Chromatober's Writing

By Eth3alFlame

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Prompts for Chromatober! LoneRanger being the one to give the prompts this year. Will try to keep up, but wit... More

1: Hunted
2- Eyes (Betryal AU)
3: Sneak (Wrong Beginning AU)
4: Return
5: Flowers (Betryal AU)
6: Improvise
8: Fuse (Crystal Fusion AU)
9: Betrayal (AU)
10: Memory (Unnamed AU)
11-Lull (Unnamed AU)
12: Toxin (Betrayal AU)
13: Cold (Betrayal AU)
14: Shelter (Wrong Beginning)
15: Confinement (Sky Mirror AU)
16: Below (Betrayal U)
17: Comfort (Crystal Fusion AU)
18: Voice (Sky Mirror AU)
19: Habit (Sky Mirror AU)
20/21: Stalk and Guilt (Betrayal AU)
22: Grow (Crystal Fusion AU)
23: Trust (Betryal AU)
23: Secret (Betrayal AU)
25: Desire
26: Animal (Crystal Fusion AU)
27: Abyss (Cycle AU: Name in progress)
28: Awaken (Portal AU)
29: Warning (Betrayal AU)
30: Culminate (Betrayal AU)
31: Close

7: Mask

257 15 53
By Eth3alFlame

I decided that instead of taking a literal approach the prompt 'mask' I'd go for a non-physical one. Aka, masking your emotions, because our boi is highly traumatized.

— — —

Everything is completely, one hundred percent, absolutely fine!

Everything is fine!

Sabre sighed to himself. He just had to continue pushing through, and things will be okay! So what if he wakes up most nights with his throat sore and tears pricking his eyes? Everyone gets nightmares! It doesn't matter that Sabre can't stand thunderstorms now, with their lightning and rumbling thunder. So what if whenever there's a thunderstorm adrenaline floods his body and makes him look for threats that aren't there?

Sabre was fine. He was completely, one hundred percent, absolutely a-okay!

Now only if he could believe that.

Sabre leaned against the sink, hands gripping the cold...what even was this sink made of? Ceramic? Marble? He shook his head, it didn't matter.

His blindfold was rough where it was pinned underneath one of his hands, a warm strip breaking up the coldness of the sink and counter.

A dull thunder rolled over the house, making him tense. He took a breath, relaxing his muscles.

Faintly, he could hear a festival going on. Apparently the Green Steves hold a rain festival every few years, and this year was the year they held it. Of course, by some whim of fate, one of the strongest storms to date had to happen today. A lucky sign to the Green Steves, but not a good one to Sabre.

Sabre knew he disappointed several of his friends when he declined going, but the sheer idea of standing outside, where he could see the lightning and hear the thunder sent his nerves aflame. Just imagining it had him tense.

He was too tired to keep his mask up to not worry the others to be standing out and about in a storm. Without the blindfold it was clear to see. Dark marks laid underneath his eyes, telling the stories of countless sleepless nights.

Another rumble, this one crashing over the house. Sabre took a deep breath, letting it out shakily. He was fine, this was fine, he is okay.

H̶e̶ ̶i̶s̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶o̶k̶a̶y̶.

Over the rain slamming into the roof and the quiet sounds created from his mmm by just existing, Sabre heard a muffled knock on his door. Sabre looked towards the direction, even though he was in the bathroom where he couldn't see the front door.

Who was it? Why was someone knocking on his door now? Shouldn't they be enjoying the festival?

Sabre was curious. However, the thought of opening the front door to see who it was, where it would let in all of the noise, killed the curiosity.

Another knock.

Sabre would deny the distraught whine that came out of him. It's not like he could leave the Steve at his doorstep!

But the lightning and thunder.

Another knock.

Sabre took a large breath, before slipping out of the bathroom, only to tense when thunder rolled over the house.

He was okay.

H̶e̶ ̶r̶e̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶n̶e̶e̶d̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶s̶t̶o̶p̶ ̶l̶y̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶h̶i̶m̶s̶e̶l̶f̶.̶

Sabre walked through his house, forcing himself to take steady breaths. When he opened the door, Light was there. An umbrella, white with multicolored dots, covered himself from the rain.

Light brightened when he opened the door-literally and metaphorically- only for him to freeze. "...Sabre?" His friend spoke out softly.

"Hm?" His grip on his door tightened when he seen a flash in the sky.

It didn't go downwards. Sabre pointed out to himself. It wasn't an attack. Everyone is still safe.

Light glanced around, suddenly nervous. "Can I...come in?"

Sabre quickly ushered him in, the sound of the door clicking sent relief through him as if muffled some of the thunder. Not all, hence why he was in the bathroom, since that was the most soundproof room compared to the others.

Light leaned his umbrella by the door, water quickly being soaked up by the entrance mat. He slipped off his rain boots, before turning towards Sabre once more.

Light's face pinched when he looked at him. "Are you okay?"

Sabre jolted. Why was Light asking that? Did he do something to give it away? Was it because he denied going to the festival?

"Oh? I'm fine, why do you ask?"

Light frowned, eyebrows pinched together as he took a few steps closer. "Sabre," He explained. "Your blindfolds off and you look like you haven't slept well in weeks."

Months. He corrected bitterly in his head, before Light's first statement clicked in.

His blindfold.

Sabre didn't put on his blindfold! He quickly averted his gaze, even though it was way too late. Light was going to hate him now. Sabre already lost too many friends because of his eyes he didn't need to lose another.

A hand landed gently on his arm. "Sabre," Light spoke softly. "You're trembling."

Light...wasn't scared?

"Sabre-" Light cut off the exclamation, but it still made him jump, head snapping to look at Light. He almost looked...horrified.

Oh, he was scared. Great! He had to ruin one of his last remaining friendships because he was too stupid to remember to put on his blindfold and now-

"Why do you think I'd be scared of you?" Light frowned up at him. Sabre could only blink in surprise. Afterall, who wasn't scared of him when they saw his eyes?

Light shook his head. "Nope. Not dealing with this standing up." Light herded him to the couch.

Lightning flashed through the open curtains.
Sabre reared back from the attack.

No. No attack. Sabre is safe and everything is fine.

He is fine.

H̶e̶ ̶i̶s̶n̶'̶t̶.̶

Thunder rumbled the house, sending small vibrations through the walls and floor. "Sabre!" Light's eyes widened at his sudden movement. "What's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong!" Sabre forced out a laugh. "Why do you ask?"

Light stared down at him, an indescribable look crossed his face. "Sabre," Light grabbed his hand, giving it a small squeeze. "You're still shaking. Are you hurt?" His eyes narrowed. "Is that why you didn't want to go to the festival? Because you're hurt? I swear to Origin Sabre if you're hurt-"

Sabre pulled his hand out of Light's as he waved them in the air; As if he could wave away Light's worries. "I'm not! I'm okay! I promise!"

White flooded the room followed by an ear shattering crash of thunder.

Light gave a laugh as he glanced outside. "That lightning is..." His eyes widened as his head snapped to Sabre. "Are you scared of the storm?"

"What?!" Sabre gave a laugh. "No! Why would I be scared of a little-"

Another deafening rumble of thunder, loud enough it shook the house. Sabre had to get out of the living room. It was too loud and too open and he wanted to be somewhere where he couldn't hear or see the storm.

He turned and fled back to the one safe room in his house, ignoring Light's exclamation and followed footsteps.

He slid into the bathroom, blindfold left leaning partially on the sink and partially on the counter. Light followed right behind him. "Sabre! What's wrong!"

"Nothing!" He replied.


Light hissed, leaning against the doorframe. "Sabre! Stop lying! What's wrong!?"

Thunder rumbled overhead, back to the muffled sound once more. Light stared up at the ceiling in shock, before gazing back down at him. "It's the storm." It wasn't a question.

"What?!" Sabre forced out another laugh. "Who said I was scared of some storm?"

Light leveled a deadpanned look at him. "Alright then. Why don't we go back into the living-"

"I'm good here!" Sabre interrupted. He grabbed his blindfold and tied it back on with practiced ease. He smiled at Light. "So what did you need?"

Light's face flashed through several emotions, before going neutral once more. "...I was going to ask if you wanted to visit the festival." Sabre tensed. "But I guess that's a no."

"Yeah," He flashed an apologetic smile. "I'd rather not get wet and then sick."

Light sighed. "Sabre, it's okay to be scared."

"I'm not-"


Sabre shut his mouth with an audible click as his shoulders slumped. " it that obvious?"

Light's mouth went into a thin line. "When I can actually see your eyes...yeah."


Light took a breath, before letting it out slowly. "Where's your blankets and pillows?"


"Well, I'm not sitting in here without some comfort, and do you want to grab-" Thunder rumbled overhead. "-the blankets?"

"Nope Nope. I'm good here."

Light gave him a small smile. "I assumed. Blankets?"


He took a step, before turning back around. "All of them?" He sounded incredulous.

He nodded.

"Sabre, I've seen the amount you have. They all can't be used right now." Sabre must have made a face. "Sabre..."

He shrugged. "I like it."

Light let out a sigh. "Fair enough."

The quiet steps of Light was the only sound he could hear besides the dull patter of the rain and the occasional thunder. Light came back with an arm full of blankets a few minutes later, his face partially covered by the stack. "Sabre, how do you have so many?"

"...I like them..."

Light dropped the pile onto the bathroom floor, the fabric flopped onto the floor, covering his feet. "Alright," Light grabbed his shoulders and lightly pushed him down into a sitting position. Both of them were silent as they got comfortable. Sabre built a small wall around him, tossing a few blankets on his lap.

"Now we're having a talk." Light broke the silence.

"Huh? About what?"

Light looked at the ceiling and mouthed something inaudible. Light looked back down at him. "Let's start with why you're scared of storms when I know you weren't before."

"...I have no idea what you mean."

Light sighed. "Sabre...You do realize you don't have to be perfect right?" Sabre jolted. Where did that come from? "You're allowed to be scared. Everyone gets scared. It's natural."

"I know-"

"Do you?"

"I- yes? Why wouldn't I?"

"Since the moment you opened the front door, you've been trying to brush away the fact you're scared. The only reason why I know is because your blindfold helps conceal what you're feeling way more than I thought and you weren't wearing it when you opened the door."


Light bonked his shoulder against his. "You don't have to be okay twenty-four seven. The Leaders can't be, I can't be, so you shouldn't have to be."

"Everything's fine though. No one's hurt, we're not being attacked, and no issues have cropped up. Everything is fine."

"But that doesn't mean you have to be. Out of everyone Sabre, you've been through a lot more than the rest of us. You're allowed off days. You're allowed to be sad or angry or upset."

"...I know."

Light sighed. "I'm telling Thera about this."

Sabre nodded. He pulled at a loose string on a blanket. "...Alright."

Another rumble of thunder, quieter than the previous ones. Tonight was going to be a long night.

— — —

Words: 1822

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