A Fault In Our Time

By fanaticHazzel

294 75 5

They had their secrets, they had their reasons and in the midst of trying to hide their secrets, they realize... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

chapter 13

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By fanaticHazzel

Kailyn sneaked into one of the princes' chamber after making sure there was no one following her.
It was two days after Lady Grace's death and not seeing him irked her, she wanted to know if he's fine, if he needs some comfort.

''Kailyn?'' he called in surprise. ''why are you here?''

''I wanted to know if you are fine. We haven't seen since the last time in the garden.'' Her eyes held worry and over the three years she has been having an affair with him this is the first time she felt this worried for him and this is the first time he is seeing such worry in her eyes.

He took long strides towards her and she expected him to hug her alas he walked pass her and locked the door then turn back to stare at her, his eyes swept over her profile once then twice.

He has been feeling on edge since their father shared divisions and seeing her take the risk to come check on him did a lot to calm him.
His hand slides around her waist, pulling her too him. ''you must be careful Kailyn. What if someone saw you coming here? I can't risk losing you. Please.'' With her, the plea always leaves his lips easily.

He has been watching over her since she was fifteen and while she had stunned him then, he knew he couldn't stay away from her as time goes by.

Her big blue eyes always mesmerized him, her brown hair always kept in a tight bun and he always loved the feeling of his hand running through it. Its texture; soft.
Her lips not too full and wouldn't fear telling him the truth as it pleases her.
She's always daring and it was one of the things that attracted him to her and it hurts to know they barely have a future together.

They were in a judgmental world and loving a maid is uncalled for. Although their father had mistresses but they were all daughters of nobles, some were not even from their region so it showed how much the royals love their reputation.

Hermit is an exception marrying Fay but even at that, he wasn't an exception because his four brides were all daughters of nobles. One wasn't even of their region. Marrying Fay at that moment was a pardon for him and no prince will sum up the courage to tell their father straight at it that he wants to marry a maid. Only God knows how their father will react to that.

About Kailyn, he couldn't find it in him to tell anyone as he is afraid one of his brothers will hurt her or scare her and tell her to leave because they want to save him.
Now she's nothing but a secret he's hiding dearly. A secret he could die for.

She must have been telling him something but he wasn't listening to her and he could see her lashes flutter several times before she lets out a small sound of disapproval.
This is one of the reasons he couldn't marry, it's hard to marry another lady and chat with her without comparing her to Kailyn. He couldn't. To him, Kailyn is incomparable.

''sorry. I was distracted for a moment. You distract me.'' He whispered in her ear and he heard her light giggle.

''I missed you.'' Her hand clutched his jacket and he smiled. Her voice held a small hurt and that hurt made his smile to fade away.

''did someone hurt you Kailyn?'' he queried, hugging her tightly.

''no.'' her voice was muffled as she hides her face in his chest. ''I only missed you.''

''I missed you more.''

She pulled away from the hug to stare into his eyes then she gasped suddenly.
''a night before Lady Grace's death. While I waited for you behind the brush in the garden, I heard Prince Adam say few things with someone and he exchanged something I can't really tell. It was dark but I heard him say 'it won't be bad if she dies from her home's poison.' Well I couldn't confront him so I just hid better.'' Truth was, Kailyn was so scared she could hear her frantic heart beat as it beats too fast that it began to hurt. It seems waiting for her lover that night did make her hear something very essential.

He understood one thing, Adam killed Lady Grace. For a certain information they couldn't risk letting out.

''you can't tell anyone you know of this.'' He ordered.

''even Fay?'' somehow, she sounded innocent and he wants nothing but to keep her within the safety of these four walls.

''even Fay.'' He confirmed, his head dipping down to kiss her, dragging her towards his bed.

''I love you.'' He murmured.

He could remember the first day he made himself obvious to her since he was always watching her from afar but that night at the garden, Hermit had gone to war and it was troubling him hoping Hermit survives, there, he walked out to the garden to let out his worries before he noticed a movement behind the brush.
''reveal yourself now.'' He ordered with authority and she walked out from behind the brush, shivering, probably scared for her life not because of the cold.
''why are you out here by this time?'' he was angry but not because she was outside and it wasn't allowed of the maids, it was because it was late at night and he feared someone might hurt her.
He took long strides to her and without uttering a word, he kissed her, it was a way to calm himself, telling himself she is fine and standing right in front of him.

''my lord?'' she had called in shock after he had pulled away from the kiss, his lips very close to hers.

''not a word.'' He hugged her and inhaled the smell of her hair, that sweet smell of roses. ''you are mine.'' He added softly.

He didn't know why he had to make it that loud or why he even said it not considering her feelings, maybe it was because he is a prince and is used to getting things done his way and used to having whatever he wanted and he wanted her, so why not tell her that.

The loud knock on his door snapped their attention, Kailyn stared at him with big eyes.
''go behind the screen.'' He told her as he climbs down from the bed while Kailyn scurried towards the screen to hide and he walks to the door to answer it.

''your highness, a village not far from the capital is being attacked. The news just came and the king asks for your presence.'' A servant said.

This was why everyone loves Hermit because with Hermit around, they didn't need to worry, he fixes whatever the problems are without the help of other princes and it bothers him that their father is sending Hermit to a division, one that wasn't even close to the capital. What was their father thinking when he made that decision?

''I'll be there immediately.'' He spoke before walking out not forgetting to glance at the screen before locking the door.

He had to lock his door; he has someone in there to protect.


Adam walked into his room, making his way to his chair close to the window, he was in a sour mood, all his plans, he wasn't sure any is into work yet and coming to know Lady Grace almost sold him out did annoyed him greatly.

His wife had told him she heard Venus telling Emmett about Hermit's findings and though it wasn't Lady Grace that ordered for the poison, made it even riskier because it won't take her long before she says she wasn't the one who ordered for it, even though the poison was from her region, kingdom even but Hermit might believe she didn't order for it if she remained adamant about not ordering it then, Hermit would investigate deeper. It was best to end the matter this way. Fast and clean.

Hermit is a very smart person and it won't take him long before he knows who did it and even if he couldn't tell, he wouldn't be scared to dig further.

Adam has never been scared, one of the reasons he wanted Hermit on his side but seeing Hermit wasn't one to listen to anyone, discouraged Adam.
With Hermit, it was like swimming when the waves are at their peak. You can't tell what might happen but you could be sure death awaits.

''what bothers you my lord?'' Samantha asked walking to stand beside him, gently rubbing his shoulders.
Samantha was a lady he had loved from the first time he saw her, he of course knew she was in love with Venus and it irritated him but he thought, why not marry her and use her against Venus but so far, Venus have avoided her like a plague and it wasn't much use marrying her.

It still makes him happy knowing he stole her from Venus and there was nothing Venus could do but then... even before he married Samantha, in Venus' eyes, he never saw a strong feeling for her. Venus' eyes were always void of any emotion.

''nothing much.'' He answered which was a lie.
He was also wondering how Marius is coping with the death of Lady Grace, he knew Marius is clueless as to who killed his wife and might be suspecting Venus since Hermit isn't around but why Marius looked so calm concerning her death was making him wonder.

Marius was always angry at the fact that their father could depose him but he never mentioned avenging her death or even once feel bad about her death let alone feel hurt.

Adam only exhaled as Samantha continued to massage his shoulder gently.
He was waiting for the right time, the time the news will get to their father that his rule is being threatened. If one of the villages is attacked, it's a slap to their father but he couldn't care less.

He knew his mother will be disappointed in him but he also doesn't care, he was doing all this for her after all. She helped their father maintain the kingdom but how did their father thank her, he went about impregnating many ladies, that his first son even came from a mistress yet his mother welcomed all their father's children with warm heart.

Their father didn't do right by his mother considering all the things she did for him.
The Queen had to sacrifice her younger sister to the northern region just to secure his throne for him yet he couldn't give her son the throne until he saw his perfect first son isn't perfect anymore and decided to depose him and give the crown to Venus instead.

Too sad he has already set his plan in motion before his father came back and make this decision, so, Cold Liar was only waiting for time.

The kingdom was known for its coldness but... that wasn't all. It has another reason being named so.

After all, there are things they needed to dig that they aren't digging yet so he just has to watch them as he sips his wine.

''you need to rest my lord.'' Samantha's soft voice snapped him out his chain of thoughts again.

''there isn't a need for that. I'll soon be called for; I need to stay awake. Have you seen Fay lately?'' his voice was low but very cold that it made Samantha shrink back a bit.

''I haven't.''

It seems the tigress, just like her husband has retreated and is planning a reinforcement, it was a method Hermit uses a lot but the thing was that Fay sometimes scares him.

She acts as though she knows more than she's letting on and it scares him. He wants to be able to predict someone. And carrying the first grandchild of their father- It wouldn't hurt to end her before she welcomes that child to earth.

Another chapter. What do you think is happening in Cold Lair?

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