Young Justice: Nomad

By TheCayde

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Follow the lives of teenage superheroes and sidekicks, namely Red Robin, Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Superboy... More

Independence Day
Welcome to Happy Harbor
Drop Zone
Alpha Male
Usual Suspects
S1 Finale: Auld Acquaintance
S2: Bio
Incorrect Quotes
S2: Happy New Year
S2: Effed Around and Found Out


789 18 8
By TheCayde

New York City; October 31st, 19:26 EDT

Outside the American Museum Natural History with special banners stating: 'History of War Display', 'Art Exhibition', and 'The Golden Era of Art' two police cars sit with their sirens on. Inside the museum, the police are looking over a broken display case.

Detective: "So, the perp bypasses your alarm system and disables every security camera in the place to steal a sword?"

The Detective asks, writing it down but still sound skeptical as he looks to the curator.

Curator: "Not a sword, Detective Daniels. The sword of Beowulf. It's priceless. Legend says it provides great power to the pure of heart. There's even an Old English incantation that's supposed to summon the power. Abanan aful Beowulf!"

The detective looks down at what he has written on his notepad. 'Sword of Beowulf', 'Priceless', and 'Great power'. He crosses out the last one.

Detective: "Great. Look, the N.Y.P.D. Will do its best, but the thief is obviously long gone."

???: "Let's not rush to judgment."

A voice from above them, but definitely still in the building. The source is a young man with dark brown hair parted down the middle away from his face and down his back, dressed in a grey trench coat with cold shoulders, black fingerless gloves, black pants, and black boots. His most recognizable feature is the red claw marks through his left eye and eyebrow.

???: "Mediocrity such as this is never far from Harm."

He drops down from the second story banister to the ground level in front of them. Holding what looks like a sword, but rather than a traditional scabbard it looks like a massive forearm.

Officer 1: "Freeze!"

Officer 2: "Drop the sword!"

Officer 3: "Down on the ground!"

They shout as they pull out their guns.

Harm: "Still, Harm should be grateful. Harm did need the words."

He says, holding the arm in one hand and the handle of the sword in the other.

Harm: "Abanan aful Beowulf."

The hand opens up instantly releasing the sword. The curator takes a step back, the police hold still. The sword crackles with gold lightning as he pulls it from the arm. Once it's fully released the sword seems to be nearly surrounded by the golden-red light.

A mark appears over his heart and the same gold lightning passes from it across his chest and down the arm that holds the sword away from him. Once it dissipates from his arm the sword glows. With a sharp smile, he swings his sword arm at the cops, and lightning swings form the sword's guard to the cops taking all of them down in one hit.

Harm: "How monumentally unsatisfying. Harm and the sword will require greater challenges."

He says as he walks towards the curator.

Curator: "Bu-but the legend. Only the pure of heart should be able to summon that power."

The sword begins to glow again as the man runs out of room to back up.

Harm: "The legend said the heart must be pure."

He raises it up in front of his chest, pointing it at him.

Harm: "It never said pure good."

It glowed again, and the man screamed as the light enveloped the room. Only Harm walked out of it. Unopposed he walked out of the Museum and cut through the crime scene tape.


Mount Justice; October 31st, 19:34 EDT

Wally- with fake brown hair that flows into matching facial hair- howls at the full moon, really leaning into his werewolf costume.

Wally: "Really? You're not gonna join in at all?"

He asks a sleeping Wolf.

Wally: "What kind of wolf are you?"

Conner: "Wally, stop torturing him."

M'gann chuckles.

M'gann: "Hold still, please."

As she wraps bandages around his head. Securing it on the back of his head, so it sweeps across the bridge of his nose and under his ear.

Wally: "Megan, stop torturing him."

Wally mimics Conner, stepping between the two of them.

Wally: "Awkward for him, anyway, being a third wheel on our date."

He puts his unbroken arm on her shoulder.

M'gann: "Wally, I invited the entire Team to the dance. Zatanna too."

Wally: "Good. Keeps us on the down-low."

She gives him an awkward smile; Conner gives Wally a very confused look at his turned back.

Wally: "So... you going as my favorite Martian?"

M'gann: "Not exactly."

She gives him a small smile before stepping onto the training ring a few steps from both of them. Her clothes shift, becoming a torn greyish-white sleeveless dress that comes to the floor, with matching white shoes, gloves, and headband.

The grey veil that's behind her still auburn hair. Her skin turns pale white, while her lips turn black and she gains heavy eyeshadow around her still brown eyes. She hits the iconic Zombie-pose and growls before looking to the boys with a smile as her hands land on her hips.

Wally: "Whoa, babe. Eat my brains anytime."

He mumbles, bringing his casted hand behind his head.

Shazam: "Great minds think alike."

All three turn to see Captain Marvel with a much less sophisticated equivalent to M'gann's shapeshifting of Zombie make-up on his face. M'gann smiles.

M'gann: "Captain, you look terrific. Are you going to a Halloween celebration too?"

Captain Marvel's face twitches for a moment.

Shazam: "Well, sure, I'm going with... Uh-uh, I mean, you did invite the whole Team, right?"

M'gann: "Yeah, we'll all be at the dance. So don't worry about us. Go. Have a good time at your party."


Artemis; B-0-7

Zatanna Zatara; A-0-3

Artemis is wearing a high collar coat and dark colors underneath with. Her hair still pulled in her signature thick ponytail.

Zatanna is wearing a witch costume, complete with the pointy hat, white gloves, and a black dress that is chopped jaggedly above her black thigh-high socks. Secured by a thick red belt around her waist, matching the ribbon at the base of her hat.

Artemis: "Oh, hey, Zatanna. You look great."

Artemis greets as she walks out of the middle Zeta Tube.

Zatanna: "Oh, thanks. You too." She says walking at Artemis' right.

Zatanna: "Oh, look, zombie Captain Marvel. That's hilarious."

She chuckles a little bit.

Zatanna: "Is the Justice League having a party? Because my dad didn't mention it."

Shazam: "No. No, no, no."

He denies then brings his hand up to scratch at the back of his head.

Shazam: "See, I..."

He trails off. His face flashes with sadness for a moment before hardening.

Shazam: "Fine. I'm going trick-or-treating."

He flies over Zatanna and Artemis then walks into one of the Zeta Tubes.


Captain Marvel; 1-5

He crosses his arms as he turns back to the Team.

Shazam: "And I'm not sharing my candy."

M'gann laughs behind Artemis and Zatanna's turned backs, catching their attention.

Zatanna: "So how long have Conner and Megan been a couple?"

Zatanna leans in to ask Artemis. Artemis barks out a laugh, covering her mouth as she quiets it.

Artemis: "Couple? No, they're not a..."

She trails as she looks back at them. M'gann laughs happily as she wraps Conner's arm.

M'gann: "Will you please stop fidgeting?"

Conner looks up at her with a very soft look.

Conner: "You are so making this up to me later."

Artemis looks surprised as her phone buzzed, she took out her phone seeing a text message from Mason.

Red❤️🦇: Something came up. I can't come to the dance. Sorry Artemis.

She straightens up as her gaze hardens at her phone, Zatanna notices the change in posture but really picks up on it when Artemis turns to walk away.

Zatanna: "Uh,"

Zatanna starts hesitantly as she catches up to Artemis.

Zatanna: "I- I'm sorry. It just seemed so obvious. I-I didn't realize that..."

Artemis: "It's not that."

She steps slightly in front of Artemis' path towards the Zeta Tubes.

Zatanna: "Wait, the dance."

Artemis turns, crossing her arms.

Artemis: "Not in the mood. Besides Red's not going. Course, sitting at home with my mom doesn't sound any more appealing."

Zatanna: "Well, there is another option. Egnahc sehtolc otni ruo smrofinu!"

She incants, covering both her and Artemis in smoke.

Zatanna: "Girls' night out."

Artemis looks down, surprised that she was changed into her uniform as well. Turning back towards Zatanna she smirks.

Manhattan; October 31st, 19:57 EDT

A mural opens up to reveal a Zeta Tube, the two of them riding out on motorcycles and down the alleyway to the main city.

Happy Harbor; October 31st, 20:15 EDT

The gym has been decked out with three disco balls, large pumpkin-shaped light in the center, small sport lights, as well as several balloon arches.

M'gann: "Too bad the rest of the Team couldn't make it."

Conner's entire face twitches as he looks over the crowd.

Conner: "You got to be kidding."

Looking over the crowd, the vast majority of them were Justice League members and several more were popular villains. A Black Canary tugs a Bee Heroine, a Batman, and a Superman with a leather jacket black circle glasses, and two black belts over to the three of them. The Black Canary- who other than her size looks very similar to the real thing.

Wendy: "You look amazing."

Karen: "Who did your make-up, girl?"

Karen questions. M'gann looks embarrassed.

Mal steps up beside Conner, dropping his glasses away from his eyes.

Mal: "Burn victim?"

Conner: "Mummy. You?"

Mal: "Superman. Done right."

He said fully showing off his change to the iconic look.

Conner: "Yeah, good luck with that."

Conner says sarcastically as he lifts his chin, looking down his nose as Mal.

M'gann: "Wally, this is Wendy, Karen, Mal and-"

M'gann starts gesturing to each, but the fourth in their group is off on his own, still tapping away on his handheld.

Wendy: "Ignore Marvin. He thinks we're being invaded by Martians."

Marvin: "I never said that. It's just reports are all over the inter-webs. And I'm not the only one getting them."

As if on cue, Wendy, Karen, then Mal's cells all beep. It quickly passes through the entire gym.

Marvin: "I mean, Martians aren't invading. It's just a prank gone viral, right?"

Extra: "Of course, it's a prank."

The guy wearing an eyepatch, at the punch bowl says.

Extra: "Ever hear of Martian Manhunter? Martians aren't hostile."

M'gann: "Of course not."

M'gann agrees but looks up almost guiltily. Wally smiles, looking at M'gann's turned back.

Batman: "Computer, secure the room."


Inside the room is Red Tornado, Red Arrow, Red Robin, Aqualad, and Robin.

Batman: "I'll cut to it. Do we believe there's a Mole within the Team?"

Aqualad steps up.

Aqualad: "I am convinced there is none. When Sportsmaster claimed he had an inside source he was merely sowing dissent."

Robin glances over his shoulder from his chair.

Robin: "His intel could easily have come by comparing notes with the other villains working for the "InJustice League"."

Robin uses actual quotation marks, though his sour look disappears as he throws his hands behind his head.

Robin: "Think about it. If anyone on the Team was working with those creepoids-"

Mason: "He or she would have betrayed us during our fight against them."

Red Arrow: "I'm not convinced. Sure, you three and Kid Flash are above suspicion, but I know Artemis isn't shooting straight. For starters, she's not Green Arrow's niece."

Kaldur's eyes pop.

Aqualad: "What?"

Robin looks to him, looking apologetic and more serious as he sits up straight again.

Robin: "Well, yeah. In fact, she's related to-"

Mason puts his hand on Robin's shoulder.

Mason: "I know. Artemis' relations may indeed make her suspect, but she's still entitled to a secret identity as am I with my relation to my mother. And from what I seen, she's innocent."

Robin sits a little lower as Batman turns to Red Arrow.

Batman: "I'm more concerned about Superboy. We still know very little about what Cadmus programmed into their weapon. Conner could be the Mole and not know it."

Red Tornado drops his head.

Red Arrow: "And what about Miss Martian? She is Manhunter's niece, but he told Black Canary he has a few hundred nieces and nephews."

Robin leans forward as Roy steps into the middle of the room.

Red Arrow: "And the first time he met M'gann was five months ago. When she stowed away on his last trip from Mars to Earth."

Mason: "This changes nothing. I have fought side by side with these people. None are traitors. Especially Artemis."

Robin slumps back into the chair and his face falls a little. Mason turns his back to them walking away while Roy glared at this.

Mason: "I'm done here. I have somewhere to be and time to make up."

Roy's hand then grabs his shoulder.

Red Arrow: "No you-"

He was quickly shut up by a back hand to his nose making a loud crack. Roy fell back holding his nose seeing blood trickling down, which angered him but Mason didn't even look back and continued walking. The archer turns to Batman yelling.

Red Arrow: "Your just gonna let him do that?"

Robin: "You kidding? He just kicked your ass without even trying. You wanna see what happens when he's actually putting in effort?"

Mason walks out the room looking down at his phone before texting Artemis again. Cut to Zatanna and Artemis' engines revving as they arrive at the Natural History Museum.

Artemis: "Whatever happened here is over."

She comments, looking over the police cars.

Artemis: "I want some action."

Zatanna: "But maybe you need to talk, uh, about you and Red or... Or whatever."

Rather than respond Artemis takes off.

Artemis: "What I need is something to beat up."

Harm watches them head down the street under the full moon, standing atop of the roof with the sword once again sheathed. A man is holding a couple at gunpoint in front of a Tyme Machine, the girl yells.

Zatanna: "Taeh taht s'nopaew latem!"

The gun turns red-hot and he throws it away, so he doesn't get burned. In an instant, he's pinned to the nearby concrete outside of a building by several arrows to his clothes. Harm watches them continue their way down the road. Following them. Two mask robbers, holding guns run out a store as the alarm goes off.

Artemis sits up tall as she pulls another arrow back and takes aim. Knocking the gun out of one of the robber's hands, then the other's, as she drives close to the curb, she punches the one closest to her in the face. Knocking them into each other.

Harm has a hand on his chin, and he gives a half-smile as he watches them. A girl is running along, and one guy drops out of the tree in front of her, causing her to scream and stop short. Three more drop down and the four start to close in on her.

Zatanna: "Etativel reh!"

Zatanna incants, the girl rises high up above them. The four turn towards the source of Zatanna's voice, finding Artemis already charging at them. She jumped at the closest one, kneeing him in the face. Executing a tight flip to land back on her feet, though hitting one in the face with her boot as she comes down. The one she lands in front of attempts a hook punch that Artemis ducks under. She blocks his second as she comes back up, kicking him in the chest hard enough to knock him away.

The last attempts to grab her from behind, but she jumps just enough to avoid getting caught, spinning tightly around him so she can turn into a hook kick and knock him out and to the ground. With enough force to make him spin before he crashes down.

Zatanna steps closer, and Artemis turns over her shoulder to smile at her. Harm watches from where he sits, relaxed, atop a gargoyle with binoculars. He drops the binoculars. His coat is billowing in the wind that nearly seems to howl. He smirks. Artemis and Zatanna make their way back to their bikes.

Zatanna: "There were... easier ways to take them."

Artemis: "They had it coming. No harm done."

Their bikes suddenly explode. Knocking them off their feet and back nearly across the road with the force behind it. They both sit up quickly, looking at the smoke, only vaguely hearing a car alarm go off.

A shadow moves through the smoke, coming towards them. Unbothered by the thick smoke and the fires. It's Harm, the sword unsheathed in his right hand and the arm in his left.

Harm: "No, indeed. Harm is not done. Much Harm left to do."

he agrees, looking intensely at the two of them. The smoke billows into the air, visible from the gargoyle that Harm had been watching from. A person in a grey hooded cloak, black long-sleeves just visible beyond the billowing cuffs of the grey sleeves, and grey leggings tucked into white boots, watches.

Her face is visible from the side, as is a glimpse of her blonde hair, her lips almost look blue despite the greyness of the night under the dark clouds, her eyes a warm amber, and her skin is pale. Harm continues to walk towards the two girls, as they are still discombobulated from the blast.

Harm: "The its cannot escape Harm."

Artemis grunts as she attempts to stand and get her bow out. She nocks an arrow but stumbles a little in getting to her feet and decides to crouch to take aim.

Artemis: "Escaping isn't on the menu."

She fires two trick-arrows in rapid succession. Harm cuts through them both with easy slashes.

Harm: "Its arrows do not impress."

Zatanna: "Fine."

She says strongly, getting to her feet.

Zatanna: "Taeh taht s'nopaew latem."

The sword turns red, just like the gun, even sizzling, but Harm doesn't let go.

Harm: "Neither does its Magic. Both must do better or suffer Harm."

Artemis: "We get it."

Artemis snaps, turning his attention back to her, where she is now standing and has two more arrows nocked.

Artemis: "Your name is Harm."

Harm: "Their ridiculous garb and rudimentary skills indicate instruction from Green Arrow and Zatara. Harm will study these two to learn methods for killing their mentors."

He then raises the sword towards them.

Zatanna: "Oh, you did not just threaten my dad. Etativel drows ot em!"

The sword rattles in his grip, but Harm holds steady.

Harm: "It wants Harm's sword? Very well."

He pulls against her Magic and throws it at her. Zatanna barely dodges right of the blade sailing towards her head. It keeps going with enough speed to nearly bury itself in the brick to the hilt, cracking the bricks of the building as well.

Cut to a dollar store where a clerk was bored out of his mind until he heard something thrown his way he turns to his left and quickly ducks as the object hits the wall. The clerk looks up at the wall seeing a batarang with a note attached with some money.

Clerk: "Thanks for the candy?"

He looks over seeing an aisle missing half its bags of candy which makes him gasp. Outside showed Mason pouring the candy into a backpack while he takes out his remote hacking device.

Mason: "Hopefully this and a movie will save me from an arrow to the knee."

A map of New York is shown where a small dot was seen moving which peaked his interest. Cut back to Artemis moving, pulling her arrows back.

Artemis: "Big mistake, Harmster."

She releases them and heads back to cut him off. He must've jumped after throwing the sword at Zatanna because even in the air, his eyes turn towards the arrows. Grabbing both of them with lightning-quick reflexes and throwing them back at Artemis and Zatanna. The two trick-arrows explode when they hit the ground, Zatanna took off towards

Artemis the second she realized what was happening. Nearly tackling Artemis to the ground but flipping over her as well so she didn't land on her. The girl on the gargoyle, stands in the mouth of a nearby alleyway; her hood down to reveal her pale blonde- nearly white- hair that comes down to her shoulders, pulled away from her forehead; indicating for Zatanna to follow her before running off.

Zatanna: "On second thought, running."

Artemis glances between the approaching Harm and the alleyway.

Artemis: "Okay, yeah, to regroup."

Artemis runs past Zatanna and she stands, turning back towards Harm, hand outstretched.

Zatanna: "Erif nrub, nordlauc elbbub!"

The fire erupts in front of Harm and her, then creating a circle around the swordsman, connecting behind him with another boom. As they run down the alley, Artemis turns to her.

Artemis: "Nice."

Zatanna: "Something I've been practicing since Red Vol-"

Artemis: "Wait! Who's that?"

The girl is at a turn in the alley, indicating for them to follow before running down it.

Zatanna: "Do you care right now?"

Artemis: "No."

They both slow as the alleyway stops.

Zatanna: "Dead end."

Artemis: "Where'd she go?"

Artemis demands, but turns when she hears metal clanking beside her. A Fire Escape Ladder is now down for her to use. On top of the building is the girl in the cloak.

Zatanna: "I like her already."

The two climb up quickly, grunting as they make the large push over the edge of the building to the roof. The girl stands in the middle of the roof. Her hair held back by a purple headband and a necklace that matches the metallic trim of her cloak is around her neck. Letting them both run towards her.

Zatanna: "Thanks for the assist, but who are you?"

This close, the pale light, her eyes are nearly as washed-out as her clothes, but with almost a green tinge to them. Her eyebrows are a dark brown, while her necklace and cloak trim are brassy. Inside the brass-colored circle at the center of her necklace is a plain silver plate.

???: "Secret."

Artemis: "That won't cut it. We need answers. Do you know Harm? Does he have any weaknesses?"

???: "Secret."

She hisses, then points past them. Artemis and Zatanna turn, finding Harm landing on the edge of the roof.

Harm: "At least they make the hunt interesting."

He admits, the arm sheath now on his back. Landing on the flat roof and swinging the sword in front of him.

Artemis: "He's fast, I'll give him that."

Artemis grumbles, turning and pulling an arrow from her quiver, she hits the wooden water tower. Cracking it open.

Zatanna: "Dloc snow wolb! Dloc snow wolb! Dloc snow wolb!"

Zatanna incants, the water splashing over Harm before freezing solid. The mark on his chest glows and the sword mirrors it. Shattering the ice around him. Hitting the now empty water tower as they take off running.

Artemis: "Where'd little Miss Secret go?"

Zatanna: "There!"

She sees her two roofs away, the building she's on is significantly shorter than the one they're on now.

Zatanna: "Okay, these boots, adorable, but for a chase sequence... Lacitcarp raewtoof won!"

They jump and her shoes lose their heels. Harm is close behind. At the Halloween Party at the school is in full swing, when suddenly, the lights go out.

Student: "Hey!"

Teacher: "Everybody calm down. It's probably just a blown fuse."

An adult says as the emergency lights turn back on. Students have all pulled out their phones.

Mal: "It says here Martians have taken New Haven and Providence."

Wendy: "Spotted in Happy Harbor too."

Wendy says, looking at her own phone. Karen looks between the two of them with a dull look.

Teacher: "Guys, guys, it's a Halloween cliché."

A teacher says, stepping up to their group.

Karen: "Meaning it happens a lot?"

???: "Attention: Homeland Security advises everyone to stay inside the gymnasium."

A voice says over the loudspeaker.

???: "This is not meant as confirmation of any alien invasion."

Karen raises her hand.

Karen: "I knew it! I knew it!"

She looks to Wendy before walking off.

Karen: "I told you. I told you."

Mal: "All right. All right. Bring them on. It don't matter to me, c'mon."

M'gann: "We should call the Cave."

M'gann stirs Wally out of his shock. Conner raises a hand.

Conner: "Wait."

He says calmly, then steps forward. Using his Heat Vision to see someone outside the gym with loudspeaker equipment in their hands.

???: "For your own safety, remain inside."

The voice continues. Then the equipment turns off and a nasally chuckle returns to standard pitch as the modulator is pulled away from their face.

???: "Best Halloween prank ever!"

That is definitely Marvin's voice. Conner turns towards both M'gann and Wally with a smirk. The two stare at him with wide eyes, Wally looks just this side of terrified. With Artemis and Zatanna who kept running, now in a puddle of water, but slide to a stop and turn back around as a bolt of gold lightning hits the ground in front of them.

He pulls a small knife from behind him and throws it with his left hand towards them. It just misses Artemis but does cut through her bowstring. Flying past her and burying itself in the metal supports at the other end of the roof, nearly 3 inches in.

Artemis: "Hold him off while I restring."

Zatanna gets about two steps before Harm, already in the air, slices at her with his sword. When he misses, he kicks a leg out and hits her in the chest.

When he lands, he slides upwards through her bow. Now holding two pieces of it, she attempts an uppercut before throwing both pieces of her bow away, just dodging another downward strike and she twists, pulling out a small crossbow. They both freeze, her crossbow is pointed right at his head, and his sword is mere inches from her neck.

Artemis: "You wanna play without the toys?"

Harm: "It tries to bait Harm. Leave Harm weak."

He pulls the sheath off his back and puts the blade inside with ease. Dropping it to the roof where it stays upright and cracks the concrete.

Harm: "But Harm has no weakness."

He slides his coat off, dropping into a fighting stance with both his hands open. Zatanna gets to her feet, and Artemis smirks, putting her crossbow away. Zatanna looks to her partner worriedly. Artemis slides her closed fists up.

They stay still for a moment. Artemis grits her teeth and charges in. Her cross to the chest being easily dodged by Harm. Her cross-jab combination followed by a hook punch all wiff with minimal effort from Harm. He blocks her roundhouse and front kicks are both blocked by his arm.

He stands up tall, as Artemis crouches and jumps trying to bring her two threaded fists down on his shoulder. He merely side-steps and lets her jumping roundhouse whiff past his chest. Her cross-elbow strike misses his chin and her upward-elbow strike is blocked by his own elbow.

She goes for a knife hand off of the block, but when it's pushed away her chest is completely open. Harm goes on the offensive, a harsh knee to her chest and something audibly snaps. She winces but keeps an eye on him.

When she goes on the offensive again, he's back to simple blocks and easy dodging. Now nearly half the distance of the roof away, Zatanna carefully makes her way over to the sword, trying to pull it from the sheath. But she can't even make it budge.

Harm: "So unfocused."

Harm says, letting Artemis' grip attempt slip off his elbow, then sliding left.

Harm: "It struggles with inner demons and can't fight Harm while fighting itself."

He says while easily dodging her jabs.

Harm: "Harm doesn't battle his demons."

He blocks a kick then a punch before looking her dead on.

Harm: "Harm embraces them."

Artemis: "Would Harm please shut up?"

Artemis demands through gritted teeth, going for a roundhouse that Harm ducks under and makes a bit of distance between them. The sword flashes with gold lightning, knocking Zatanna to the ground. Artemis turns her head in worry.

Artemis: "Zatanna!"

That second was all Harm needed, by the time she's turning back Harm is hitting her in the face with an open-handed strike to the face. Knocking her to the ground beside her unconscious comrade.

"And it cares about others." Artemis groans, touching her face as she sits up. Another weakness." he picks up his jacket and slides it back on. "The sword rejected its impure heart." Zatanna raises her head as she comes back around. "It has not made the sacrifices Harm has to become pure."

"Look." Zatanna whispers. "It's Secret."

Secret is standing on a roof a few buildings away, gesturing for them to follow her.

"She hasn't led us wrong so far." Zatanna muses, pushing herself back to her feet.

Artemis pulls another trick-arrow from her quiver, which beeps, and she throws it at Harm's feet. Smoke immediately begins to plume around him.

Harm waves a hand to clear it. Seeing how Artemis and Zatanna are now running to his left, already a full building away.

"The its think to escape Harm but draw near to home. Such considerate its." he says, then reaches out to grab his knife.

Zatanna and Artemis jump onto a far lower roof.

"Aw, she's gone again." Zatanna whispers. "Now what?" she heaves a breath. "End of the line. And we can't go back the way we came." she glances back up, then to Artemis. "He's coming."

Artemis pulls out her crossbow. "We'll zip-line to that magic store."

They hear a zap of electricity behind them, they both dodge out of the way before it hits.

Harm jumps down to land on the roof before them. "This can be no coincidence. They alight on Harm's very roof. How did they know? Tell Harm. Now!" for the first time he has emotion in his voice.

"Wait, this is your place?" Artemis questions.

"No more games."

Harm snarls before slamming the sword into the roof, lightning shooting across it and hitting both of them hard. Artemis raises her head weakly, seeing Harm standing over her and Secret behind his left shoulder. It pans up to Mason who eyes widen at this.

Mason: "Oh man."

It zooms out a little showing Secret right next him. It took a minute but once he turned his reaction is kinda priceless.


He jumps slightly. While Secret points down making him tilt his head in confusion, but somehow he understood her. Back in Happy Harbor Three kids open the door, looking around before trying to leave.

Marvin: "I have orders to keep everyone inside."

He says, stepping up.

Marvin: "Or did you freshmen want to become Martian chow?"

They silently head back inside. He chuckles a little himself.

Wally: "The Martians are coming! The Martians are coming!"

Wally says, running towards Marvin.

Conner: "Look out, they have disintegration rays!"

He points where a bright light is coming from. A tornado comes and goes quickly, an outline of a stereotypical Martian just vaguely outlined before becoming solid. Marvin's eyes go wide. The eyes glow green, and when it screams so does the inside of the mouth.

Conner: "Run, Marvin."

Conner grabs Marvin by the shoulders and pushes him towards the school.

Conner: "I'll hold it off."

He runs towards the 'Martian' and it raises a hand, levitating him into the air. Before slamming him onto his back, lifting him up again, throwing him against the wall, before throwing him back in front of Marvin. Seemingly unconscious.

Marvin screams and runs off. Conner sits up and chuckles, watching Marvin run back to the school gym. The Martian and Wally walk up to his sides. M'gann turns back into her Zombie-Corpse-Bride self. Then holds up a really bright flashlight and shining it in the boys' faces. Conner chuckles again.

Conner: "Come on. We do not wanna miss this."

Marvin bursts through the doors, screaming.

Marvin: "Martins are invading! Martians!"

Wendy: "Marvin, chill. We got the memo."

Marvin: "No! Before it was all a prank I pulled. Now it's definitely real. The Martians just killed two guys."

He raises two fingers. M'gann steps up to his side.

M'gann: "Which two guys?"

Marvin points behind her.

Marvin: "Those two guys!"

Wally and Conner both walk calmly up behind M'gann, sharing a confused look with each other. Then they all turn to Marvin with raised eyebrows.

Marvin: "Wait, I..."Uh."

Then he looks to the stopped party.

Marvin: "Oh."

Wendy: "Marvin."

Wendy huffs, hands on her hips.

Marvin: "Trick or treat?"

Artemis groans as she comes to in a dark room. A stuffed cat, that looks like it's hissing startles into full consciousness. She looks around the room, then trying to break free of the chair she's tied to.

Harm: "It deigns to awaken."

A small TV turns on, with static for a few seconds before a grainy picture of Zatanna tied to a chair comes on screen. Artemis' mouth drops and her eyes widen as she realizes that her crossbow is rigged and set up aimed at Zatanna. Who has her mouth duct-taped closed.

Harm: "It will tell Harm its secrets. Or its partner will pay the price."

He makes just a little bit of noise as he leaves the shadows and closes in on Artemis from behind.

Harm: "How did it know of Harm's home?"

Artemis: "Ask your partner. She lured us here."

Harm: "Harm has no partner. Harm is pure and works alone."

He stands just in front of the TV. Where Mason and Secrets walks beside her. Zatanna tries to say a spell but can't under the tape. Secret raises a hand, Zatanna tries to turn away from her as she moves closer, but Secret gets a grip on the tape and rips it off.

Zatanna lets out an instinctual "Ow!" before,

Zatanna: "sepor, emoc esool."

Which has the ropes now loosely floating around her before flying off. When she stands out of the chair she turns to Secret and Mason.

Zatanna: "First you lure us into a trap, now you free me? What's your game? Also Red? How'd you get here and what's in the bag?"

Mason: "She brought me here."

Zatanna: "Artemis?"

Mason: "What? No Secret brought me here and also this is Artemis' apology gift. Also is secret all you can say?"

Secret: "Secret."

Mason: "Now I know how Star-Lord felt when meeting Groot for the first time."

Zatanna slowly blinks, lowering her head before looking around. Finding a bed and a dresser on the other side of the room. One thing stands out. A picture on the dresser.

Zatanna: "Red check this out."

Mason walks over as Zatanna picks it up. Looking over the more yellow-blonde girl, with more natural coloring in her skin, eyes, and lips, side-hugging a man who is undeniably Harm. Though he's wearing a dark button-down, a blue vest, with bands around his wrists, multiple rings, a leather necklace, and his fingernails painted black. His arm over her pink long-sleeved crop-top covered shoulder and darker pink track-pants. The two turns to Secret.

Zatanna: "Is this your room? Do you live with this nut-job?"

She shows off the picture.

Secret: "Secret." she says.

Mason and Zatanna: "Secret, right."

Zatanna starts the second she starts saying the word, heading away from the dresser. Tossing the picture onto the bed.

Zatanna: "Naturally."

Harm paces between Artemis and the TV.

Harm: "It seems honestly convinced Harm had help. Perhaps the other it-"

He glances down at the TV, where Mason Zatanna and Secret now standing casually, he looks back up, still walking, not processing it while still looking at the image, but he freezes, cutting himself off, the second he realizes what he saw. Letting out an enraged snarl as Zatanna picks up Artemis' crossbow while Mason waves at the camera winding up the bird.


Racing out of the room and across the hall. He raises his sword and brings it down to slice through both Mason and Zatanna when the second their hit the image shimmers out of existence. Leaving Harm in an empty room. Behind him, Mason, Artemis and Zatanna run out of the other room, and down the hall.

Artemis: "Thought you had to stuff to do!"

Mason: "Clocked out early! Besides I had to make it up to you!"

Artemis: "Classic Red Robin, always making up for broken promises! What was so important that you ditched me-I mean the dance?"

Mason: "For your information I was forced to, Batman made me! I really did want to go to the dance with you Artemis. Plus if it kinda makes you feel better I clocked Red Arrow in the face before I walked out."

Artemis: "Okay, I'm slowly forgiving you now."

Secret is at the bottom of the stairs, gesturing for them to follow. Artemis immediately pulls out her crossbow.

Zatanna: "Wait!"

Mason pushes her hand down.

Artemis: "Zatanna, Red, she's his partner!"

Zatanna: "Then why did she help me and bring Red here?"

Artemis: "Don't know. Secret."

Harm stands at the top of the stairs, his sword glowing once again.

Zatanna: "Look out!"

Zatanna calls, the trio jump and tumble down the remaining stairs, down the hall, and through a hole. When the smoke clears Secret is standing at the end of the hall, then running off.

Harm's eyes go wide before he snarls and follows Mason, Artemis and Zatanna. Dropping into the kitchen. Secret runs past Artemis, who shoots an arrow at Harm, which he catches before following her down the hall, slamming the door behind her.

The open stove's hissing only just picks his attention now.

The tip of Artemis' arrow catches fire.

"Oh, that little-" he snarls.

An explosion rips through the entire first, blowing out the windows.

Artemis opens the Storm Cellar from the inside, heading into the backyard, Mason and Zatanna close behind her. Looking around, there's not much there, until one thing catches her eye.

A shallow grave, marked with a wooden board as a tombstone, and three white roses. Mason and Zatanna walks past Artemis, kneeling before the grave. Placing a hand on it. Only then does Artemis join them.

Mason: "Greta Hayes. Beloved Sister."

A blue-white face pops out from the grave, startling Mason, Zatanna and Artemis. Artemis backs away, managing to stay on her feet, Zatanna falls to her butt and Mason screams.


(Play at 0:14)
Artemis hits Mason making him stop. Eventually the glow fades, and Secret returns, her eye now a light green color. Mason, Artemis and Zatanna scoot back.

Zatanna: "This is your grave. This is your secret. This is you."

Artemis: "A ghost. An actual ghost."

Artemis mumbles with wide eyes.

Mason: "As if this Halloween couldn't get weirder."

Zatanna slowly makes her way to her feet, but Greta doesn't move.

Zatanna: "Uh, uh, H- how did you die?"

In her hands, Greta creates a familiar weapon, which would be mistakable as real if it was floating over her hands and came from a blue cloud.

"Harm's dagger." Artemis recognizes.

At the backdoor, lightning crackles before the door blows out. A nearly unharmed Harm stands there.

Harm: "They defile Harm's holy place."

Artemis: "We defiled it? You did this."

Artemis' voice cracks as she points to the grave.

Artemis: "To your own sister!"

He tilts his head to the side and smiles a little.

Artemis: "You're proud of it?"

Artemis gasps, then her face hardens. "And you had the gall to write "beloved"."

Harm: "Not gall, truth. She was the only thing Harm ever loved. That's why she had to go. Harm's heart had to be pure. Greta had to be cut out. Excised like an infection."

On cue Greta raises back out of her grave, looking at the ground. Harm gasps, eyes wide before getting control of himself.

Harm: "Ah, it casts another illusion spell."

Zatanna turns back from Greta to Harm.

Zatanna: "Except I didn't speak. Harm knows it can't cast a spell without speaking."

He gasps, watching as Greta walks towards him.

Artemis: "You asked how we found this place? Face it, Harm, your secret's out."

Harm: "No."

He raises the sparking sword towards them.

Harm: "Harm's heart is pure."

Greta keeps walking towards him.

Harm: "Harm's not sorry. I'm not!"

He turns his head away, but still looking as Greta's form shimmers as she walks through the sword. With narrowed eyes she reaches into his chest, grabbing the glowing mark and pulling out what looks like a small sun. Harm gasps and falls to the ground. When he stands back up, he can only watch as it disappears from her palm. Enraged he slices at her, but it still passes through.

The sword-tip thunks heavily to the ground, and as Harm tries to lift it, he can't. The hand moves again, startling him enough to drop the sword as it goes for where he's holding onto the sheath and then for his face. The sword quivers before flying towards the sheath. With a gasp, Harm throws the sheath away from him. The two meet in the air, the sword going back into the sheath before they both fall to the ground. Harm turns to the kids.

Harm: "I don't need the sword."

He charges with his dagger, slicing at Greta but once again, it passes through her, throwing him off balance and giving Mason ample time to kick the knife out of his hand.

Artemis: "So unfocused. It can't fight us while fighting itself."

She quotes, anger clear in her tone, before delivering a hard elbow to the gut, then a hook to the face, then another hook kick to his face while he staggers, then a front kick. When he pulls his hands away from his face, Artemis spins the other way knocking him with a harsh hook that sends him rolling. He groans before falling unconscious. Zatanna step beside her, hand towards Harm.

Zatanna: "Egnahc setholc otni sgnidnib."

Harm's body moves as he coat binds his arms behind his back, then to his chest, while binding his legs together. Greta moves towards her grave, catching Mason and Artemis' attention. Then Zatanna's. She stands over her grave with a sad look.

Zatanna: "We'll make sure you receive a proper burial. We won't forget you, Greta."

Greta: "Secret."

She says before sinking into the grave again, this time wearing a smile.

Artemis: "I still can't believe anyone could do that to his own sister. I mean, if my-"

She cuts herself off.

Mason: "Your what?"

Artemis looks at them out of the corner of her eye, before turning to them with a sad look.

Mason: "Artemis, talk to me. Secrets don't stay buried, obviously. It's better to bring them into the light."

Artemis: "I don't have any secrets."

Mason: "Mmm. I always wondered what it's like to have a sister... then I remember who my mother is and glad that I don't have any siblings."
(A/N: Soooooooo.... Who gonna tell Mason😬)
In the distance, Sirens are wailing, getting closer.

Mason: "Cops are coming."

Zatanna: "We did blow up the kitchen."

Artemis walks closer to the fence.

Artemis: "Red, Zatanna, look."

The diamond-shaped fence has a hole in it, where two of the boards are broken, through it they can see the neon front sign of Abel's House of Secrets, the magic store across the street. With the neon out on most of the sign, the only thing really visible is one word Secret.

Artemis: "Must have been the last thing Greta ever saw."

Mason walks over placing a hand on her shoulder. She smiles at him and looks at the bag on his back.

Artemis: "What's this?"

Mason: "My apology. Wanna share this and watch a corny horror movie?"

Artemis: "As long as it's not in Black and White."

Mason laughs as the two heroes walk away from the scene as the archer secretly grabs his hand.

Mason: "I always wanted a sister."

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