Caskett: Rescue Me

By MyCastle47

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Kate Beckett is a homicide detective who is in a relationship with Josh Davidson. Although Josh is an abuser... More

Chapter 1: It all started
Chapter 2: Questions
Chapter 3: No Answers
Chapter 4: Help?
Chapter 5: Seriously
Chapter 6: Caught in the Act
Chapter 7: I Need You
Chapter 8: Dangerous Encounters
Chapter 9: The Wrong Mistakes
Chapter 10: Aftershock
Chapter 11: Bad Timing
Chapter 12: Complete Disaster
Chapter 14: Cat Fights
Chapter 15: False Hope
Chapter 16: Problems and Dilemmas
Chapter 17: Baby Jokes
Chapter 18: Success?
Chapter 19: A New Start
Chapter 20: How Did it Come to This
Chapter 21: Would You Rather
Chapter 22: Solving the Problems
Chapter 23: Quick Surprises
Chapter 24: Sickness Calls
Chapter 25: Pain and Suffering
Chapter 26: Monkey See Monkey Do
Chapter 27: The Breaking Point
Chapter 28: YAS
Chapter 29: Old Flames? I Think Not...
Chapter 30: Men Are Stupid
Chapter 31: Parties
Chapter 32: Choices and Reasons
Chapter 33: The Final "Episode"

Chapter 13: All the Way

670 25 0
By MyCastle47

Once the ambulance stopped at the hospital, the cameras started flashing again. "Castle I don't want to face them, not now." I almost whispered, but Castle heard me loud and clear. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to, I'll tell them to go away." Caste said. "They won't listen to you." "Well I'll make them listen, because I would do anything for you. I love you." "You have no ideas how much I love you." "I'll go check." Castle then walked out of the doors and everything went silent. I heard Castle's voice faintly and then he came back in. "How did it go?" "I told them that Kim Kardashian and her sisters were in the store across the street, so that should give us 10-15 minutes." "Thank you." "Always." They then rolled the gurney out of the car and into the hospital. They got me into a private room, and told me that the doctor would be there shortly.

Castle sat next to the bed and grabbed my hand, he massaged it. A few minutes the doctor came in and told me I had a fractured skull, a 4 broken ribs, and a broken hip bone, and fractured ankle. I had to remain in the hospital for three days."Everything is going to be fine." Castle said crawling on the bed next to me. I leaned into him and laid my head in his neck. "I need you." I said. "What?" He said confused. "I'm tired of people treating me like I'm broken, I want people to treat me like I'm whole, and I want someone to make love to me for real." "Um Beckett are you ok? Because you know that I'm not going to force you to make love to me right? And I love you just the way you are, and I can wait." "Ok, good. I was just checking." "For what?" "your my one and done, you love me for me, and care about me, and i willing to wait until I heal." "I always will." I turned sideways and touched his lips, I've missed that.3 days later I was able to go home, they released me and 10:00, and I was tired.

I fell asleep in the car so Castle just carried me up and laid me in bed. As I went into a dream I got memories from Josh and his friends. I started sweating and jerking around in bed. 'Kate, it's ok, it's all ok' he then laughed a horrible laugh and he and his friends began again. I was suddenly jerked awake. "Kate! Shhh... calm down, it's ok. I promise. Josh is gone, and so are his friends, you'll never have to go through that again." Castle said caressing my cheek and hair with the palm of his hand. He was hugging me tight and making me feel loved. I'm glad someone actually cares about me. "I just saw faces, so many faces." I cried into him. "It's ok don't cry, your safe now, they're all gone." The door then burst open and I shuddered in utter fear. "Richard darling we heard screams." Martha said, "Dad, are you and Kate alright?" Alexis asked. "Yes you guys," Castle replied, "Beckett such had a nightmare from- from her- her past experiences." "Oh Katherine, it's ok." Martha said. "Go back to sleep mother, and everything's alright." Castle said. The red heads eventually left and Castle returned all of his attention to me. "Go back to sleep," he said, "Tomorrow's a new good day."

He then kissed me good night and I fell asleep in his arms.In a few weeks I could go back to work and I was feeling a whole lot better. I had everything I needed. Catching killers really distracted me from thinking about Josh and his friends, and I knew that that pain would eventually go away. I knew that todays case would really help me because it involved absolute concentration, and things that don't make any sense. As the day progressed I pulled up my sleeves and was happy to see that there were no bruises and marks. Castle saw me smiling at my arms and said, "I'm happy too." He then leaned in and kissed me. It was a quick one because we were still in the precinct. "So," Castle said, "I was thinking that tonight we could pull out some wine and cook a fancy dinner to celebrate your absolute successful recovery. What do you say?" "I say absolutely!" I squealed. Let me see if I can find a lead on this case first, and if I don't by 4:00 I'll tell Gates I don't feel well." "Ok." I then worked as hard as I could to find a new lead, nothing happened so I told the boys that I was going home, and Gates gave me the final 'yes.' Castle and I walked out of the precinct with our hands laced together. The elevator ride down was peaceful.

We stopped by the store to pick up wine, and salmon, for a good dinner. When we got home I changed while Castle poured us a glass. Once he handed it to me he left to go change and then came back and started to cook. I sat at the island counter and watched him, intrigued by his brilliant cooking skills. Once he was done he neatly prepared us both a plate and then sat next to me. "This is amazing," I said, "The flavors are cooked so well, and Oh my goodness." It was so good. "Thank you. I try." Castle replied all giddy and happy. We then poured another glass after dinner and sat on the couch to talk. We talked about us and where we were going to go, and that's when Castle pulled out a box. "Katherine Beckett," He started, "I love you, and I could give you a long speech about how much I love you. But by the time I finished we would already be old. I love you always, and your the person I have come to love with all of my heart, so accept this and become my perfect wife." By the time he finished I was in tears.

No man had ever loved me, the way Castle does. He doesn't care that I'm broken, he cares that I can be fixed, and he's going to fix me, in fact he's already done half. "Yes!" I said, "A thousand times yes!" I then attacked his lips, once he finished putting the ring on. I climbed on his and he rubbed his hands up and down my back, I started to unbutton his red shirt, the one that I favored so much. He began on my shirt, starting with the two buttons at the top. Once my shirt was open he rubbed my bare skin and gently grabbed a hold of my hip. He then spun putting me on the bottom of the couch and him on top of me. I reached for his belt buckle when he reached for my zipper. Slowly we pulled each other's pants off leaving us with nothing but my bra and underwear, and him in his boxers. He had another hot and steamy make out session when I spun and landed on top of him. He slowly reached for my bra, but hesitated. I then grabbed his hand and placed it right where it needed to be. Eventually it came off and when I reached for his boxers he reached for my underwear, they were lace. He stopped and said panting. "Are you- sure - about this?" "I've never been so sure about anything, and I trust that you won't hurt me, you'll love me, you'll make it, and it will be perfect, but take me to the bedroom Rick." I said, accenting the last part. He then slowly picked me up, to where I was hugging him but yet still kissing him. When we reached the bedroom he slowly laid me down. And I reached for his boxers and slowly pulled them off. He then reached my my underwear and slowly did the same.

We were about the connect when he stopped once more. I then slowly lifted my hips connecting part of us. He gasped and I came down, then he followed putting all of him in me. We cried each other's names, and he went fast and slow. This was how love is supposed to feel I thought moaning his name.When we came to a stop, we were sweaty and passionate. I laid my head on his chest and listened to his racing heart beat. "I've never felt so passionate to someone." Castle said. "I've never even known what it felt like until I met you." we both smiled and kissed when the bedroom door opened. "Oh kitten!" The voice said, "I'm home!"

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