Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney X...

By AllisonLange

535 14 2

This is the story of Ryan Kagura, a brand new defense attorney who joins Wright & Co. Law Offices during a ca... More

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Male Oc Info
Case 1: Turnabout Samurai Part 1
Turnabout Samurai Part 3
Turnabout Samurai Trial Day 1
Turnabout Samurai Trial Day 1
Turnabout Samurai Part 4
Turnabout Samurai part 5
Turnabout Samurai part 6
Turnabout Samurai Trial Day 2
Turnabout Samurai Trial Day 2
Turnabout Samurai Final Part
Turnabout Samurai Final Trial Part 1
Turnabout Samurai Trial Final Part 2
Case 2: Turnabout Goodbyes Part 1
Turnabout Goodbyes Part 2
Turnabout Goodbyes Part 3
Turnabout Goodbyes Trial Day 1
Turnabout Goodbyes Trial Day 1
Turnabout Goodbyes Trial Day 1
Turnabout Goodbyes Part 4
Turnabout Goodbyes Part 5

Turnabout Samurai Part 2

47 1 0
By AllisonLange

October 16
Global Studios 
Main Gate 

They arrived at Global Studios as Maya was gushing with excitement as she looked at the building behind the gate. 

Maya: Wow! So this is where they make the Steel Samurai show! Awesome! Aren't you two excited? 

She asked as she turned to Phoenix and Ryan before an old lady wearing a security guard outfit rushed towards them. 

Oldbag: Hey! You there! You want in, you gotta go through me! 

Maya: O-oh… s-sorry! W-we're, um, lawyers. 

Oldbag: Oh yeah? Well that's great. I'm security! And it's my job to make sure that gawkers like you stay OUT. 

Maya: G-gawkers? 

Oldbag: Gawkers! Sightseers! Tourists!!! I know the type. You heard about the accident and came to snoop around. Youths today! Something horrible happens and all you can think of is sightseeing! Wasting your time at a place like this. Don't you have jobs you should be doing? Or do lawyers not work like the rest of us? Maybe I should become a lawyer too. Sounds like a life of ease to me, no work just loafing around all day as you please. Well when I was young things were a mite different, mind you we didn't prance around in strange hippie clothes. What are the youths coming to these days my own son hasn't called in… 

Maya: Umm…. Nick? Fake Nick? Will I grow up to be like her? Please say "no." 

Phoenix: I dunno! It's possible. 

Ryan: True! I agree with Phoenix. 

Oldbag: Hey! Listen when you're being spoken to! Youths today! 

She shouted as her voice made them jump back a bit before Phoenix cleared his throat and started asking Oldbag some questions and also recovering from her loud shouts. 

Phoenix: So, what do you do here at the studios? 

Oldbag: At Global Studios, we make children's dreams come true! In fact, in my younger days…. 

Maya: No! You were a star!? 

Oldbag: Only a little twinkle between the stars here, I'm afraid, dearie. 

Maya: Wo… wow. 

Ryan: Why are you shocked by that? 

Oldbag: This place has really gone downhill, you know? But 10 years ago, now that was a studio of dreams! Hammer was a big star back then too, he was… 

Phoenix: Hammer…? 

Oldbag: The victim, dummy! The Evil Magistrate! He's been reduced to playing villains now. Not exactly the best material to work with… 

Phoenix: Can you tell me about Mr. Will Powers? 

Oldbag: He's not a bad kid, but don't be fooled by his mask! You wouldn't want him on the silver screen without it, believe me. Little old ladies watching would lose their lunch! That's probably why he thought that the Steel Samurai was his "big chance." No one thought he was capable of doing what he did to poor Jack Hammer… 

Maya: We don't know for certain that Will Powers is guilty! 

Oldbag: Powers? Of course he's guilty! How do I know? I know everything! That's my job. 

She shouted again as Phoenix sighed and continued asking more questions to Oldbag. 

Phoenix: What kind of person was Jack Hammer? 

Oldbag: What "kind of person"? Oh… if you only knew! Jack Hammer will live on in many hearts as the ultimate action hero! He was simply dashing in the Dynamite Samurai series! 

Ryan: There were more samurai shows than steel samurai. 

Phoenix: 'Should I have heard of that…?' 

Oldbag: But… There was an accident during filming five years ago. He got an unlucky break after that. Reduced to playing the villain on a children's program! What's more, I heard they were paying him peanuts. It's enough to make you cry. 

Phoenix: Why are you so certain Mr. Powers is the killer? 

Oldbag: I was standing right here yesterday, I was. I was here from 1:00 in the afternoon, to 5:00, when they found the body! Now the studio where the murder took place is to the left here. So if you want to go to the studio, you have to pass by me! Only one person went by here between 1:00 and 2:30, when the murder took place! 

Phoenix: And... that person was Mr. Powers? 

Oldbag: Yes. I saw him! 

Phoenix: But Mr. Powers says he was sleeping in his dressing room. 

Oldbag: Oh, I'm sure he would say that. He's no fool! But he was the only one that walked by. He's the killer, you can bet your biscuits on it. 

Ryan: 'No one says that anymore.' 

Oldbag: Isn't it about time for you to be heading home? There's nothing to see here. Move along. 

Phoenix: Um, actually, we're here at Mr. Powers request. 

Oldbag: Hmph! I thought you were suspicious lookin'! Show me a "letter of request." And maybe I'll just let you in. 

Maya: This lady here thinks she owns the place, obviously. 

She said as they went back to the Detention Center, where Will was still sitting behind the glass as he saw them enter. 

Will: Hello! How was the studio? They all think I did it, don't they? 

Maya: N-no, not at all! Isn't that right, Nick? Fake Nick? 

Ryan: She's right, they don't think that, just a little bit more. 

Phoenix: Right, not at all. At worst, you're a suspect. 

Will: *sniff* 

Phoenix: Mr. Powers, you aren't hiding anything from me, are you? 

Will: W-what? No! I'd never do that! 

Phoenix: Earlier, you said that you were sleeping in your dressing room after lunch. 

Will: Yes. Like a baby. 

Phoenix: But the security lady says she saw you that day. She says she saw you heading towards the scene of the crime! 

Will: W-what!? That's not possible! I...I really don't know what to say! I was sleeping, I promise! 

Phoenix: Mr. Powers, if you want me to help you, you have to tell me the truth. I'm new to this lawyer business, and I need every advantage I can get. 

Will: I know… I-I'm sorry. *sniff* But, I swear to you on my momma's grave, I was sleeping. Maybe the security lady only thought she saw me? 

Ryan: 'He doesn't like he's lying at all. I wonder if Phoenix noticed it too.' 

Phoenix: 'What did she see…? He doesn't seem to be lying.' 

Phoenix: Umm… about that security guard at the main gate to the studio… 

Will: Oh, the security lady? 

Maya: She's terrible! She called me "suspicious lookin'"! 

Will: Y-yes… actually, she's said the same thing to me before. “Take off that Mask!” were her words, I believe. She sucks up to all the bigwigs at the studio… But let her see you stumble once and she’ll never let up on you. 

Maya: Grrr! She’s got some nerve! 

Ryan: She’s that crazy! 

Phoenix: Do you think you could write up a letter formally requesting my representation? 

Will: Of c-course. 

He said as he quickly wrote up a letter formally requesting that Phoenix was able to enter the studio and look at the crime scene, as he slid it through the small slot underneath the glass.

Phoenix: ‘I just hope this will get me past that security lady.’  

He handed the letter to Ryan for him to hold onto before they left the Detention Center and they returned to Global Studios as Phoenix showed Oldbag the letter. 

Phoenix: Ma’am, have a look at this. It’s a letter of request from Mr. Powers. 

Oldbag: Hmm…? Yes, yes. I recognize the bold, childish scrawl. 

She said after reading the letter before looking at Phoenix and Ryan, checking out their suits. 

Oldbag: To think he would entrust his fate to youths of such unreliable appearance. Really! 

Phoenix: Really? 

Ryan: Really? 

Oldbag: Anyway, you may pass. But only left from here, toward the studios! No going to the right. That’s the Employee Area. “No one allowed inside, pal” were my instructions. The good detective told me himself. 

Maya: Hey, hey, Nick. Fake Nick. 

Phoenix: Huh? 

Ryan: What’s up? 

They asked as Maya shoved a map into their faces as she was excited again, as she forgot about Oldbag. 

Maya: There were maps in the security guard station. 

Phoenix: Hey! Not bad! 

Oldbag: Those are 50 cents apiece, thank you! 

Maya: Well, time to go, Nick. Fake Nick. 

Oldbag: 50 cents! 

She yelled while Maya handed the map to Phoenix before they walked through the gate and arrived outside of Studio One, as Maya spotted a familiar looking man that was in the middle of the walkway. 

Gumshoe: Hey! Aren’t you the murderer from the other day! 

Maya: Aah! It’s that confused detective! 

Gumshoe: Hey pal, you know Prosecutor Edgewoth is all upset, and it’s your fault! 

He shouted as he glared at Ryan, instead of Phoenix, stayed silent as the detective continued to shout at them. 

Gumshoe: I saw him sipping tea and staring gloomily out the window! 

Phoenix: Umm…so? And you got the wrong person. 

Maya: Hey! If he’s depressed, it’s all your fault for doing sloppy detective work! 

Gumshoe: !!! … … 

Maya: Um, Detective? 

Ryan: Wow, that made him upset. 

Phoenix: I think you hurt his feelings. 

Maya: Oh no! I…I’m sorry! 

Phoenix: Well, I think his feelings are easily hurt. 

Gumshoe: You’re right, pal. It’s all my fault. I can blame other people all I want, but I know the truth in my heart! 

Maya: Hey, hey! Don’t take it so hard! There’s always the next case! 

Gumshoe: Yeah, I suppose you’re right. Hey! What exactly are you two doing here? And why are there two Pheonix’s? 

He asked as he looked at both Phoenix and Ryan, as Maya tried to not laugh at his confusion. 

Maya: Um, well… we’re on this case too, pal! And there’s just one Nick, the one next to him is Fake Nick. 

Ryan: Hey! Don’t tell him your weird nickname for me. I’m Ryan. 

Gumshoe: Huh?! Hey! You can’t just go around saying “pal” like that! That’s MY endearing character trait! So, he’s not Phoenix, but just a look-alike. 

Maya: I’d say he’s a character alright… and Fake Nick is just my assistant. 

Ryan: What? No, I’m not! I’m a lawyer just like Phoenix! 

He yelled at Maya as Phoenix ignored them as he started to ask Gumshoe some questions on Will and the case. 

Phoenix: So, how is your investigation going, Detective? 

Gumshoe: Well, it’s… Hey! I can’t tell you that, pal. 

Maya: Nick… Maybe you need to be a little more indirect with your questions? 

Phoenix: Right. So, Detective, mind if I take a look at what you got? 

Gumshoe: What I got? 

Phoenix: The autopsy report! The latest version, if you please… 

Gumshoe: Hmm… right, right. Sorry about what happened last time, pal. 

He mumbled sadly as he handed Phoenix the Autopsy Report that explained that Jack Hammer was killed by the Steel Samurai spear into his chest, which occurred at 2:30. 

Phoenix: Why was Mr. Powers arrested? 

Gumshoe: Simple, pal! The murder took place right over there in Studio One. Now, the victim entered Studio One at approximately 1:00 PM. At that time, there was no one other than the victim in the studio. According to the autopsy report, the time of death was 2:30 PM. Only one person went to the studio between 1:00 and 2:30! And the person was none other than Will Powers! No one else, pal! If you think I’m lying, ask the security lady at the main gate. 

Maya: Nick! Fake Nick! If that’s true…! Anyone would think that Powers did it with that kind of evidence! 

Phoenix: Thanks for cheering me up… 

Ryan: Yeah, thanks for that… 

They mumbled as Maya huffed annoyed that people would believe that Powers did kill Hammer with the given evidence as Phoenix asked Gumshoe his last question. 

Phoenix: About the security lady… 

Gumshoe: Oh, that sweet old lady. What a charmer! 

Phoenix: Huh? A-are we talking about the same person? 

Gumshoe: When I showed her my badge she gave me a donut and some coffee! 

Maya: Remember what Powers said. She’s a sucker for authority.  

Gumshoe: She even gave me a piece of valuable evidence! 

Maya: Whaaat!?

Phoenix: What kind of evidence!? 

Gumshoe: Well, that, er, photo. The photo of the Steel Samurai heading toward the scene of the crime! 

Maya: What! Who took that!? 

Gumshoe: See the camera up on that gate, pal? 

He started as he pointed at the camera that was attached to the top of the gate. 

Maya: The gate? You mean the one with the welcome sign? 

Gumshoe: Yeah. Whenever someone walks by, that camera automatically snaps a photo of them! 

Maya: Oh no! Nick, Fake Nick, he has evidence! We’re finished!

Phoenix: ‘Funny, for someone with hard proof he doesn’t look too happy.’ 

Ryan: ‘He’s acting really strange…’ 

Gumshoe: … What’s wrong, pals? You both seem down. 

Phoenix: Don’t look so happy when you say that. 

Gumshoe: *laughs* 

Maya: Umm… We’d like to ask the employees here some questions… 

Gumshoe: Sure thing, pal. Go wherever you like. Of course, you’re not going to find any clues I haven’t already found! Hah hah hah! 

Phoenix: ‘I’m glad someone around here seems to be enjoying themselves.’ 

Maya: Nick, Fake Nick, let’s go! We’ve got a free pass to the place. Now’s our chance to check things out! 

She shouted excitedly as they returned back to the entrance as she got even more excited. 

Maya: Nick! Fake Nick! Look! That security lady is in the guard station stuffing her face with donuts! I guess all cops like their donuts! 

Phoenix: Yeah, and they’re soft enough she doesn’t need teeth to chew them… 

Oldbag: Hey you! Well? Are you satisfied Powers is guilty yet? 

Phoenix: ‘Urk! She had to make my life harder by giving that photo to Detective Gumshoe…’ 

He groaned in his head as he shook the thoughts as he asked Oldbag more questions over the photo she gave Gumshoe. 

Phoenix: Why didn’t you tell us about the security photo, ma’am? 

Oldbag: Hmm? Oh, that? I just thought it would be more thrilling to talk with the detective himself! These things are important, you know. Oh, just to the left from here is the gate with the camera that took that photo. It’s my job to check the photos every day, you see. 

She explained before Phoenix decided to change the question before she would go talk about it more. 

Oldbag: This guard station is in a central position. No matter where you go here, you pass by my station first! Now poor Hammer, he went to the studio just before 1:00. The murder happened right around 2:30, see? The only one I seen go through here between 1:00 and 2:30 was Powers himself! The security camera got a good look at him too. If he's not the one what did it, I don't know who is! 

Phoenix: Maybe... it was you? 

Ryan: True, it could be her. 

Oldbag: Gyah hah ha hah! Good one, sonny! 

Phoenix: 'She thinks I was joking.' 

Phoenix: : Was the victim, Mr. Hammer, a popular actor? 

Oldbag; Oh, he was the biggest star in the studio! 

Phoenix: '"Was"? Past tense?' 

Maya:  Oh yes! He was great as the "Bearded Samurai"! 

Ryan: That's another weird name! 

Oldbag: That too, yes. He shone the brightest! Back in the day. Making a star like him play the "Evil Magistrate"... It's a disgrace, I tell you! Hammer took it pretty hard, and who can blame him? 

Phoenix: About the security camera… 

Oldbag: Oh yes, the camera. Then it snaps a photo! Apparently, it records the time when it takes a picture too. But I don't bother myself with those details. I just view all the photos on the computer over in the security guard station. I check 'em every day before going home, I do. 

She explains with a small smile as they walked towards the Employee Area as Maya was more excited to be there. 

Maya: Nick! Fake Nick! This is where they do all the behind-the-scenes stuff! Hey! Look! There's Powers's dressing room! 

She said in excitement before she noticed that they were the only ones in the area. 

Maya: No one's here this soon after the murder I guess. Let's take a look around! 

They started to look around for any evidence that shows that Will Powers isn't the killer as Phoenix noticed the door that leads to Will Power's dressing room was unlocked. 

Phoenix: The door to the dressing room. It's not locked. 

Ryan: Shouldn't it be closed? 

Maya: : Hey, Nick! Let's take a look inside! Maybe we can find something as a souvenir…? 

Phoenix: What do you mean "find"!? 

Maya: You never know! There might be something like... the Samurai Spear! 

Ryan: And what are you thinking of using that! 

Phoenix: We don't need a spear! 'And that's the murder weapon for crying out loud!' 

He yelled in his head as he looked up from the door and saw the sign with Will Powers name written on it. 

Phoenix: There's a sign on the dressing room door. "Mr. Will Powers"... it must be neat to be the star and have your own room like this.
He moved away from the door as he checked out the area next to the dressing room. 

Phoenix: Let's see... cola, candy, chips, gum... Huh. It's so... normal. I was expecting some cool theme snacks or something. Popcorn, at least! 

Maya: W-wait! Look! "Samurai Soda"! Nick! Fake Nick! Try this! 

Ryan: N-No thanks. 

Phoenix: 'Ladies first…' 

As Maya was busy drinking what she called "Samurai Soda", Phoenix checked out the window to the storage room. 

Phoenix: That must be the storage room. That's where they keep all the film equipment. 

Maya: Wow, Nick! You know a lot about the industry! 

Phoenix: Umm, what else would they keep in a film studio? 

Ryan: I'm not sure. 

He added as Phoenix walked towards a small table and noticed it was covered with an empty soda can and a dirty plate. 

Phoenix: The remains of yesterday's lunch are scattered around. Everyone was probably too shocked to clean up. 

Ryan: And there's a t-bone on one of the plates, minus the steak. 

Maya: Mmm! T-bone steak! That would have hit the spot. 

Phoenix: You just had a burger! 

Maya: Yeah, but I have a second stomach just for steaks. 

Phoenix: 'What?!' 

Ryan: 'Huh?!' 

They yelled in their heads as Maya had a hungry look in her eyes. Phoenix just ignored her as he checked out a bike that was on the other side of the area. 

Phoenix: Looks like one of those electric-powered bicycles. I dunno about these. I mean, what's the point? 

Maya: It makes it a lot easier to go up hills! 

Phoenix: Don't people cycle to get exercise!? 

He yelled at Maya as she looked at the bike. While they were arguing, Ryan checked out a backdrop of Neo Olde Tokyo for the show. 

Ryan: There's a half-finished backdrop for a stage here. Looks like a castle. It's probably "Neo Olde Tokyo Castle." 

He mumbled looking at the backdrop while Phoenix was done arguing with Maya, he noticed the metal gate for the drain was taken off. 

Phoenix: The metal grate on the drain here has been taken off. That's a pretty big drain. A kid could fit through there, I bet. 

Maya: Yeah, if you snuck in that way you wouldn't have to pay at the gate! 

Phoenix: Well, if you want to leave that way, be my guest. 

Maya: Right. Huh? Hey! I'm not a kid! 

She screamed as she hit Phoenix on his back as he softly laughed. After she was done hitting Phoenix, they entered Will Powers dressing room. 

Phoenix: Powers's dressing room... So this is where he was sleeping? Or at least, this is where he claims he was sleeping. 

Maya: No one actually saw him taking a nap here, did they? 

Ryan: That old lady at the security gate said she saw him walk past her. 

Phoenix: Right, and there's a picture of him near the crime scene. 'I hope he's telling the truth... for his sake!' 

They then looked around the dressing room as Maya found a large brown bag that was leaning against a cabinet. 

Maya: Hmm? This must be Powers's bag. 

Phoenix: Hey, don't open that. 

He warned but Maya didn't stop as she opened the bag and pulled out a small white card. 

Maya: Look! 

Phoenix: An employee cardkey. That must be Powers's. It says "Studio One." 

Maya: Let's take it, Nick! Fake Nick! 

Phoenix: Borrow it. You mean borrow. 

She said excitedly while Phoenix handed the cardkey to Ryan and they continued looking around. He walked closer to the cabinet and checked out the different makeup bottles there. 

Phoenix: There's a vast array of cosmetics here. 

Maya: Ooh! This is the wig he used in "Samurai Boogey-Woogey"! Nick! Try this on! 

Phoenix: No. And how can you tell the name of a show just by looking at a wig!? 

Maya: I, um, kinda like samurai movies. 

Phoenix: '"Kinda"...?' 

He mumbled in his head as he walked over to the small coat hanger and checked out the different clothing on it. 

Phoenix: There's some regular suits in among the costumes here. Those must be his own clothes. 

Maya: It'd be fun to wear one of the costumes… 

Phoenix: 'I'd say you were already wearing one, myself.' 

He shook his head as Ryan looked at the small table in the middle of the room and picked up one of the packaged snacks. 

Ryan: There's a bunch of snacks in here. I guess they give these to the employees. Some tea and cookies… 

Maya: Fake Nick… I'm hungry. 

Ryan: I thought Phoenix just said you had a burger before coming here! 

Maya: Yeah, but I have a separate stomach for sweets! 

Ryan: 'Just how many stomachs does this girl have…!?' 

He shouted in his head as Phoenix walked past them towards the window and tried to open it but it didn't budge. 

Phoenix: It's locked. Looks like he doesn't open his window much. I guess it is kind of dusty outside. 

He stated as he glanced down at the small couch that was pushed against the wall and noticed the blanket was wrinkled, showing that it was used. 

Phoenix: Looks like someone was sleeping here. Maybe Powers did take a nap here yesterday…

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