The Ayanokouji Twins

Por OhNooo000

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The Ayanokouji Twins, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and Ayanokouji Kiyone, arrive at ANHS. This bring about immediate... Más

Prologue: The Twins
Chapter 1: The Twins, Starting Their Lives at ANHS
Chapter 1.1: Hirata Yosuke, Controlling his Hormones
Chapter 2 (1/2) : The Twins, Investigating and Socializing
Chapter 2 (2/2) : The Twins, Investigating and Socializing
Chapter 3: The Twins, Giving a Reality Check
Chapter 3.1: Nagumo Miyabi, Meeting a Winner
Chapter 4: The Twins, Meeting the Student Council President
Chapter 4.0001: The Twins, Having a Short Conversation
̶P̶a̶i̶n̶ ̶P̶o̶l̶l̶ (Outdated)
gei (Outdated)
Chapter 5 (1/3): The Twins, Presenting an Offer
Chapter 5 (2/3) : The Twins, Extending an Offer
Chapter 5 (3/3): The Twins, Justifying an Offer
Prologue 2: The Unbelievable Result
Chapter 6 (1/3): The Expected Result
Chapter 6.1: Horikita Suzune, Eating Lunch with Koenji Rokusuke for some Reason
Chapter 6 (3/3): Kiryuuin Fuka, Meeting the Twins
Chapter 7 (1/2): Horikita Suzune, Finally getting Lessons from her Mentor
Chapter 7 (2/2): The Twins, Convincing Koenji Rokusuke

Chapter 6 (2/3): The Twins, Getting Noticed at Lunchtime

1.2K 79 9
Por OhNooo000

Kiyone POV:

It's lunchtime and after going through hell and back, we've managed to drag Mr. and Ms. Popular to sit with us.

"So how is it for you two?" I ask the aforementioned popular kids while lining up for the cafeteria. "I'm sure it's tough, being desired by everyone."

"And do you have any idea who you want to group up with?" Asks Kiyotaka.

Hirata gives a little chuckle. "Haha... Right now, it's looking like I'll group up with Karuizawa-san and a few other girls." He replies while making his order.

"As for me, I'm not too sure yet." Replies Kushida. "But if possible, I would like to group with Horikita-san. I want to get along with everyone, but I feel like she doesn't like me very much... So I want to spend more time with her."

"You two are both great academically, so I'm not sure about putting you together..." I say, acting conflicted despite knowing I won't let it happen.

"We'll try and arrange some opportunities for you two to meet, so give up on grouping together for now." replies Kiyotaka. "Also, Hirata, I think it would be better for you to avoid grouping up with those girls."

"Not because they're bad people." Kiyotaka hurriedly adds. "But these study groups are also a good opportunity to expand the class' relationships. With how good both of you are at socializing, we would like you to group up with the more withdrawn people. Those that might have a hard time making groups."

"Karuizawa will be fine even if you don't group with her. Other people won't be." I add. "There are people in class that, we feel, will not participate in anything unless forced to. You two should try and get closer to those people and help expand their social circles."

"Oh, that's a great idea." says Kushida, giving off an angelic smile. "It would be great if everyone in the class could be friends as well."

"...I'll try and talk about it with Karuizawa-san." Replies Hirata.

That response is slightly odd, but I won't chase it for now.

"Speaking of, how confident do you two feel about teaching? Think you can do it?"

"If it's just to the extent of a study group, I think I'll manage. I've taught my friends before, so I can draw on that experience." Replies Hirata, picking up his order of Meal Set A, composed of curry rice and katsu with miso soup and cabbage salad.

Decent presentation, average cafeteria food. I rate it 4/10.

"How about you, Kiyone-chan? How do you feel about your group?" Asks Kushida as she picks up Meal Set C, beef udon with assorted tempura and pickled vegetables.

The tempura colour is slightly faded and the udon noodles are 100% the pre-packaged, store-bought stuff. The broth also looks diluted. 2.5/10.

"If you're worried about the idiots, don't be." I reply as Kiyotaka clears us a way through the mingling students. "I'll make them pass if need be."

Oh, speaking of...

"Give us a second. We'll nab some seats."

By Kiyotakta's gesture, I move with him and nab spots right next to a pair of senpai. They jolt, surprised by our sudden entrance.

"Hello, seniors." I say, nudging up close so that our elbows are almost touching, but not actually touching since that's a little too forward. "Is anyone sitting here?"

"Uh-h. No. No, no one is sitting there." He replies, stumbling over his words. The girl over on Kiyotaka's side has the same reaction, a slight blush apparent on both of them. I wave Hirata and Kushida over.

"Hey look... It's those two."

"The Twins? Holy shit, you're right..." The moment we sit down, I hear some faint whispers from the tables beside us. Taking a quick glance, I see that it's a group of people in Katsuragi's class. Not just them, a few of the other first-years take notice of us and start whispering. It makes me smile a bit, hearing us referred to as "The Twins."

"Wait, listen in on them. They might be planning something."

The student right behind me, upon hearing that, tries to discreetly turn around to peek at our table.

But the moment his eyes peek past his shoulders, we lock eyes and he sees me staring directly at him. I've even turned around so that I'm facing their table.


"H-hello." He pauses for a moment, not sure what to do, before getting up and pretend like he was heading somewhere. But, through the now-vacant seat, I can stare directly at everyone on the table. They all make eye contact with me, and there's a nervous pause where no one says anything.

"It's rude to stare, you know." I say, pulling down my skirt to cover more of my legs.

They sputter, not sure how to react.

"You can listen in, but look politely." I say, turning back and being greeted by confused looks from the senpais.

"Kiyone-san, Ayanokouji-kun, are you uncomfortable? Should we leave?" Asks Hirata, looking around at the tables peeking in on us.

"It's fine." Kiyotaka replies for both of us. "But if the attention bothers you two, we can move. Just give us a second."

"...Are you guys like, famous or something?" Asks the senpai beside me, confused by the sudden attention to our table.

"Wait..." The female senpai besides Kiyotaka seems to have realized something, and she takes a good, long look at him. "Tall, brown hair, gold eyes... Are you a first-year, by any chance?"

He nods. "And are you Class A?"

He nods again.

"Tall, brown... Wait, now I recognize you!" Interrupts the male senpai, coming to a realization. "You're that guy who went around interrogating all the second-years!"

Kiyotaka nods again, and the two seem to have grasped something.

"You know, there are rumours going around about you and that black-haired girl." The female senpai adds, looking excited at the gossip. "You gotta tell us. How did class D become class A in a month? Did you and black-hair have anything to do with it?"

"It wasn't just us. My sister was a big part of it as well." He says, gesturing to me. "Please don't discount her. You're making her pout."

I am, in fact, pouting slightly.

They're mentioning Horikita and Kiyotaka together like a duo. Sure, they have a sidekick-mentor relationship, but I'm his twin. I should be the first one mentioned when talking about Kiyotaka.  We're the unstoppable dynamic duo. Not him and Horikita, and not me with... well I don't have a sidekick, but that's besides he point.

"Kiyotaka, we're gonna need to do something about this. Your sidekick is more famous than me."

Sure, I expected this result when going through with the plan, and I agreed to it, but that doesn't mean I'm unaffected by it. At least the 1st years see us as the brother-sister duo we are.

"We'll figure something out."

"So it was you two? Does that mean you can tell us what happened?" Asks the male senpai besides me. "C'mon, please? The entire senior year is dying to know!"

"We don't mind. It's not a big secret, anyway." It probably won't remain secret for long. I wouldn't be surprised if someone from class B or C was telling another senpai at this very moment.

But, well, we might as well milk this opportunity.

"But could we ask you something in return?" I ask. He nods, so I keep pressing.

"You see, we just learned about an exam coming up at the end of the month. With expulsion on the line, we're all quite nervous." I say, making sure to pay complete attention to both senpai's little gestures. "So, as a senior, is there any 'advice' you can give us?"

"Even if it's a small thing, please tell us." Adds Kushida, seeing where we're going with this.

"Hmmmm... I dunno. I might have something, but..." She has a mischievous glint in her eye as she stares down Kiyotaka. "I might tell you something if you take me somewhere-"

Suddenly, an arm rests itself against the female senpai's head, interrupting her. Out of nowhere, someone has begun resting on her head.

"Excuse me? Who is this?" She yells, annoyed. But that little indignation withers as she turns to look up and is met with sharp, red eyes peeking through silver bangs.


"Sup." replies the tall, silver-haired girl, who most definitely has a presence about her. Not an approachable one like Hirata or Kushida, nor a cold one like Horikita. It's moreso... extreme confidence, with the kind of attitude that implies it isn't misplaced. A kind of intimidation brought on by their unshakable boldness and confidence, alongside their already unique appearance.

"You guys doing something fun here? Everybody's taking glances at this table." She looks around at our surrounding onlookers, making them quickly turn around and pretend like nothing's happening.

She then turns to us and looks us over. "Are you first years?"

As we nod, she gives me and Kiyotaka a good, hard look. "Hmmm..." She then stares down the person she's leaning on. "Hey, I think you should leave."

The male senpai attempts to get a word in. "But we were here first—"

"And I'm here now." She sharply replies to the male senpai, who can barely get in a word. "You should move too."


"You heard me." Her hand slithers down the female senpai's face and pinches either side of her cheek, essentially grabbing her chin. "Tell your boyfriend or whatever to move, then you get going too."

There's a tense moment where the two freeze, but before long the male senpai gets up, whispering to his friend, "Let's go. It's not worth arguing with Kiryuuin."

"You're right about that." Replies the so-called Kiryuuin-senpai, letting go of the girl who quickly leaves. After that, she sits down and stretches her legs under the table, resting her feet on the chair across her and giving me a good view of her black stockings.

"So, what's so interesting about you guys?" She asks, arms crossed and mouth curved up, clearly amused. "The guys around us are staring like you committed a crime."

"They're looking because of you, Senpai." Replies Kiyotaka. "That was a dramatic stunt you pulled with your classmate."

"Them? You don't need to care about those guys. They're just cowards that'll back off if you push them enough." She says, looking condescending as can be. "What, are you going to run off too?"

"Senpai, you're too pretty to run from." I reply. If there's one thing I learned from interacting with my female classmates, it's that you can compliment and flirt with other girls without appearing weird.

"If you want to compliment me, you could at least drop the poker face." She replies with a smirk.

Oh, that's a bit of a tall ask.

I scritch and scratch Kiyotaka's palm, communicating to him.

We should go somewhere else. The attention's getting out of hand, and this isn't the type of person Hirata nor Kushida is good at handling. They're getting completely sidelined.

I'll ask her to move. You talk to Hirata and Kushida. Replies Kiyotaka.

"Hey, Kushida, we're attracting a bit too much attention." I whisper to my seatmate. "We're gonna take this attention-grabbing senpai with us, so let's split for now. Sorry for the inconvenience."

"No, don't worry Kiyone-chan. This wasn't your fault. Me and Hirata-kun will find somewhere else to eat."

"Alright. Oh, and after you find a new spot, try and ask any nearby senpai about the upcoming exam. Ask if they have any tips, advice, or anything generally useful. Scout them out, and if they're being difficult, maybe dangle some points too."

She nods. After I finish delivering my message, I get up alongside Kiyotaka and Kiryuuin-senpai.

"So you two? Well alright. You guys seem like the more interesting pair, anyway."

"We're flattered." I say, waving goodbye to Hirata and Kushida. With Kiryuuin-senpai at the helm, the senior crowd somewhat parts around her, granting us an easy passage.

"You know, you've been talking about how we're potentially interesting." I say as soon as we're mostly out of earshot from the cafeteria. "But you're curious yourself, Senpai."

Is she what they refer to as a 'girlboss'? I ask Kiyotaka with handshake-talk.

We'd have to ask someone more knowledgeable on slang terms, but I think she's just a bully.

"Is that so?" She turns around with her sharp eyes, meeting our own dead and droopy pupils. "In that case, I think we'll get along just fine."

"We think so too. So, where should we go? As the Senpai, you should take us someplace." I ask, reaching into my bag to make sure my lunch hasn't been flipped over or anything.

"Fine then. Follow me, pokerface twins."

Is she saying that because she knows we're twins, or just because we look similar? Either way, the nickname makes me happy.

She also seems very interesting. I would like to become friends with her, and as I glance over at Kiyotaka, I can tell he feels the same. We like arrogant people, after all. Once you break in their confidence, they become great buddies. It's like how a high-quality baseball glove needs to be broken in first.

I wonder, could this Kiryuuin-Senpai become a good friend? That might be hard, considering we're in different years, but who knows what could happen.

I, for one, think we could become great pals.

"You don't need to care about those guys. They're just cowards that'll back off if you push them enough." - Kiryuuin Fuka

"We like arrogant people, after all. Once you break in their confidence, they become great buddies." - Ayanokouji Kiyone

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