my sister's boyfriend || enem...

By iixKuromiStar

6.4K 203 202

Ever since George's bully Dream confessed to his sister, Sarah, his life has gone downhill. Now George's bull... More



291 8 7
By iixKuromiStar

Dream sat down with his chair leaned again the closet behind him with a bookshelf filled with many books were next to it.

He looked at the english teacher's desk since it was close by to see if there is anything to steal while his english teacher Mrs. Granger was out of the classroom.

Dream didn't necessarily hate, or like, Mrs. Granger.

He knew she wanted everyone to be successful and read these dumb stupid books, but he hated how much she would call on him to read dumb passages for not listening. It was annoying.

Dream wasn't necessarily the guy who reads, or likes reading. The complete opposite. But George on the other hand loved reading, and writing, and doing art, he hated math, but was extremely good at it and was the best in their class.

God, who knows what else he is good at. He is basically good at everything, Dream would always try his best, and would be told to try his best.

Be he just couldn't he cant. He would always give up and be overwhelmed by stress. Dream just wish he was naturally good at everything, so everything would be easier. More smoother.

Less things to worry on, less time to spend on stupid things that different feel at all important to Dream.

Dream was just there because he had to, and is forced to by his parents. But all he went to school for was just to see his best friend Sapnap, and maybe find another cute girl after George ruined everything.

He didn't at all care about his success.

But seeing George do everything to easily, and effortlessly, like everything was easy, triggered Dream.

Doing so good at everything and making it perfect, making it extra, and bragging about it obnoxiously into Dream's face made Dream feel weak, dumb. But Dream never admitted that. His parents once grounded him for a single bad grade, and F in math.

Meanwhile his younger 14 year old sister Drista was way more smarter than his 18 year old self. He was already an adult, 18 years of being alive.

18 years leading up this moment, of being a 12th grader in Highschool, a senior.

Yet his 14 year old sister was better than him, maybe even more successful than him. Getting all the glory while he was just in his room not doing anything, just being away from everyone, and playing call of duty.

At one point he got so tired of George's obnoxious bragging in Dream's face and to his friends as he overhears everything and is just there struggling on a question. Trying to think how George got it right, how he answered to quickly under a couple minutes, or even a couple of seconds, that he just started bullying him.

Calling him a nerd, etc.

Just all of these crap, just letting his anger out.

Now, enough of this small backstory, lets get into the english class part.

Dream saw a pack of gum on her desk. Some kids walked in the classroom, but they weren't looking.

So Dream quickly took it and put it in his pocket.

---- Skipping this period to the last period

George's POV

Finally, it was 8th period, the last period. It felt like years until this very moment. The relief of knowing this is the last period until we can all go home and rest.

But there is one problem. I have this period with Sapnap, and Dream, but at least Karl is there too.

I rush out with the rest of the noisy crowd out of gym class after the bell rang. I went down the stairs and headed to science class. Science class was okay, it was a nice place to refresh in the cold air after having last period gym class.

I sat with my table, with Dream and two other girls who never really talk to us, but each other since I guess they're best friends. It's always silent at my table, we just don't talk. It is always so awkward when we have to talk to each other as a group. But eventually the talking would just turn to Dream teasing me and making my annoyed every minute, and the two girls giggling at him teasing me.

I sat down right next to Dream since our stupid science teacher Mr. Dumbledore assigned us where we had to sit for the entire semester. It could of been anything, but next to Dream. For this ENTIRE semester!

Isn't that crazy?

It's like this universe hates me and wants to make my life a living hell. Not like my school isn't a living hell already from the first time I walked into this school.

Mr. Dumbledore was a really old guy. He was an english old guy with a really long silver gray beard that shine and worked well with the moonlight.

He had these orange shaped—extremely thin glasses that set below his eyes. His hair and eyebrows silver and bushy. Dumbledore was pretty cool, if I'm being honest. But him assigning me next to Dream made me think he was less cool.

Sometimes I wonder if he was Santa Claus based on his gray hairs and the long beard.

Today we had to do a project, just a social experiment at home where we had to do the experiment and then investigate what's happening and just write it down.

It was due on Friday, in two days, ugh...

We had to do with a partner, the person next to you

Might as well do it at Dream's hou-

"Let's go to your house" Dream said as my head turned to look at him. "No, let's go to yours, you been to mine too many times already."

"Fine, only if you bring your sister Sarah" Dream said as he crossed his arms. George's face dropped.

"Are you fucking serious?" I said with a slight raise in his voice. "Yes, I'm being serious, George. Bring your sister, or no coming to my house." Dream said as he tilted his head.

I felt a tug inside of me. It felt tight. I just wanted to punch Dream for always making things so difficult, so challenging.

But he if came over to my house, my sister would be there anyway, and he would probably sleep over in her room with her and do god knows what in he room if he somehow pulls her again.

So might as well do it. It can't be bad right?

I'll steal things in his house or something, like a little pirate finding treasure and jackpots.

"Fine" I sigh as I look at his eyes then to his freckles, just focusing on ever details on his face.

"Wait- your being for real?" Dream said. "Are you being for real that you really just said if I was actually being for real?" George said as with a confused face.

"Yea, I'm being for real." George said as he rolled his eyes and leaned back into his chair and turned his head—looking straight out of the window and staring at the house from far away in the view of the window.

Dream smiled but tried to hide it, I could see his stupid smirk. I know he is gonna do something stupid to win her back. I might as well see and witness it to see him get rejected by my own sister. That would be hilarious.

After science class ended it was the end of thr day. I head to my locker on the second floor near the stairs that lead upstairs.

I unlock my lock combination and put my stuff away before waiting for my bus and talking to Karl about random shit that happened today, and other random stuff.

Finally, they call my bus after a while of waiting. I head out the door and walked to the bus as I felt something running behind me.

I felt his energy.

I turned around to see Dream running behind me—trying to catch up to me by how far I have gone. "Hey! Wait up!" Dream said as he caught up and we started to walk side-to-side.

"What" I say as I enter the bus, being greeted by the bus driver. I head all the way to the back as Dream followed behind me down the middle lane.

"What? You don't remember? You have to come to my bus stop so we could go to my house" Dream said. "I know, but I have to go get Sarah" George said as he sighed as he sat down on the left of the bus by the window, with Dream sat beside him.

"Oh yeah, well then, I'll just go to your bus stop then" Dream said. "Mk" I said, looking down at my shoes, as I fight to stay awake since I didn't want to admit I was tired.

I got off the bus at my bus stop as Dream followed behind me. I walk to my house, annoyed by Dream's constant bickering because I wouldn't talk much to him. But I was just simply tired and didn't want to talk to anyone at all.

"Okay, just stay out here, I'll get her. I don't know if she will come" I said to Dream before I turned around and headed up the pathway and entered the house after unlocking the door.

"Mk" Dream said as he just leaned against the tree, trying to look presentable for his ex girlfriend.

I headed upstairs quickly, almost tripping on the steps. "Sarah?" I say, immediately regretting it. Why am I even doing this? We should of just did the project at my house, I'm really trying to ask my own sister to come with me to her ex boyfriend's house where I purposely broke them up.

Honestly someone needs to fix, and reinforce my brain.

"Yes?" She says as I could hear her get off of her bed and head to the door, before the knob turned and she opened it. "What?" She says.

Just say it.

"Do you want to come with me to Dream's house?" I let out as I waited for her answer. "I- what?" She lets out as she tried to process what I said.

"George, he's my ex, we broke up. He bullies you, so what are you even going to his house for?" She says as she leaned against the door frame.

"For a project." I say. "Okay, and what does this have to involve with me?" She says. I said as I looked down but then back up. "I didn't want him in my house again so I wanted to do the project at his house and steal stuff but he said he wouldn't let us do the project in his house unless I bring you. He's gonna try and pull you back or something." I say as I shook my head in a way I think he's stupid as well.

"Pftt- who does he think he is?" She said as she chuckled. "No, tell him I'm not coming, and he is not coming in my house again, not one step. He's doing it at his house and that's that." She says.

"If he does anything stupid just call me" she says. "Alright" I say. "Well, bye then" I say. "I'll be back by 10:00 pm" I say as I walk off and head downstairs, hearing her yell, "Okay! Bye!"

I smile but then it drops as I walk outside, seeing Dream leaning on the tree, trying to look cool and presentable.

"Where is she?" Dream says as his face dropped—expecting her to pop up from behind George or something. "She's not coming, and to do it at your house because she doesn't want you to step foot in our house again, ever." I say as I crossed my arm as I prepare myself to see a hilarious disappointment on Dream's face—trying to hold my laughter in.

"You know? This is all your fucking fault." Dream broke out randomly out of his mouth. "What?" I say as my head slightly recoiled.

"You fucking heard me." Dream says. "This is all of your fault me and her are over. You know, I wish you were never my partner for this project.

Flashbacks: "I wish you were never my friend or is my best friend! Everything is your fault! No wonder our friendship is starting to fall apart again"

Dream: "You know, I never really liked you the first time I ever laid my eyes on you"

Flashbacks: "You know, I never really liked you in the first place."

Dream: "You ruin everything, George!"

Flashbacks: "You ruin everything!"

The words that came out of Dream's mouth reminded me of the flashbacks, the negative memories that used to be so deep in the back of my head almost forgotten after I tried my best and hardest to forget about them. But the words coming out out Dream's mouth unlocked them from their isolation.

The flashbacks of him and his toxic ex best friend from his childhood.

It kinda hurt and hit George hard in the chest again.

"Oh." Was all I let out with his tone changed to a more unsettling one, more taken back.

"Okay." I say as I tried to hold in the feeling in my chest of wanting to cry. I swallowed and just stood there with Dream staring at me. "So, are you done?" I say with my hands in my pocket. "Yeah, I'm done." Dream said, out of breath from all that ranting.

"So, are we going to your house?" I say clearing out my throat from the sound of me about to cry. "I guess" Dream sighed. "Let's go." He said as he started walking on the sidewalk as I followed behind him. One tear dropped from my eyes as I quickly wiped it away and tried to make my eyes look less watery.

---- Dream's POV ——

Ugh, why do I feel bad now? I feel like I'm about to cry for no reason. I need to just, not feel bad.

I hear a faint sniff behind me. Is he crying? God I hope not.

Shit, I need to feel happy, I made him cry, I think? Is he crying?

Okay, okay,  just stop thinking about it so much. Him crying is hilarious to me, definitely. Don't feel any remorse. I need to not be so weak, I need to man up.

We finally stopped at my house, i walk up the pathway and brush off a random bug on the door and unlocked it with a key I took out of my pocket.

You know, this is a pretty nice house, I guess. George thought as he looked around but then cringed at the bugs on the ceiling.

"Okay, you might run into my parents or my little sister, so just be careful." I say to George as I slowly opened the door, the door creaking.

The door was ajar, I peaked in to see if anybody was there. Nobody was there. The house was dark, and the only source of light was the sun peaking in through the window. I open the door but then nearly jumped at the sudden noise of Patches.

"Meow" Patches let out as she looked at me then George with her head tilted in confusion. "Hey, Patches" I said smiling a bit as he kneeled down to pet her.

"You didn't tell me you had a cat" George said. "What? Are you allergic?" I said as I looked at George. "No, if you told me you had a cat, then I wouldn't have went all the way to my house just to ask for my sister to come." George said as he also kneeled down as he was about to pet Patches, but Patches started sniffing his hand first, getting used to this unfamiliar scent.

"Wow, so you're only here to see my cat if you knew I even had one" I say in an offended tone. "No, well, yeah, but I'm only here for the project, not you" George said as he then started petting Patches. "What's her- his- their name?" George asked. "It's a her, and her name is Patches." I answered as I got up as George kept petting her as she was purring. "Patches." George said as he smiled.

I held in my smile that I almost let out. Don't be so weak. He is just trying to make you feel soft.

"Let's go." I say dryly after I cleared my throat. "Just a couple more-" "lets go!" I say as I grab George's hand and yanked him up as Patches meowed at the loss of touch. "Hey!" George said.

"We have a project to do, which is due in two days, two!" I yelled as I let go of his hand and took off my shoes. "You're so boring." George said as he rolled his eyes and took of his shoes as well. "Oh, I'm sorry my house isn't Disney land, George." Dream said. "Shut up, and keep my name out of your mouth." George said as he headed upstairs. "You don't even know where my room is." I say as I rolled my eyes and ran upstairs, going past George.

George peaked into a random room. "Well it's definitely this one." George said looking at the Minecraft poster on the wall.

He was right, it was my room.

George walked in and sat on the bed. "Hm, this is pretty soft, if you don't mind." George said as he picked up the blanket and wrapped it it around himself.

He just picked up my blanket and wrapped it around- ugh never mind.

"Anyways, where do we start now" George said.  I sigh as I picked up something from the corner of my room—a large poster paper.

"Well that's a start" George said as the door creaked open with Patches entering.

Patches ran and jumped on the bed and cuddled next to George. "Yeah, I think she likes me more than you." George said as he smiled and started to pet and scratched Patches headed as she purred.

"I doubt that." I say.

George and I worked on the poster, gathering information on our school laptops, writing it down, trying to make it look nice, more extra information we wrote down, etc.

It was currently 1:00 am. It didn't feel like all until 1:00 am, but it was. "I was supposed to be home by 10:00" George said as he yawned.

"Well too bad, your gonna go walk home alone." I say. "No, I'm not doing that." George said in defense. "Yes, you are" Dream said. "No, I'm not, Patches wants me not to anyway. Isn't that right Patches?" George says as he looked down at Patches who meowed.

I rolled my eyes. "I don't even know how Patches is still awake right now" I say. "Whatever" I said as he got up and adjusted my pants. "So I can stay?" George said. "Sure, I guess, but you have no clothes to even wear, I'm gonna head to the bathroom now." I said. "Then I'll wear yours." George said as I stopped at the door. "What?" I say as I turn around and looked at George. "Never mind, that was stupid" George said as he looked embarrassed.

"Okay.." I say as I head out the door and started to head towards the bathroom.

Wearing my clothes?

I thought as I blushed a slight rogue color. I gulped as my stomach did the thing, the thing I cannot explain, but what other people explains as "butterflies in their stomach."

I got done using the bathroom and then headed back to my room, expecting George to still be sat on the bed, probably petting and talking to patches like a maniac. But no, I was met with George instead sleeping on my bed with Patches on the end of the bed also sleeping.

I slowly back out of the room.

"Oh come on, your gonna leave me" George said as he slowly opened his eyes. "God, not again" I sighed. "Do you even just stay sleeping, and not be awaken by the most quiet and faint sounds so you can ask me to stay and sleep with you?" I say disappointedly.

"Well, can you?" George said. "Ugh, fine, only because this is my bed, and it is comfortable, and I don't to sleep on the cou-"

"Shut the fuck up and come here" George said. "I swear do you have separation anxiety when your sleeping or something?" I say.

"Maybe???" Which was all George said. I slowly get on the bed and lay next to George. "You don't want to shower or anything?" I say as I stare up at the ceiling.

"Oh shit, yeah, I forgot." George said as he got up. "You go first, and take your damn blanket that is mine, off of you." I said as I tried to tug off the blanket off of him.

"Ugh, fine" George said as he got up and exited the room. "Bathroom is on the left middle!" i yell as I then wrapped the blanket around me.

I got up and grabbed a random black plain hoodie and some black basketball shorts. I headed to the bathroom and put the clothes right by the door. I knocked twice. "There is clothes outside of the door" I say as I walk away, hearing George yell "okay, thanks!"

I lay back down, just thinking.

I wonder what he would look like, wearing my clothes.

That's when I heard the door open, then close again, meaning he took the clothes off the ground.

I heard the door open again. Then footsteps coming towards the door, as I looked at the door that was opening. I see George in the doorway, his hair wet, and messy, with my plain black hoodie on him, which was too big, that it covered most of his shorts, but just the basketball shorts sticking at the bottom, with white socks on.

"O-Oh-" was all I let out. "What?" He says as I cleared my throat. "Nothing, I'm gonna go shower now." I say as I got up, towering over George and grabbed clothes with my slight shakily hands. I head out the door for a breather.

God he looked-

Don't even say it, don't even say it-


Oh god- the way he looked in my hoodie- was- was- ....

I turn on the shower and hopped in.

Gosh I can't stop thinking about it- him. Ugh.. what is going on with me?

After I was done showering I headed out and into my room, to see George on the bed petting Patches. George turned to look at me. I was wearing a gray t-shirt with black basketball shorts as well, with white socks.

I went on the bed next to George. We weren't saying anything to each other. I looked to George on my right again, to see him in my hoodie that was too oversized for him. His little sleeve paws as he was petting patches on his lap. Patches then got up and ran out of the room, heading downstairs.

"No! Come back!" George yelled as he tried to catch her before she went off his lap, but gave up and sighed as I chuckled. "That's not funny" George said. "It was to me." I say back.

"You look- never mind." I let out before cutting myself off. "I look what?" George said. "I look what."

"Nothing, forget about it." I say. "No, tell me, I look what" he said. "Just forgot about it, George." I said as I look away in embarrassment. "Tell meeeee" he said as he grabbed my head and turned my head to look at him, the sudden touch, and his warm hands touching my face making me blush a slight pink color. "Tell me" he said as his hands were still gripped onto my face as he was looking into my eyes.

"I- fine" I say, "you look very.. very pretty" I say  as I bit my own cheeks inside my mouth as I cringed at myself. "O-Oh? Oh! Um, thanks" George said as he didn't expect that to come out of Dream's mouth knowing that Dream is usually mean to him, and rarely says nice things to George.

"Y-Yeah, your welcome.." I say.

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

I'm making things so awkward than it needs to be, I'm making him uncomfortable. Ugh, why the fuck am I acting so weird and strange? I need to control it.

"Let's um" I cleared my throat, "let's just go to sleep, now" I finished. "Yeah" George said as he  laid down facing towards Dream who was already laid down on their side.

"Can you turn off the light" I said. "Um, yeah, sure" George responded as he turned around and turned off the light, he then grabbed his phone and texted his sister.

"I'm gonna sleep over at Dream's house, we got a little carried away" George texted his sister. He then saw the bubbles of his sister typing quickly appearing.

"Probably about to get carried away in bed with him" which was Sarah's response. "SARAH" George responded back.


"ugh whatever goodnight"

George shut off his phone and turned back around, he was face to face towards Dream, but it was dark so they couldn't see each other faces. Maybe just a little bit by the moonlight peaking in through the blinds of the windows.

George could tell he was looking in deep in his eyes in the dark, piercing him down, but he didn't say anything. "Do you have a staring problem?" George said, finally saying something.

"S-Sorry" I said as I looked down.

I didn't even know he could see my eyes, it's so damn dark in here.

"You know Dream, I may be colorblind, but I'm not blind." George said. "Shut up, just go to sleep." I said, embarrassed.

I slowly close my eyes as George closed his, we both fell into a deep sleep, feeling extremely safe, and calm for some reason.

I didn't know why.



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