Sing From The Heart

By OneArtsyGamer03

85.5K 3.5K 1.4K

OneArtsyGamer03 here, lovelies... Republishing of "Sing From The Heart" <3 When Buster's theater is threaten... More

Meet the Singers
A Singing Competition!
The Auditions
Dream Big Dreams
Practice and Power Outages
Another Night
An Idea
Nana Noodleman
Final Touches
The Bell Tolls
Under Pressure
Shake It Off!
I'm Still Standing!
Set It All Free!
My Way!
Don't You Worry 'Bout A Thing!
Love Song!

Trouble Ahead

2.6K 108 60
By OneArtsyGamer03

Another bad title, dudududuuuu!


Third Person P.O.V

"There may be trouble ahead," Mike soothingly sings, snapping and dancing to the swing music. "But while there's moonlight and music and love and romance..."

Meena stands next to Buster, watching Mike sing as she learns the ropes.

"Now, fade up the spot," Buster instructs as Mike continues, Meena nodding and doing so.

"--And dance," Mike sings, spinning around.

The lights light fade, and Buster nods in approval.

"Good. Lower the moon."

"Coffee?" Ms. Crawly appears next to Buster with a cup of coffee as Meena walks to the controls.

"Ah! Thank you, Ms. Crawly," Buster smiles, taking the coffee as Meena flicks the switch down.

The cables above creek, but nothing else happens.

"Okay, that's normal. Just needs a knock," Buster instructs, imitating a knock.

Meena nods and smacks her fist on the beam holding the cables, making them whirl and lower the moon.

"See? You're getting it!" Buster praises, turning back to Mike.

"And while we still got a chance," Mike pretends to dance with a woman, the moon lowering behind him.

"Has anyone seen my glass eye?" Ms. Crawly sighs, looking around.

Pete shakes his head and continues on as Meena and Buster focus on Mike. Buster takes a drink as she continues.

"The darn thing keeps popping out."

His eyes snap open as he feels something pop into his mouth, making him sputter and quickly spit the glass eye out.

It crashes into a light, knocking it to a control, breaking it. The lights from above come crashing down behind Mike as he finishes the last note of his song, making him scream.

Pete blissfully walks around, when the sandsack holding the light cable comes swinging around and slams into him.

The eye spins around on a hanging light before launching back to Ms. Crawly, landing right in her eye socket. She chuckles and shakes her head with a grin.

"Ya almost killed me, pip-squeak!" Mike yells in a rage, gesturing to the lights.

"I-It wasn't me!" Meena protests meekly, shaking her head.

"Oh, is that so?" Mike muses and scoffs, folding his arms before shrieking when the lights are enveloped in flames.

Meena shrieks, too, and grabs the fire extinguisher, racing to put it out.

Buster watches in a slight panic before pausing when he hears a groan.



Pete groans and looks around in a daze as the responders roll him in the back of the ambulance.

"Pete! You're gonna be all right, okay?" Buster yells as (Y/N) stands next to him with a worried face.

"This all happened in the time span of the few minutes I was up stairs with Johnny? Really??" She sighs, rubbing her forehead.

"Hang in there buddy!" Buster calls as the ambulance speeds away, noticing the fighting group.

"What's going on today?!" (Y/N) sighs in exasperation, shaking her head.

"Kyle? Brad?" Buster yells after the arguing duo, Harry following while sobbing. "Why aren't you guys rehearsing?!"

"We're through!" Harry wails, dramatically. "They said I'm an intolerable egomaniac. I don't even know what that means!!" He cries, running away.

"Wait!" (Y/N) yells before groaning, "that's two acts down, Buster!"

"I—I know, maybe you could perform something?!" Buster nervously questions in a high-pitched voice.

"Nope, nu-uh. No way!" (Y/N) firmly replies, "I'm not that great of a singer, so, I don't know!"

Buster bites his nails before turning and walking into the theater, (Y/N) following.

"All right! We are two acts down," Buster nervously laughs, (Y/N) still following as he approaches the stage as Meena and Ms. Crawly put the fire out.

(Y/N) pauses for a moment when she sees Meena, almost recognizing her.

We went through a thousand people the day of the auditions... But she seems really familiar.

"How's the stage, Ms. Crawly?" (Y/N) questions, her gaze flickering to the elderly woman holding a silver bucket.

"Oh. It's not as bad as it looks!" Ms. Crawly yelps as she falls through the stage floorboards, nervously laughing as (Y/N) and Buster rush to her. "Oopsie-daisy."

Buster sighs heavily before looking up at Meena, "Meena! How would you like to re-audition for the show?"

Meena... Meena... Meena!

"Oh! It's you! The sweet girl that got cut off by that jerk!" (Y/N) exclaims, pointing to a startled Meena.

"O-Oh, that's very, nice of you to say but I mean I'm not that sweet, not that I'm mean or anything! But I'm not-- I..." Buster and (Y/N) stare at Meena as she trails off. "Right..."

"So! How about it? Want to re-audition?" (Y/N) grins, making Meena gasp in delight and push her bangs back.

"Really?!" She shrinks back as her shyness takes over, her bangs flopping in their place once more. "Well... Yeah..."

"Great!" Buster nods, attempting to free Ms. Crawly.

"I mean, no!"

"What?" (Y/N) grunts, trying to carefully lift Ms. Crawly out.

"I mean, yes! I can sing," Meena grins before frowning, internally battling, "but, no. I get so nervous and I can't do it. I mean, I would, I would totally do it but... I-ah-uh... No, I... No..."

(Y/N) slightly frowns, sympathizing with Meena as Buster watches Meena with a neatrual face.

"... I'm gonna take that as a maybe," Buster nods, and Ms. Crawly giggles a 'weeee' as (Y/N) lifts her up and out of the hole, setting her frail self down.

The (H/C)-haired girl jumps at the sound of Korean music playing, looking towards the rehearsal rooms with an exasperated sigh.

"Great, they're back." (Y/N) sarcastically mumbles.

"Great, they're back!" Buster exclaims in excitement, racing after them as (Y/N) facepalms herself.

"I'm gonna head up stairs with... And you're gone," (Y/N) huffs, turning to the two. "Think about that re-audition, Meena. I see greatness in you," she smiles, making Meena's eyes widen as she blushes in embarrassment.

"O-oh, I, uh-- thank, thank you..." She squeaks out as (Y/N) grins back, saying bye to Ms. Crawly as she heads up stairs to meet Johnny.


Buster turns the music off, making the girls all look at him with raised brows.

"Listen, guys, forget what I said before." Buster grins, and the girls tilt their heads at him. "You are very talented. Please, join the show, okay?" The girls all look at each other in confusion. "Yes? No?"

Buster feels his back pocket, "ah! Here we go."

He attempts to compliment the group, finishing with what he thought was an inspirational quote.

He was wrong.

The girls all gasp in horror and disgust, the leader growling and slapping him in the face, making Buster yelp.

"What? Hey, no!" Buster stammers as they huff and turn their heads up, storming out. "Wait, wait, wait! Don't go!"


Rosita carefully places the final sheets of papers with precise footprints and arrows.

Gunter enters in excitement pausing at the sight.

"Oh. What is this for?"

Rosita looks around the entire paper-covered floor, nodding.

"Now, we use this to follow the steps."

She clears her throat, turning on the radio and 'dancing'.

"Goddess on the mountaintop," she awkwardly dances, making Gunter frown at her rigid motions. "Burning like a silver flame." Rosita tries to relax more, her feet following the steps as she overthinks. "The summit if beauty and love... And--"

Gunter yelps and laughs as something barrels past him, Casper shrieking and laughing as he races around the room, playing with the papers.

"Casper! Casper! No!"

"How about this? Ha-ha!" Gunter grins, walking into the room and looking at the scattered papers.

Rosita scoops a laughing Casper up, "come on! What did I tell you!" Gunter smiles at the little rowdy boy as Rosita sighs, "I'm so sorry. He had a fever and it was too late to get a sitter, so..." She yelps as he slips from her arms, shrieking and running around. "Well, you seem fine now!"

Gunter looks at the papers and nods with a grin, "wow! Well, I'm your Venus! I'm your fire! At your desire!"

He intentionally messes up more papers as he dances, Casper still racing around and doing the same as Rosita yelps and catches the flying papers.


"I threw a wish in the well, don't ask me I'll never tell, I looked to you as it fell, but now you're in my way--"

"... I am not singing this," Ash states in a deadpan tone, cringing at the pop song playing as Buster dances silly.

"What's not to like? You're a female and you're a teenager. (Y/N) used to (love/hate) this song," he snorts, shaking his head. "My point is, this song was made for you."

"Wooow, it's like you can see inside my tiny teenage mind," Ash sarcastically replies with a roll of her eyes.

"I know, right?" Buster obliviously grins as Ash shakes her head with a scoff. "You just gotta add some moves and a little bit of..." Buster starts to girly dance, "hey! I just met you, and this is crazy! But here's my number, so call me maybe! Go for it!!"

Ash scoffs, "oh. You mean like this?" She rolls her eyes before dramatically dancing, "try to chase me, but here's my number! So call me maybe!"

She dramatically poses with a bored look as Buster grins, "there ya go!! You're a natural!"

Ash deadpans, and refrains from punching him.


(Y/N) smiles politely, flinching as a bad note was played. Johnny jumps too, correcting himself, only to mess up again.

He groans and bangs his fists on the piano, rubbing his face in frustration.

"Yes, that was... Very bad," Ms. Crawly nonchalently inputs, pouring a coffee for herself.

Johnny groans again and heavily sighs, "sorry, (Y/N)."

"Hey, you're... Getting the hang of it! It takes time! And luckily, we got it. Right?" (Y/N) smiles softly, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Johnny stares for a second before clearing his throat with a blush.

"Y-Yeah," he nods, facing forward with a meek wide eyed expression, and his cheeks warm.


(Y/N) jumps as the voice speaks, and she looks over to Johnny's jacket in confusion.

"Is... Your phone on a call?"

"I-I, uh..."

"Come in, over!"

"Oh, Johnny! Your jacket's talking!" Ms. Crawly murmurs, making Johnny nervously stare at it before leaping off the bench and rushing to his jacket.

"Johnny, where are ya?"


"Ju-Just a minute, (Y/N)!" Johnny sheepishly grins, grabbing his jacket and rushing into the other office and closing the door as (Y/N) watches in confusion.

Johnny looks around as he takes the walkie-talkie out, his eyes widening when he sees a newspaper with him and his father wearing their masks in the back of their truck.


"Dad, what's goin' on? Over," he whispers, his eyes still on the paper as he glances back to (Y/N), who was messing with the piano, her back turned to him.

"We need ya over here for more driving lessons. Barry's gonna show you some new moves. Over."

He frowns as his father speaks, a heavy sigh escaping his lips as he rubs his neck, agreeing and saying bye as he exits and stuffs the walkie-talkie away.

"I... have to go," Johnny manages out, making (Y/N) look up from her piano as he speeds away.

"What?" (Y/N) sputters, but he was gone already.

She races after him, nearly crashing into Buster.

"What do you mean you gotta leave now?" Buster demands, raising a brow.

"Yes, what do you mean by that?" (Y/N) also demands, "we still have practice! I need to teach you the basics, and we only have--"

"I know. I'm- I'm really really sorry, (Y/N). It-it's just..." She watches as he nervously looks down, rubbing his neck as he taps his foot. "I... Got this family business... Thing..."

"Do I need to start worrying about your commitment here, Johnny? Tell me no," Buster drags out, rubbing his aching head as (Y/N) scoffs, crossing her arms and looking away from Johnny.

Johnny frowns in guilt, "no, absolutely not! I am real sorry, (Y/N), I will make it up to you."

Johnny turns, quickly dashing out of the building as he snags his skateboard, sighing and feeling a mixture of disappointment and guilt.

(Y/N) quickly rushes after him, calling out to him as she spots him, about to jump on his skateboard. "Johnny!"

He pauses, grabbing his board and looking at (Y/N) in confusion.

"I hope everything will be okay, and whatever happened isn't too serious," she sadly smiles, making Johnny slowly grin back, some guilt mixed in. "Call me if you need anything, okay?"

"Thanks— I— I will," he stammer softly with a nod, looking down. "I should... Uh..."

"Oh! Right! Sorry to keep you. If you'd like, we can have a lesson later tonight. I'm usually here until around six," (Y/N) suggests softly with a smile, tilting her head. "If you want. No pressure!"

"That'd be... perfect! I'll swing by, then!" Johnny eagerly nods, already planning an excuse to fool his dad.

"Alright. Bye, Johnny." (Y/N) smiles and turns back, walking to the theater.

Johnny watches as she walks away, his walkie-talkie going off again. But he didn't care.

He goofily smiles, shaking his head before his eyes widen in slight horror when he realizes... He was getting feelings for her.

"... Oh no."


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