Withering moon lit rose

By Anzu1103

40.2K 1.3K 458

Ryuunosuke Akutagawa was spending the early evening with his sister Gin in their shared apartment. Ryuunosuke... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Author's note
Extra 1
Extra 1.2
Extra 2
Extra 2.2
Extra 2.3
Extra 2.4
Extra 2.5
Extra 2.6
Extra 2.7
Extra 2.8
Extra 2.9
The wedding - part 1
The wedding - part 2
The wedding - Part 3
Author's final words

Chapter 13

1K 33 32
By Anzu1103

"No. What is it?" Chuuya frowned, the last time he had said that to him he had stormed off in a fit of rage and sadness. He knew the man meant something different to his words. "I don't know, tell me!" He shouted in anger, Chuuya found it funny how he didn't change in all these years.

"It's proof." He answered truthfully. "Proof that you still have a heart." Chuuya placed the ring against his own, a soft smile displayed on his face. "Proof you are capable of love. Proof you are human. Proof that you mean more to some of us than life itself." Chuuya released the ring and let it clash against Dazai's chest, he then rose to his feet and left the bathroom. Leaving Dazai to his thoughts.

An hour passed by as Chuuya remained in his room attempting once again to sleep after he had drained the sink in the kitchen. However, the door to his room opened slowly. A few seconds later it closed again. This happened a multitude of times until finally the individual sat themself on the edge of the bed causing the bed to drop slightly. As they moved along the bed it creaked in response slightly, eventually they nestled themself next to the lying Chuuya. The man turned himself over and was met with a regretful Dazai, his eyes showing signs of regret of settling himself next to Chuuya. However, Chuuya placed his hand against the younger cheek.

"Don't make that face, it makes it look like I forced you." The man laughed weakly in response. "I don't think anyone can force me to be like this." He responded as he leaned into the man's touch. "But what if I can't love yo-" Dazai's words were silenced by Chuuya's soft lips, it wasn't a long kiss but long enough to stop the man in his thoughts.

"Don't even say that. You married me four years ago, you poured your heart out to me. I can still remember the day clearly."

Dazai had invited Chuuya out for the day, due to Chuuya not being able to spend as much time with Dazai recently due to Mori bombarding him with a mountain of assignments, they were all solo ones and Dazai was ordered not to assist him. So Dazai had been spending most of his time in Chuuya's apartment however each time Chuuya got back he was too exhausted to do anything but cook a brief meal and sleep.

"So you wanted to take me to a cafe?" Chuuya questioned as he settled himself across from Dazai. "Not just any cafe," Dazai prompted, "The cafe where you took me on our first date." Dazai crossed his arms, impressed with himself. Even though they had been dating in secret for a little less than under a year, Chuuya was still impressed Dazai remembered.

"True, but this place is really run down now. Wouldn't you rather go elsewhere?" Dazai shook his head in dismissal, he wanted to stay here. After all it was the place which had started all this. After conversing for a while and Chuuya drinking an iced coffee the pair had made their way to the shopping centre. Although Dazai typically hated shopping he dragged Chuuya into a clothes shop. The pair messed around trying on various outfits until they both settled on an outfit each. Dazai ended up with a grey shirt, which tucked into some black cargo pants. Chuuya had a black turtleneck with a white shirt over the top, tucked into some neat grey trousers. Chuuya questioned Dazai for the need of fancy clothes but he dodged the question as they raced out of the store after paying (Chuuya paid).

Dazai kept dragging Chuuya throughout the city, never explaining his method. "Osamu! Where are we going now? I could bike with you there if you told me?" Dazai always loved being called that by Chuuya, but shook his head in dismissal at his request.

"No, this is the last place I promise." They eventually ended up at a fancy restaurant, one of Chuuya's favourites.

"Okay, how the hell did you afford this? I'm only able to come here with Ane-san cause she always pays." Chuuya was in genuine shock with his boyfriend, Dazai just raised his arms in defence. "A magician cannot reveal his secrets my dear Chibi."

Chuuya let the 'Chibi' nickname slide, as it was one of the nicer nicknames he had called him over the years. The evening began to go exactly as Dazai had planned.

They conveyed about their most recent missions with each other while enjoying a meal that neither of them had to slave over, well Chuuya had to slave over meals as Dazai typically burnt the food to his amazement, Dazai couldn't have been happier he just had one thing left.

He rose from his seat and stuffed his hand into his trouser pocket and retrieved the small box but just as he was about to get down glass was heard shattering across the room.

Assassins. They had come intending to end double black, this was the third time this month! Dazai cursed inwardly however before he could think any further Chuuya dragged him under the table causing Dazai to drop the box. Panic began to surge through him, he attempted to reach out and grab it but Chuuya pulled his arm back.

"I know your suicidal but for the love of god not now!" Chuuya scowled before activating his ability and kicking the table in the assassins direction. At least two fell out the window. Two other windows then shattered revealing four more soldiers, two from each window. There were six in total.

"You ready Chuuya?" Dazai asked as he finally scrambled to his feet, leaving the box for a later time. "The suicidal maniac wants to live?" Chuuya joked to him, causing a smile to appear on both their lips.

"Guess it's worth trying, if you will do it with me?" Dazai smirked as he looked back at Chuuya who was readying himself to strike, "Do you even need to ask?".

"Let's go!" They both chimed in unison as they ran in opposite directions. Chuuya launched a table in Dazai's direction, the younger ducked causing one of the assassins to fall with the table. While distracted Dazai pulled out his gun and fired multiple shots at Chuuya before landing a shot directly at the assassin's forehead. Dead on the spot. Chuuya grasped at the bullets with his ability and shot them at the unsuspecting assassins. One fell down with two shots, the other was injured by his legs. The other men began to take aim at Chuuya deeming him the major threat.

*Whistle* The two men turned to see Dazai with a machine gun in hand. "Bye, bye." He grinned before pulling the trigger. The two were dead in a matter of seconds. They both stood amidst the chaos from the assassins entrance, not much left of the calm setting from earlier.

"Well that was an interesting dinner." Chuuya admitted while wiping his hands of the dust. Dazai nodded while clutching the small box from earlier behind his back, practically ready to explode from nerves and excitement from this one question. It wasn't the perfect setting he wanted but being able to watch Chuuya in action had always taken his breath away and any second thoughts he'd had about this.

"Chuuya I-" Dazai tried to speak but Chuuya shoved him to the ground with force. A bullet flew above their heads, the one guard who'd had his legs injured earlier. Chuuya grabbed Dazai's gun from his waist and ran to shoot the man down. He was dead within three shots. But Chuuya didn't stop, he kept firing and firing until Dazai stopped him,

"There's no need to keep shooting a dead body." Chuuya seemed to regain his senses, "Right... Waste of ammo." The younger one nodded in agreement. Dazai then quickly swivelled his head to ensure no more surprises would ruin this moment. He then dropped to one knee.

"Chuuya." He spoke, which made the red head look towards the man instead of the broken windows. Chuuya took a sharp gasp at the realisation of what was happening, he never imagined the suicidal maniac would ever want something that would tie him to life.

"I had this whole plan today, how I wanted everything to be perfect. But I realised something when we were fighting just now, something that I had stupidly forgotten." Dazai gave out an awkward laugh which confused Chuuya slightly.

"You're not perfect, nothing you could ever do will be perfect." Chuuya felt his heart sadden at these words, was he breaking up with him? But Dazai washed away all those worries with his next few words.

"But that's precisely why I fell in love with you. You leave me breathless each time I watch you fight as Arahabaki, you trust me with your life each time you use it. And that is something not many people are willing to do." Dazai was worried he was rambling at this point but the look in Chuuya's eyes assured him he wasn't.

"As you know I've had an obsession with suicide for a long time, however in the last two years each time I tried to go through with it, a thought has stopped me. You are that thought. And I hope you will continue to be that thought till the day that I die." Dazai didn't expect this but he was on the verge of tears at how happy he felt at finally getting this across to Chuuya.

"Chuuya Nakahara, will you give me the honour of marrying me?" Dazai held the opened box of the intricate silver ring with the intricate sapphire. Chuuya wasted no time in replying to the man.

"Yes!" He launched himself at the younger into a tight embrace not daring to let go, holding his eyes tightly closed. Praying that this was reality and not a dream, although Chuuya never dreamt. That is unless certain conditions are met. However, doubt about himself began to crawl into his mind.

"Are you sure you're okay settling for me?" Chuuya questioned as his head leant over Dazai's shoulder while still hugging him.

"I'm not settling, you're all I could ever ask for." Dazai replied, pressing his head slightly into the gap of Chuuya's neck.

"But what if I'm not even human?"

"Human or not I love you."

"But what if I can't love you in the way you love me?"

"I will always love you to the best of my ability, if you can return that in even the slightest I will be happy."

"But what if-"

"Chuuya." Dazai pulled Chuuya away from himself so their eyes met. "No force on this earth will ever stop me from loving you as much as my heart will allow. No matter the distance, no matter the time. I will be there. In body and soul." Chuuya was nearly on the verge of tears at his now fiance's words. He pulled him in for a soft and delicate kiss which lasted just enough for them.

Chuuya brought himself back to the present from his memories. "Can you remember what you said to me?" Dazai nodded solemnly. "I will love you as much as I can. Nothing will stop me, no distance or time will change it. In body and soul." He gave a weak laugh in embarrassment of being able to remember something so on the spot from four years ago.

"And has that changed?" Chuuya questioned as he hugged the younger and slowly stroked his hair, "No. Not even when I had to leave. It was hell being apart from you, but I thought it would be for the better. But the pain I must have caused you is why I said it was a mistake marrying you. You could have been with someone so much better than me." Chuuya shook his head in dismissal, his husband had always been so single minded when it came to romance.

"No one could have ever made me this happy."

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