A Soul of Gang

Oleh brunette-bombshell

84 20 1

Rule #2: The family business is everything. Protect the legacy at all costs. Ava Centofanti knows the ins and... Lebih Banyak

author's note
the extras
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen

chapter eleven

4 1 0
Oleh brunette-bombshell

Eli tugged at the tie around his neck as he and Roman made their way up the stairs into the Sherwoods' mansion. As the founder of the Sarah Maguire Education Foundation, Eli was expected to represent at the charity ball hosted by Clara Centofanti; part of him longed to see Ava again, although he would never admit that out loud, especially to the company in tow.

The faint sound of strings playing a lively tune filled the air as Eli and Roman walked through the foyer toward the ballroom. Couples filled the space around them, laughing and smiling as they mingled with old friends. The Sherwoods' personal catering service dressed in white shirts and black pants glided around the guests, offering flutes of champagne and bite-size appetizers. Eli lifted a flute off a passing tray as he surveyed the ballroom, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips when his gaze landed on a beautiful brunette in a red ballgown, lost in thought as she swayed to the beat of the music.

"Shall we?" Eli appeared at Ava's elbow, offering his hand as he tilted his head towards the open dance floor.

"Not even in your dreams." She shot back, rolling her eyes at his charming demeanor. The unfazed expression on her face made Eli smirk.

"Ava, please. Dance with me," he said with a smile still plastered on his face, nodding to a couple passing by, who were shooting curious glances at the unusual couple and whispering to each other.

"And what, pretend the world doesn't exist around us?" Ava shook her head violently, the curls framing her face trembling at the force. "That only happens in movies, Eli. And not the ones where the couple is mortal enemies."

"What?" Eli took a step back, momentarily startled by the sudden outburst.

With an opening between the two, a group of teenage girls sashayed through to the dance floor, giggling over boys and gossiping about people's fashion choices; Ava took the opportunity to escape before Eli could gather his wits and question her about her "mortal enemies" comment. Eli swirled around, his eyes frantically darting around the space for the woman.

Spotting Ava only steps away, Eli lunged around an older gentleman and snaked his hand around her upper arm before suddenly pulling her to the left, towards a semi-dark hallway and through a door; slamming the door shut behind them, Eli realized the room he had chosen was the West Library, a place he had been most comfortable in growing up whenever his mother visited the Sherwoods. About a minute after they stopped moving, Ava realized Eli was the mysterious stranger who whisked her away from the ballroom; her eyes widened in surprise as she stared at the man in front of her. His expression dark with concern, Eli studied Ava's face, his eyes searching for something - some sort of sign - before he spoke.

"What did you mean by, mortal enemies, Ava?"

"You know exactly what I meant."

Ava stood her ground as she met his heated gaze; whether it was lust or something else entirely that fueled the fire that lit his eyes, she couldn't tell. Eli saw the same light flicker in the embers of her eyes and swirled around to face the fireplace, losing himself in his thoughts as he struggled with what to say next.

"How long have you known?" Eli asked quietly, his face half exposed by the dancing orange light.

"The night my parents saw you at the police station, after the fight at the Rabbit Hole." She answered,

"Who told you?"

"My dad."

"Did he tell you everything?" Eli turned to face Ava, a wary expression lingering in his gaze.

"Yes... but I also remember that night. When I was kidnapped..." She let her voice trail off as Eli could see the memories flooding back into her mind; she cleared her throat and continued. "Your mom took care of me, fed me mac and cheese. She made me feel safe, even if it was just for a few minutes. I'm sorry to hear she passed away."

Sadness and anger flickered in Eli's eyes as he realized Ava didn't know the whole truth, which he carefully masked in seconds before he paced a few feet toward the bookshelf, resting his hand against the dark wood. Silence weaved its way through the atmosphere, cloaking them like a blanket had been wrapped around their shoulders.

"Are you intimidated by me?" Eli asked abruptly, his back to the books as he strode forward, putting an overstuffed chair between them.

"No." Ava said, almost smirking in amusement. Her eyes softened briefly as she tilted her head to the left, trying to decipher the reason for Eli's question.

"Then why are you so nervous whenever I'm around?" He nodded to her hands. "You've been fidgeting with your dress since I shut the door."

"I'm not nervous around you," she scoffed, instantly smoothing the satin material down, in an attempt to cover any signs of wrinkles from the accused fidgeting.

"Oh really?" Eli tried to hide his smirk, but his eyes twinkling with humor gave him away.

"Yes, really. You have no power over me."

Ava shot daggers at Eli as he slowly stalked forward, his eyes darkening as the gap decreased in size. The temperature rose, causing the room to grow warmer by the second and not because of the roaring fire. Eli raised an eyebrow questioningly, his lips curling into a knowing smirk.

"You sure about that?" He asked, trailing a finger along the base of Ava's neck down her exposed shoulder. A shiver involuntarily spasmed down her spine and flared through the rest of her body, causing her to move closer to him without realizing it.

"Yes." She managed to say out loud, her voice strong despite the breathlessness she felt in her chest. "Absolutely."

"I think," Eli lowered his head towards her neck, his lips softly brushing against her earlobe, "that you're lying to yourself, Ava."

"Is that so?" She whispered. Eli could tell Ava was attempting to remain still, even as he circled around her.

"Mhm," he murmured, his breath lingering on her skin. "I think you're fighting desire and love because you're scared."

"Scared?" Ava lifted her hand to his chest, pushing him away slightly to look him in the eye. "Scared of what, exactly?"

"Pure happiness."

Eli's answer, spoken with confidence and warmth, shocked Ava to her core; Eli knew he was right the way that her body froze in surprise, her mind reeling as she contemplated his observation.

"What makes you think that?" She questioned him uncertainly.

"You're a Centofanti," he stated matter-of-factly as he continued to walk around her in a circle, his eyes devouring her body from top to bottom as if he could see what was underneath the red strapless ballgown. "A rival gang member coming from a wealthy family that values honor, loyalty, and family bonds. All of that means something to you."

Eli snickered to himself as Ava shivered, taking his time before he continued.

"You don't want to disappoint your family - your parents, your grandmother, your uncle. So, you follow the rules, only question things when absolutely needed, and you focus on fulfilling your role in the family business, which leaves you unable to find someone who understands you, your family, and your lifestyle."

"You don't know what you're talking about." Her voice cracked as she took a deep breath. Eli chuckled under his breath.

"Don't I? You know exactly who I am and yet, you're still in this room with me. You could walk out, rejoin the others and enjoy the rest of the ball your grandmother put together. So, what's stopping you from opening that door and leaving?"

As soon as the words left his mouth, Ava spun around and pulled Eli into her arms, their lips hungrily melting together as she backed him against the closest wall. Her fingers slid into his hair, grasping and tugging gently as she guided Eli to her neck, a soft moan escaping from her at the contact. Eli's hands hugged her waistline, his fingers pressing the fabric of the dress into her skin as he spun around, pushing Ava against the wall for support.

As he resumed trailing kisses along her neck, Ava slowly began unbuttoning his white shirt. Just as she moved towards his torso, the doorknob jiggled as someone tried to enter; quickly thinking, Eli positioned her behind the door and grabbed the wooden material in one hand as it spun open, stopping whoever was on the other side from walking into the room. He grimaced inwardly as he recognized the intruders; on the outside, he flashed a friendly smile.

"Good evening, gentlemen. What can I help you with?"

"Hello, Eli. Nice to see you again." Leo Carmichael's voice was both pleasant and surprised at the man in front of him.

"Leo, it's always a pleasure to see you." Eli said before turning to the second man beside him. "Hello, Mr. Centofanti."

"Hello, Elijah. You haven't seen my daughter recently, have you?" Paul Centofanti asked Eli, his voice almost tired as if he was physically exhausted.

"No, Sir. Not since she rejected my offer at a dance some time ago." Eli replied smoothly, feigning concern. "Is she okay?"

"I'm sure she is... her grandmother is waiting for her before she has the band play the waltz. It's Ava's favorite." Paul said, a hint of a smile tugging on his face.

"If I do see her, I'll let her know." Eli promised, gesturing towards the door in his hand. "Now if you gentlemen will excuse me, I'd like to get back to... entertaining my company. She's a shy little blonde."

"Oh, of course." Leo chuckled humorously. "Sorry to have bothered you."

With a wave, Eli closed the door as they walked away, making sure to lock the doorknob again. He turned back to Ava, his face as red as her dress, and she instantly burst into giggles.

"We were almost caught by my dad... making out like teenagers in high school!"

"Yeah... that was awkward." Eli laughed with her, running a hand through his hair.

"So," Ava said slyly after the laughter subsided. "You like blondes, huh?"

"Shut up," Eli growled before kissing her passionately, breaking it off too soon for his liking. "You're the only one I have eyes for. And if I knew for certain we wouldn't get interrupted again, I'd prove that to you right now, right here."

"Except you're not certain and my grandma's waiting for me." Ava teased as she scooted under his arms and headed toward the fireplace. "But I can't go out the same way I came in, my dad and Uncle Leo could still be in the hallway and you told them you were with another woman!"

"Well, it's a good thing there's a second way to get into this library," Eli said, gasping in a slightly mocking tone. "It leads out into a hallway near the kitchen. You can go that way and I'll go out the other door in five minutes."

"Okay." She nodded slowly, smoothing out any wrinkles that would be suspicious. "How do I look?"

"Beautiful. And not like you were just making out with the enemy." Eli winked, dodging the small throw pillow she tossed in his direction. "Go, before someone else in your family discovers you in here with me."

"I'm going, I'm going." She held her hands up in surrender before moving around to find the second door on the other side of the room. Before Ava reached for the doorknob, Eli called out her name, not wanting her to leave just yet.



"You really do look beautiful."

"Thanks." She blushed at the compliment, "You look pretty great yourself."

Eli smiled warmly before nodding to the door, holding up his hand to reassure her he'd wait five minutes to follow suit. Once Ava disappeared from sight, Eli flopped into one of the oversized chairs, removing his tie completely from his shirt.

"Well, well, well... isn't this just perfect?" A voice spoke from the shadows, nearly causing Eli to jump out of his skin. "Little Elijah wants to sleep with the enemy's daughter."

"Didn't your mother ever tell you it's creepy to spy on people without their knowing, Felix?" Eli turned to face his father's second in command as he emerged from the library's small balcony. Felix only grinned in response as he headed for the alcohol on the cart near the fireplace.

"We have unfinished business, Elijah. Or did you forget?" He asked as he poured whiskey into a glass and raised it in a half salute to Eli.

"I already told you the other night, Felix. I have no desire to take his place, nor do I want anything to do with you." Eli started to get up from the chair; in the blink of an eye, Felix shoved him back down into the soft material.

"It's cute that you think you have a choice here." Felix taunted, flexing his fingers deeper into Eli's shoulder as he held him in place. "Now shut up and listen, or else your little 'girlfriend' will be getting an unexpected visit in the middle of the night. I'm sure she sleeps in the sexiest little pajamas in that big bed of hers."

Eli knew Felix was just trying to get a rise out of him; instead of giving him the satisfaction of responding, Eli sank back into the chair, his eyes narrowing at Felix's smug expression.

"That's more like it." Felix sneered. "Now, your father made it very clear that once you proved you were ready, you would take over as head of the Ramsey gang... carry on his legacy and all that jazz. In order for it to truly be yours, however, you must prove your worth to the other men."

"What do I have to do?" Eli asked bitterly, a sinking feeling settling in the pit of his stomach like lead dropping to the bottom of an ocean.

"You'll know when the time comes." Felix released his shoulder and sauntered to the door. "Oh, and Eli?"


"We'll be watching. So, no funny business."

With a mocking salute, Felix disappeared from sight, leaving Eli alone to face his thoughts. Heart thumping like a bass drum, Eli managed to take a couple of deep breaths to steady his nerves before he rose from the chair and headed back out to the ballroom, his eyes scanning the crowd for any signs of Felix. Satisfied that he was gone for the night, Eli made eye contact with Clara, who was motioning him over as she said something to Ava.

"I'm aware you two have met recently." Clara beamed once Eli was within earshot. Ava turned to see who her grandmother was referring to, her eyes growing as wide as saucers. The sheer look of panic in her eyes was enough to make Eli grin in amusement.

"Yes, I believe your granddaughter spilled tea on me a couple of weeks ago," Eli answered, his eyes twinkling with humor.

"Grandma, surely there's someone else I can dance with." Ava pleaded, ignoring him as she tried to reason with Clara. "You know Mom forbade me to see Eli."

"Oh, your mother was just upset." The older woman waved the protests off, instead signaling to the band waiting patiently on the stage a few feet away. "Besides, are you really going to break an old woman's heart by denying her the sight of her granddaughter dancing with such a handsome, young man?"

"No," Ava said quietly, defeat clearly etched in her tone as a slight pout jutted out her red lips.

"Good. Besides, it's only a dance." Clara winked at Eli and clapped her hands loudly, the band starting to play the first few notes of a familiar waltz.

"Looks like I'm going to get that dance after all." Eli mumbled, just low enough for Ava to hear as couples took their places on the dance floor. "This may just be my second favorite part of the evening."

"Shut up." Ava hissed, allowing Eli to take the lead as she tried to avoid eye contact. Eli tilted her chin upwards until their gazes connected.

"If you start acting weird, your family will be suspicious." He said with a friendly smile, trying to ignore the way his body reacted to her proximity. "Just relax, okay?"

"I'm trying... it's hard to focus around you right now." Ava admitted sheepishly, keeping up with the rhythm of the song. "I didn't exactly get enough time to recover from the library."

"Don't mention it." Eli cursed under his breath, his eyes darkening as he recalled the way she felt against him. "Neither did I."

Ava giggled at his apparent discomfort, earning a raised eyebrow from Eli as he twirled her in a circular motion. She shook her head, her gaze shifting away from him but not before he noticed the slight pink growing in her cheeks.

"Speaking of which." Eli lowered his head to whisper in her ear, unable to keep a smirk off his face. "If you want to continue our... discussion... from the library, I'm staying at the Fitzgerald for the next few days. Room 129."

"Is that supposed to convince me?" Ava batted her eyelashes innocently as she teased him lightly. Eli playfully scolded in return, a hint of a smile on his lips as he listened to her laughter fill the space around them.

Floating smoothly through the crowd, Eli couldn't keep his eyes off of Ava, even as she watched the people spinning around the floor. He watched her facial features turn from happy to concerned in a matter of seconds as her gaze landed on something over his shoulder, her body rigid with tension as she groaned.

"Oh, great." She sighed disgruntledly. "Prepare yourself. My brother's about to make his way over here to confront us."

"Afraid?" Eli teased, spinning her in a half-circle so he could watch Aidan and Lucy dance their way through the other couples.

"Lucy's going to know something happened." Ava muttered, a wave of anxiety crashing through her expression. "If she says anything to Aidan... hello, brother."

"Sister," Aidan replied, his voice laced with an undertone of suspicion and concern. "Elijah."

"Aidan." Eli released his dancing partner to shake Aidan's outstretched hand, a firm grip that silently impressed him. "Lucy. You look beautiful tonight."

"Thank you," Lucy murmured, giving Eli a warm smile while slipping her arm through Aidan's. "How did you two end up as dance partners?"

"Clara," Eli and Ava spoke in unison, causing the other couple to raise an eyebrow.

"Our grandmother seems to think that I needed a date," Ava explained, ignoring the weird look her brother shot in her direction. "At least, on the dance floor."

"I see." Aidan furrowed his eyebrows, his mind lost in thought as his eyes darted to Eli. "Well, we should probably make room for the next dance."

As Aiden spoke, the last notes of the waltz registered in Eli's ear and he joined the crowd in applause as the band took their bows before settling for the next song. Lucy slipped out of Aiden's arms as the applause died down, the tiny head nod she gave to Ava not going unnoticed by Eli.

"I'm going to go powder my nose," she raised on her tiptoes to kiss Aiden on the cheek. "I'll be right back."

"I'll go with you," Ava said, taking a step away from Eli as she turned toward her best friend.

Lucy linked her arm with hers and they hurried away, weaving through people as Aiden and Eli watched them head for the ladies' room.

"So. You and my sister?" Aiden asked curiously, motioning for Eli to follow him to the bar.

"It's not what you think." Eli held up his hands in surrender as they reached the bartender, Aiden signaling for two whiskeys.

"And how do you know what I think?" Aiden knitted his eyebrows together as he squinted at Eli.

"I know she told you who I am," Eli said casually with a shrug. "I'm sure your dad and uncle informed you if she didn't."

"Honestly, I don't care who you are. You just better hope you don't hurt her... or else you're going to have to deal with me."

"Wait... are you giving me the infamous 'you hurt my sister and I'll kill you' speech?" Eli chuckled, surprise etched onto his face.

"Damn straight." Aiden clinked his glass against Eli's and took a gulp. "Whether she realizes it or not, I think my sister has feelings for you. And that's a big deal, all things considered."

"What do you mean?"

"You've been in the Mafia world your whole life, just like her... have you ever heard of the 'Mafia princess' having a boyfriend or love interest before?"

Eli sat there quietly for a few moments as he thought about Aiden's question. Realizing that he never had heard any gossip about Ava being with a man before, he lifted his eyes to meet Aiden's knowing smirk.

"Exactly." Aiden clapped a hand on Eli's shoulder. "You're heading into unknown territory. I'd be careful if I were you."

Without another word, Aiden lifted his glass in a salute and walked away, stopping to greet people as he made his way back to his family. Eli picked up his glass and quickly downed the rest of his drink in an attempt to calm the growing uneasiness in his gut; his phone buzzed in his pocket as he set the glass back down. Glancing at the screen, Eli recognized an old address sent from an unlisted number and knew Aiden was right: he was in fact heading into unknown territory, and that meant danger.

He just didn't know if it was for himself or for Ava.

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