SVU: The One Shots

By GirlandHerKeyboard

16.3K 622 84

This is another one-shot book! Requests are open, and I will try to update as I can! More

Wrong Page
Personal Bodyguard
Undercover Lover
Kiss Me
The Best Product from the Worst Situation
Little One
First Time Dad
Unconventional Meeting
Blind Date
Watching Airplanes
Room 524
Wedding Date
Losing You
Orphaned: Part Two
Orphaned: Final Part
A Lover and a Killer
When A Heart Breaks
A Little Complication
Broken Dreams
16 Years
News Coverage
News Coverage : Part 2
Red Hair and Bruises
Red Hair and Bruises: Part Two
Liv and Ed
Liv and Ed: Part Two
Liv and Bernie
High School Scares
The Surge
The Knock

Tiny Stablers

301 16 0
By GirlandHerKeyboard

Here is the one shot you requested Linsteadforever1998! This is a super long one, so I hope you enjoy!

Olivia and Elliot sat together in the office of their fertility doctor. Their mouths were wide open as shock covered their expressions. 

"Olivia? Elliot? Are you two okay?" Dr. Montgomery asked as she returned her computer monitor to its original position. Elliot blinked several times before turning his head to face his wife. Olivia slowly met Elliot's eyes as fear filled her own. 

"Four?" Olivia asked her husband quietly.

"I think Dr. Montgomery said that. Did we hear her wrong?"

"No, you didn't hear me wrong. There are four," Dr. Montgomery replied, drawing the attention of the couple in front of her.

"H-how? We didn't even think this round would take... let alone give us four babies," Elliot breathed, blindly reaching for his wife's hand. He felt the soft skin of the top of her hand before slipping his fingers between hers.

"I know that this is a shock, but sometimes IVF allows for multiples. Twins, triplets, quadruplets, and even more sometimes just happen. I have pamphlets that will give you information on your options. Now, some are riskier than others but-"

"Are you recommending that we terminate them all or a few?" Olivia asked weakly, her face growing hot as her stomach cramped. She felt like she might get sick, and she knew it was because of the news they just received.

"At your age, carrying four babies isn't safe. Please, just read through these and we can discuss your decision next week. Okay?"

Olivia and Elliot nodded slowly as they stood on shaky legs. Elliot grabbed the pamphlets from Dr. Montgomery, then guided his wife from the room, his hand resting on her lower back and applying pressure in the direction he wanted her to turn.


Olivia sat on the back porch of their three-bedroom house in Queens, a steaming mug of tea between her palms. She had been sick all night, but she didn't know if it was morning sickness or just the stress of finding out she was carrying four babies. That their last attempt to get pregnant led them to having three more babies than expected.

"We've been trying to get pregnant for twelve years, and now at forty-two we are having four babies," Elliot spoke as he walked through the sliding glass door with a beer in hand.

"El, what are we going to do? This isn't something we can simply just ignore and it'll figure itself out... If this pregnancy is viable, I'm gonna get huge and fast." 

Elliot sank down beside his wife as a deep sigh left his chest. All he and Olivia had ever wanted was to be parents. Now they were expecting for the first time after twelve years of negative pregnancy tests, and they weren't even excited. Both were terrified of what would happen and if Olivia's body was strong enough to carry these babies as close to term as possible.

"Do you think we should do selective termination? We could end up with one or two babies," Elliot offered. 

"Or I could lose all the babies. It's incredibly risky to do that, and we really want to be parents," Olivia frowned.

"How long do we have to decide?" Elliot asked before taking a long drink from his beer bottle.

"It's still early, so a few weeks, I think. I don't want to wait that long, okay?"

"We will figure this out, baby."


After lots of praying and discussing their options with Dr. Montgomery, Olivia and Elliot decided to continue with the pregnancy. Dr. Montgomery promised to support the couple with their decision and set them up with a great high-risk doctor who would monitor Olivia throughout her entire pregnancy.

"Hey! I'm so glad you two wanted to do dinner," Bernie grinned, as she opened the front door to her home. Joseph could be seen through the sliding glass door where he was standing over the grill, which was his pride and joy.

"We missed you, Ma," Elliot smiled. He stepped forward and hugged his mother tightly before passing her to Olivia.

"How are you feeling, sweetie?" Bernie asked, as she cupped Olivia's cheeks with her hands and looked into her dark brown eyes. Bernie knew that Elliot and Olivia had their last round of IVF a few weeks ago and hadn't heard back if it was successful or not.

"I'm good, Ma. Thank you for inviting us for dinner," Olivia said with a tired smile.

"Of course, honey. So how did the last round go? Any news yet?" Bernie questioned, her voice low so Joseph wouldn't hear. 

"Let's talk about that after dinner. Until then, put me to work. I can help prep the side dishes," Olivia replied.

Bernie kept an eye on Olivia while they prepped dinner and as they sat together around the kitchen table. 

"Do you want more? You haven't eaten a ton tonight," Bernie frowned, as she held out the bowl of mashed potatoes to Olivia. 

"Ma, she's okay," Elliot spoke, as he watched his wife closely. He knew she was pacing herself, especially since most food made her sick within an hour of eating no matter if she took medicine to help with her morning sickness or not.

"Don't speak for her-"

"Ma, I'm not feeling good and I don't want to get sick. Uh Elliot and I have some news," Olivia replied quickly. She reached over and grabbed her husband's hand and looked at him to start the conversation.

"As you both know, we just did our last round of IVF in hopes this time would work. Dr. Montgomery called us, and our blood test came back positive... We are expecting," Elliot smiled. They were getting used to the idea of becoming parents and the excitement of having four little ones was seeping into their lives.

"W-what?! You are finally having a baby?!" Bernie exclaimed, her fading blue eyes filling with tears. She couldn't believe that her youngest and his wife were finally giving her a grandbaby.

"That is where things get interesting," Olivia trailed off slowly.

"Interesting?" Joseph questioned.

"So when couples do IVF, there are chances that they could have more than one baby. And we are having-"

"Twins?! Oh my-"

"Ma! Please just listen!" Elliot exclaimed. Bernie quickly nodded as an enormous smile grew on her lips.

"Ma, we are having four babies."


Bernie and Joseph were in shock, but once that passed, they were fully involved in Olivia's pregnancy. Joseph and Bernie spent most nights at the house and helped to set up the nurseries and Bernie would attend Olivia's appointments if Elliot couldn't make it. They really stepped up when Olivia was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and was forced onto bedrest at the same time. 

"What happened?!" Elliot exclaimed as he raced into his wife's hospital room. At twenty-five weeks pregnant, Olivia was getting very close to giving birth. A c-section was already scheduled for around thirty-two weeks, but no one knew if her body could handle this pregnancy until then.

"I fainted, and I failed my gestational diabetes test. So it's been a very eventful day for me," Olivia answered hoarsely. She had a bruise on her forehead and arm from the fall.

"Oh, babe... I was so scared when the doctor's office called and told me! I was freaking out that you went into labor and-"

"I was having contractions when I got here, but they stopped them. All five of us are doing better, but this is my new home," Olivia spoke, as she reached out to her husband. Elliot grabbed his wife's hand and sat slowly beside her.

His hand went straight to her swollen belly as he turned to look at the monitor that kept track of his children's heartbeats. 

"El, they are good. I fell on my side and smacked my head, that is all," Olivia spoke softly, noticing the shaking of his hand in hers.

"The thought of losing you and our children scares me to death. Liv, I love the five of you more than life itself," Elliot whimpered, as he turned to face his wife. 

They had spent their entire adult life together, starting as friends in college, then a married couple after graduation and the academy. Now their dream of becoming parents was coming true, yet the call that Elliot received this morning made him think everything was coming to an end. That he'd be without the love of his life and their four small ones.

"I'm so sorry, El. Truly and completely sorry for scaring you. Things are very complicated right now, and I haven't checked up on you as often as I should have," Olivia whispered.

"No, babe-"

"It's been all about me for the past six months. Between the three doctor appointments, I have biweekly and all the pain I've been in. Then there are my cravings and the fact I keep having to size up in clothes because this belly doesn't fit in much... El, I haven't been a good wife. I'm so sorry about that, especially since you have been nothing but understanding and absolutely loving to me," Olivia whispered as tears streamed down her cheeks. 

Elliot leaned down and pressed several firm kisses to Olivia's lips before leaning back and caressing her tear-soaked cheek.

"It has been an honor to take care of you through this pregnancy. I love running out and getting us ice cream and pretzels at midnight or lying in the tub with you. Clothing shopping is amusing and I love your smile when you feel our babies move or when you find some super cute outfit for our babies," Elliot smiled.

"I love you," Olivia hiccupped.

"I love you too, Liv. That could never change."


Olivia was stuck in that same hospital room on bedrest for weeks. She lost some weight while being on bed rest, so by the time the doctors decided it was time for Elliot and Olivia to meet their babies, she was mostly just her bump. Her face was covered in exhaustion and all she wanted was to meet her babies.

"What's happening?" Elliot asked as he rushed into Olivia's hospital room. She was sitting up as a nurse kindly braided her hair.

"We are meeting these kids today," Olivia smiled.

"W-what? Liv, we weren't supposed to meet them until next week! We had a c-section planned for next Friday at your thirty-two week mark. Olivia-"

"Mr. Stabler, your wife is starting to contract again. This time we are going to deliver the babies. They will be small, but they will be fine. We have the NICU on call and the operating room is being prepared," the nurse smiled, as she tied off Olivia's braid. 

"We don't even have names for them yet!" Elliot exclaimed.

"We have an hour to decide, otherwise they can be named later. It's okay, El. I promise," Olivia smiled. She grabbed her husband's arm and tugged him down for a deep kiss. 

"This is really happening, Liv. We are gonna be parents," Elliot whispered.

"I know, and it's fucking insane that after nearly thirteen years, we are finally being blessed with four babies. We are going to be exhausted and probably yell at each other, but we will make it through this. Blowouts and all," Olivia whispered back. 


Elliot walked back into the operating room. A kind older nurse led him to a stool that was sitting beside Olivia's head. He sank down onto it and reached out to caress her hair.

"Did you two decide on names yet?" Dr. Lively asked as she finished getting her gown tied off.

"I think we need to meet them first and find out what we are having," Olivia replied.

"That's right! You decided you wanted to be surprised at the birth. I always love announcing the sex of the babies after they are born. The look on the parents' faces is the best," Dr. Lively grinned. 

Elliot leaned close to his wife as the doctor gave out instructions and teams were set up for each baby. 

"God, thank you for allowing us to make it this far into the pregnancy and for looking out for my wife and four beautiful babies. We are incredibly thankful for your blessings," Elliot whispered, his forehead resting against Olivia's forehead.

"Amen," Olivia whispered as Dr. Lively announced she was beginning.

It seemed like hours before Dr. Lively announced she was delivering baby A. Elliot held his breath as he kept his eyes below the sterile sheet that divided them and the view of the c-section.

"Baby A is a little boy!" Dr. Lively exclaimed as a group of NICU nurses walked over with a doctor to take the baby.

"Oh, El. Listen to him cry," Olivia whimpered as she heard the weak, watery cry of her firstborn. She realized at that moment that every single ache and pain was beyond worth it. 

"Here is your little boy," a nurse smiled, as she carried the small boy to where his parents sat. Elliot and Olivia turned their heads and locked eyes on the red little boy.

"Hey, baby. I wish we had more time with you before you get swept away... But we want you to know how much we love you and cannot wait to hold you," Olivia cried, her finger gently caressing the baby's cheek.

"Stay strong, little man," Elliot sniffled, his blue eyes full of tears.


After about an hour in the operating room, Elliot and Olivia were proud parents of four babies. They were blessed with two sons and two daughters who each weighed around three pounds. Elliot sat in their designated room at the NICU and took time to talk to each of his babies. They were all on oxygen but were doing great otherwise. There was a long road ahead for the Stabler quads, but their parents would support them every step of the way.

"Hey there, stranger," Olivia smiled as she was pushed into the NICU two days after her babies were born. She was still going to be there for a few days longer, and the thought of leaving her babies at the hospital broke her heart.

"Hey, baby. I didn't expect for you to be allowed down here so soon," Elliot spoke as he stood and moved his stool to the side. He took the handles of the wheelchair from the nurse before pushing his wife towards Baby A's incubator.

"I convinced them it was time for these four to meet their mama," Olivia grinned, before pulling her husband down for a kiss. Once they parted, Olivia turned her attention to her son. She reached her hand into the incubator and gently touched his tiny hand.

"Alright, do these babies have names now? I'd really like to fill out their name cards," one nurse smiled. Elliot looked down at his wife as she focused fully on their tiny baby.

"Liv, wanna tell them the names?" Elliot asked softly, his hand squeezing Olivia's thin shoulder.

"Oh yeah, we should probably do that," Olivia replied quietly.

She caressed her son's hand for a moment longer before leaning back and looking at the nurse.

"His name is Oscar Joseph Stabler. Baby B is Benjamin Peter Stabler," Olivia spoke as she looked at her sons. 

"Solid names, Mrs. Stabler. I'm sure they will have tons of nicknames from the staff by the time they leave," she chuckled. Once the cards for the boys were filled out and Olivia got to hold Benjamin's hand, they moved to where the girls lay.

Olivia held Baby C's hand and smiled at the thin brown hair that covered the top of her head.

"What is this little girl's name?" The nurse asked quietly, and this time Olivia was completely zoned out on her daughter. Elliot didn't interrupt her this time and turned to the nurse himself.

"Her name is Matilda Jean Stabler. Last but not least, Baby D is Alice June Stabler," Elliot spoke, an enormous smile on his lips as his kids finally had their names. It took the first two days of their lives for their parents to settle on names.

The last two cards were placed on the end of incubators, and the nurse gave them some space. Elliot watched as his wife took time with each baby before sitting back and glancing between their incubators.

"I love them so much," she whispered, her words shaking as they left her lips.

"We make really pretty babies," Elliot replied.

"Oh, this is all me," Olivia said with a shaky grin.

"If you hadn't just had pretty extensive surgery and carried our four babies, I would have some choice words for you, Mrs. Stabler," Elliot chuckled as he squatted down in front of Olivia's wheelchair.

"Are you happy?"

"I am incredibly happy, Liv. All thanks to you," Elliot smiled softly.

"I couldn't have done this without you, El. I know we became parents later than expected, but I think we are more prepared now than we would have been years before. We are financially stable and have a house that they only have to be two to a room in."

"I think things are going to keep getting better as the years move on. I am not looking forward to teaching four teenagers to drive and getting them cars," Elliot breathed.

"We have years to convince someone else to do that," Olivia chuckled.


Oscar, Benjamin, Matilda, and Alice were everything their parents had dreamed about for years. They grew into beautiful little humans that had their father's eyes and their mother's hair and nose crinkles. The Stabler house was always full of sweet giggles and the sound of tiny feet pounding against the floor as the boys chased their sisters around the house. 

Olivia and Elliot fell more in love with each other and the family they created together. No matter what came up, they couldn't be more thankful for the four tiny Stablers who filled their home with noise and hearts with love.

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