Here's to You, Zephaniah.

By cece4435379

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Zephaniah's journey is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of self... More

Zephaniah (4)
Zephaniah (5)
Zephaniah (6)
Zephaniah (10)
Zephaniah (11)
Zephainah (14)
Zpehainah 15
Zephaniah (15b)
Zephaniah 16
Zephaniah (17)
Zephaniah (18)
Zephaniah (18a)
Zephaniah (19)
Zephaniah (20)
Zephaniah (21)
Zephaniah (21a)
Zephaniah (22)
Zephaniah (23)
Zephaiah (24)
Zephaiah (25)
Zephaniah (26)
Zephaniah (27)
Zephaniah (28)
Zephaniah (29)

Zephaniah (20a)

4 0 0
By cece4435379

A/N: This is just an continuation chapter. Viewer discretion is heavily advised.


I finally made it into my apartment, walked in, turned the lights on and closed and lock my doors. I called my supervisor, tell him give me 3 hours, he asked why so long and I said cause there's more things I need yo analyze about a few of my cases before I let him see the the reviews, and on the way back to the station, it's going to be traffic. "alright O, but if we need you to come in earlier, I'm calling you in." I agreed to the conditions and we was off the phone.

I called Adelisa, but it went right to voicemail. I stop sharing my location. I went to my bathroom and got ready to get in the shower. I turned the water on and headed back to my room. I heard a ding and walked to the kitchen, I check it was Adelisa. I'm 13 mins away. I tried calling again and it's went right to voicemail and then I got an immediate answer. I'm driving with Focus turned on. I'll see your message when I get where I'm going. I ignore it and headed to get into the shower. I just need 10.


Hi baby. I went back to the hospital to check up on Zaire. I have nothing but time on my hands. I'm try my best to come up here everyday. Jupiter said he can get me a job at an McDonald's his friend owns, and I should join Zephaniah program. If I want the help, he can help me get back on my feet. Right now I'm staying at an woman shelter and I'm trying everything, I can do to get back on good graces with my kids. Staring with Zaire. I walked up to him and he looked up at me. I almost started crying, it reminded me of how he was as a toddler, the way he would look up and it looked like he just trusted me with everything.

I thought I'll never see that again. Maybe there's is hope for me. He haven't said anything to me, but I know he listening to me. I know what you're thinking. Why do people only come around when shit going bad for you. Why did I come around at a time like this. Well baby I'm so sorry. In all honestly. I didn't really learn my lesson until now. I'm not telling you that you have to forgive me, but if you have a heart like you're father did, then, I'm already forgiven.

I'm also sorry you're in this situation. I never would've thought you and you're sister would be going through this much pain. After you're father tragic death too. It's like all our karma coming on to you guys and believe me, it's also effecting everybody else around y'all too. I heard you got a little babies arriving in a few months. Congratulations papa. I saw him smile and I held his hand. I'm very sadden this happened to you, but I'm more than grateful that you and you're sister are okay.

"Mama, I need you to listen, I'm not okay, mentally or physically now, I haven't been okay in a long time and neither is Zephaniah, you're kids are fucks ups just like you are. Is that what you wanted?"

My heart shattered into 1,000 pieces.

"Mom, I don't want to talk about this right now, definitely while I'm in this condition. If you're going to visit please just, save the excuses until I'm able to actually walk out on them." I smiled. I'll be back tomorrow okay. I grip his hand tighter and walked out. I don't deserve his forgiveness. I wasn't expecting that either. I'm be okay though and so will they be. I have hope.


I got out the shower, and I heard my phone rang for the 3 time. I grab my dry towel and dried the water off my body. I went into my room grab my bathrobe and heard my phone rang for the 4 time. I hope this ain't chief or somebody else blowing my shit like this. I sat my dry towel in my dirty laundry basket and headed to the kitchen where my phone is still at. As I approached, my phone, I see the caller name is Adelisa. I went in my fridge and open a water bottle. I drank some of it and place the water bottle on the counter and closed my fridge. I opened my ring app and saw her right outside my door to whom she was about to call me again. I laugh and walked to the door and opened it before I even got a word out she over talking me. "Ozias like really, I know you heard you're phone!-" she looked at me and stoped talking. I closed the door behind her, lock it and looked back at her, she just stared at me. I laughed. Did an cat caught you're tongue, why you're so quite now. She took her shoes off then spoke to me.

"I- I wasn't expecting you to be in you're bath robe?" I shrugged my shoulders and walked to my water bottle. I took some sips and looked back at her. She was staring at my lips. I decided to tease her and lick mines. Then she licked hers. I smirked and we made eye contact. "Well I" she walked closer to me and I stood there. "Well I wanted to ask you some questions, but I rather wrap my tongue around something else other than my thoughts." 

She bit her lip, and I spoke now is that so. She lift an eyebrow, "yeah very much so."

A/N: READER DISCRETION IS HIGHLY ADVISED. If you are skipping/or would like too, then I'll have a  :) when it's over. For now I hope you're enjoying the story.

Starting- :)

I grip her neck, not to hard though, and she have the biggest smile on her face. Damn she beautiful, but I can't allow myself to get distracted. Adelisa you know we can't do this. I got work to do and finish up, and you got- I felt my robe open up a little and her soft hands trace around my abs.  She whisper. "So who going to tell, if you don't and I don't. I know I'm not the only one who feel this sexual connection between us Ozias. I need you, right now." She bit her lip and I bit mines. Fuck. I watch her back up from me and taken off her crop top. It was just a regular green crop top, but underneath was a red laced bra. Her breast, their was a decent size, or at least against the fabric, it's nothing I can't work with. I felt my man poke out and she smiled. I guess she notice the change too. I watch her take off her blue jeans cut up pants and underneath she had on black laced thongs. Her phone dropped with them pants but she didn't lose any eye contact with me. Damn. Sexy.

She walked back to me and got on her knees. I drop the robe, I don't need it at this point and I'll be a fool to deny some oral. She kiss up my leg, back and forward  between both. Wow that's something new for me, as she continued to kiss everywhere but my dick. I didn't know if I should been irritated or excited. She got to my abdominal V line and stoped. "Ozias where's you're room. I just need 20 mins. I pick her up and guided her to my bed. I laid her down. She flipped me over with a little help from me cause I'm twice her size and hight. Now she siting on top of my stomach. "Ozias no, I need to finish, I need this." I rose an eyebrow and she smiled.

"I didn't originally come over for this, but I might as well get what I'm craving for right, don't worry, I'll keep track of time, but you need to keep track of them moans, I need to hear them or I'm not stoping." I smiled and she started kissing my neck and then went to my arms, she so gentle with it.

First my left and now my right. I watch her as she went back to my neck and placed kisses everywhere, then she went down and placed kisses on my abs and back at my v-line. What I wasn't expecting was her to licked my v-line, literally lick. Oh yeah her ass a freak fr. Both sides was licked and then she moved further down. I stood up and she sat on the floor making herself comfortable. This couldn't be her first time cause she positioned herself so good, I can see her asscheeks poking out as she sits. "Ozias lay back." I did as she asked and she started stroking my very loved member. I tensed up a little. "oh look at who arrived, I see everything pretty about you" and she licked one of my veins. Adelisa started picking up the pace, and the more I got lost in my moment. I felt a shift. Something softer was against me. I got up just a little, to see what was the shift about and seen she using her breast now.

Damn. My arms staring to hurt now in this position, but I wanted to see this. Up and down, and I tense up again. She removed her breast and put her hands on my lower back and inserted her mouth. Shit. So warm. So soft. Her tongue first trailed around it, I don't know how she doing that but it's working. She got back up and took a deep breath and exhaled. I stood up a little more and we made eye contact and my arms stared to released the tension from it's original state. "I got 12 mins left, I hope, you'll be ready to cum by then." I smirk.

If you do a good job, we can certainly have that arranged. No further words was exchanged cause she started getting to work. She then started moaning and I dazed out, and without realizing, I grab the top of her head and started throat fucking her. She began to gag but I didn't stop. Her grip on my lower back was tighten but I didn't stop. After a few mins, or I'm assuming so cause time not really on my mind right now, I released and moved back in my bed, so did she, as she started coughing but moved her hands to my dick, and jerked off the rest that was still coming out. I removed her hand, stood up and did the rest of it myself. The last finishes, fell on her breast and bra.

When I was done, she was still coughing, stared at me for a min. When she got her composure, she said "We went over time Ozias. By 9 mins." I was still in the moment, so I grab her throat and kissed her. She stood up, without breaking the kiss, and sat on top of me, I smack her ass a few times and she started laughing. I laughed with her. "Okay you got work to do, and I'm all sticky and I still have questions to ask sir. Where you're bathroom. I smiled and pointed outside my room. From here, it's to your left. Catch me in the living room, you worked off me answering any questions you had in mind. She smiled. "I really didn't come over for this Ozias. I was just very distracted. "

I smirked and shrugged my shoulders. She got off of me and headed to the bathroom and I watch her. My dick got hard again. I shaken my head no and looked around for any baby wipes, I usually have out. I know for certain I had them. I wiped off my dick and made a mental note to take another shower, before I leave here again.

Ended- :)

I went into the kitchen. Looked at my phone. Nothing new. Nobody called but I would've heard it, well probably. Not long after, Adelisa enter the kitchen again and smiled. Now I got to put this back on. She slipped on her clothes and I grab my robe and put that back on. I pointed to my couch and she walked over to it and sat, and I grab the papers, I needed from off the top of my fridge and took a pen, from off my pen jar, that's sits right next to the microwave. 

I sat next to her and placed everything on my lap and reviewed the papers. Just my luck her phone started ringing but I continue reading over the papers. "Hello Adelisa speaking." Then there was silence. Even with me siting right next to her. I didn't hear a word the persons she on the call with saying. "alright I'm be there soon."

I heard the called disconnect and she kissed my cheek. "Nothing bad happened, just family duties, I need to be present for." I looked at her and she smiled. "I have you're address now, Mr.Ozias, so be expecting me in a few days, this time, I'm actually just ask my questions and leave." I smiled. Nah you're going to need a spend a night bag. "Well, well well, is that so Mr.Ozias," and leaned towards me. I kissed her and said yeah very much so, and she stared laughing. We kissed again, and she walked to the door. She slipped on her shoes and waved bye to me and locked my bottom lock and closed the door. I continued to read.


I got back, Last Tuesday, and everything seem different since I left Brea. I miss her touch. I miss her presence. I miss her energy. I miss her smile. I miss her. I was still able to stay focus though. I called my sister, I need her to come to the trap. Everybody else left on last Thursday, besides the people who live down here with me which is just Anandi. We all agreed to bring them back whenever Zaire get discharged. We also as a family going to see my bother at his gravesite. "Alright I'm be there soon." I looked around. So nobody still ain't heard from Iron son. Jasper, one of my workers shook his head no and told me.

"Boss we barely seen him here. I think he came by like twice, since we been doing attendance but it is over 700 people. I think we could've miscounted somehow."

I looked at my watch. 6:24. Jasper, I need an recount and demand everybody in attendance, so whoever not there will have sever consequences. I need 4 people counting, let somebody numbers not add up, let the counters know are also getting fuck up. Tell them I need the count done by 1:15 tonight. This nigga just interrupted  me. "boss that's very specific-" wait hollon you questions me boy!?

He frantically shook his head no and I went in my pocket pulled out my gun. You better stand still and shot him in his leg. I hate being lied too. Now get yo ass out my office and relay the message to them. Jasper did what he was told and even close the door behind him. I heard the music started blasting higher. I started rolling up. I called my sister again.

She answered. How far are you now? "Ughh" and she hanged up. All that wasn't necessary, I just wanted you're eta. I mumbled to myself, and then I text Brea a smile face and lighten up my blunt. This my best stress reliever besides her existence. I heard the door open and it was my sister. "Hey bro, why I need to be here for?"
I smirked. You got here really fast. I need you're help with my workers.


We got the house to ourselves. I squeal at Cristiano. Don't get me wrong, I love my niece so much and I don't mind her being here either. I'm glad, she finally comfortable, or at least a little more comfortable to go out now. Let's cuddle. I jump into his arms, and he smirked. "Nah, I got another idea." I smiled and said boy what do you have planned then. Cristiano didn't say anything just lead us to what it looked like to my bedroom.

A/N: READER DISCRETION IS HIGHLY ADVISED. If you are skipping/or would like too, then I'll have a  :) when it's over. For now I hope you're enjoying the story.

Starting- :)

He laid me on my bed and I smiled. What do you have in mind I repeated. He kissed my neck and moved back. "I got a few things in mind, are you willing to see." I smiled really hard. Yeah I got more then enough time to hear everything. I hope Zephaniah don't walk in on us. He chucked. "I doubt it." I push him off of me and took my own clothes off. I didn't have a bra on or underwear on so this was quicker then expected. The smile on his face is something, I'll probably always remember. I kiss him, then kiss got more intense.

I let go cause, I couldn't focus. I want it. Cristiano was also breathing heavily. In between breaths he said, "I'm give it to you, just let me taste it first." He took off his clothes, and then he laid me down, on my back and lifted my legs over his shoulders. He kissed my inner thighs and waste no time getting to my clit. He was also fingering me, I'm losing all my senses. I guess, it feels better from a man you like. Everything just intensifies. 

I- can- youuuuuu- sped it up, and sped it up he did. I started shaking uncontrollably, and he didn't stop. He just gripped my legs in place, the best way he could, but he never stopped. I can't feel my legs and he didn't stop. I didn't stop shaking. I'm literally running from him and he didn't stop. I yelled stop please cause now I'm feeling an uneasy pain and pleasure at the moment, and that's when he did. I felt myself staring to squirt. It went everywhere.

We laughed and I said do we need to change the sheets? and he said "no, baby not yet." Cristiano started fingering me again, and I screamed yes. This feels so good. Cristiano speeded up his pace again and my eyes started rolling to the back of my head. My lord, I feel like on cloud 12.

I felt his hands removed from my body and I started shaking uncontrollably again. I never had a orgasm
like this, and that was just from his hands, damn I don't know what I'm going to do, when he insert it in me. When I got my composure again, I kiss him. The kiss was so sensual. I almost slipped and said I was in love. We stop kissing and he flipped me over. I said, now who said I wanted back shots. No respond was said but an smack across my ass. I could've sworn my body, stiffen.

I wasn't expecting that. I then felt him insert in me and at first, it was slow strokes. Next he sped it up. I guess I love his fast anything, cause that ticked me off so much. I started creaming on him. I felt it. I hear it. Then he increased his pace again, and this wanna be arched is definitely gone.

"Aaaaaaannnnaaandi, fuck girl, I'm about to cum, I'm about to-" baby please. Please do. We came together, and I fell down completely, and he fell on top of me with it still in me, twitching. I felt it leave and he flipped me around.

Another one? He chucked. "As you can see I'm still hard. One more round please, then we going to clean up and ourselves okay." I smiled and said okay. I laid back and he inserted it in me. Oh, we doing missionary now. I grab his arms and he started with them fast strokes. Oh shit. That's all I could say. This feels so good. I started seeing stars again. I love his touch. Oh I feel like I'm in love. I didn't think he could go faster but he did. I can't. I started shaking again, I'm cuming. I came but my legs was still shaking, and the cum, it's all over our stomachs and my legs.

Cristiano, grab my hips and kiss my neck but he didn't stop them strokes. I can't feel my legs. I look over to my right, my mirror is there but my vision is blurry, no way I'm crying, and I'm shaking still, and he is too. Oh this feels as good to him as it do to me. As if he read my thoughts, he moaned in my ear. "Anandi do that move again." I did and he moaned again in my ear. I got more to give clearly. I felt more fluids on us but I didn't care.

Cristiano got up and slowed his pace. I can tell he enjoying it too. I saw a tear fall down his eyes and he said "Anandi, I'm about to cum" and I griped tighter and he came like clockwork. I smiled and he did too. He wiped my tears from my face. I want one more round but first get him out of me. I started laughing and he did too. I squatted in front of him and he smile. "Are you sure." I said yes and took it in my mouth.

I can handle him but I'm just hoping my knees don't give out. It didn't take long for him to cum. I sallowed everything and he gently smacked my face with it and said "look at my good girl, what an wonderful job you did." My knees gave out. He started laughing and I did too. "you said you wanted another round, what did you want to do." I looked back at it. I-see, no right now, I can't take another round. He started cracking up. Okay baby, let's get you clean up, can you stand. I was able to stand and walked away with all the strength I had left. I stared heading to the bathroom. "Gyatt damn, look at all that ass." I started cracking up. Boy it literally hurts as I walk, don't talk about shit like that.

Ended -:)

We cleaned up and showered together. New sheets, clean bodies, fresh air cause I lit 2 candles and put a scented plug in the wall. I feel so refreshed. I looked at him. "Let's watch Netflix." He grabbed me so we can cuddle. I pass him the remote, and he kissed my forehead. "Alright I heard good reviews about peaky blinders. Have you seen it?" I told him no and he clicked on it for us to watch it. I heard the door opened and it was Zephaniah. Whew perfect timing.

Zephaniah knocked on the door. "hey guys I just came by to say, I'm here now, but I'm about to head back out, I'm spending the night at my own place today, I was going to text you, but then I remember I need to grab my dirty clothes from here, so I'll see you first thing in the morning auntie, and have a great night to you both. We both said bye to her and she closed the door. I looked around for my phone, but I couldn't find it. Hey can you call my phone. Cristiano looked around and then to his left, I guess he found it cause he bent down. His back muscles, oh my lord. Then he passed me his phone, and I looked for my name but I couldn't find it.

What do you have me under? He stared scratching his head out of being nervous. "mi amor" that's probably why you keep passing it." I smiled. I click on it and I heard my phone rang it was in the bathroom. I looked at Cristiano, I'll get it later. I snugged myself him closer to him and he held me.

Eventually I heard him snoring. It wasn't loud or obnoxious. I'm glad, I can fall right, I sleep to it. I got out the bed and went to the bathroom to pee again, and after washing my hands, I sent Zephaniah a text, I wanted to see if she okay. I check the clock it was only 11:16. Wow it felt way later. I changed Cristiano contact name from potential to mi amor too. I went back into the bedroom and kiss his forehead and put our phones on charger. I'm glad, I'm able to do this cause, I usually have two of anything that comes to supplies like charges and stuff. You just never know right.

I knew his password, he changed it to my birthday a few days ago. I set his alarm on for 7. He have work at 10. I'm sure he probably want to head back home to his house, before he go to work tomorrow morning. I blew the candles out. Next, I went back on my side of the bed. I went to Hulu and put on any show I saw first which was the Cleveland show. I toss the remote to the end of my bed and I snugged with him closer and he embraced me once more. I smiled my little happy self to sleep.

Me rn.

All cause I choose to do 2 chapters, the same night, like an damn idiot. I'm so exhausted.

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