Por Bluephoenix52

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In the small town of Millwood , nothing bad ever really happens. Or that's what Ash , Asher Vega , seems to b... Más



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Por Bluephoenix52

Gotta secret , can you keep it? Swear this one you'll save , better lock it in your pocket , taking this one to the grave. If I show you that I'll know you won't tell what I said. Cause two can keep a secret if one of them is dead

Our liars are back. So I'm thinking , would you guys like to a multiverse version of this fanfic but the plot is similar to the OG pretty little liars. The entire cast from Original Sin and Ash but the plot is massively centred around the predecessor show . For instant , instead of Allison disappearing , Imogen would be the one and the liars being blackmailed by a wait for it......a unknown A🤯🤯🤯. This fic would be ongoing with this one but what do you think?


        Audrey hugged Marjorie , "it's been so long hasn't it Marge?"

              "It has. We really don't frequently see each other anymore do we?" Noa's mom asked as her and Audrey sat down at the table.

           "We're all so busy." Sidney said and Audrey couldn't believe her and the girls  were  all  back together , she had never thought she would see them again . She looked at the empty chair and frowned realizing Davie couldn't be with them today.

              Her and Davie were never really that close and although they hadn't kept in contact in years , Audrey had seen the person the former queen bee had transformed into. From a mean girl to a mature woman who believed in radiating kindness that she passed it onto Imogen from whom Audrey had observed was a good girl and opposite of who Davie was at that age.

           Obviously what happened to Angela changed all of them ; both in a positive and negative aspect ,Davie had just fallen under the former option and Audrey had grown a sense of respect her teenage self would never have developed for Davie. It hurt she had never fully reached out to her. Why did Davie kill herself anyway that she left poor Imogen behind?

              "Well ," Corey, Faran'a mom  said , "one's thing for sure . None of us are winning mother of the year award"

              "No shit there." Audrey agreed a small laughter broke out amongst the mothers and former friends

            "You know things are dire when the great Corey Bryant  graces us with her presence and the ever wild trash mouth Audrey agrees with her." Marjorie said.

               Corey merely smiled, he"Love you too Marge."

           "Hold the phone,"  Audrey gasped and glared at her former best friend , "did you bitches use to call me wild trash mouth behind my back?" She ignored Marjorie's laughter along with the rest.

                  "In our defense ," Sidney smiled , "you had a lack of censorship on your words, it's surprising you're a family lawyer now. " That made all of them laugh in find nostagla , it had been so many years since those days .

             Marjorie smiled at Audrey , " and Davie liked calling you wild girl , " she looked at the others laughing , "remember when I asked her if Audrey could  join our group."

              Corey snapped her fingers , " I remember how appalled she was at the idea. She still carried the nickname even after you joined us ," she told Audrey , " You were the only one who could ever talk back at her and for some reason Davie would let it slide."

              Audrey smiled recalling her mean girl days , " yeah well , I had nicknames for all of you. Davie had the most."

                Sidney smiled playing with her coffee mug ,  "I think all had alot of varying nicknames for Davie."

               They all nodded , regardless of the nicknaming and talking about each other behind the other's back and mean girl tendencies -  the six had a friendship amongst them. In the end , they were all connected together because Davie was the one who brought them in the first place. Selecting each of them to join her group.

              This time , Audrey wasn't the only looking at the empty sixth  chair as the mothers were reminded one of their own wasn't with them anymore. The playful atmosphere disspitating

            "It feels wrong ," Elodie said looking at them as her fingers played with the coffee mug , " doing this in Davie's house. It's ghoulish."

                Sidney sighed , " I'm supposed to be selling it later this month and since no one else was volunteering to host."

                 "My ex husband is back , I'm trying to find out if my new hot very hot back  neighbor is available , I can't have you old ladies giving me a bad impression."

                "There's that blunt personality I so desperately missed." Corey said as the others shook their heads. Audrey and Corey were the blunt memebers of the group back then.

              "It can't be a concidence," Elodie said , "that it's all our daughters." When Audrey cleared her throat loudly , the former corrected herself , " sorry , it's all our children."

               "Thank you." Audrey sometimes wondered why she was the only one in their friend group who had a son and not a daughter, she would have liked to have one , but regardless at least she still had a child ,even if he was troublesome sometimes so she was thankful

             "Millwood is a small town , Millwood's a small high school." Corey clarified which was very much accurate.

                "Either way , it's our daughters ," Marjorie looked at Audrey , her former bestie , "and son ," that made the latter smile , "we need to be worried about right now."

            "Strongly agree." Audrey said , "first let's get them through this disciplinary hearing , I know the school board will try to strike like wolves. I know being there."

              Although Asher hadn't done anything till date that is to warrant a disciplinary meeting , Audrey from her tired trips to Clanton's office both as teen and parent had a good idea of the hot wa

                  Corey hummed , "we got to get them through this."

                  "About that . Our children shouldn't be the only ones in the cross hairs. That boy should also be held accountable." Sidney declared.

                "Dexter said the same thing ," Audrey said , "he said he might help with Ash should Tom still try to further the situation more than it is. He said if we find the original case , it might mitigate what our kids did. Turn it in their favor some how."

                "That's smart , cast a wider net." Marjorie said nodding

         "I have the phone with the original video."   Sidney said.

           Elodeie looked at them , "who do we go to ? Principal or Sheriff?"

               "Both." Corey replied , "I'll take point ," she pointed at Sidney , "but if you have the backstory on the video you should tag along too. What about you Audrey? I can need another lawyer's help in this?"

               Audrey made a face , "I'm not going , I've been to Clanton's office more times than I can count ," she ignored Marjorie and Elodie's laughter , " and I rather not see Tom. I still find him shitty and annoying like I did back then."

            "Then it's decided." Sidney said making the mothers nod unware A was watching them

             Ash loitered around the school hallways noticing how nearly a good number of the students were staring as if he carried the plague or something . Since getting in ,the others kept giving him and the girls the evil eye and worse the school newspaper printed out how the six had to be expelled by the board which he found very hypocritical.

                When Karen bullied pretty much in the open , no one said anything let alone print , but when she got to be on the receiving end and passed away , him and the girls , who in one way or another wronged by Karen , were suddenly monsters?

           Sure , did he ,Imogen , Tabby , Faran , Noa and Mouse make a mistake by screening that video of Karen , maybe (😂😂). But why was the school  seeming to paint them as monsters who ' drove Karen into depression that she couldn't take it anymore she ended her life ' was what was printed in the paper. 

           "Ended her life my foot."  Asher muttered under his breath , Karen was murdered , but he nor Imogen could say anything because of A nor did anyone think Karen's fall was an accident because unfortunately the bucket still hadn't been found.

              Ash wondered if A was behind the bucket missing - A had been the only one up in the rafters with Karen. Was the blackmailer trying to slander him and the others because the bucket was the only evidence that could prove Karen had been up not to kill herself but play a horrible , childish prank on Imogen.

       "Greg?" Ash rose a brow when the jock stood in front of him , "what-.let go of me." The jock didn't say anything and contuined to yank him by the wrist untill they reached the football team's locker room.

            "What the fuck's your problem?" He yelled , the handsome liar was not appreciating being treated like a rag doll.

           "Is it true?" The jock asked , his hazel eyes boring into Asher's eyes.

          "Is what true?"

        "The video , that screening that took place at the Orphuem. "  Greg looked at Ash a bit angry but contained his temper ," that video of Karen , were you in on it Vega? Yes or No."

             Ash sighed and looked up at the dirty blonde jock completely expressionless , "yes. I was part of the screening."

             Greg staggered back a bit looking shocked but it quickly turned into rage , "so you invited me to that stupid screening on purpose to humilate me."

                  "We were aiming at humilating Karen."

              "It still humilated me! "Greg rose his voice which spooked Ash a bit , the jock noticed the reaction and forces himself to calm down when the other guy rose a brow at him."you humilated me Vega. Is that why you wanted to me to come watch? To make fun of me?"

                    Ash recalled how Greg had left the Orphuem angry when onscreen Karen was making fun of his little warrior. But Asher pushed down the gulit once he stared at Greg.

              "You're the last person to talk about humilating someone. You and Tyler pick up on other guys , isn't that humilating them?"

                The hazel eyed jock clenched his jaw , "you know , I thought you were better Vega. But now I know you're just like Karen aren't you?"Greg hid any trace of hurt in his voice and face as he stared back at Asher.

         "I'm... just like... Karen?" The handsome liar said the words slowly as if the words were mere poison. Being compared to the dead queen riled up something he didn't appreciate. "How the hell am I like Karen?" He proceeded to look at Greg sarcastically with folded hands , "please enlighten me I really want to know."

                    "Going to extreme lengths to take someone down. It wasn't something I was expecting from you Vega. I thought you were the type to tell others right in their face to shit themselves , crystal clear and proceed to say take a hike  not refer to playing dirty."

                 Ash didn't know why Greg's words stung , why was he affected by what the jock. "Says the guy who kissed his girlfriend's best friend right after taking her virginity."

                 "What did you say?" Greg asked.

          "Imogen..she met with Karen that same night we played that video ," Ash explained directly looking Greg in the eyes , "Karen told her , that night of her party six months ago , the both of you had sex for the first time. She gave her virginity and not even an hour later you were moving on her best friend ." The handsome sighed humorously , "I know you are dumb sometimes but that was a jerk move even for me."

            "Hold up Vega -."

           "No ,"  Ash raised his hand , "I heard what you said about me , now it's your turn to keep quiet. You of all people should be the last person giving me a moral lecture. For some reason , we both had expectations we didn't meet for the other . You know what ...whatever was between us... It's over."

                 Greg couldn't believe his ears , "are you breaking up with me Vega?"

              Ash wanted to roll his eyes at the choice of wording , they weren't even in a relationship. Heck they weren't even friends with benefits . "Take it whatever suits you. But it's over," especially now that Karen was dead it didn't make sense to contuine fooling around with her boyfriend.

                    Greg could only watch as Ash left the locker room of the football team. The jock slammed his fist against a locker in frustration. Why did it hurt that Asher called off what they had?


                   Ash was at the PinBall Pizza , particularly in the booth that he and the girls loved to sit in but he was the only one in it.

              He wasn't in the mood to go to school especially since his dad started giving him a lecture of what was a practice of the disciplinary meeting honestly seeing his old man early in the morning could make anyone's dad sour so he skipped school.
              "I'm so lonely." He muttered, chewing on a fry ; Imogen called him saying she was at Karen's funeral , Kelly invited her much to his shock. The blonde had asked if he wanted to pay his respect to Karen but he refused , being at the old queen bee's funeral would be awkward and he would rather not run into Sheriff Beasely.

               Then the other girls couldn't skip because they had school ; Noa's mom had her on survilenance along with Mouse's, Tabby was on a mission to retrieve the thumb drive of the footage they used of Karen which was in her boss' hands and Faran who also had a lawyer for a parent was being prepped on what and not what to say.

             "I heard someone's lonely."

            Ash looked up and found Chip sitting across from him much to the former's surprise. "Shouldn't you be in school?"

                "I should ask you the same thing." Chip replied

                     "My morning got sour way too quickly and honestly I can't handle the hallways right know."  Ash said taking a bite from a fry , he wasn't in the mood to deal with the other students judging him and the girls , honestly it felt like he was thirteen all over again but minus the mocking and more of the criticism.

             "What about you? Why aren't you in class?"

                   Chip shrugged and sipped on a shake , "I noticed you weren't around and figured you probably had a skip day , but since the other  girls are at school  , I thought you might need the company."

                   Ash found a smile working it's way on his face once he looked up at Chip , "you came here just to give me company?"

             "Did it work?" Chip smirked a bit. "I see a smile on your face. That means it working"

                      "Why do you like me?" Asher Vega found himself  blurting without meaning to - it just didn't make sense how a guy like Chip had a crush on him.

               "Ok ," Chip exclaimed taken a bit back by the sudden topic seeing how Ash curiously looked at him wanting an answer. "Like I told you at the dance ,' who wouldn't like you?' I think you're a chill guy , you're brave , confident , you don't pretend to be someone you're not. You're comfortable being open about yourself ,  you don't hesitate to talk back if you find something wrong . you're a force to reckon ."

               Ash felt something he wasn't familiar with when Chip said those words but to distract himself from over analyzing he joked as a defense mechanism, "what about my looks? You're saying am not good looking."

            Chip's grin grew and he wiggled his brows , "I think you're the hottest guy in Millwood. And I remember you saying I'm hot too?"

               Ash bit back a smirk , Chip was definitely more confident when he was flirting . "Do you still like me? Even after what me and the girls did to Karen? Do you think am a horrible person ?"

                The atmosphere became serious , the playful flirty dissipating. Chip licked his lips unsure of how to proceed , "I'll admit , what you guys did...wasn't right...but I know Tabby and I'm knowing you , you are not horrible people. And I'm sure the others aren't. Karen did horrid things to others and you six wanted to retalilate. You made a mistake but you're not a bad person Asher"

            Ash remebered how Chris and Dylan had said the same thing to him ; how he and the girls did a terrible thing but it didn't define them as terrible people.

               Chip contuined talking ,"I think you  can  use what happened to Karen as an opportunity."

             "Opportunity for what?" Ash asked furrowing his brows.

               "opportunity as a lesson to learn from. I don't know ...but I think there is a lesson in this situation that only you can figure out."

                   Ash wondered if there was a lesson , he knew most people faced excruciating trials yet at the end there was a sliver lining at the end of it all. Was there something he had to learn ; from humilating Karen to her murder?

                 "Ash ," Chip spoke holding the other boy's hand , "I know the timing isn't exactly ideal , but we didn't finish our discussion at the dance. Will you give me a chance? "

                 Ash looked down at Chip's hand and stared back at him wondering what to do. Chip was a nice guy , should the teen Steve Rogers try his luck with someone like him?

                  Audrey was surprised to find the daughters of her old friends gathered in Ash's room. She felt a sense of deja Vu to see all six of them in her son's room as they sat on the floor. She was very much acquainted with Noa but it was surprising seeing  the others.

                 "Does anyone need anything?" She asked them

         "No Ms Vega , we're good."  Tabby said on behalf of everyone.

        "Please , call me Audrey ."

         "Ash's mom is like a  super cool adult." Noa said raising a thumbs up to Audrey who reciprocated.

              "Your mothers..", Audrey's eyes lingered on Imogen cursing her mouth at the words but weakly contuining her sentence , ".. all know you're here right?"

             "Yes." Faran said this time.

         "Mom , " Ash looked at his mother knowing she was stalling giving her a cute smile , "we really need to talk ."

          "I understand buster ." Audrey looked at all of them , "I'll be in the living room. " she waved at the pregnant blonde politely who smiled and like  that Audrey  left the room , regardless of the situation she was happy to see Ash having more than just Noa over to their house.

            "Your room is surprisingly clean." Faran exclaimed earning a snot from Ash .

            "You were expecting a pigsty? I clean I have you know ."

             "On good days."  Noa said with a shrug , "most of the time this room is flithy."  This made all of them laugh, it had been a while since they had all gathered since the fiasco in Clanton's office.

                  "Oh my god,"  Tabby gasped , "that's awful. Like ' Let cemetery awful."  She said once Imogen explained what happened at Karen's funeral which turned out to be another fiasco but this time it involved Karen's mother cursing Imogen's unborn child.

          "I just ran." The pregnant blonde said while rubbing her belly.

                Ash who was laying his head  in Noa's laps(besties 🥰🥰)and he didn't understand why he felt so angry , he just didn't appreciate Imogen's baby being cursed like that. His mother once told him an angry mother's curse was a strong thing in this world. He hoped Mrs Beasely's curse or juju or whatever bounced off baby and went back to the sender.

                 "You don't think Kelly set up, do you?"  Mouse asked the blonde.

               "I bet she did." Ash scoffed but was surprised when Imogen shook her head.

                "She looked as shocked as I was ."

            "Damn," the Faran started , "I didn't think the Beaselys could be more dysfunctional." Ash nodded in agreement.

          "Seriously , forget pet cemetery,   That's some "Hereditary"-level sh¡t."

                "Ok we get the horror references Tabitha." Ash said still laying in Noa's laps , "honestly it's like you and Chris share the same brain."

              while the rest giggled at the remark ,  Tabby was ready to rebuff the handsome liar ,  but Imogen suddenly spoke , "At the hearing, I'm gonna tell them that it was all my idea... "

               The five looked at the blonde in disbelief , they remained silent untill Ash decided to break it , looking at Imogen , "why would you do that?"

           Imogen shrugged , "it's the truth. I brought up the video - it was my idea.... and that I should be the one punished. Not you guys. "

       "No. No way. "Tabby refused and insisted , "I cut the video, I screened it. And I have the proof. If anyone should be expelled, it's me. I could've said "no" or "stop," but... I didn't."

          "None of us... did." Mouse said eyeing Noa and Faran something that didn't go unnoticed by Asher, he could sense there was a hidden meaning passing  between the three.


             "Honrada's right. We're all in this together whatever happens." Noa stated.

                  "Right ," Ash said sitting up , "we all screened it together, if we have to fail , then we all fall regardless of who ever had the idea or edited the footage.  Right, Bryant? "

           Faran found the others looking at her and she nodded   "Yeah. Yes. All for one and one for all."

           Ash turned to Tabby , " Now give me that flash drive. "

        "Why? "  She asked.

                "So I can flush the fucking thing  down the toilet." He said ,getting up from the floor and getting the drive from Tabby. As Ash flushed it , he realized what Greg said about him being horrible like Karen , maybe he was a bad person like the person he loathed but that wasn't who he wanted to be - someone who gets back by humilating another person on purpose.

                "Asher , "  Noa said once the other girls left , leaving the original two , "I have something to say."

               "Does it pertain to the secret conversation you , Faran and Mouse were having . What was that about?"

               "Ok that wasn't what I wanted to say ," Noa sighed and placed a hand on her hip , "but since you are asking , I told them to ... basically throw Imogen and Tabby under the bus."

               "The hec-" the Ash was cut off when Noa placed her hand over his mouth and he realized he must have raised his voice.

             "I was stupid ..I shouldn't have asked them to do that. Fuck , I messed up. It's just Sheriff Beasely started hounding on me , reminding me of ," she gestured to her ankle monitor , "and I panicked ok."

             Ash ignored the immature part of him that wanted to lick Noa's palm, instead he removed her hand from his mouth and understood where she was coming from.

            "I don't like you wanted to put the blame on them only. But with how intimidating Sheriff Beasely is , I'm not surprised , this shit  shouldn't have happened when you're remaining with a few weeks untill the monitor is taken off."   He patted his best friend's shoulder.

            Noa smiled appreciatively "Thanks for understanding me."

          "What was it you wanted to talk to me about anyway?"

         "I told Shawn ..everything , the truth as to why I really ended up in juvie."

                  Well Ash wasn't expecting to hear that. He listened as she explained how Shawn was upset by the screening too , Ash wasn't surprised seeing the jock had a moral code which was honesty that he expected those around him to possess. But he was happy Shawn and Noa worked it out to the point she trusted him enough to confess the truth .


            Ash , the girls and their parents , minus Imogen's , were all gathered in the classroom to hear the verdict the school council wanted to impose on the six liars of Millwood.

           "Ok," Audrey addressed the youngsters in her lawyer mode , "let's run this one more time."

             " Whatever happens in there, keep your mouths shut. "  Corey instructed them sharply.

             Ash's dad , Dexter then spoke up    "Let the three of us  do the talking. And don't agree to anything in the room."  Dexter looked at his son on that particular part but Ash responded with an eye roll.

                    The girls , especially Noa observed the father and son , besides Faran , Ash was the only one in the room with a father.  But it was obvious the relationship wasn't a good one and Noa knew because Ash never and she meant never liked to bring up his dad and she knew it wasn't easy for him to deal with his father's presence.

      The  door opened revealing  Principal Clanton who addressed the parents and teenagers , " Sorry to keep you waiting. The, uh, disciplinary committee meeting has been postponed to a later date. "  That took all of them by surprise.

         "Why? What happened?" Ash and Faran asked.

          " Kelly Beasley came to see me this morning. "  The principal looked at Imogen and Ash , "She admitted that Karen was in the rafters with the specific intention of harming Imogen at the Spirit Week dance. She even provided some evidence."

        " The bucket?" Imogen asked.

            " I can't say any more. But it seems that what we have here is a tragic but accidental death."

                   At his words , Ash and Imogen shared a look knowing it was no accidental death.

            "Seeing it was an accident ," Dexter spoke up and folded his arms , "I'm assuming the accusations that my son and his friends mentally affected Ms Beasely are null and void right?"

              " Given these new circumstances, I don't believe the committee is seeking expulsion anymore. "  Clanton said reliving everyone in the room. "A two-week suspension, or four weeks of detention have been discussed. We'll let you know what we decide. "

               "Well..," Dexter faced the other parents , "that worked in our favour." While Audrey patted her ex husband's shoulder ,Ash high fived Imogen and sent a smile to the other other girls who were glad they out of this.

               "Thank god." Mouse clutched her chest making Ash snicker untill his phone chimed.

              Congratulations, you managed to avoid facing punishment. But retribution is far from over - A.

             Ash's good mood immediately vanished once he read the text. How was A ever aware of what exactly was happening ? He looked at the girls and decided to keep quiet they needed this little win after the week they had


          "Thank god, thank god, thank god." Audrey muttered over and over to the point she resorted to speaking in Spanish making the mothers chuckle. They were gathered at their old favorite hangout - PinBall Pizza.

     "I'm still in shock." Sidney said.

         "   I've barely eaten all week." Elodie added taking a slice of pizza , making the others laugh.

                Corey then started, " Detention, fine. Community service, fine. Could've been so much worse. "

            "So much worse."They're good,"  Elodie corrected herself to which Audrey hummed in approval .

           Marjorie nodded, " I mean, the six of them  made a mistake, but they're good kids. Unlike..."

           "Us." Audrey completed on behalf of her old best friend. The mothers looked at each other knowing what their children did was nothing compared to the awful and horrid stunts they pulled at their age .

            "They're sitting in our booth." Corey said and as they all turned , they smiled seeing their children all gathered in the exact same booth that had been their favorite spot.

           Elodie chuckled , "Although Ash is the only boy there  I swear it's like dejavu. it's like looking through a time machine."

                   Audrey then noticed Sidney was slient , almost as if lost in thought , "is something on your mind Sid?"

            Sidney looked at all of them , "Imogen told me that right before Davie died, someone sent her that old red flyer for the rave. "

                   Audrey frowned , "the night Davie died...", This got their attention , "she called me, she wasn't making much sense at the time . But she kept asking me if I received anything ...I think she was referring to the poster."

                   "What does this mean?" Elodie asked , no one responded untill Sidney sighed.

              " Also... Tabby and Imogen know about Angela. "

        "You told them?" Corey whisper yelled.

             "They asked me, and I only told them what everyone knows to be the truth."

            Audrey nodded , she wasn't keen on telling Ash that particular time of her life ,"Great... but who sent Davie that flyer? "  She could still hear how frantic Davie sounded over the phone that night asking her if she received anything from someone. Had the poster affected Davie that much that the wounds of the past resurfaced all together.

          "It's been months and none of us have gotten anything like that, right, since Davie died. You admitted she called you and you still didn't receive anything that night? " Corey asked Audrey and when the others shrugged in agreement the former contuined , "
Then it was a fluke. And let's take the win here. "

                 Meanwhile with the liars , they were carrying out their own conversation.

           "I still can't believe it. Kelly." Faran said mirroring the shock that was on everyone's face since they left the school.

        " Her dad's gotta be pissed as fսck." Noa exclaimed.

          "No doubt ," Ash said taking a giant bite of his pizza. Kelly Beasely came to their defense?

            "Why'd she do that? Save us. Why the change of heart?"  Tabby asked.

        "She's not a monster. " Imogen responded , "And I bet she feels just as awful as we do. More so, even."

           Faran then spoke ,"One good thing, we haven't heard from A this week."

                  "Because we did what A asked. Kept his secret. Maybe... it's over.".  Mouse said hopefully and Asher didn't have it in his heart to ruin the good mood. Why the fuck did A only send him the text? He would so prefer being oblivious like the girls right now.

       His train of thought was distracted when he saw the blonde hadn't taken a bites from her food , " Imogen, are you okay? "

             " I... was thinking about my mom, and how she killed herself right after she got that flyer."  She replied looking at all of them seriously before whispering , "Probably from A. She must've felt guilty about what happened to Angela Waters, and, Tabby... your mom feels guilty enough to visit the place where Angela died. It can't be a coincidence. What aren't they telling us? "

                    Ash and the girls all looked at their respective mother's who were deep in a conversation. The fine wondered if Imogen had a point? Was their something their moms were keeping from them?

               "Hello Asher."

            "Oh Mr Matthews,"  Ash greeted the man , "what are you doing here?"

              "The boys and Ashely wanted pizza so here I'm."  The man chuckled . "These girls your friends?"

                "Yeah ," Ash turned to face the girls who were all fighting the urge to blush at the handsome man in front of them. Fortunately Ash didn't notice them fawning over the man. ,"this is Chris and Dylan's dad."

                   "Dylan's dad?" Mouse squeaked feeling a bit disturbed she found his dad's attractive.

                 Mr Matthews chuckled , "I guess you know my boys."

            "Something like that." Faran replied.

                  "Who is that handsome guy?" Corey asked .

              "We can't see his face , how do you know he's handsome." Elodie scoffed making Sidney and Marjorie chuckle.

              "I know that hot back ," Audrey smirked  ,"it's my new neighbor."

              "The one you're hunting?" Marjorie deadpanned.

                    Audrey stood up and adjusted her bossom , "ladies , wish me luck." She strutted towards her neighbor who seemed to know her son. She plastered a smile and tapped the man's shoulder , "Hello there , I believe -." The smile fell off her face once she was face to face with how
back , "Daniel?"

               "Audrey?"  He smiled back with that stupid familiar grin , "oh's being so long."

                The rest of the mothers looked intrigued at the twist while Marjorie was laughing sliently.

            "Urgh ," Ash felt his brain disconnected and looked at the girls who didn't understand anything either , "Mr Matthews you know my mom?"

                 "Mom?" Daniel asked looking at Ash and pointed at Audrey , "she's your mother?"


          "Hold om ," Audrey raised her hands , "how do you know Asher."

           "He's the neighbors from across the street , you know ' hot back ,"  he mouthed the words but it seemed his mom was very familiar with hot back if her reaction was anything to go by.

             Audrey cursed her luck because she was face-to-face with her first love , "im going home Asher..i realized I have something to retrieve from the firm." Like that she dashed like the flash amusing the liars and the mothers. Daniel just smiled at Audrey with old nostalgia.

          "Thanks for accompanying me." Imogen said as she and Ash walked towards the cemetery.

                "It's cool ," Ash didn't appreciate being in the graveyard that too at night , when Imogen texted him if he was available he jumped at the opportunity because since returning home his mom was acting like some school girl who was humilated in front of her crush.

           The two then saw Kelly , hands in her pockets as she looked at Ash not expecting him. "Asher."

                "Kelly."  He said , the situation was awkard for him and he had a feeling the same was true for her as well.

            Ash stood aside once Imogen sat down on a swing while Kelly sat on the other. Seriously what did the three blonde's see in meeting at a cemetery.

"-What my mom did to you..." Kelly began but Imogen interupted.

       " It's... okay. If losing a daughter is anything like losing a mom. Or a sister." The pregnant blonde said and added , " Thanks for telling Clanton the truth about Karen, and why she was up there."

                Kelly looked at Ash before facing the other blonde , "Imogen it was my idea. To pull a "Carrie." She was up there because of me. It's my fault... that Karen's dead. "

              Ash could only watch as Imogen pacified a sobbing Kelly. He couldn't imagine the gulit Kelly was feeling for her twin, Karen had been up there because of her suggestion.


        The next morning , Ash was gathered at the cemetery when the girls , all of them facing Karen's tombstone. His dad had left last night , their farewell had been very formal , Ash only hoped his dad's sons , his younger half-brothers would not have to grow up the way he did.

       "Karen," Imogen began her speech , " we were both horrible to each other at different times, and... I regret that. It's not who I am and it's not who you were deep down. I missed you... when we stopped talking. And now, I'll miss you forever. For a while, you were my best friend. I'm gonna hold on to that."

               It was Tabby's turn this time , "Karen regardless of... everything, the reason you were up in the rafters is because we showed that video that... I made. We shouldn't have done that. And we will never do anything like that ever again."

         " Amen." Noa said , "I,  um didn't really know you very well, Karen, but you threw a lit party." The rest of the girls giggled but Ash remained quiet , "Wish we could be at another one together. Maybe down the road. Rest in peace, Beas."

               Ash sighed once it was his turn , he ran a hand through his hair while the wind billowed , "Karen , you and I never got along. In fact , every time we crossed paths we traded insults. You and I started beefing in third grade all because I didn't want to attend your birthday party. At thirteen , you and Kelly outed me in front of the entire school before I was even ready to come out and I hated you for that ," the girls all looked at him sadly , "but someone told me I could learn from what happened to you , your death. As much as I don't regret screening that video , doesn't mean your murder was right. I'm not happy about that. And I'm not happy I don't feel remorse for shaming you the way we did. Because that would mean I'm just like you were , and that's not a person I want to be. It's not who I'm "

                      Noa patted his shoulder with a proud nod. Ash recalled Chip's words (and Greg's at some degree) and he was right , this whole ordeal from the last week he finally figured out what he had to learn - to not be a person who is willing to inflict others to humilating situations. There were already enough Karens out where who did that and the works needed more people who  would stand up .

         "You're up Honrada."  He told Mouse who nodded.

         "Karen you didn't deserve what happened to you. And, uh though you barely acknowledged my existence... I wish we could've found a way to... coexist. "

             It was finally Faran'a turn , the girl found Ash staring at her , "if i should say something so should you."

          Faran sighed trying to find the right words ,"I didn't like you, Karen. (😂😂)," She found all of the girls  giving her a look , "But that doesn't mean that I'm happy you're gone. " She confined , "You should be alive right now. Maybe... you would've changed over time. Maybe not. I guess we'll never know.(😂😂) But, I'll always be sorry, for how we hurt you. "

           The wind blew even stronger ,all six liars looked at Karen's grave one last time before turning around. But once they did , they gasped in horror.

            "Is everyone seeing what I'm seeing?" Mouse asked as she clutched onto Ash's arm. None of them spoke ,they were too petrified because in front of them , across the street , A was watching them in his van.



          Plot twist! Mr Matthews , Dylan, Chris and Ashely's dad is Audrey's Daniel 🥰🥰.

Ash isn't familiar to someone genuinely liking him that's why he's confused about Chip's interest in him🥺🥺

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