little bundle of joy | taekoo...

By Honeycovee

279K 9.1K 1.7K

Taehyung's a little who's unable to slip freely due to having to look after his little brother on his fathers... More

Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
new little space taekook au!

Forty Two

4.7K 193 82
By Honeycovee

2 years later:

Taehyung's pov:

I run across the landing and straight down the stairs, a laughing Jimin hot on my tail.

He jumps on my back when we reach the living room and I squeal, stumbling slightly.

"guys be careful, i don't want any accidents before the ceremony" Yoongi chuckles, lifting the blonde off me.

I fix my graduation gown, smoothing out any creases.

"my baby looks so beautiful" I hear in my ear, and I don't even have to look to know it's Jungkook.

I turn around, smiling widely as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"you look handsome too" I compliment, cheeks and the tips of my ears turning pink.

Jungkook's dressed in a black suit, Raven hair slicked back with the odd strand falling free over his sparkling eyes. His tie and cuff links match the colour of my navy gown and I smile at the thought, cheeks turning redder.

Jungkook wraps his arms around me and brings me in for a kiss, lips lingering as he gently thumbs at my chin, pulling my bottom lip down.

"my baby's big day" he coos, smiling against me.

My hands come up to rest against his chest, fingers hooking around the hem of his blazer. He really does look handsome.

"yeah yeah i love you taehyung, oh i love you too jungkook" Jimin cuts our moment short, pulling me away and I giggle, seeing Jungkook shake his head with a smile.

"here you go!" the blonde hands me my graduation cap. I decorated the top in an array of paints and colours with the bold words KTH painted in acrylic.

Jimin's hat is decorated also. He's glued gold ribbon around the hem of the hat. And stuck a photo of him and I at the amusement park we went to during the summer. It's one of my favourite photos although my sun burn is so bad in it. The bold words PJM are also painted above that he had me do.

"we have to rehearse how we're going to throw our caps because I don't want some random guy stealing mine okay? we need to practice throwing them straight up into the air so we can catch them"

I laugh at how serious Jimin looks, his brows are furrowed and he looks so determined.

"i don't mind where mine lands jiminie, that's the fun of it" I say as the boy rolls his eyes. But I comply and practice with him anyway.

"right, photos!" Yoongi declares, coming into the room with his phone out, he's dressed in a navy suit with a baby pink tie. To his own absolute horror but Jimin insisted, and who was he to say no?

Jungkook follows behind with his own phone, chuckling at how serious Yoongi is taking this.

"we need one of Jimin by himself and then Taehyung by himself. then one with the two of you then then a couple one. oh! maybe we could try and get one of the four of us? set the phone up somewhere-"

Yoongi is cut off by the sound of us all laughing. It's a rare occurrence to see him this expressive and excited.

"okay hyung, take it easy" Jungkook grins, patting his back. "we've got plenty of time before we need to leave"

Yoongi rolls his eyes, shaking Jungkook's hand off him.

"yeah yeah laugh all you want. you're going to be glad i took these photos 10 years from now"

We spend quite a bit of time taking more photos than we probably needed. But every time Jimin and I would think we're done, Jungkook would come up with another pose and spur Yoongi on.

It's a surprise we even managed to leave the house on time.

We take separate cars than Yoongi and Jimin, they're going to pick up some of Yoongi's family on the way.

"how are you feeling?" Jungkook asks once we're on the road.

I fiddle with my cap in my hands, playing with the tassel.

"okay.. a bit nervous, what if i fall on the stage in front of everyone? or forget to go up or i don't hear my name? what if-"

"you'll do amazing angel" Jungkook reassures, taking my hand and placing it on the gear stick beneath his own.

"and besides, if you fall over, which you won't, you can blame it on Jimin or something. maybe take him down with you" Jungkook chuckles, making me giggle.

I rest my head on the head rest and watch the trees quickly pass us by. We got lucky with the weather today, there's not a cloud in the sky.

"we haven't talked about your father darling.." Jungkook murmurs after awhile of silence. I suck in a shaky breath, hoping I wasn't going to have to think about it today.

But it's just my luck, my father gets released from prison on the same day as my graduation. When the letter came through a few weeks ago to inform us, I remember just being so angry.

I lost my temper, became frustrated. Had a mini tantrum, took it out on Jungkook. All whilst in big space. We rarely have arguments if not at all. That probably would've been the first one..

I just got so angry because of course. Of course the universe wouldn't let me have one day, just one day that isn't clouded by or overlooked because of my parents. Of course my father had to make my special day about him.

"i was trying not to think about it.." I mumble, feeling Jungkook give my hand a squeeze.

"i know baby, i just wanted to make sure you were okay"

I give Jungkook a warm smile and he kisses the back of my hand.

"i'm doing okay"

"well, i know a certain little someone will cheer you up" Jungkook hums, unable to contain his smile.

"Haru" My heart beat quickens just thinking about him.

I've been able to see my brother more and more over these last few years. Supervised visits at the social services office led to supervised visits out and around Busan. And before we knew it, Jungkook and I were allowed to take Haru out for lunch or dinner just us three. We were allowed to spend the whole day together.

And i'll admit that it angered me so much at first. I would get back in the car with Jungkook after being stuck in an office with a social worker for 2 hours just so I could see Haru and I would cry so hard. I would cry because it felt like I was the one being punished. That I had to be 'supervised' in order to see my own brother.

But Jungkook helped me through it, and although it wasn't something I couldn't change at the time, I feel so lucky now to be at a place where Haru can travel up to Seoul with a social worker for my graduation and then be left in my care the whole day.

I truly feel grateful.

"god i'm so excited to see him, it's been 3 weeks since the last time we went down. do you remember? Haru was so excited to see you that he literally threw himself off that lady's lap." I giggle, eyes focussing on the trees blurring past us.

"yeah I remember" Jungkook chuckles." he was so excited to go out for lunch that we couldn't deny him all that ice cream."

I giggle louder, remembering how much sugar he actually consumed. "i feel bad for anyone who had to put up with how hyper he was that night."

Jungkook smiles fondly and kisses my hand once again. Successfully keeping blushing.

I don't care that my dad is getting released today. I refuse to let my day be clouded by or kept at his reigns once again. I've worked so hard these last few years to graduate with first class honours and i'm not going to let anyone ruin it for me.


"omg Jiminie i'm so nervous" I whisper to the blonde, straightening out my gown nervously from where i'm sat by the stage.

The auditorium is packed full of teachers and parents. Proud families and students who are graduating today. I haven't seen so many people in my life.

The thought of having to go up on stage to collect my degree certificate is making me feel a little nauseous. I can picture myself tripping or doing something stupid. In front of all those eyes on me.

"you'll do great Tae! and besides, i have to go up first anyway so you can watch me do it. i'll be waiting for you on the other side!" Jimin whispers back, clutching my hand in his.

He gives it a squeeze before sending me a reassuring smile, and as if on queue, his name is called.

"Park Jimin, graduating with first class honours in English"

The auditorium roared with cheers and screaming, and I couldn't help the tight swelling that enveloped my heart for him. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as I watched him go up and collect his degree. I felt so incredibly proud.

And of course, Jimin being Jimin, he couldn't let this moment of attention slide. Just as he took his certificate and shook the hand of the Chancellor, he immediately broke out into a grin and yelled,


The whole room roared louder, students standing up to scream and cheer and I couldn't help but laugh loudly. I can see Yoongi sat in the audience with a huge proud grin on his face. Eyes watering but he was laughing too.

The chancellor laughed himself, patting the blonde on the back at the drama of it all. I continued to giggle quietly to myself even after Jimin had left the stage. The whole thing making me feel better and less anxious about going up.

Student after student went up on stage, each one receiving a loud cheer or applaud from the audience. And eventually, they got to my degree.

I was scared no one would cheer. I'm not that well known nor did I put myself out there that much during these last two years, unlike Jimin. The reincarnation of a social butterfly. It's not that I would've wanted a cheer, it's just going up on stage and hearing crickets would make me cringe badly.

"Kim Taehyung, graduating with first class honours in advanced art"

To my surprise though, the auditorium roared to life. Students were cheering and screaming just like they had for everyone else. And immediately my eyes began to water.

I stood up and went up on stage, trying to contain my anxiety as I took my degree certificate from the Chancellor who smiled widely, giving me a firm handshake.

Like everyone else, the two of us stood for a photo, and whilst I was waiting, out of all the screaming and shouting, I could make out a few in the crowd.

My hyung's. Hoseok and Namjoon were jumping up and down beside each other, screaming and yelling. Huge smiles on their faces.

Seokjin was beside the pair, smiling widely up at me with a giggling Haru on his hip. He couldn't really understand what was going on but was finding all the yelling hilarious.

He was watching me up on stage and was making grabby hands, excited to see me.

I bit my lip and smiled harder, as the flash of a camera went off.

Beside yoongi I could see Jungkook. He was smiling so widely as he gazed up at me with nothing but proudness. He was clapping and cheering too and it made my eyes well up with even more tears.

Eventually I made it down off the stage and was engulfed in a hug from Jimin. He spun us around and yelled out excitedly.

"we've graduated!!" he beams, pulling away and began to chuckle. Wiping my tears for me.

"come on now taehyungie, no tears, this is a happy day!"

"these are happy tears Chim" I reassure, giggling as I wipe the remaining ones away.

I make my way over to the crowd, eyes zoning in on one person.

"my baby come here!" I coo, taking my little brother from Seokjin.

"taetae!" Haru yells, immediately clinging to me with his chubby little hands.

I hold the boy on my hip and plant kisses all over his face. Haru is now 3 and has grown so much from the tiny baby that he once was. He's still small and adorable but I find it difficult to carry him for long periods of time now. Jungkook has no issue and often holds him for me.

"oh i've missed you sooooo much!" I say happily, making a silly face as I bounce my brother on my hip.

He giggles loudly and claps his hands together.

"taetae up on stage!!" he says. fingers pointing up and I smile, cheeks beginning to ache.

"that's right bub, your taehyungie was up on stage wasn't he?" Seokjin coos, tucking some locks out of the younger's face.

Haru gives the cutest little nod, eyes wide and doe like as he takes in our busy surroundings. He doesn't seem shy at all, the complete opposite of me in that department.

He's curious and outgoing, loves speaking to people and being held.

Suddenly, a kiss is planted on my temple and I look up to find Jungkook. He's quick to wrap his arms around me and plant a kiss on Haru's forehead too.

"kookie!" he beams, box smile appearing.

"hiya bub" he replies warmly, holding his tiny hand between three of his fingers.

"can i take you somewhere baby?" Jungkook whispers in my ear, planting a kiss to my lobe and I smile, nodding my head as my face begins to flush.

With a final kiss to his temple, I hand Haru over to Namjoon. Who takes my brother with open arms and a huge grin.

Jungkook interlocks his hand with mine and takes me out of the auditorium. The loud chatter and cheers of families and students immediately settled upon the heavy double doors shutting. Leaving the two of us in the isolated hallway.

"where are we going?" I giggle, letting Jungkook lead me out the back of the college and onto the football field.

The sun's shining above us as we're granted with not a single cloud in the sky. I lift my hand up over my eyes to see just as we make it into the centre of the field.

"just wanted some alone time with my baby before our busy evening with everyone" Jungkook murmurs, wrapping his arms around my waist and connecting our lips together.

I smile into the kiss, taking my cap off and letting it fall to the ground, arms coming up to wrap around the older's neck.

Jungkook licks at my bottom lip and i'm quick to open my mouth, granting him access to explore and he hums in contentment.

We eventually pull away a little breathless. Jungkook's smile hasn't dropped as he nuzzles out noses together.

"my precious baby boy" he coos. "you look so beautiful in your gown"

I blush and look down, biting my bottom lip to contain my smile.

"koo" I giggle, feeling him gently lift my chin back up to face him.

"i love you darling" he whispers, eyes boring into my own.

"i love you too"

Jungkook takes a step back and pulls a small flat box out of his pocket. I furrow my brows as he hands me the wrapped gift.

"i got you a little something for graduating" he explains, making my heart begin to beat faster.

"you didn't have to" I say, eyes wide as I begin to slowly unwrap the box under his hopeful gaze.

My breath hitches to see that familiar blue tiffany box. The name of the company embroidered in black against the soft velvet.

I look up to see Jungkook smiling, and he nods at me to continue.

I slowly open the box to see a bracelet. Tiny chains clasped together with a small heart shaped pendant in the centre.

It's absolutely beautiful but I furrow my brows. This is the exact same bracelet that Jungkook bought for me for christmas two years ago. I never take it off.

"koo.." I begin, lifting my right arm to reveal the bracelet as my gown sleeve falls down. The engraved name 'kim' shining against the sunlight.

"turn the pendant over, love" Jungkook says, and when I do, turning the dainty silver heart pendant in its box. Tears instantly well in my eyes.

It's the same bracelet he bought for me 2 years ago. But where the word 'kim' is engraved on the one i'm wearing now, has been replaced with the word 'jeon'. Shining so beautifully.

"oh my god" I mumble, tears now streaming down my cheeks as I delicately take the bracelet out of its box.

Jungkook carefully takes my current one off my wrist and replaces it with this new one. Before gently bringing my wrist to his mouth and planting a tender kiss to the pendant.

"i'm going to make you mine officially one day baby. this is just a promise of my word"

I begin to cry harder, clutching the box to my chest as I kiss Jungkook.

"it's beautiful kookie, thank you so much"

Jungkook smiles and gently wipes away my tears, planting a soft kiss to my forehead.

"you deserve the world sweetheart. i promise to give it to you and so much more"

My heart continues to beat rapidly, unable to slow under the loving gaze of Jungkook. His words only add to my tears.

"your making me cry" I pout, hearing him laugh.

He takes my old bracelet and puts it in the box, pocketing the two before taking me back into his arms once again.

"now we can't have my baby crying on his graduation day hm? it's a special day" he chuckles, planting two kisses to my temple.

I wrap my arms around his waist and bury my face into his chest. Breathing in his cologne and I calm immediately.

"everyday is special with you" I mumble against his blazer. Cheek slightly squished.

I feel Jungkook fingers in my hair and we enjoy our peaceful moment together. The wind picks up slightly to give a gentle breeze, and I hum happily as it runs down my back.

We've got a busy rest of the day. Jungkook and I, my hyung's, Yoongi and Jimin, and not to mention Haru are all going out for lunch to celebrate our graduation. 

Unfortunately Haru has to leave with the social worker for Busan early evening. So he won't be joining our evening celebrations. I subconsciously pout at the idea but know i'll see him again very shortly.

Our moment is interrupted by my phone ringing loudly. I pull away from Jungkook and fish it out of the back pocket of my jeans. Jimin's contact appearing.

"hello?" I ask, putting him on speaker.

"Tae! get your fine ass back in here we're about to throw our caps!!"

Jungkook's eyes widen at the language used and I laugh loudly.

"we're coming Jiminie!"


"what is my baby going to get?" I ask Haru, who's sitting excitedly on my lap.

The restaurant is crowded but we make up the majority of the noise with our table of 8.

"taetae pick for me!" he gushes happily, turning in my hold to give me a grin.

I smile back and plant a kiss to his chin, watching as he begins to giggle.

"hm.. let's have a look then shall we?" I begin to flip through the pages of the kids menu as Haru holds his teddy tight.

I've gotten really good at keeping myself in big space when i'm around Haru. At first, everything use to trigger me. But as time has gone on, I almost never feel the urge to slip when i'm around him. Not that I would ever do that anyway.

Jungkook still hates whenever I stop myself from slipping, although an occasion like that is very rare these days. He says me being with Haru is an exception because he knows how much I value spending time with my bother. And if I were to slip that would waste our day together. Not to mention confuse and probably scare Haru. 

"what about.. the dino chicken nuggies?"

Haru giggles and nods his head, letting a little 'roar!' escape.

"oh my goodness! such a scary dinosaur!" I pretend to screech, bounding the little human on my lap and he only giggles louder.

I look up to see the majority of the table is in conversation with one another, but I catch Seokjin's eyes from opposite us.

He makes a silly face at Haru who laughs and makes a silly face back. Face going red from how much he is giggling when Seokjin pretends to get scared.

"where's all this giggling coming from?" Jungkook asks with a smile. He's sat next to me on my left and dips his head down to plant a kiss to Haru's forehead.

"j-jinnie and taetae been silly kookie!" he explains, making grabby hands towards him.

I pass my little brother over, smiling to myself at how amazing Jungkook is with him.

Haru gets comfy on his lap and begins to explain to Jungkook why his teddy can fly. Jungkook focuses all his time on the little being, giving him his undivided attention. Even gasping here and there when needed to make him giggle.

It makes me so incredibly happy to see.

"earth to Tae"

I'm snapped out of my thoughts to a hand waving in front of me. And I turn to Jimin on my other side.


"i asked what are you getting" he laughs.

"oh!" I'm quick to look down at the menu, realising it's still Haru's kids one. "probably pasta or something"

"are you excited for tonight?? it's been agess since we've had a sleepover. Especially with you know, your best friend being the nations champion and all" he dramatically explains.

"yes yes I know" I giggle, lightly hitting his shoulder.

Over the summer, Jimin went to compete in the districts dance competition, and his group eventually made it to the state. Winning first place out of 300 other groups competing from all over the country. To say i'm extremely proud is an understatement. Although it had meant I haven't seen much of the blonde these last few weeks. My summer has been quite lonely without him.

"that's right!" Jimin laughs, wrapping his arm around me. "your bestie was in the paper! you can have my autograph now if you'd like. i can sign it on this napkin! you better get in quick before everyone is going to want one. i probably won't even have time for you anymore.." he jokes, smile never faltering.

"i wouldn't want it any other way" I giggle, feeling nothing but proudness.


I hold Haru tightly on my hip, just as the sun begins to set.

The sky is dyed with the blazing orange of the star as it starts to disappear behind the horizon. Pinks and purples begins to seep deep into its canvas, creating a beautiful sunset for us to watch.

I take in a small and shaky breath. No matter how many times this happens, it never gets easier. Each and every time, it gets harder to say goodbye.

Jungkook and I are stood outside the restaurant. We've had such a lovely day and I got to spend so many wonderful hours with Haru that i'll cherish until the next time I see him.

I watch as the social worker soon pulls up, the sound of her heels clicking against the car park as she makes her way over is so loud in my ears.

My eyes begin to water but i've trained myself well to keep them held back. Not daring to cry in front of my brother.

Haru's got his little head tucked in the crook of my neck. Grip loose on my top as he sleepily holds his teddy bear with the other.

"bye my sweet little angel" I whisper, kissing his temple.

Haru lifts his head up, seeming on the brink of falling asleep but he pouts at my words. Tiny fist coming up to rub his eyes.

"taetae go now?" he asks quietly, and god it makes me want to cry.

"yes bub" I nod, giving him my best smile but it falters when Haru's bottom lip begins to quiver.

I hoist his dainty body higher on my hip, gently swaying us.

"don't cry now, we've had such a wonderful day. you know you'll see your taetae and kookie again. just like last time, i promised you and it came true didn't it? taetae never breaks his promises."

"b-but wan stay" he whispers, clutching my top and beginning to lightly cry.

This happens every time we have to part ways and every time it gets more difficult to not cry with him.

I feel Jungkook rubbing my back gently. And I bring my brother in for a hug. By this point, the social worker has made it over, and she's giving us a sympathetic smile. Knowing how hard it is for me every time. She lets us have our moment.

"i know you do. taetae wants you to stay too. but next time you can stay for longer hm? how does that sound? a sleepover with me and your kookie?"

I'm saying this because we got the green light for Haru to stay overnight with us by social services. It came with great strain and disapproval from my mom. But she doesn't mean much to me anymore, and with what little contact I have with her, what she approves and disapproves of no longer concerns me.

"sleepover with taetae?" Haru asks, stopping his crying slightly. He's tired and so he's grouchy. Making our goodbye a little harder.

"that's right bub! how exciting will that be? we can watch all the movies you want to and eat all the chocolate you want to as well. just don't tell kookie" I whisper the last part, tickling his waist and making him giggle.

"wan that!" he nods excitedly, seemingly much more happy.

I smile and plant a kiss to his cheek, giving him one last hug before turning to Jungkook.

He's smiling down at us and is quick to bring Haru into his arms.

"goodbye my little dinosaur!" he hums, spinning him round and the sound of his giggles echos in the car park.

The social worker with the name tag 'youjeen' smiles fondly. I've gotten to know her well over these last few years. And although I resented her at first, for taking Haru away from me. I've come to realise that she's just doing her job. And she takes such good care of Haru when he's in between me and my mother.

"w-will my dad be back in Busan now?" I ask her. The question has been on my mind since his release date a few hours ago.

Youjeen gives me a sad smile, nodding her head.

"he was released early today around lunchtime. And after signing all his legal procedures, he was escorted back to Busan where he's now back living with your mother. They'll both be waiting for Haru tonight."

I nod at her words, looking back over to Haru. He's giggling at something Jungkook had said, successfully keeping his young mind occupied from this conversation.

I'm glad and relieved he'll have a father figure in his life again. No doubt he'll be so excited. But I still can't help but be a little scared on how he'll treat Haru.

"not to worry Taehyung, this won't effect your visits with Haru nor will anything else change. Our regular visits to their residence will still go ahead as well as the restraining order you have against your father. You and Haru will both be safe."

I nod my head, unable to really put the thoughts in my mind together to form words. I wasn't really worried about myself, I know i'll always be safe with Jungkook. But her words have reassured me for Haru.

"thank you" I smile.

We eventually hand Haru back over to the lady. And he waves happily to us for a final time tonight. Excited for our next visit where we'll be together for much longer. I can only anticipate and look forward to it.

Jungkook and I both wait outside until the car drives off. And once we're left alone, the realisation of how tired I am hits me. And I relax as Jungkook wraps his arms around me from behind.

"you okay?" he whispers, nosing at the skin just behind my ear.

I nod my head, mind beginning to calm.

Jungkook turns me around and brings me into his arms. Lifting me up onto his hip and the action instantly makes my head grow fuzzy. He knows me so well.

"you can let go now baby, you don't have to keep it together for Haru anymore. Daddy's got you."

His voice is so calm and soothing, bringing me further and further into my headspace that's been on the edge of my mind for the last hour or so.

I sigh out contently, letting my head fall onto his shoulder. Knowing that Haru is safe and I no longer have to stay big for him, I let go. Giving into that warm spacey feeling, knowing Jungkook will alway's look after me.


Jungkook's pov:

I gently sway us, giving time for Taehyung to comfortably slip fully into his headspace. I hold him close, protecting his tiny body from the evening chill that's slowly picking up.

I can hear the light chatter from inside the restaurant just behind us, where everyone else is waiting.

Taehyung eventually lifts his head, eyes wide a glossy. He looks a little tired but gives the cutest smile upon seeing me.

"daddy!" he quietly says, feet kicking from where they're hanging and I can't help but coo.

"hi my little baby"

I give his forehead a kiss and watch as the little preens, enjoying my touch.

I bring us back into the restaurant where it looks like everyone is just finishing up on their desserts. Their chatter dies down once they see us, and immediately they all smile upon seeing Taehyung.

"oh my baby hi!" Seokjin coos, getting to his feet.

"it's been a little while since we've seen our cheeky monkey hm?" Namjoon says softly.

Taehyung just looks around at everyone with wide curious eyes, before letting out the cutest 'hmph!'. Enjoying the company.

I sit us back down, Jimin instantly occupying the little's attention.

I can see he's not far from slipping himself, and I give Yoongi a smile. Knowing we'll have two little's for their sleepover tonight.


We don't stay at the restaurant for much longer after that. I don't have any little supplies on me and I know it's crucial that I get Taehyung into a diaper as soon as possible. He's also getting a little sleepy and grumpy, wanting a bottle and his pacifier which are also both back at home.

With lots of cuddles from Taehyung's hyung's and the promise of another visit soon, we eventually leave the restaurant, Yoongi taking his own car so the pair will meet us at home.

"daddy" Taehyung whispers, as soon as I pull out of the car park and get onto the main road. It's beginning to get quite dark as the sun has now set fully.

"yes lovely?"

"um.." he looks a little distressed from where he's sitting, eyes focusing on the road in front of him. I watch as he puts his hands between his legs and tenses his thighs slightly. It immediately clicks.

"you need the toilet bun?"

Taehyung just quietly whines and nods. His young headspace currently old enough to know that he doesn't have a diaper on.

'shit' I think, speeding up slightly without it being dangerous.

"can you be a good boy and hold it for daddy darling? we aren't far from home now I know you can do it" I try.

Taehyung whines again and his little feet kick out. His bottom lip begins to quiver and it breaks my heart.

"oh sweetheart" I sigh, knowing it's not fair to make him hold himself when his headspace is so young. "you can do it bun, daddy is so proud of you. You're such a good boy!"

I internally thank the traffic lights as we pass through another green.

"just a few more minutes angel"

I look over to see tears falling down the little's cheeks. He looks so distraught.

I contemplate pulling over but we're currently not in a position to do so. Stopping the car now would put both of us in danger of being hit.

"daddy" Taehyung cries, hiccuping.

I reach over and hold his thigh reassuringly. Stroking my thumb over his jeans.

"i know baby, daddy knows. but you're being such a good boy. so brave and strong. look, we're almost here now!" I say, just as we drive into our neighbourhood.

However, my efforts to reassure the little are unsuccessful because just as we pull up on the driveway, Taehyung let's go.

His jeans begin to turn a darker colour and I watch with a sinking heart. Taehyung immediately bursts out into tears and i'm quick to unbuckle my seatbelt and get out of the car.

"oh darling, come here" Taehyung makes grabby hands as he begins to sob. I unstrap him from the passenger seat and immediately lift him into my arms.

Taehyung buries his face into my neck and continues to cry.

"sowwy daddy!" he bawls, holding me tight. "taetae s-sowwy!"

"no bun, no this isn't your fault. not your fault at all, lovely. daddy shouldn't of asked you to hold it when you're so young. it's my fault, not yours. you have nothing to apologise for" I soothe, kissing his temple as I shut the car door and make our way over to the house.

Yoongi's car pulls up a few seconds after and he gives me a puzzled look as to what's happened.

"we had a bit of an accident" I say, watching as he frowns in sympathy and nods his head, realising too. I leave the door open for the pair and i'm quick to take Taehyung upstairs.

He's still crying heavily as we go into his nursery. Cheeks and the tips of his ears red as he's no doubt embarrassed.

"oh, love" I sigh, rubbing his back before I gently lay him on his changing table.

"let's get you out of these okay?"

I grab his pacifier and bunny from his crib, handing the two to the little before putting his dumbo mobile on.

The light lullaby instantly fills the room and Taehyung chokes on his sob, beginning to calm down at the gentle noise.

"daddy's sorry angel. you were such a good boy, didn't do anything wrong okay?" I tell the little. Wiping some hair out of his face before planting a light kiss to his forehead.

Taehyung breathes out heavily, toes beginning to wiggle as he sucks his pacifier. I can tell he's slipping into a younger headspace under all this stress.

I'm quick to take his jeans off, not wanting him to get a rash, and I wipe him down with baby wipes, planting a kiss to his tummy afterwards.

After undressing him completely, I get a soft towel and wrap it around his form, bringing the little back up into my arms.

"come on my little lamb. let's have a nice warm bath hm?"

Taehyung just rest his cheek on my shoulder, quietly sucking his pacifier as his tears begin to dry on his cheeks.

I feel awful for what happened. Going to the toilet isn't something Taehyung can control when he's in little space and I don't want him to feel as though he should be apologising or did anything wrong.

Keeping the little securely in my hold, I begin to run the bath with warm water. Making sure to put plenty of bubbles in as well as his favourite toys.

Taehyung remains quiet and sniffly when I place him in the tub. But his frown soon turns to a small smile behind his pacifier as he begins to play with his bath toys.

I smile, gently washing his body, making sure to gently scrub his little legs and thighs. He doesn't need his hair washing tonight and so I just sit with him and watch him play after i've washed him. Letting him enjoy and relax after an eventful day.

"dada 'ook!" he beams, showing me his ducky as he pretends to invade it onto his toy boat.

"what a naughty ducky!" I gasp, making the little giggle.

I let him play for a little while longer, joining in when he wants me to every now and again before I drain the tub and lift his tiny body back into my arms with a fresh clean towel.

"come on bub, let's get you changed. A nice warm bottle of milk and Jimin is waiting for you downstairs" I explain softly. Kissing his flushed cheek from the warmth of the bathroom and his eyes light up.

"chimmy here??" he asks excitedly.

I just nod and smile, changing the little into a diaper and one of his softest footed onesies.


"god I feel awful hyung" I sigh, pouring the two of us a cup of coffee.

Yoongi sighs, eyeing the two little's who are snuggled up on the sofa, watching a movie. Taehyung is drinking a warm bottle of milk whilst Jimin is drinking juice out of his sippy cup. The pair looking absolutely tiny and adorable with a huge blanket around them.

"don't blame yourself kook, these things happen. Taehyung happened to slip whilst we were out and you were unable to put him in a diaper" He explains.

"i know that hyung. it's just that he was so upset. he was embarrassed and kept saying sorry. like he did something wrong.."

I hand Yoongi his mug who takes it with a 'thanks', sending me a smile.

"i know, if something like that happened to Jimin i know i'd feel terrible. but he seems to be okay now, look at him"

We both look over to see the two giggling. Taehyung has put his pacifier back in and is holding his bottle securely with both hands. His head resting on Jimin's shoulder.

"aigoo why are they so cute?" I ask, pulling my phone out to snap a picture.

Yoongi chuckles beside me. "i ask myself the same thing."


By the time it comes around to the little's bedtime, Taehyung is more than tired.

His head keeps lolling forward from where he's sat on the floor beside Jimin. A stacking block in one hand and his bunny in the other. He keeps on falling asleep then catching himself or when Jimin shakes him to show him a toy.

I hold back my chuckle, mentally cooing at how precious he looks. However, I can tell the constant catching himself from sleeping or being shaken awake is starting to make him grumpy.

His bottom lip begins to quiver behind a pout, and I know it's time to pack things up for the evening.

"okay," I say, getting up from the couch. "i think it's two little's bedtime hm?" I say, Yoongi immediately agreeing.

"come on Chim, help Taehyung tidy the toys away" he says, also getting to his feet.

Jimin begins to throw all the toys surrounding the pair into the toy box, much fuller of energy than the other.

Taehyung just sits there pouting. Eyes on brink of closing as his pacifier hangs loosely from his lips. Stacking block still in hand, but he's startled awake again when Jimin snatches it from him to put it away.

Taehyung looks a little taken back, and stares at Jimin with wide eyes before immediately bursting into tears.

Jimin himself jumps at the sudden noise, causing Yoongi and I to laugh.

"okay, alright now" I smile warmly, picking Taehyung up when he makes grabby hands. "i think someone's tired, don't you?"

Taehyung just buries his face into my neck, sobbing harder.

"daddy?" Jimin questions, looking a little stumped.

"taehyung's just tired baby, you didn't do anything wrong" Yoongi explains, bringing the little to his feet. "well done for tidying up your toys"

Jimin smiles happily and buries his face into his daddy's chest.

I rub Taehyung's back, rocking us gently to soothe his cries.

"come on now, lovely. you're having a sleepover with Jimin tonight, how exciting is that?"

Taehyung shakes his head against my shoulder.

"w-wan daddy"

"you want to sleep with daddy?" I question.

He nods once again.

I sigh, looking over to the pair. "but you've been looking forward to this angel" I try.

He shakes his head again.

"it's fine Kook, take him with you. i'll stay down here on the air mattress with Jimin. They're spending the whole weekend together anyway, they have plenty of time to hang out" Yoongi chuckles, making me smile.

"if you're sure hyung?" I ask, but having my little baby clinging to me, wanting my comfort is making me want to hold him all night too.

"of course, and besides, i think there would be a few tears if I were to part from this one too" he mumbles quietly, and I look to see Jimin practically holding Yoongi's waist in a koala like death grip.

I laugh, bouncing Taehyung on my hip slightly. "alright, good night hyung, see you Chim" I say, watching as the little wave's happily.

Just as i'm walking towards the stairs I hear a little "bye bye" and I look down to see Taehyung peeking over my shoulder. Tiny hand waving shyly.

My heart practically shatters from the cuteness and I can tell Yoongi's does too.


I walk us into our bedroom and shut the door behind me, switching the bedside lamp on to give us a warm glow.

"my baby's all graduated" I whisper fondly, laying Taehyung on the bed.

He sleepily babbles behind a smile, kicking his toes out.

"daddy's so proud of you bun. you've come so far" I add, planting a delicate kiss to his forehead.

I switch the tv on to paw patrols, keeping the volume low as I retrieve a fresh diaper and wipes form his nursery. I change Taehyung and do back up his footed onesie, this one always makes him look so small and tiny.

"you are my sunshine, my only sunshine" I begin to softly sing, hoisting Taehyung back up into my arms.

"you make me happy, when skies are grey"

The little smiles, tiny fist coming up to rub his eye. This song has become one of his favourites over these last few years. I sing it almost every night now.

"you'll never know dear how much daddy loves you"

"please don't take my sunshine away"

I slowly sway us in the dimly lit room, the sound of the tv drowning out under Taehyung's gentle breathing. I can feel his small fingers playing with the back of my hair, as he rests his cheek on my shoulder and begins to drift off.

I can't put into words how proud I felt of Taehyung today.

Seeing him up on that stage, accepting his degree. He looked so smart and beautiful. His eyes lit up the whole room. My hearts been beating fast in adoration the whole day.

I can't help but think about all the hardships my little love has gone through these last few years. From the extremely shy and scared boy I met when he walked through my classroom door almost 3 years ago now. To the happy and excited little I have in my arms today.

He's never afraid to slip anymore. Does it whenever the feeling comes along. He no longer sees his little side as an inconvenience or someone he should hide. He loves taetae and that sort of love is something his therapy sessions have hugely helped with.

He no longer goes anymore, he said he doesn't feel the need to. But he realises and understands how far he's come from those one on one appointments. He's a completely different person.

The same adorable little boy he always has been. And he's still incredibly shy and likes to stay home more often than not. But he's so happy now. He's enjoying life as it comes to him freely.

He loves to eat and has built such a wonderful little appetite. Gets excited about the little things that use to make him so anxious.

He's grown into his own feelings and no longer let's his parents boss him around. Doesn't let the cruel words of his mother that she still attempts  to demise him with get to him. He brushes it off like she means nothing. And she does.

I think being able to see Haru as often as we're allowed to now has helped Taehyung greatly too.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts to Taehyung's little hand hooking under the neckline of my shirt. And I smile warmly, planting a kiss to his forehead as he sleeps.

"my beautiful baby" I whisper, pulling back the covers and laying Taehyung down. I make sure he's comfortable before quietly changing out of my suit and into something to sleep in.

I get under the duvet and recover the both of us. Pulling Taehyung close. I sip his pacifier between his lips and bring bunny over too. Just so he has it in the night.

I smile fondly to myself as I turn the tv off as well as the lamp. Plunging us into complete darkness.

I don't know what exactly the future will hold. But I know the majority of the hardships have passed us. And I look forward to seeing what will come next.

I lightly intertwine my fingers with Taehyung's, mentally cooing at how tiny his hand is compared to my own. Now at nineteen years old, my little baby's growth spurt never came. But I wouldn't want him any other way. He'll always be my perfect tiny bun.

I gently kiss his knuckles, excited for the day when I can put a ring on his dainty finger.

Taehyung sighs out in his sleep and I feel his leg hook over my own. Body turning to bury his face into my chest.

"goodnight bun, daddy loves you" I whisper.

It goes quiet for a few seconds as I close my eyes to sleep too. Before a tiny voice whispers out.

"taetae wuvs dada too"


The End:

please read!!

and that's a wrap people! 'Little Bundle Of Joy' has officially been completed!! I'm so thankful that this sorry has now hit over 100k reads, you don't know how thankful I am and how happy it makes me!

Your comments are always so sweet and I love love love reading them, they motivate me so much and have given me plenty of giggles whilst writing this book.

This is my first time ever delving into the little space/carer world and so i'm so happy this book has been received so well!

i'm going to miss this little taetae and kookie dynamic!!

For anyone who is interested, the first chapter [prologue] of my new Taekook book "my lonely moon" has been published! It's a 'top tae, bottom koo' high school au and so may not be everyone's cup of tea.

and that's okay!! i'll have plenty of books just like this one in this future! may already have another little tae story in the works... [wink wink]

Little disclaimer, my new story "my lonely moon" is an incredibly sad one but i'm so proud of it! be sure to read the trigger warnings in the first chap/prologue if it is something you want to read!!

Please do let me know what you thought of this story, your feedback always means the world, even if you have criticism or things you think I should've done differently, i'll be more than happy to know!!

Take care, and I hope to see you in my next story!!

With Love,


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