Young Justice: Nomad

By TheCayde

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Follow the lives of teenage superheroes and sidekicks, namely Red Robin, Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Superboy... More

Independence Day
Welcome to Happy Harbor
Drop Zone
Alpha Male
Usual Suspects
S1 Finale: Auld Acquaintance
S2: Bio
Incorrect Quotes
S2: Happy New Year
S2: Effed Around and Found Out


719 21 11
By TheCayde

Teton County; October 10th, 04:23 MDT

In a lab completely isolated from those around them, a scientist speaks to two familiar robots; Red Torpedo and Red Inferno. A scientist's voice speaks up from the center of the lab.

Morrow: "When the prodigal son returned, his father saw him,"

A dirty blonde with green eyes shines a light into Red Torpedo's eye as someone else continues to speak.

Morrow: "and had compassion and ran and embraced him."

The man speaking is a raven, greying, in a lab coat.

Morrow: "For this, his son was lost, and is found."

He leverages something smoothly mechanical that his green eyes go maniac.

Morrow: "You are the prodigal son, Tornado and I rejoice at your return"

A cylinder releases pressure as he stops leaning over his worktable, setting his tool aside.

Morrow: "and thank you for making our little family reunion possible."

Something small, black replaces his tool he points it at the table with his right hand, and it makes a light buzzing noise as he turns it on.

Morrow: "Now, you must have many questions."

He answers himself.

Morrow: "No?"

He covers his mouth, not in compassion but dramatism.

Morrow: "Oh! How could I forget? Your voice box is offline. But your eyes and ears still function perfectly,"

Behind Tornado's black lens his camera moves to follow the movement of the approaching man.

Morrow: "as does the prodigious mind I built for you all those years ago."

Finally, he crouches down to be level with Tornado's face, leaning on the table that Tornado is sitting on.

Morrow: "And really, what else matters?"

Or rather the one Tornado's body is splayed out on. His head is tied to two wires that keep it on the "pillow" of the table only two wires continue down to his neck.

His chest plate is open to reveal his golden core, steel ribcage, and spine. His pelvis and legs are still together but are fully separated from his core. Both shoulder sockets have a few wires splaying from them while one of his arms hangs from a claw.


Mount Justice; October 10th, 16:58 EDT

Shazam: "Pineapple juice?"

Captain Marvel offers a glass with a paper umbrella to a relaxing Wally. His right arm now casted, as he sits in a reclining chair and all his technology right at his elbow.

Wally: "Ahh! Just what the doctor ordered."

The speedster says appreciatively after a long drink.

Shazam: "How's the arm doing, Wally?"

Wally: "Well, nothing wrong that nachos can't cure."

He isn't subtle in his motives, leaning back on his chair as the sounds of his teammates practicing can be heard from the center of the room.

Shazam: "Nachos?"

The captain takes a moment to process what Wally is not quite asking for before taking off.

Shazam: "Oh! I'll go get you some."

As he flies by Mason is hit and lands on his back before rolling with the force of the Throw that gains his opponent 5pts as he groans. Artemis smirks as she jogs towards the Bird, though not making it clear if she's still fighting or going to help him get up.

Behind her, Kaldur and M'gann are in far closer combat. She throws a low punch towards Kaldur's side that he blocks with his forearm for 2pts, stepping forward to throw another at his face that he uses an open hand to knock his wrist out of the way for 2pts more. He spins to try and get a front kick in, though M'gann blocks with a knife-hand to his ankle for 2pts back.

Black Canary: "Good work everyone."

Black Canary speaks up, calm even though two of the teens are still fighting over her.

Black Canary: "In fact, it's been a very productive week."

Kaldur and M'gann have made it to the center of the training ring and they stop when they see Artemis standing calmly, looking at Wally.

Artemis: "Yeah, for everyone except Kid Malingerer."

The archer taunts. Wally finishes his drink of juice, glaring at the blonde.

Wally: "Hey, arm broken in combat against the InJustice League here."

He waves off the cast to prove his point while Mason gets in between them.

Mason: "Easy you two."

Black Canary chuckles.

Black Canary: "I've really enjoyed being your, uh,"

She tries to find the word to describe it.

Black Canary: "den mother this week."


Zatara; 1-1

Everyone in the room turns to the man in the suit and top hat with a cane- that he's not using- standing in the Zeta Tube as he moves outside it and then uses a HoloScreen without a word to them.

Access Granted.

Zatanna Zatara; A-0-3,


Zatara; 1-1.

The Zeta Tube lights up again and Zatara steps up.

Zatara: "Zatanna, this is the Team. Team, my daughter, Zatanna."

She looks very much like her father with the dark black hair that falls over her shoulder and is parted on the left side, and skin tone. The only difference being her baby blue eyes, and that she's wearing a school uniform. M'gann flies over to the clearly nervous girl, landing easily.

M'gann: "Hi I'm-"

Dick: "Robin!"

The Boy Wonder cuts her off with a bout of vibrancy and a wave, then clears his throat as he steps up.

Dick: "I mean, I'm Robin. Ah, she's Megan, uh and that's Red Robin, Wally, Artemis, Kaldur, and Conner."

Even Conner is giving her a smile while Mason holds in a laugh.

Kaldur: "Welcome to the Cave." Kaldur offers.

Zatanna: "Uh, thanks."

Zatanna says quietly, looking over at her dad.

Dick: "So, uh, you- you are you joining the Team?"

Zatara: "Eh, now let's not get ahead of ourselves."

He speaks up his voice shakes a little as steps closer to his daughter again.

Zatara: "This is strictly a visit." he turns to Canary. "Though I am sorry we missed the Training. It's something from which Zatanna could benefit."

M'gann looks curiously at the Team.

M'gann: "Do the rest of you guys get the impression we're still on probation with Zatara?"

She asks telepathically. Robin faces her instantly and Zatanna does as well, making it hard to tell if M'gann accidentally included her in the Link.

Conner: "Not just Zatara. I mean, why is Marvel still hangin' around?"

Conner asks his annoyance coming through in waves. Wally pipes up in the Captain's defense.

Wally: "Because we like having him around."

Artemis turns on the ginger.

Artemis: "You like having him around 'cause he waits on you hand and foot."

Wally: "And your point is?"

Kaldur: "It almost makes one nostalgic for Red Tornado's tenure as our supervisor."

Mason lets a sarcastic half chuckle through the link.

Mason: "Yeah, at least he trusted us."

Conner: "If you ignore the fact we shouldn't have trusted him."

Conner snarls, seeming to forget that while he can't be heard his very obvious hand gestures can be seen, something which annoys Zatanna.

Conner: "He was traitor. That machine nearly got M- all of us killed!"

Mason: "We do all realize that shes looking at us with a judgmental look right?"

Zatanna: "Are you guys having a psychic conversation?"

She asks, catching the entire room's attention.

Zatanna: "Cause I can't decide if that's cool or, uh, really rude."

Conner can either feel the adult's expectant looks or something else tips him off since he raises an eyebrow but doesn't even look at the two of them before speaking.

Conner: "Alright, fine. We were talking about Tornado. It's been weeks since his attack and the League hasn't told us anything."

Black Canary: "The League is searching for Tornado as well as the other Androids that invaded the Cave and their creator, T.O. Morrow." Batman's made tracking them down our highest priority."

Mason: "But you've found none of the above."

Black Canary: "Not yet, but Tornado is Justice League. The Team is not to pursue this."

Zatara: "Why don't you all take Zatanna on a, uh... a t-tour of the Cave?"

Everyone is now on high alert and turn towards Wolf as he snuffles in his sleep. The reason Zatanna leaning into his side and petting him. Wolf gets up from almost completely asleep as Captain Marvel speaks up.

Shazam: "Huh, you're giving a tour? Cool!"

In his hands is Wally's nachos. Conner steps up to the hero, who is petting a staring Wolf.

Conner: "Actually, I was hoping you'd take Wolf outside. He needs the exercise. Uh, we'll join you in a few."

Shazam: "Sure, sure. I- I can do that. Come on, Wolf."

Marvel says brightly, taking off towards the back door of the Cave.

Wally: "Wh- wha- wha- My nachos?"

Wally whines. Conner grabs the front of his shirt and drags the speedster along. The Team and Zatanna walk into the living/kitchen area of the Mountain, not a word being shared between them. The younger girl jogs up to Robin's side surprising him

Robin: "When did you... How did you...?"

Robin tries but Zatanna speaks up before he can form a full sentence.

"We're not really taking a tour, are we?"

The Team stops and Conner turns towards her.

Superboy: "No. We're hunting down that robot."

Aqualad: "Yes, we are."

Zatanna: "Oo, wow. Out loud and everything."

Mason: "What about New Girl?"

Mason asks the Boy Wonder even though they're speaking aloud and Zatanna can hear.

Robin: "I'm sure she won't tell."

Zatanna turns to Robin, coy.

Zatanna: "I can't tell. Not if you kidnap me."

Artemis smirks appreciatively.

Artemis: "Oh, she's going to fit in great."

The camouflaged BioShip flies over the heavily wooded area outside Mount Justice where Captain Marvel stands holding a tree log and Wolf is eating the nachos. With a smile, the Hero throws the log far.

Shazam: "Fetch."

He tells Wolf, who is still eating.

Shazam: "C'mon! Fetch. Please?"

The BioShip continues to get away from the Mountain when suddenly a beep goes through the Ship and Dinah's voice comes through the comm set.

Black Canary: "M'gann, the BioShip wasn't authorized for departure."

Miss M: "We're kidnapping Zatanna!"

M'gann says brightly Mason then face palms as the Martian then realizes.

Miss M: "To, uh, show her Happy Harbor. Be back soon!"

Black Canary: "Uh, Roger that. Have fun."

Canary says as she watches their trajectory on a HoloScreen.

Zatara: "I did not authorize permission to-"

Black Canary: "They're good kids, Giovanni."

Dinah assures as she turns off the HoloScreen with the BioShip's location on it, turning back towards the Cave.

Black Canary: "Trustworthy kids. Don't worry."

Zatara watches her with an unconvinced look and Dinah looks concerned that she could very well be wrong.

Robin: "Where are we going? Batman is the world's greatest detective. He's searched for Tornado and Morrow in every logical place."

Mason: "If we're gonna do better, we need an illogical solution. A- a truly dumb idea."

The brothers had glanced over their shoulder and saw Kid Flash who was the cause for his stutter, but now has a proud smirk on his face. Kid pouts a little at his friend's blatant quasi-insult, only to find that the entire Team and Zatanna are looking his way.

KF: "As a matter of fact..."

In the Cave Morrow is still working on Tornado while the dirty blonde walks in front of the other two androids. Using a small pen laser to turn Red Inferno and Red Torpedo back online. Their eyes glowing red.

Morrow: "Look, Tornado, your brother and sister are back online."

He caught the scientist's attention with that broad of a word. He looks over his shoulder to see that Tornado is almost completely back together on the table. Morrow continues with the last few wires running around Tornado's body.

Morrow: "We'll have you up and running too. Maybe even turn your voice box back on as soon as I'm done copying and downloading your memory files."

He grabs his computer chair, spinning it around and sitting in it by Tornado's side.

Morrow: "In the meantime, I'll tell you a story."

Coils spark and light up the lab as the color washes out of the scene leaving it dreary, bleak, and old where the shadows of a man are on the more expansive equipment in the room. But there is also another figure on a table like Tornado's in front of him.

Morrow: "Once upon a time, a brilliant scientist decided to build his own superhero to infiltrate and destroy the Justice Society of America. His first creation was..."

A man stands on the rocky shores with waves splashing up at him, the moon at his back.

Morrow: "Red Torpedo, Hero of the ocean deep a machine programmed to think he was a man."

Torpedo's robotic form flashes with the image of a pale ginger in a red suit and mask-wearing form.

Morrow: "Unfortunately, that programming was crude."

Torpedo's human form sits on the same cliffed shore, watching the sea splash up at him.

Morrow: "Torpedo never quite fit in. Your eldest brother was a failure."

The scene returns to the lab, a new silhouette on the table before Morrow's.

Morrow: "But the scientist believed in his plan and began again."

Before the tall spireing tower and below the monorail tracks, among the walkers of the 1939 New York World's Fair, surrounded by towering statues.

Morrow: "Your sister debuted as Firebrand,"

A woman with hair falling down her back, mask in place despite her otherwise street-ready clothes as she tossed a fireball between her open palms.

Morrow: "A much loved and admired heroine."

she creates a small arc with her fire as people looked on. Including one man with a three-point lightning bolt traveling up his shirt with a round helmet sporting only small wings on the sides. Someone screams, and as people run away, a man wearing a full-body costume and a mask with a laser gun aimed at the heroine, hitting her in the side.

Morrow: "If only she hadn't been so darn heroic. Yet our intrepid scientist would not quit and this time,"

A flash cuts off the scene this time splitting to a press conference where camera flashes continue to go off showing the members of the JSA, Sandman, Green Lantern, Doctor Fate, Flash, and Hourman welcoming Red Tornado into their ranks.

Morrow: "the android would know he was an android."

The official picture is captured.

Morrow: "The new approach worked. Red Tornado,"

Another picture was captured.

MorrowS "the robot hero was inducted into the Justice Society. The scientist believed he had triumphed."

As the last picture of just Tornado's face is taken T. O. Morrow's voice goes sour.

Morrow: "But Tornado's original heroic programming and Pinocchio-like desire to become more human-caused him to betray his creator, his father."

He snarls at the still silent hero. Morrow steps up beside the dirty blonde by Torpedo and Inferno.

Morrow: "Still the scientist refuses to give up."

Belle Reve; October 10th, 18:35 CDT

Miss M: "Warden Strange owed us a favor for stopping last month's prison break. He's given us five minutes with you."

Superboy: "Spill Ivo. How do we find T. O. Morrow and his Reds?"

Ivo: "Now, why in the world would I know how to find Morrow?"

He questions lazily as he leans back in his chair.

KF: "Because, and a truly dumb idea,"

KF is clearly at least a little salty about the Team idea that he's an idiot.

KF: "you're Morrow's biggest competitor in the evil android game."

Zatanna watches from the back of the group since she is the only one still in civilian clothes.

KF: "Who better to keep track of what he's up to, and where?"

Ivo doesn't turn down the idea.

Ivo: "Ah. I see your point. So, let me rephrase."

He leans forward and looks Miss M in the eyes.

Ivo: "Why in the world would I tell you how to find Morrow?"

Mason: "He knows. Give me a minute."

Mason grabs Ivo by the color hid his jumpsuit and drags him to the other side of the room where Ivo only smirks.

Ivo: "You can't scare me. After all your just Batman's sidekick."

Mason grabs Ivo by his shirt lifting him up while glaring at him.

Mason: "Let me give you one word of advice."

It cuts to Red's back as the Team couldn't hear what he was whispering to Ivo, as the villain was dropped to the floor looking around Mason slightly terrified.

Ivo: "Morrow's in a secret underground base beneath Yellowstone National Park 100 meters South of Old Faithful."

The entire Team is completely stunned, looking at Ivo. Though Robin does need to pop onto his toes to actually see the scientist thanks to his taller member standing in front of him.

Artemis: "What'd he say?"

Superboy: "You don't wanna know."

Strange watches the whole exchange over the monitors, his eyebrows knitting together as Ivo rats the other man out. Cut to Morrow punching out numbers on his keypad.

Morrow: "Download complete."

Then he engages the crane above him, lowering down a table near the ceiling of his lab. The form on it is covered with a white cloth. Morrow removes the crane as he steps up to the table.

Morrow: "Time for the upload."

Then he yanks the sheet off. Now Red Tornado stands beside Torpedo and Inferno.

Morrow: "But first, introductions."

He says, now looking over the fourth android.

Morrow: "Red Tornado, Red Torpedo, Red Inferno. I like that name so much better than Firebrand. Meet your baby brother..."

This android is a darker red than even Torpedo, but with red hot lines running across the outside of his body and a glowing hot Triangle with a circle on the inside of it on his chest. His face has narrower red eye slots and a red line that makes it look like he has a mouth turned into a perpetual frown, and his same icon on the center of his forehead.

Morrow: "Red Volcano."

Morrow plugs in a cable to the table from the console behind him.

Morrow: "This Red won't bother infiltrating the heroes. He'll simply destroy them,"

He turns to his console and starts typing out commands.

Morrow: "with the help of your memories. Finally, the scientist has built an android that transcends the need to be human."

The remote beside him beeps and he picks up, turning back to Volcano.

Morrow: "No more Pinocchios."

He hits the button in the remote and the red of his eyes begins to glow with a low buzz entering the room. He sits up, then moves to standing and walks towards Morrow. Towering over the man. Then grabbing his hand with the remote with enough strength to break the technology. He holds the man off the ground by the wrist.

Volcano: "Hello, father."

He then grabs his other wrist. Morrow winces at the harsh hold.

Morrow: "Son, you're hurting me."

Volcano: "Yes, but pain is so human,"

Volcano pulls on Morrow's wrists.

Volcano: "and per your programming, I've transcended any concern for humans."

Yanking his arms off, causing the sockets to spark as the droid falls to the ground, face still showing pain, but no longer moving.

Volcano: "No more Pinocchios."

Volcano zeroes in on the tear in the corner of the android's eyes, showing just how humanoid its creator was. Volcano looks down at the at the still sparking arms in his hands to the rest of the body.

Morrow: "His son was lost. Son was lost. Son was-"

Volcano stomps on the face of the fallen android, then turning to the other three.

Volcano: "Did you know father was an android?"

None of them respond.

Volcano:"Where's Stikk?"

He demands, throwing the arms to the floor. Looking over his shoulder at the crumpled body.

Volcano: "Father you were right. Humans are annoying."

In camouflage mode, the BioShip flies over the empty space.

Mason: "Block out all external communications. Sooner or later, Canary and Zatara, Batman too I PRAY that he doesn't, will know of our... visit with Professor Ivo. We don't much time."

Robin: "Look,"

He chuckles trying to lighten the conversation a little.

Robin: "I'm trying to be nonchalant here."

Zatanna: "Why? Be as chalant as you like."

Robin cracks a smile.

Artemis: "I think we're all just trying to get a handle on your powers. Could you teleport us to Tornado or Morrow to a cell or force his bots to surrender?"

Zatanna: "Or create peace on Earth for all time? Zatara couldn't even do all that and I'm nowhere near on my dad's level."

She turns very serious as she looks directly at Artemis.

Zatanna: "I need to know a spell cold, or else have time to prep it. Plus, all magic requires energy which usually has to come from within. I can't just make the impossible happen at will."

Superboy: "What's our ETA to Yellowstone? I'm way past ready to stuff Tornado into a trash compactor."

Aqualad: "Are you so certain he betrayed us?"

Superboy: "Aren't you?!"

Aqualad: "I am not convinced. And even so, that makes him but a victim of his creator's programming. Certainly, he deserves the chance to prove he's more than the weapon others designed him to be."

Conner closes his eyes as he turns back towards the front of the BioShip, when he opens his eyes the rage is gone.

Volcano: "Listen to me, my brothers, my sister. I have been downloaded with all your memories. Father's too. Oh, he left out the bit about him being an android, but he reveals his plan."

Volcano walks towards the other three who still stand near the table he was on.

Volcano: "His dream for our destiny."

He uses a remote that brings up an image of Yellowstone on one of the HoloScreens.

Volcano: "There is a semi-dormant supervolcano beneath Yellowstone."

The image spins around the semi-dormant volcano, before digitally slicing the mountain in half to show the vent and the magma beneath it.

Volcano: "Father gave me the power to activate it in three stages."

The screen shows off the stages.

Stage 1: Eruption

The volcano on-screen erupts violently.

Stage 2: Expansion

The smoke continues to spew from the volcano. The image zooms out, now showing the entire continental US as the plume continues to rise over Yellowstone before it explodes into white.

Stage 3: Destruction

Volcano: "The eruption will decimate the planet, kill millions, and trap the rest under an impenetrable cloud of ash."

He looks to the other Reds.

Volcano: "While Humanity struggles to survive, we four will build a Red army to make this Earth a Red Planet."

The screen is fully zoomed out as the globe gets tinges with red as it takes over the sphere red humanoid shapes cover it. The phone beeps.

Ivo: "Ivo to Morrow. Thomas, are you there?"

Red Volcano turns to the phone. Morrow's voice comes through the line.

Volcano: "I'm here, Anthony. What do you want?"

The Belle Reve convict sits in Strange's office, looking nervous until he speaks again this time confident.

Ivo: "Reluctantly, to warn you. The children have learned your location."

He's seething but keeping it barely out his voice unless he refers to the Team directly.

Ivo: "I do not believe they've told their elders and betters."

Red Volcano stands over the phone, clearly, the one Ivo's been talking to.

Ivo: "But they are on their way."

In Morrow's voice Volcano has one thing to say.

Volcano: "Perfect."

As he looks at Red Tornado.

Yellowstone National Park; October 10th, 20:22 MDT

Old Faithful creates a geyser as the camouflaged BioShip flies past it and lands in the trees. Aqualad is already standing when it touches down.

Aqualad: "Stealth Mode."

He hits his belt buckle. With a smile, Kid Flash taps his emblem with his cast. Artemis hits the center of her Arrow. The green of her costume darkens to the color of pine trees during the night while her bright green arrow is now a pale grey. Mason just flipped on a hood he recently added on his cape

Zatanna watches the transformation with intrigue. M'gann's clothes darken to a fully black bodysuit, only the red X and the blue cape remaining. Zatanna opens the door and Red approaches her.

Mason: "I recommend you stay behind."

Zatanna: "Is that an order?"

Mason: "No. You can do as you see fit."

Zatanna: "Good."

The girl begins her chant and guides the bright blue magic smoke up her body.

Zatanna: "Emit to yrt eht wen kool!"

Now wearing a white button-up with an equally white bowtie, a pale-yellow vest under a black twin-tailed suit coat, and white gloves all reminiscent of her father's costume, only she is wearing silver tights, black short shorts, and shin-high boots that make the look her own.

Mason: "Alright. Let's roll out."

Red Volcano watches the Team make their way through the trees on a monitor. He turns to Tornado.

Volcano: "Prove yourself a loyal Red, brother. Kill them for me."

Tornado looks up at the screen. Robin and Aqualad approach a tall tree closest to the open field area. Robin pulls up his HoloGlove, looking over the map.

Robin: "Ivo's right. Something's down there."

Aqualad leads the charge, the rest of the Team following him, only to be stopped by harsh blowing winds that knock everyone off their feet. Superboy squints through the dust kicked up, his eyes going wide when he sees Red Tornado above them.

Tornado uncrosses his arms creating a huge red twister, a second pops up next to it, and it continues until the Team is trapped between an ex-League level Hero and seven gigantic tornadoes.

Miss M: "Why, Tornado? Why are you doing this?"

His arms are once again crossed over his chest as more tornadoes crop up between him and the Team.

Miss M: "Message received?"

Miss Martian links the Team. Superboy nods before turning back to Tornado.

Superboy: "Who cares why? Nail him!"

And he charges forward. Aqualad hesitates a moment before continuing. The other three Reds watch from the Lab, the feed is good enough quality to hear Aqualad calls out.

Aqualad: "Superboy, maneuver seven!"

His boots drag as he spins into a quick stop, his fingers threading together, landing in a solid horsestance and waiting until the Atlantean's barefoot lands in his hands before he shoots him high to the air with a battlecry from both of them.

Tornado looks like he's not going to move as Aqualad pulls back his fist, and then suddenly he moves just enough for Aqualad's eyes to go wide before he is hit in the face by Tornado's punch. Superboy gets taken out as the two of them crash together.

Artemis steps up with her bow in hand, grabbing two arrows that she shoots at Tornado. Red coming to her side to back her up if needed. The arrows nearly make it to Tornado, before he stops them dead, then pulls them into the tornado keeping him in the air. With no warning, they're shot back at Red and Artemis.

"Look out!"

Red tries to warn but neither of them can get out of the way before they explode upon contact with the Earth.

KF: "That does it, Red."

Kid stands up from his crouch.

KF; "You're not the only spin doctor around here."

He spins and creates his own twister due to the speed of his whirling. Miss Martian tries to take advantage of Tornado's distraction, coming at him from high and behind. Just as she goes to throw a punch at Tornado, he turns over his shoulder, avoiding her hit and grabbing her wrist. Throwing her into Wally, causing both of them to hit the ground hard. Zatanna is the only one left standing.

Zatanna: "Etaerc a... a... dleihs dnuora ym-"

He stuttered spell is cut off by Tornado's hand around her neck. He once again says nothing, before dropping her to the ground. Only then do all the other tornadoes disappear, while he remains high off the ground above them. Volcano comes up behind him.

Volcano: "Quite a performance, brother."

The rock that is raising him continuing to grow.

Volcano: "but we both know that's all it was."

Off to the side, two words are visible PLAY DEAD. Volcano continues.

Volcano: "I have all your memories, Tornado, plus a next-gen processor. I know your next move before you do."

His arms shootout and the pieces of Earth that Tornado's instructions were on break away as Volcano raises it behind him. The Team slowly sits up, watching. He scoffs.

Volcano: "Blowing a message into the sand?"

The message shatters and falls towards the Team with one move. Aqualad forms swords with his WaterBearers, Mason takes out his bo staff, Superboy jumps at the pieces and Miss Martian uses her telekinesis to keep the other members safe. Though some still make it through and they have to scatter.

Robin: "Zatanna?"

Robin asks since he had to dodge, and she had yelped from beside him as the bolder crashed.

Zatanna: "I'm good, but Red Tornado's getting away."

Artemis: "Is he abandoning us?!"

Artemis asks incredulously as she nocks another arrow.

Miss M: "I don't believe that."

KF runs up Volcano's pillar.

Volcano: "You stand no chance against me humans!"

Volcano snarls as he hits Kid in the side with a harsh punch.

Superboy and Miss M: "We're not human!"

Superboy and Miss M shout, M'gann using her power to keep Superboy in the air as she flies towards the villain.

Volcano: "Apologies, I suppose the properly inclusive term is-"

Two huge hands of Earth rise up and clap together over the Atlantian and Alien members of the Team,

Volcano: "- meatbags."

He swipes his right hand down and the Earth shatters. Dropping Red and Artemis into a hole, they both scream as they fall.mArtemis is quick to use an arrow with a line to catch herself, swing over, and catch the leader before getting them out of the rift before it would've crushed them.

Mason: "Thanks! Guess that's payback for me always saving your ass huh?"

Artemis: "Didn't realize you were keeping score."

Robin uses the new ridge as a jumping-off point before he throws a disk at Volcano. He catches it, expecting it, but it still explodes. Yet, as the smoke clears, he is unharmed

Volcano: "Tornado's memory files and my superior processing speed allow me to anticipate your every move."

Zantanna: "Ekoms emoceb a dlofdnilb!"

Zatanna incants. The deep black smoke around Volcano covers his eyes. Robin touches down and comes up to Zatanna's side.

Zatanna: "Tornado never knew my moves."

Robin: "And I bet you've got some good ones."

Robin's eyes go wide as he realizes what he said, then looks to the slightly annoyed Zatanna.

Robin: "Whoa. Sorry, that may have come off a little too Wally."

She chuckles.

Zatanna: "I don't mind."

Mason and Artemis watch this slightly impressed

Mason: "Y'know if we weren't fighting for our lives against an evil elemental android. I would be so proud of my brother right now."

Volcano's eyes glow even brighter as the machinery inside him whirs into a new gear. As he shoots almost laser-like beams into the sky the Super Volcano behind him erupts. The lab around Tornado, Inferno, and Torpedo shakes.

Red Tornado: "We must stop him."

Tornado says strongly, though not through his own voice but rather due to the machine he's attached himself to.

Inferno: "Why? One we believe we lived. Now there is only Red Inferno and Red Torpedo. Why should we help save humanity when we are no longer human?"

Tornado turs to her.

Red Tornado: "The premise of your question is flawed. You were never human, but you were heroes."

The other two turn to each other. The magma flows down the mountain, encroaching on the Team as they continue to try and fight Red Volcano. He launches two small, partially molten rocks at Kid Flash. He uses one of Volcano's old spires to jump out of the way and flip to the level below before skidding to a stop.

Mason: "Kid what are we looking at right now?"

KF: "He's activating a Stage Two Eruption. It gets to Stage Three, kiss the hemisphere goodbye."

Kaldur hops in beside him before charging at Volcano with two swords.

Aqualad: "Hit him from all sides."

Volcano takes out Aqualad with a simple wave of his right hand. Superboy jumps towards Volcano from the front, his fist connects, and the pressure wave shows the force behind it, but Volcano blocked it.

He grabs Superboy's wrist and throws him closer to the magma. Camouflaged M'gann lands and pulls at Volcano's turned back. He merely glances over his shoulder to cause a vent to burst with air, debris, and magma. She screams as her camo falls.

Superboy: "M'gann!"

He leaps to get to her. Red Volcano lands in the mere feet between the two teens, startling them. He turns to Superboy, knocking him away. He reaches out and grabs Miss M by the hood as she coughs as grunts.

Zatanna: "Ekoms dna srorrim. Etaerc Dik Hsalf snoisulli!"

Zatanna encants, one hand on the crouching Red and Kid's shoulder. The smoke from the lava turns into copies of Red Robin and KF, all of them take off within moments.

Zatanna: "I- I use a scaled-down version when I want to sneak out of the house."

Red Volcano raises a hand a rock fly to take out some of the Reds and KFs, while his back is turned the real Red and KF comes at Volcano from behind, focusing in on M'gann. He snags her away from him and comes to stop beside the rest of the Team. Suddenly water bursts up on Aqualad's right, morphing in a stream that hits Red Volcano in the chest and knocks him into the lava behind him.

Robin: "Nice hit!"

He tells Aqualad, but he isn't looking at the youngest.

Aqualad: "The hit was not mine. Look!"

Red Torpedo stands resolute, rising up on another pillar of water, sending two smaller streams at a still partially submerged Red Volcano. Covering the area in steam due to the temperature difference.

From it rises a stone pillar, Volcano lying on top. Red Tornado flies in and takes out the pillar, dropping Red Volcano back into the magma. The Team can only watch in stunned silence. Fireballs rain down Red Volcano as he surfaces again. Red Inferno continues to use them until she gets close enough to physically hit Red Volcano. She doesn't hesitate to get into the waist-high magma, Red Volcano has a crushing grip on her hands, yet she pushes against him.

Volcano: "Sister, brother, stop!"

Like a rocket Red Torpedo hits Red Volcano in the chest, taking all three of them into the magma fully. The two lighter Reds hold him down by the neck and the left arm despite how they're already melting. Red Tornado flies silently over the lava, using his tornado as a buffer before he stands on Red Volcano's chest. Now all of them are melting away with the heat.

Volcano: "Father would be so disappointed."

Red Volcano says before his eyes glow brightly one more time and the machinery within him whirs low. Superboy jumps over quickly, grabbing Red by the cape and pulling him from the lava. Yet the Volcano in front of the Team continues to rumble and grow.

KF: "Tornado, listen, we're on the verge of a Stage Three SuperVolcano Eruption. There's no turning back from that. We need to vent pressure, fast."

Red says nothing so Kid keeps talking.

KF: "But the ash cloud will bring on a worldwide Nuclear Winter unless you divert it."

Red Tornado nods.

KF: "Triangulate around the pressure locus." he tells the Boy Wonder.

Robin: "Right."

Robin types on his HoloGlove.

Robin: "There, there, and there."

He says as he finds the three spots. Without a word, and barely a glance between them Artemis shoots her arrow to the Volcano, it breaks into three and they explode on contact.

Red Tornado's legs spark a little before he gets his signature tornado under him and he flies off past the ash cloud. His eyes glow red as he snaps his arms out, creating a gigantic tornado that pulls the ash cloud up and through the outer atmosphere. KF watches as the magma cools.

KF: "Yes!"

Though the sound of whirring grabs his attention instantly. Red Tornado doesn't land well, and the Team rushes over to him, but he can see the hand that was above the surface of the lava crumble away. The Team is now inside Morrow's lab, everyone but Superboy crowded around Tornado.

Mason: "There."

Red sighs in relief taking off a pair of goggles.

Mason: "That should do it."

"Yes. I can speak again." Tornado confirms, his faceplate coming back down, but his legs are still missing.

Aqualad: "You were willing to sacrifice yourself to save the planet."

Red Tornado: "The planet would have survived. It was Humanity that was saved."

Tornado turns towards them.

Red Tornado: "Though not by me."

Kaldur places a hand on the Leaguer's shoulder.

Red Tornado: "My sister and brother were the true heroes this day."

Aqualad: "My point is this... you were never the Mole, never a traitor."

Red Tornado: "No, I left to protect you from further attack and to find my creator, Morrow."

Tornado reveals. KF is looking through stuff.

KF: "Cool."

He holds up a large red hand.

KF: "Souvenir."

Robin is looking through another container, finding a leg that he shows to KF grinning.

Robin: "Reddy, we can rebuild you better than you were before."

Red Tornado: "I do not believe I should be repaired."

Conner glances over his shoulder, finally facing Tornado.

Superboy: "Why did you volunteer to become our Den Mother in the first place?"

It's one thing that doesn't make sense.

Red Tornado: "I was the pragmatic choice. I do not require sleep. I have no secret identity or second life to live."

KF: "But you do have advanced AI Programming designed to learn, adapt, evolve."

He plays with the souvenir as he speaks. M'gann knocks herself in the head.

Miss M: "Hello Megan! You wanted to become more human."

Artemis: "And you couldn't do that with the League. They're stiffs."

Mason: "You're sure not going to learn emotion from Batman. Trust me."

Artemis: "Really? Then where did you get this sarcastic smart-mouth persona from then?"

Mason: "Ryan Reynolds films."

Artemis: "That explains all too much about you."

Aqualad: "Then the cave was not a proving ground only for us... but for you as well."

Red Tornado: "I do not know if those statements are accurate, but perhaps they are true. And if I understand the term correctly, I believe I have come to... care about you all."

Superboy: "See? Practically a meatbag already."

Mason: "That kinda feels offensive."

Red Tornado: "Which reminds me."

The dirty blonde, Stikk, stands in a medical room. Only a singular bed and a heart rate monitor prove there is someone else there. Stikk turns to Tornado, frightened.

Red Tornado: "I will not hurt him."

Tornado assures him as he walks past. Morrow, looking properly aged to have been creating Heroes in the 1930s, wheezes under the oxygen mask.

Red Tornado: "He was evil, but T.O. Morrow is still my father. I will care for him. It is the human thing to do."

The camouflaged BioShip takes off into the night sky, heading back to Mount Justice. Robin leans forward, touching Zatanna's shoulder.

Robin: "So, good kidnapping?"

Zatanna: "Actually, yeah."

She smiles as she turns back towards him.

Zatanna: "Best ever."

Robin: "First of many, I hope."

Zatanna turns back to the front, worried.

Zatanna: "If my dad doesn't ground me for life."

Mount Justice

Zatara: "She's grounded for life!"They're good kids, Giovanni","Don't worry, Giovanni"."

He says Canary's words right back to her.

Zatara: "She's never joining this team!"

His rant is cut off as Captain Marvel walks back into the Mountain, both he and Wolf are soaked.

Shazam: "Um, are they coming out to play or what?"


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