The Life of Mia Grey-Shepherd

By liyahhoosein

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These are all oneshots! PLEASE LEAVE YOUR REQUESTS IN THE COMMENTS OR FEEL FREE TO DM! Let's pretend Meredith... More

I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me
Keep Breathing Part 1
Keep Breathing Part 2
Without You
After Hours
Wake Me Up Part 1
Wake Me Up Part 2
Into The Fire
Sweet Caroline
Truly Madly Deeply
We Will Rock You
Papa Don't Preach Part 1
Papa Don't Preach Part 2
There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
Piece By Piece
Another Brick In The Wall
Castle On The Hill
Father Of Mine
Gone Girl Part 1 | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Gone Girl Part 2 | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Coming Of Age | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Enemy | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Minnesota | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Fighting With Derek | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Valentine's Breakup | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Abusive Relationship | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Cristina Returns | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Jealous Of Your Siblings | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Bad Partner | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Lashing Out | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Bailey's Birth | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Bad Idea, Right?

Flight 505

400 16 7
By liyahhoosein

Description: As Mia uses her charm to come along on her parent's flight to Boise Memorial, she eventually finds herself trapped alongside her family and friends. (This is before Zola came along. When I was writing the chapter, it made more sense for Mia to not have any siblings yet in this chapter).

A/N: So sorry for the delay, school has taken over my life! This was a request from meredith0990. This was so much fun to write and this is a little disclaimer for those who get triggered by trauma, violence, death, etc. You may want to skip this chapter! Otherwise, please enjoy and send along your requests for future chapters! Thanks, everyone!

Mia POV:

I kept arguing with Mom and Dad about going to the hospital with them.

"Please!" I asked

"No, you have to stay here, Mia. We're going to work!" Dad told

"But I don't wanna stay with April, she talks too much, I think something's going on between her and Jackson..." I told

"Kepner is chatty and perky, she's not wrong." Mom giggled

"I can help with the patient's family. I heard that the conjoined twins have younger siblings, I could keep them company in the waiting area at least. They're probably scared and lonely with their parents. I'm great with kids, they love me. Even Uncle Mark said that I'm the best babysitter ever. I'm the best cousin ever and..." They stopped me before I continued.

"Fine, you can come. No monkey business though, is that understood?" Dad sighed

"Yes! Thank you, I love you both!" I gave them both a hug before going back to my room to pack my belongings.

Author POV:

"You always cave, don't you?" Meredith chuckled

"I don't like being the bad cop." Derek shook his head.

"She's got you wrapped around her finger, you can never say no to her!" Meredith declared

"Well, her idea was pretty good, she's very mature for sixteen so I'm sure that she can be a professional with patients. I'll clear it over with Owen to make sure, and there are extra seats in the plane, so it shouldn't be a big deal." He replied

"Mm-hmm." Meredith nodded

"...I also love her a lot." He smiled

"I know me too. She's our only baby. I never like leaving her overnight anywhere." Meredith frowned

Mia POV:

Once we got to the hospital, Mom and Dad left me with Lexie.

"Hey, what're you doing here?" Lexie asked as she saw me rolling the suitcase.

"I'm coming with you guys, I'm gonna help support the patient's family, keep them company, ya know?" I told

"That's nice of you!" She smiled

"By the way, have you heard back anything from Uncle Mark yet?" I asked

She widened her eyes.

"How do you know about that?" She gasped

"I know everything...nobody can keep their mouths shut around here," I answered

"Yeah, you're right about that." She sneered

"I'm sure you guys will talk everything out soon though, he still loves you, even though he's with that stupid eye doctor. And you still love him, you guys are soulmates."  I admitted.

"Why do you believe that?" She questioned, unconvinced.

"I've seen the way you two look at each other. It's how Mom and Dad look at each other, it's love. We're only getting older and you guys should at least try to fix things before it's too late. The time will never be enough." I spoke

"When did you turn forty, Mia?" Lexie cracked up.

"I don't know. I've seen a lot of things and I guess that's kinda shaped my life. I'm gonna miss you a lot when we move to Boston. You won't be there to braid my hair or secretly take me shopping when I'm supposed to be doing homework." I glared

"I'll come and visit whenever I can, I promise. I'm gonna miss you a lot too. You're my favourite niece! And maybe you're right, I should talk to Mark and tell him that he has to make a choice soon." She nodded

"Choose what?" We were interrupted by Mom and Dad returning to the lobby.

"Nothing, I'm gonna get a little snack from the cafeteria, wanna come Aunt Lex?" I smiled nervously.

"Yeah, sure." She played it cool and we dodged my parents before they could interrogate us.

We were getting all of our bags ready when we heard Arizona yelling at Alex.

"You son of a bitch, I had to hear it from Hunt? What, you couldn't even be man enough to tell me yourself?" She shouted.

"Sweetie. She's had a horrible day. I'm so s-" Callie tried to help her calm down.

"No, you ungrateful crap dog!" Arizona exclaimed

"It's Hopkins, you went there. You of all people should know that." Alex advised

"You are a miserable, miserable bastard." She shook her head in disappointment.

"Robbins, they want me. All right? They really want me." He contended

"Oh. you're actually going?" She mocked

"Can we talk about this when I get back?" He exhaled deeply.

"No!" She grabbed away the binder full of the info from the conjoined twins at Boise.

"What are you doing?" He was baffled

"No, you are not going to Boise because you no longer represent this hospital!" She looked like she was about to kill him.

"Look at Alex showing us all up by going to Hopkins." Mom laughed

"If Robbins lets him live that long." Cristina snickered

"We're moving to Boston by the way." Mom smiled

"I'm going to Mayo." She grinned

After a while, we finally got onto the plane and chatted on our trip to Boise, Idaho.

Arizona got so mad that she took Alex's seat on the plane. I don't think this trip is gonna be any fun.

I sat in the back with Lexie and I looked over to Mark who was sitting all alone.

"You okay, Uncle Mark?" I murmured

"Yeah, kiddo. I'm all good."  He smiled

"Can we play a game or tell a story or something before I die of boredom?" I commented

"How about Truth or Dare?" Lexie asked

"I don't think that may be the safest game to play on the plane, we should stay in our seats," Dad replied

"How about "Never Have I Ever", it's a popular game?" Mom suggested

"We all start with the fingers and then we put a finger down if we've done something. The person who has the least amount of fingers down is the winner because they're the most innocent. Also, we have to answer truthfully." She explained

"Mia is probably gonna win this." Uncle Mark laughed.

"Never have I ever snuck out of the house." Everyone except for myself put their finger down.

"McBaby, I thought you would be a rebel like your mother." Cristina chuckled

"Let's be thankful that she's not." Dad rolled his eyes.

"Never have I ever damaged my parent's car and they never found out." Somehow, I was the only one that put my finger down.

"You did what!" Mom yelled

"Which car was it?" Dad spoke sternly.

"Your Porsche." I winced

"Mia Alexandra Grey-Shepherd! When did this happen?" Dad shouted angrily.

"Um, a few months ago. Uncle Mark and I were just drifting and having fun." I smiled nervously.

"Heh, I don't know what she's talking about, anyways..." Mark widened his eyes at me and I avoided his gaze.

"You are so grounded when we get back home," Mom said

"Please don't be mad, I got it repainted with my own money, the scratch wasn't that bad. I was just too scared to tell you. I'm really sorry."  I looked down as I played with my fingers.

"It's okay, Mia. Just please don't let it happen again, and I appreciate you fixing it. I'm sorry I yelled, sweetheart." His eyes softened to a lighter shade of blue.

"Thanks, Dad. I love you." I rested my head on his shoulder as he hugged me tightly.

"Love you more, M." He kissed my temple.

As we continued to play more games, we started to experience turbulence out of nowhere.

"Guys, make sure your seatbelts are on tightly," Dad instructed

"It's gonna be okay, Mia. Everything is gonna be fine." Mom clenched my hand.

Second by second, everyone started to scream and yell, and before I knew it, pieces of the plane started to come off, and everything went black.

Maybe I shouldn't have come on the trip.

Author POV:

Meredith was lying on the ground in the woods, looking at the trees and the sky. Suddenly, Cristina appeared in her sight.

"Mer? Meredith! Meredith! Get up! You have to get up now! Meredith! Get up!" Cristina shouted

Cristina grabbed her arm and pulled her back up while being in pain. Meredith saw their pilot Jerry sitting in his seat of the plane, Mark tried to get up from the dirt and Meredith suddenly noticed there was a sharp piece of metal sticking in her leg. She pulled it out.

"Oh, God. How long was I out?" Meredith worried

"I don't ... I ... I don't know. I lost my ... I lost my shoe." Cristina groaned

Meredith tied a piece of clothing around her leg while looking around, while Cristina walked around holding her dislocated arm.

"Where's...where's Derek and Lexie and Mia?" She panicked

"I don't ... I don't know. I lost a shoe." Cristina muttered

"What happened?" She screamed

"The plane crashed, that's what happened. We were in a plane, and it crashed. Plane crash!" Cristina exclaimed while desperately trying to find her shoe.

"Where are Derek and Lexie and Mia?! Cristina, where are they?" She had terror written all over her face.

"He was sucked out the side when we hit the trees, and then the back of the plane came off. It came ... it came off." Cristina tried her best to recall.

"Lexie was in the back of the plane...with Mia." She shrieked

"I-I looked to the back, and all I could see was freakin' sky." She replied

"Where is she?" Meredith feared

"I don't know! I only have one shoe!" Cristina cried

Meredith touched her head and noticed that she was bleeding. Cristina looked for her shoe, and she saw Arizona with a massive piece of the plane in her body. She's dead.

"Oh, God. I think I'm gonna be sick." Cristina emptied the contents of her stomach.

It was silent until Mark ran to her body.

"No, no, no! Robbins!" Mark caressed her face as he cried.

"Mark, I'm so sorry." Meredith sobs

"Sofia only has one mom now..." He mumbled

"Help! Please!" They faintly heard.

"Did you hear... did you hear that? Where did that come from?" Mark asked

Meredith, Cristina and Mark left the front part of the plane to go find out who was calling for help. They try their best to follow the sound and they notice a familiar pair of running shoes on someone's feet.

"It's Lexie!" Mark gasped as he immediately recognized the runners.

"I knew you'd show up." Lexie smiled despite being crushed by a piece of the plane.

Mark crouched down to assess her.

"How is she?" Meredith asked

"She's awake and responsive. How are you doing in there?" Mark smiled, trying to reassure her to stay calm.

"I'm...I'm great." She looked like she was dying on the inside.

"Yeah? Good girl. We're gonna get you outta here, okay?" He kissed her hand before getting back up.

"Okay." She nodded

"She's short of breath. The plane is crushing her, we need to move it or break it off, piece by piece." Mark urged

"Okay, let's try shifting it over." Meredith proposed

After many tries, they were able to shift the piece of the plane over enough so that Lexie could slide out.

"Thank God!" Cristina lets out a sigh of relief.

"It's breathe...chest hurts." She spoke up.

Cristina looked over to Meredith and Mark.

"Do you think it's a pneumothorax?" Meredith inquires

"Most likely, we need something to drain it. Do we even have a chest tube or knife nearby?" Cristina retorts

"Lexie, you should lay down here." Mark spread his sweater on the dirt for her to lie on.

"Mer?" A voice echoed.

"Did you guys hear that?" Meredith questioned

"Yeah." They replied

"Mer...Meredith? Mer!" Derek came panting heavily holding his forearm against his chest which had a medium size tear in it.

She started to tear up as he walked over to her.

"I couldn't find you. Derek, your hand!" She cried

"I'll be okay, don't worry. I heard your voice, I thought I was dreaming." He rests his forehead against hers.

"Thank God you're alive!" She hugs him tightly.

"My hand was stuck in the wing of the plane, I had to jam it out with a rock. Where's Robbins and Mia?" He asked

"Robbins is uh...she didn't make it." Mark's voice broke.

"Oh, Mark. I'm so sorry. Mer, where is Mia?" Derek offered him a hand on his shoulder.

"I...I can't find her. We've looked everywhere, I don't even know if she's..." Meredith wept

"Hey, no. We can't think like that, okay? I'm sure she's fine. She's strong and she's smart, she should be around here somewhere." Derek attempted his best to reassure her.

"Okay, I have to go back to the part of the plane with the cabin, I'm sure that I can find tools there that can help us, there was a bunch of extra equipment in the duffel bags. Also, can one of you pop my arm back into its socket before I lose it?" Cristina pleaded

Mark got up and held her arm steadily.

"Do you want me to count to three, Yang?" He asked

"No, Mark! Just go ahead and ow!" She yelled

"Are you okay?" Meredith asked

"I wanna get the hell out of here and get the hell away from Seattle Grace Mercy Death." She scoffed as she walked away.

"Okay, I'm gonna stay here with Lexie," Mark informed

"Let's try and find Mia, she can't be far." Derek implied

The desperate couple and Cristina had split up throughout the woods while Mark tried to wait patiently with Lexie.

Mia POV:

My eyes fluttered open and all I felt was pain in my leg and I couldn't move. I was feeling pretty lightheaded and like I had nothing left in me.

"Hello? Is anyone there? Mom? Dad? Uncle Mark? Aunt Lexie? Aunt Cristina?Robbins? Is anyone there?" I cried out.

I didn't hear anything or anyone, not even any birds chirping in the distance.

I looked closely in front of me and I saw the plane wing crushing my body.

"Oh, you've gotta be freaking kidding me!" I complained as I struggled to move the wing off my chest so I could breathe properly.

After I used every fibre of my being, I was able to get the wing off of my torso, but it was harder to move off my leg.

I didn't know what was going on but there was this throbbing pressure and I was terrified to move, but I had to try. I had to try so I could find my family and help them.

I had hoped that they were all still alive.

I managed to stretch my arms and found a huge branch in the dirt.

It gave me enough strength to knock the wing over on one side and then I felt the worst pain ever.

A piece of the plane had gone into my leg, right above my knee. I was left with a large gaping wound filled with blood and it felt like someone had cut my leg off.

"Motherf*cker!" I shouted

I took off my sweater and ripped the sleeves off. I tied the fabric around the wound on my leg tightly so that the bleeding would slow down and I wouldn't get an infection. Then, with the help of the branch, I used it as a cane and tried to find my family in the woods.

Author POV:

2 Hours Later

"Why are we not finding her?" Meredith started to get frustrated.

"This is my fault, I shouldn't have let her come. She would be at home and safe right now if it wasn't for me. I was the one that said she could come." Derek starts to pace back and forth between the trees.

"It's not your fault, Derek. We didn't know this would happen. We never know when stuff like this happens, it just hits us out of nowhere without warning." She hugged him.

"What if she's hurt? What if our baby is in pain and we can't find her?" Derek started to worry the worst.

"We just have to pray she's okay, we have to do everything we can, okay? We can't give up on her, not yet." Meredith tried to give them both hope,

"Mer! Derek! She's here!" They heard Mark shout from far away.

The pair rushed back as fast as they could, hoping to help save their daughter.

Mia POV:

I think I had fallen somewhere or passed out, I couldn't remember much. All I know is that I was starving and thirsty. When I opened my eyes I saw my parents, Cristina, Lexie, and Mark.

"Oh, I finally found you guys." I sighed

"We tried looking so hard for you, baby. I'm so sorry." Mom told

"It's okay. I'm here now, that's all that matters." I smiled through the pain.

"Sweetie, what happened to your leg?" Dad winced as he saw blood all over my leg.

"A piece of the plane wing was jammed in there, that hurt like a bitch. Sorry for cursing." I replied

"Don't worry about it, Mia, we'll give you a pass for now." Mark chuckles

"We're gonna have to clean it and wrap it properly so that it doesn't get infected. You could lose your leg if we don't." Cristina let out.

"Well thank God you gave me a pass for cursing, I'm gonna need it." I joked

"I got a bunch of stuff from the cabins. Mia, this is gonna hurt a lot, okay?" Cristina cautiously unwrapped the fabric that I had put around my leg.

I winced as I saw the massive gaping hole once again.

"Don't look at your leg, sweetie. Look at Mom and me. We're right here. Just breathe, I promise it's gonna be okay." Dad distracted me for a while until I felt a sharp pain.

"Son of a bitch!" I yelled

"Nice to know that you've inherited our vocabulary." Dad chuckled

"It's almost over sweetie, I'm so sorry." Mom cried

It felt like someone was digging into the insides of my leg, scraping everything out.

I closed my eyes and tried to bear the pain.

"You're doing so good, baby. You're so strong. We love you so much." Lexie smiled

"Love you too, ouch!" I winced as Cristina wrapped my leg.

"Okay, all done here. How do you feel, Mi?" Cristina asked

"Feels better than before, at least I still have my leg," I replied

"That's the spirit." She nodded

"We need to make a fire or something so that somebody sees, it'll send a signal," I suggest

"God I'm starving, do we have anything to eat?" Dad groans

"Uh, I may have possibly packed a whole bunch of junk in my food usually sucks so I wanted to make sure that I had something edible." I smile nervously.

"You're so smart, why didn't I think of that?" Mark said

"It should be on the left side of the cabin if there still is a cabin. Jerry said that there should be some emergency equipment in there too! Wait, where is Arizona?" I worried

Dad shook his head, basically saying that she was dead.

"Oh, God. Uncle Mark, I'm so sorry." I hugged him tightly.

"Yeah, me too." He sniffled

"Let's go find the stuff from the cabin." I took Uncle Mark's hand as we walked through the forest.

Author POV:

"She's so strong, just like you," Derek said

"She gets it from you too. She's seen so much and she knows how to be the calm in a storm...or plane crash." Meredith muttered

"Poor thing had a piece of the plane in her, I'm never letting her leave home ever again," Derek said

"Yeah, I'm with you on that one." Meredith nodded

"How long have we been here? Hunt's gotta figure out that we've been missing by now, right?" Lexie asked

"All of our phones are probably damaged by now. I'm sure he sent someone to come find us. They should be on their way soon. I can't wait to get the hell out of here!" Cristina exclaimed

"We're back! Got some stuff to make a fire and some stuff that we can munch on for now." Mark and Mia returned with a handful of supplies and snacks.

"Okay, so we got Jerky, Ramen, Pop Tarts, Muesli, Chips, some drinks...I shoved a whole bunch of crap in here." They all stared in awe at Mia.

"You brought me Muesli?" Derek was touched.

"Oh my God, you brought Ramen!" Lexie laughed

"You will always be my favourite." Cristina hugged Mia tightly.

"She's like our lifeline out here. I'll get the fire started." Mark patted her head.

Mia POV:

While Uncle Mark was getting the fire started, I started to feel some pain in my chest, but I was able to tolerate it and just ignore it. I rested my head on Dad's shoulder as we all sat on a log, trying to warm up.

"You're so strong, Mia. Mom and I couldn't be more proud of you. You went through hell today, we all did." He kissed my cheek.

"Mm-hmm." I sighed

"We're glad you're okay. We thought we'd never find you." Mom hugs my side and I feel a sharp pain go through my chest.

"Ow!" I shout

"Sweetie, what's wrong? Did I hurt you? Are you okay?" She asked as I started to feel weak and short of breath.

"Chest hurts...getting hard to breathe...something's wrong." I laid on the ground beside the log.

"Mia, we're right here. We are gonna figure out what's going on, okay? Just stay calm, baby." Dad held onto my hand.

"Honey, I'm just gonna check your chest to see if there's anything wrong, okay?" She asked as I nodded.

"Cristina, I need your help with this." As soon as I heard her ask for help, I started to get worried.

Was I gonna die?

"Oh, crap! It's a cardiac tamponade." Cristina stated

"Am I gonna die?" I feared

"No, baby, we won't let anything happen to you. Just try to breathe with me, okay?" Dad faced me towards him as they draped me with some extra pieces of clothing that we had found.

"Are you sure?" Mom asked

"75%. 70%. 70% sure." Cristina replied

"That's not very sure." Dad declared

"Well, if you want me to be sure, get me an ultrasound." Cristina asserted

"We have to drain her pericardial sac and relieve the pressure, or ... or her heart will stop." Cristina clarified

"With what? We don't even have an 18-gauge spinal needle." Dad worries

"I don't know." Mom wondered

"The...the straw...from the juice box. It's big enough and you can sanitize it. I don't think we will find any needles nearby anytime soon." I groaned

"Smart, you're so brilliant. Okay, this will work. Mer, my arm is in good condition, you're gonna have to drain it, okay? I can't screw up on McBaby." Cristina urged

"Mia, baby, I'm sorry. This is gonna hurt badly. I'm so sorry. I'm going in, um, subxiphoid. Knife." Mom cries as she cuts into my chest.

"All right, babe. It's okay. Don't move. It's gonna be okay." Dad teared up as I screamed out in pain.

"Aim for her left shoulder," Cristina instructed

"Wait. Don't puncture her heart." Dad said cautiously.

"I know, I know, I know." Mom nodded as she pushed the straw into my chest, trying to relieve the pressure.

"Okay. Deeper! Good." She pushed the straw in deeper and blood started to spurt everywhere.

"Excellent. That's it. That's it. That's it. It's gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay, baby." Dad held me in his arms as I wailed in pain.

"That's good. That's it. That's exactly it." Cristina patted Mom's back.

"You did it. Just let it drain into here. Oh, you did it." Dad kissed Mom as she let the blood flow into a small clear bag.

"Well, that was not fun," I said

"I'm sorry that I had to cut into you, I hate that you were in pain and I had to watch." Mom scowled

"At least I can breathe now. I'm never going on a plane again...never again." I shook my head.

"Yeah, I don't blame you," Lexie spoke out.

The End.


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