Midnight, The Stars & You

By WestCoast14

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Genevieve Chalamet has grown up visiting Paris ever since she could remember. Her father was from Nîmes, but... More



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By WestCoast14

a/n: I'm SO sorry I haven't updated! I had a lot of personal stuff going on and for awhile I wasn't sure if I liked my writing in this story anymore so I was kinda conflicted! I'm gonna try to keep up with it again! Thank you guys so much! :) I hope you all are doing well!

Summer 2010

After an eventful day at the beach, Ginny made sure to take a hot shower back at the Leclerc house. The tiny sand granules made their way down the drain. She shampoo'd and conditioned her hair twice because of the salt water. But even then, she knew her hair would be frizzier than normal, with strands sticking out at every end. She got out of the shower and made a beeline to the guest room where her clothes were laid out.

The sun was slowly starting to set against the horizon. Ginny could feel the twilight air creeping into the house. She felt goosebumps on her skin as she dropped her towel and slipped into a pair of pajama shorts and an oversized gray tee shirt. Ginny's wet hair trickled onto the thin fabric and created two big stains on her chest. Just as always, she thought she looked like a poodle. Her shoulders slumped.

Ginny jumped at the sound of someone knocking on her door. She whirled around, but paused for a moment, wondering who it could be.

"It's me!" Charles sounded from the other side.

Ginny let go of the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding in. She grabbed the golden knob and twisted until Charles was in view. He was also fresh out of the shower with damp hair against his forehead. His cheeks were red from the heat. The whites of his eyes were cascaded with streaky red lines — most likely from getting soap in them. Nonetheless, he looked so dreamy.

"Hi Charles." Ginny felt shy all of a sudden. Maybe it was because of today... all the times he stood up for her and reminded her that she wasn't some pathetic little kid. She flushed pink at the thought of Charles liking her in the same way she liked him. Could that even be a thing? His words echoed in her ears. "Well at least I can say I have a girlfriend."

Charles pressed his shoulder against the doorway, crossing his arms in the process. He flipped some of his hair to the side, pelting Ginny with a few beads of water. She giggled and shoved him in the chest. He was grinning from ear-to-ear.

"Chloe's locked herself in her room and won't come out... I think because of whatever her and Max talked about on their walk at the beach. Pierre is doing God-knows-what. My brothers are with your brother in the basement playing Mario Kart. So I was wondering if you'd wanna watch a movie with me."

"Sure!" Ginny nodded excitedly. She always loved watching movies because she could escape from whatever her current reality was. And she loved watching movies even more with her crush. "Do you think we should check on your sister though?"

"I tried." Charles shook his head. "She yelled at me to go away. I think she just wants some time alone."

"What do you think happened with her and Max?" Ginny grabbed her fuzzy blanket before walking into the hallway with Charles. The two of them always walked with their shoulders touching. They were doing that now. Ginny felt safe with Charles beside her, like he was her own personal forcefield of light and joy.

He cocked his head to the side like he was deeply thinking about the matter. "Je ne sais pas. They were gone for like thirty minutes and when Chloe did show back up... Max was gone."

"Probably because he had to catch up with his dad." Ginny raised a brow at Charles, who blushed lightly.

"I did my best to keep Mr. Verstappen preoccupied. But he is a helicopter dad. I could only do so much." Charles nudged her in the arm.

"You get an A for effort." Ginny joked, reaching out to ruffle the top of his hair. He scrunched his shoulders, laughing. "But do you think Chloe might like Max?"

"I think they're friends, yeah." Charles shrugged as they shuffled down the staircase.

Ginny hopped on the first floor and glanced over her shoulder at Charles. "Not like as a friend... but like like as in a crush."

"On Max!?" Charles looked flustered. He shook his head quickly as if the idea was insulting... even though he was good friends with the racer. "No way! He's too... well... he's too-"

"Mean?" Ginny finished his sentence for him, knowing good and well that it must be difficult to insult someone who could also be a kind friend. She realized that Charles' relationship with Pierre was the same way. They were friends... but Pierre could be so cruel. Though, he knew when to throw on the charm. Maybe Max was the same way. Maybe Chloe saw the sweet, loving, side of Max Verstappen that was kept a secret -- like Ginny had seen the secret vulnerable side of Pierre. Her head started to throb just thinking about it.

"He has his moments." Charles threw on a sympathetic smile. "If his dad wasn't so angry all the time then maybe Max would have a whole different personality."

Ginny bit her lip, thinking. "Do you think Pierre would too? If his dad maybe... was more of a dad."

"Yes, I think so." Charles nodded slowly, furrowing his eyebrows. "He has his moments too, doesn't he?"

"Yeah." Ginny paused, starting to feel a hot blush on her cheeks... and not because of Charles. "He does."

Charles coughed into his shoulder, breaking the tension in the living room. "What do you want to watch?"

"Anything." Ginny plopped on the couch. Charles threw himself down beside her, stealing some of her blanket that was half-hazardly covering her bare legs. He smelled like spearmint toothpaste and lavender. His damp hair touched her cheek lightly as he inched closer, their shoulders touching just as they were when they walked. "I'm just happy to watch a movie with you."

It was a sappy thing to say, but it was true. Ginny loved every second she spent with Charles, no matter what they were doing. If it was mundane, boring, chores- it didn't matter. Not as long as she was with him. Charles and Ginny. The two that were meant to be. Charles turned his head towards the television, picking up the remote from his side. His cheeks were pink like cotton candy skies. "Veux-tu regarder des films avec moi pour toujours?"

Will you watch movies with me forever?

Ginny twisted her lips in thought, trying to hide the large smile spreading across her lips. His earlier words were similar. Forever, being the token word. She glanced at him with hearts oozing from her soft eyes. "Do you think I won't be around long? You asked if I'd match with you forever at the beach too."

"Will you?" Charles cocked his head to the side.

"I think it's an obvious answer." Ginny whispered. "Yes."

Charles looked at his lap as the television brightened, turning on with a click. His smile faded into a worried grimace. He tried to hide it. "I hope that's true."

"It is." Ginny furrowed her brows.

Charles lightened after a second, turning to her with a grin. "Let's check the guide. Maybe there's a movie on cable that we'll like."


Ginny awoke to a loud thud on the roof. She felt startled, glancing around the dark living room in worry. The television was stuck on a blank screen -- which meant that it must be late if the channel wasn't airing anything. She didn't even remember falling asleep in the first place. Her skin was covered in sweat and clammy. Her hair stuck to the back of her neck. Her throat was dry. She needed water.

She felt a weight on her left shoulder. She glanced into the dark abyss to find Charles' head. Ginny smiled to herself, noting how peaceful he looked sleeping. She didn't want to leave, especially not while he was using her as a pillow, but she really needed something to drink. The sun from the beachhead dehydrated her and she was already bad about drinking water. She carefully slipped away from Charles, but quickly led his head with her hand to the couch armrest. He didn't wake up.

She walked around the silent house, still curious about the sound that awoke her. She'd investigate after a glass of water. She tip-toed down the hallway and entered the kitchen, where she nearly jumped out of her skin. A figure stood in front of the fridge with the doors wide open. Ginny let out a soft yelp, in which she was met by a quick hiss.

"Shut up, étoile. You'll wake our parents." The devil incarnate's voice rang in her ear.

Ginny laid a hand over her heart, breathing in deep to reset the fast pace beats. "Charles is asleep too... on the couch."

"I could care less if I wake Charles up." Pierre rolled his eyes before grabbing the whole carton of milk. He brought it to his lips and started to drink.

Ginny scrunched her nose in disgust. She watched as he held the carton high over his mouth and spilled some of the white liquid on his bare chest. She really tried to calm her heart after a sudden surge again. "They have cups you know."

Pierre wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He raised his brows and wiggled them. "I have a mouth you know."

"Were you the one who made that thud on the roof?" Ginny remembered the mysterious sound and put two-and two together. It must've been Pierre. But he did get back down here fast. She rounded the granite island and reached for a cup in the cabinet. Pierre leaned over and slammed a hand against the wood, stopping her.

"You have a mouth too, don't you?" Pierre extended his arm, holding out the milk carton.

Ginny rolled her eyes, but didn't want to argue. She took the carton and drank a small sip. She made a disgusted face, feeling the milk in her mouth that was a little lumpy. "Pierre!"

He threw his head back with laughter. He doubled over after a moment, laughing more and more. Ginny spit out the almost-bad milk in the sink. She set the carton down and felt Pierre's hands wrap around her back. He was laughing in her ear now. "Your face!"

"How'd you even drink that?" Ginny groaned, shoving him off her.

He stumbled into the fridge door, shaking his head with chuckles. "I'm not a wuss like you."

Ginny leaned against the island, a part of her wanting to leave before he got even more ridiculous and slammed her with insults, but another part of her wanted to stay. She didn't half mind the goofy Pierre. The Pierre that touched her shoulders with a gentle caress instead of throwing her down on the floor. Just as always, he was more than confusing.

"You didn't answer my question."

"About the sound on the roof?" Pierre smirked wickedly. "Wasn't me."

"Yeah right."Ginny mumbled.

Pierre held out his pinky finger. "I swear."

Ginny narrowed her eyes on him, feeling hesitant. She slowly reached her pinky around his. His skin was warm. He fiddled their hands before letting go. "You said it was a thud?"

"Yeah, it sounded like someone fell or something. It woke me up."

"You were sleeping?" Pierre raised a brow. He paused for a moment, glancing over her shoulder towards the hallway. He was thinking. "Ah, you fell asleep with your little boyfriend."

For a second, a split second, Ginny felt the urge to say that Charles was not her boyfriend. What was wrong with her? She shook her head. Charles wasn't really, not a proper boyfriend or anything, just two friends. But why had she wanted to say anything else to Pierre. She wanted Charles to be her boyfriend, but she was young. "We watched a movie."

"No invite?" Pierre sounded a little hurt, but he hid it well. "I wouldn't have wanted to watch a stupid kids movie anyway."

"You're only a year older than Charles."

"Did I ask?" Pierre spat.

Ginny crossed her arms. "So if you didn't make that sound, who did?"

"Why do you care so much? Are you scared, etoile?" Pierre reached into a cabinet and pulled out a glass. He filled it with water and handed it to Ginny. She thanked him quietly.

"I'm not scared just curious. Maybe it was my brother or Lorenzo."

"They're both asleep. The two of them and Arthur fell asleep in the basement." Pierre furrowed his brows.

Ginny felt a hint of fear creeping up her spine. "What if it was someone trying to get in?"

Pierre stood straighter, rolling his shoulders back. Ginny was reminded that he was shirtless, with only a pair of grey shorts on. His dirty blonde hair was illuminated by the lights in the fridge. "No one would try to break in."

Another thud, this time even louder, erupted on the roof. It came from somewhere on the left side of the house. Ginny and Pierre froze. The two of them faced each other with wide eyes.

"Pierre, I'm scared." She hated admitting it, especially to the devil incarnate, but the fear was from something other than him. So she assumed it would be okay to confess.

He squeezed her shoulder before shutting the fridge doors. He walked around her, extending his arm behind him for her to grab his hand. "C'mon."

"Are you crazy!?" Ginny squealed. "What if it is a burglar? What are we gonna do?"

"I'll push him off the roof." Pierre shrugged. "Don't be a fucking baby about it."

Ginny knew she should just go back to Charles. She should wake him up and they could go get the parents. But Pierre was staring at her... waiting... enticing her. He wiggled his fingers. "C'mon, etoile. I won't let anything bad happen to you."

Ginny wanted to hit and kiss him at the same time. She'd never admit that last part though... no matter what. She was reminded of the warm, fuzzy, Pierre. She didn't want to run away from him. So she followed. She grabbed his hand, locking their fingers together as they walked upstairs. Ginny kept tripping up the stairs. It was so dark. Pierre placed his hand on her back as they reached the second floor.

"We can get to the roof from the bathroom. There's a terrace outside the window." Pierre informed her.

"You've been on the roof?"

"It's nice up there." Pierre shrugged like it was no big deal. "I understand that a scaredy cat like you would never even try to get up on the roof."

Ginny shot him a glare. "Whatever. Let's just check really fast and head back in. I don't wanna get in trouble."

"Qu'est-ce que je t'ai dit à propos des ennuis?" He led her to the bathroom and grinned as sly as a fox.

"You are too much trouble, Pierre."

Pierre ignored her response and opened the door. They went into the bathroom and stepped into the tub where the window was above them. Pierre slid the glass open and peered out. Everything was dark. He glanced over his shoulder. "I'll go first and pull you out, okay?"

Ginny nodded. She watched the muscles in his back flex as he maneuvered his way onto the terrace. He leaned back inside- half of his body hanging over the window. "Grab my hands."

Ginny held onto them tight. She was scared he was going to drop her apart of a sick joke. He pulled her up the wall and placed a warm hand behind her head as he pulled her outside. Ginny got her balance and stood upright, letting go of Pierre, though their fingers lingered- brushing against each other.

"Are we going up there?" Ginny pointed to the actual roof. That's where the sound had come from.

Pierre pressed a finger to his lips. "Listen."

Ginny held her breath. She heard voices coming from above them. The voices sounded... familiar. She strained her head, trying to peer over the arches.

"I thought we were something." Chloe's voice sounded muffled. "I thought you cared about me!"

"I do!"

That was... that was Max's voice. Ginny's eyes widened as she turned to Pierre. She wondered if he had recognized the pair of sounds. From his shocked expression and red cheeks, he had.

"No you don't!" Chloe yelled angrily. "You won't even tell your dad about us."

"You haven't told your parents! I don't see you running to tell Charles, either."

"I'm not scared too." Chloe insisted. "Unlike you. I'd love to tell them, but I haven't because you can't even tell your dad."

"What's the problem with them not knowing? I mean, we don't have to worry-"

"I worry all the time, Max! I've been sneaking around with you for months. I don't want to be your little secret."

They were each other's secret.

Max let out an annoyed sigh. "I love you, Chloe. I love you! Why can't that be enough? If my dad knew, he would just make things worse. He wouldn't approve and he'd make things hard. I don't want that for us. I just want to be with you."

"I want to be with you, Max. You. Not racing Max. Not number one Verstappen. Not Mad Max. Just my boyfriend Max. My love Max." Chloe begged. Her voice sounded so distraught and exasperated. She was broken. "You act one way with me and another with everyone else. You can be mean and rude and then you can be the sweetest person I've ever met. I don't understand."

Ginny furrowed her brows. She glanced at Pierre, who was looking away from the sound. Ginny clenched her jaw, wondering if he was thinking the same thing as her. That Pierre was that way with Ginny. All those pure and sweet moments, just to be damaged by his cruel bi-polar personality. She hated that Chloe felt that way with Max. She deserved better. And she deserved better than to be a hidden secret.

"I want to go back inside. This is a private conversation. We're intruding."

"Fine." Pierre agreed. "Let's go."

The two of them slipped back in the bathroom and made their way into the hallway. Ginny stood against the wall, watching Pierre across from her. His shoulders were slumped. She bit her lip. "Am I your hidden secret, Pierre?"

He clenched his jaw, tight. He spoke through gritted teeth. "You're nothing to me, Etoile."

Ginny fought back tears, even though she wasn't sure why she was crying. She knew Pierre was a jerk. He hated her. But those words- they were harsh on a deeper level than she could understand. "You're just like Max. You both are the real scaredy cats."

"Come back when you've had your heart broken, Ginny." Pierre muttered. "By a parent, a lover, anyone. Then we can talk."

Ginny glared at him. "I'm going to check on Charles."

"Don't you always?" Pierre rolled his eyes. "Charles, Charles, Charles. You're pathetic."

He shoved past her and went into his room. Ginny was confused yet again. How could he go from one emotion to the other so quickly? And why was she so hurt?

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