By QuEenRiddle4

120K 1.9K 1.6K

UNDER EDITION!!!! This is a love triangle between Tom and Mattheo Riddle. IF YOU DECIDE TO READ THIS FANFIC B... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Cast 2
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Cast 3
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 36

1.3K 18 20
By QuEenRiddle4

Two days later

I was getting ready for tonight's ball. I ended up convincing Tom to attend. Tom and I got back on good terms. It seems he is the type of guy who when he feels guilty he does anything you want. For example, once I wanted to do face masks as couples always do. He was being rude telling me how stupid that was then I said 'You didn't trust me and now this?' He quickly changed his attitude and did as I wanted.
  Mattheo and I didn't have a chance to talk during the sleepover for obvious reasons. But we did have a secret meeting.

"Fuck, fuck, ahh god!" I moaned while he was pounding inside of me. He took me to a motel, currently it was 3:45 a.m. He got out of his house around 1:20 a.m. and so did I. He picked me up on his motorcycle then he took me here.
  "Your girl wouldn't like to know your fucking me" I breathed out. He smirked and kissed my neck while he kept pounding firmly and hard.
"She is not my real girlfriend," he says holding me by my hips while he thrusts faster. My back arched in pleasure and we both moaned.
"I won't break up with Tom," I say while I scratched his back because of the amount of pleasure I was receiving.
"I don't want to hurt him.. this can be secret as long as we need it to be," he says kissing my jaw. He didn't stop moving at all.
"No emotions" I moaned
"Just sex" he grunted. We smiled and kissed then  we came undone at the same time.

After that, we each went to our home.
  I looked at myself in the mirror, I was wearing a long black dress that accentuated my figure. Tom then comes inside his room. He looks at me up and down.
"You're beautiful" he says , he steps closer
"But you need something else" he then hands me a small box. I look at him surprised he only smiled at me.
"What is it?" I say
"Open it and you'll see" he chuckles. I playfully rolled my eyes and opened the box. A small gasp left my mouth, I felt extremely happy. Tom gave me a necklace. A beautiful necklace I must say, it was a gold necklace with a small snake.
    I look at Tom, he was already looking at me, in his eyes I see adoration and love.

"Help me put it on?" He nodded. I smiled turning around giving him my back, I grabbed my hair putting it to the side. Softly Tom put the necklace on. He kissed my shoulder and then he hugged me from behind.
"Beautiful" he says.

I won't ever say I regret my decision of having sex with Mattheo. Life is life we need to enjoy it. Even if the wrong things are the ones that makes you happy. I have Tom. I feel like I love him.
This time I meant it. I love Tom.  I won't let him go. Never. He is mine. Tom belongs to me. I can make him happy. But Mattheo it's an extra that I enjoy. So I'll have him until I feel like it's enough.

After a few more minutes, Tom and I left  to the ball in Mimi's car.
  This manor it's extremely big. I see people dressed formally ,it's clear the zabini's have a big reputation. I had my arm interlock with Tom's arm. We walked around the place just like the perfect couple. Then I see Mattheo with his friends. It seems Sirena isn't here. Her mother probably prohibited her to come.
I made a mental note to send her a letter to see how's she is doing.

Suddenly I see girls looking at the entrance with their eyes wide and blush. Some were even biting their lips. I look at the entrance then I see him.


He was dressed in a black suit with his hair well styled. He looks extremely good. He looks like a Greek god, like an Angel fallen from the sky.
He wasn't aware of the way other girls were looking at him. He just took a glass of water and went to go see Albus and the Weasleys. It seems Judah has more Gryffindor friends than Slytherin.

I quickly look away went I feel like Tom could notice me staring at Judah.
"Hello" a blonde girl comes to us. Tom stopped holding me and shakes her hand. Why did he shook her hand?
"Longbottom" Tom says smiling. Why is he smiling?
"How do you like this ball?" She says softly. Extremely sweet , I didn't like it.
"We just got here.. this is Cherry my girlfriend" Tom introduced me, the blonde girl looked at me smiling.
"Pleasure. I'm Nila Longbottom" I didn't say anything I just smiled. It seems she got uncomfortable,
"I'll go with my friends.. it was nice talking to you.."
"Tom.. Tom Riddle" he says smiling. She smiled back
"Well,Tom Riddle, bye" she touched Tom's shoulder for a second the left. I felt myself started to burn in anger.

"Who is she?" I asked Tom when Nila was gone.
"A friend"
"A friend I didn't know about?"
"I don't know her much.."
"But she is your friend?" He frown
"Relax.. she helped me in something.. nothing much" I was about to reply when suddenly I heard Thiago yelling at us.
"You two come on!!" He says waving at us. I glared at Tom then I joined them.

"Ahh! Manson! You look beautiful!" Mikayla says hugging me and looking me up and down
"So do you!!" I say
"Where's Natasha?" I asked. At that moment she joined us. She looks extremely annoyed, she was wearing a pink fluffy dress.
"What is that?" Scorpius asked
"My father made me wear this" she says grabbing a glass of champagne from one of the waitresses walking around.
"Why? You look horrible" Michael says laughing. Natasha punched him in the stomach that only made him laugh harder.

"Nott! Tell your daughter not to punch my son!" Says a man who seems to be Michael's father.
"Tell your son to fuck off" a tall man says. Then they hug each other laughing.
I see a blonde man joining the other two and said
"You two are the worst" he says laughing
Suddenly I see Thiago and what it seems being his father drinking. When did Thiago left?
"Oí! My son knows how to drink fast!" Thiago father says. Suddenly Thiago began shocking with alcohol.
"Don't let my son drink Lorenzo!" Thiago's mother came to his rescue.

"They were friends" Natasha says .
"Just like us" mikayla says.

Hours went by and when we least expect it. We are all drunk in a big office. Everyone was here. (The young ones)
"Okay everyone make circle! We're playing spin the bottle!" Scorpius, Michael, Mikayla , Thiago, Natasha, Albus, Hugo and Rose Weasley, Nila and surprisingly Judah joined. Mattheo joined as well. I look at Tom
"Should we join?" I asked, he looks at me and shakes his head
"Come on! It can be fun"
"Okay" I look down at the floor then I feel Tom pulling me to the big circle , he sat me on his lap. And I kissed him.

Each of us spin the bottle , for a few rounds it wasn't interesting, Natasha kissed Scorpius, Hugo kissed Thiago, Mattheo kissed Rose Weasley, I wanted to kill her at that moment. Judah kissed Albus, I noticed Scorpius clenched his fists when that happened. Nila kissed Mikayla . Tom was dared to kiss Thiago, he didn't do it. Instead he had to drink a nasty flavored potion, he almost vomit. I was dared to kiss Tom, stupid I know.
This round Thiago was the one to dare me
"I dare you to... kiss... Snape" everyone started to a laugh and making moaning sounds.
I felt Tom holding me tighter, I whispered to him
"It won't mean anything" I stop up and walked towards Judah, he looked up at me. I straddle him. Judah's hand went to my hips , I felt him getting hard, so I slightly moved my hips, I didn't made it obvios.
Then we kissed at the same time. I felt myself getting wet. He moaned against my lips. I moved my hips but not making it obvious. We kissed fighting for dominance. I pulled away when I felt like it was to much.

I walked back to Tom he Kissed me back. Like trying to erase Judah's tease off my mouth. It didn't worked. When I look up I see Mattheo  looking at my eyes as if he wanted to punish me.
  So I decided to ignore him. I whispered to Tom
"Need to go to the restroom... do you want to join?" I say in a flirty tone. But I noticed how Tom looked at Nila. Surprisingly Tom denied my invitation. I glare at that blonde bitch , she only looked away.
"Fine" I say to then stand up and leave the room. I noticed Mattheo standing up as well. It seems Tom was too distracted  eye fucking Nila to even noticed his brother leaving.
   I reached one of the closest bathroom before I could close the door Mattheo pushed the door open and came in.

He glared at me.
"I'm not in the mood" I say crossing my arms in front of my chest.
"Why did you kissed Judah?" He says
"I was dared to" I say nonchalantly
"I bet you wanted to" he says with a poisonous tone.
"Just leave me alone"
"I bet you got problems with Tom... he is not the type to share"
"He didn't care... do you know this Nila Girl? I swear I'll fucking kill her if she goes near Tom"
Mattheo looked at me Confused,
"You're jealous?"
"I'm protecting what's mine" I say in a firm tone.
"So am I"
"I'm not yours" I say
"Oh but you are... so get on your knees and suck me off" I looked at him and rolled my eyes.
"Not tonight Riddle... I have a problem I need to fix"

I got out the restroom and I walked back to the big office. I take a sit next to Tom. Who seems to now be talking to Nila.
"I can't believe we've shared the same classes but never knew about you... I truly apologize" he says in a polite manor
"Don't apologize.. I always sit in the back, that must be the reason of why you never noticed me" she says in a soft sweet voice.
"So Nila, right? Do you have any lipstick I can use?" I asked nicely, she is so dumb she smiled at my nice tone. She stood up from her sit and nodded happily.
"O-of course! Follow me!" I smiled and stood up as well. Before I left the room I winked at Tom he smiled at me.

Nila was taking me to what it seems a bedroom that She probably chose to leave her stuff in.
We both got inside she looked at me and I smiled.

"Umm so my bag must be here somewhere" she says starting to look for her bag. When she turned around I locked the door and grabbed my wand putting a silencing charm.
She turned around with her bag in her hands then she noticed my wand in my hand. She chuckles nervously .
"Why do y-you have your wand?"
"Tom... you like him don't you?" I say stepping closer to her she step back. She shakes her head nervously, her eyes never leaving mine.
"I-I don't" she is lying, I must prove it.

Without her consent I go through her memories

1th year she was walking down the hall when she sees Tom reading, I can sense the feeling of her getting happy. Tom didn't looked at her.
2nd year, potion competition she was clapping happy Tom had won first place, again I sense her heart beating faster . Tom didn't noticed her.
3th year. Tom was walking down the hall, he walked the other direction he ignored her , still she looked at him with love. She even smell his scent for that small second. Books and cigarettes.
4th year . She sat behind Tom in transfiguration class. I Can see how distracted she was just staring at Tom. He didn't noticed her.
5 th year. While making amortentia she smelled him. My Tom. I sense how happy she felt but when she look up at Tom he didn't even noticed her.
This year, she was walking down the hall that's when she saw Tom  having a panic attack. I can sense she was truly worried so she came to his rescue. Their eyes met and her heart fluttered, she helped him, then Tom mentioned me. Her heart broke but she remained nice and polite. After that she left. Still she was happy she had that interaction with Tom.

I got out her mind and glared at her. She was now laying on the floor shaking in fear while she tried to ease the pain of me being in her head just a few seconds ago.
"Let me tell you something Nila.." I say stepping closer to her I point my wand at her. She lets out a small sob in fear.
"Don't you dare come near him.. or else... I'll kill you" she nodded crying
"Ok.. please don't hurt me" she says. I smile
"I won't... not yet" i look at her bag I see the lipstick , I grabbed it and putting on. Then I turn around and walk towards the door, before I left I say
"Not a word of this to anyone" with that I left the room.

When I go out the room I see Mattheo with his arms  cross in front of his chest. He tilted his head and then asked me
"Can we fuck now?" I smiled and walked towards him and pulled him into a kiss.
"Must be quick"
"I will princess"
With that we both left to enjoy our time together.

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