obsessed with me? Are you asking if I turned her? I think I did. But no, wait, maybe it was Rebekah. There was also that Klaus period. Let's not forget the Elijah affair"

"Need I say again" Damon muttered to Elena who rolled her eyes

"I guess now you'll never know who your decended from" Kol said looking at the dead Mary "Where did Chris go? Did he finally abandon you?"

"You wish" Elena said

Kol hummed "One can dream. But oh well, I'll pick up where we left off" Kol firmly held his bat and swung it hard at Damons kneecap making him fall to the ground,he then slammed it down on his hand so he couldn't get himself back up and then lastly brought the bat down on his back

"Elena, get out of here, get Chris!" Damon shouted to her

Elena tried to run out but Kol vamp sped to the door "Now, I really want to avoid hurting one of Chris' friends. But I have my limits. Please don't test me" Kol then grabbed her and threw her down into the pile of dusty books in the corner of the room

Because Kol hurt Elena, Damon shot up and grabbed him by his throat "Don't touch her!"

Kol then pushed him and he flew across the room into the wall. Kol turned and walked over towards Damon "Oh, dear. I've hit a nerve. Ha, ha. Relax, darling. I just want is to be even. You snapped my neck. You killed my brother. Then you humiliated me in front of someone I like. I don't really respond well to humiliation"

Damon who was squirming on the ground spoke up again "Chris is the one who killed you. You humilate yourself"

Kol laughed "Yeah, he's the only one who can stake me and not end up with a snapped neck after the fact" Kol then held his bat high and started beating on Damon as hard as he could with the bat crushing against his back repeatedly "There. Now we're even"

"This place is a litteral maze" Chris spoke when walking around the corner into the room only to see Damon groaning on the ground, Kol above him with a bat and Elena behind him looking frightened "Kol? Why are you following us?"

"It's all a bit topsy-turvy over here, darling. Had to teach him a little lesson, bring his ego down a few feet" Kol said chuckling

Chris walked towards Kol "I feel like Damons not the only one who needs his ego beating down" Kol chuckled as Chris slowly began to back away from him then walked out the door while looking to Damon then Elena, subtly telling him to get her out

Chris ran out the backdoor into the night and stood out on the big open porch, he then turned and crossed his eyebrows when he didn't see Kol following him "Kol?" He shouted but no response came

Chris then turned back around and Kol was standing there before him making him jump out of his skin, Kol thought himself hilarious upon seeing the look of freight upon Chris' face "Do you think yourself funny?" Chris shouted

Kol was still laughing "It was truly hilarious to scare you. Lets do it again" Chris then smacked Kol on the chest and Kol grabbed his wrist, Chris used his other hand to try and playfully attack him again which he also grabbed and vampire sped Chris up to the wall of the house "Or we could do this instead?" Kol said looking down at Chris who was trapped on his chest "I wish you'd let me whisk you away from that dreadful town. But I know you wouldn't leave, would you?"

Chris sighed at this question he knew that getting out of Mystic Falls would be great, for a while, but he had a feeling trouble would always follow "Don't even try being adorable, I'm annoyed at you right now"

Kols face switched to confusion as he thought they were fine a second ago "Why? Is that why you killed me, because your annoyed?"

"No, but maybe I'm annoyed because after that whole mother business, you just upped and left town without so much as a bye" He looked away from Kol

Kol crossed his eyebrows "They killed my brother, they're trying to end my family. Finn may have been a dullard who spend ninety percent of his life in a box, but he was still my brother"

"Yes I understand that, I have my own family to look after. But if we are going to push the boundaries of being together despite them, then we're going to have to come up with a way to do it" Chris told him as he looked at Kol in his eyes. Kols eyes softened seeing Chris like this "Even with you I'm not going to have anyone hurt them, not you, not Klaus or anyone. And It may seem selfish since they killed Finn which I'm sorry about, but I can't bare to see anyone else that I love die"

"You need to see that you don't need them? They need you and you know that. They know you speak to me and some of my family and I doubt they've bothered to even ask how you feel about things. How can you forgive them for such things?" Kol shouted in annoyance and threw his hands around in the air walking away

"Maybe for the same reason I stand around you even though everyone of my friends are literally plotting one of your demises as we speak!" Chris shouted back

"Oh yeah, and why is that?" Kol asked

"Because I like being around you, you idiot!" Chris harshly said, not realising the words that spat out his mouth before he could stop himself

Kol felt a small smile creep upon his face "You like being around me?"


"What is it about me you love? My charm, my witt? My dashing good looks?" Kol kept smirking about

"You know what, forget I said anything" Chris huffed and went to walk away

Kol grabbed him and span him back around "Come on darling, I'm only having a laugh. I like being with you too. Ever since you came to me in the coffin I've wanted to know more about you. It's just hard when you keep being dragged off with other people" He grumbled in a huff

"Is that jealousy I hear" Chris asked

Kol puffed at him "Pfft, never in my life have I been jealous. Maybe your jealous you can't have me around you all the time"

"Oh yeah sure. I bet if I asked you'd give in in seconds" Chris told him

"You got me there darling" Kol smiled at him "Let's say I promise to not hurt your friends, unless provoked. Because if they start something then I can't be responsible for my actions"

"Not responsible for your actions" Chris laughed "Your over a thousand years old. Learn some self control"

"Easier said than done being a vampire. There are things I'd rather not reveal about myself to you, at least not yet.

"I understand that. People keep warning me about dangerous magic, as if I don't know what I'm doing. I've gotten this far, I think I'm more than capable" Chris pouted moodily

"That you are, darlin. That you are" Kol tried to fix his mood by leaning himself forward to collide his lips with Chris'. Kols hand then slid to the back of Chris' neck for control while Chris placed his hands on Kols chest

Kols hand slid from Chris' neck and down to his hip and hung it there lazily. They both then pulled away from one another and rested their foreheads against eachother "Did that help anything?" Kol asked with a smirk

Chris chuckled "I'd have to say yeah"

Kol reassures "You don't need to worry about me, I wouldn't want to leave you anywhere. Remember I'm an Original, no one can hurt me"

"You sure about that?" Chris said gazing at him "I've seen about ten white oak stakes be destroyed already"

"I'm positive, because I'll be with you. And that's all the strength I need" Kol then looked up quickly making Chris a little startled "I'll see you later, darling" Kol then vamp sped away

Chris wondered why he had suddenly left until Elena walked out the back door in search for him "There you are. What are you doing out here?"

"Just waiting for you and Damon to stop flirting" Chris told her

"No chance of that. We just got into an argument, were leaving now. I just came to get you"

The both of them left but not before Chris turned his head to check if Kol had really gone, he had. And so they headed back to the car for the night journey home

Damon drove with Elena in the passenger seat, while Chris and Jeremy sat in the back. Chris was fast asleep when suddenly behind his seat Rose appeared which startled Jeremy "Are we there yet?" Jeremy looked around towards the other three then back at Rose "Don't tell them I'm here. They had a fight, and I know you want to stop it. Protect her. But your young. You don't see what I see. It's not just that she makes him a better person, which she does but he changes her too. Damon challenges her. Suprises her. He makes her question her life. Her beliefs. Stefan is different, his love is pure and he'll always be good for her. Damon is either the best thing for her, or the worst. And I'm not the only one who knows it"

Jeremy looked to Chris who was asleep then back to Rose who nodded "Your friend is confusing. The people he hates are the ones he gets the closest with. And as much as he doesn't like Damon I think he knows what he could be for your sister. Like how he is with those Originals. Not everything in this life is going to make sense, Jeremy. But you just have to open your mind and listen, then perhaps you'll understand why"

Jeremy looked ahead to his sister then back to Chris. When he looked to where Rose was sat behind him he saw that she had vanished, but knew she was still their watching over them

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