Gryffindor Princess and the P...

By snow_potter

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Hope Dumbledore is a witch! And a unique one at that. Hope will be entering her third year at Hogwarts school... More

Chapter One: Summer Holidays
Chapter Two: The Second Encounter
Chapter Three: The Phone Booth
Chapter Four: Living at Malfoy Manor
Chapter Five: The Leaky Cauldron
Chapter Six: The Hogwarts Express
Chapter Seven: Hippogriffs
Chapter Eight: Facing a Boggart
Chapter Nine: Quidditch
Chapter Ten: The Dementors
Chapter Eleven: Breath
Chapter Twelve: Christmas
Chapter Thirteen: Private Lessons
Chapter Fourteen: Gryffindor Versus Ravenclaw
Chapter Fifteen: Starting a Joke Shop
Chapter Seventeen: Third Year Exams
Chapter Eighteen: The Shrieking Shack
Chapter Nineteen: Peter Pettigrew
Chapter Twenty: What really happened
Chapter Twenty One: The Escape
Chapter Twenty Two: Confundus Charms
Chapter Twenty Three: The Time Turner
Chapter Twenty Four: Order of Merlin revoked

Chapter Sixteen: The Quidditch Final

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By snow_potter

She and Hermione found Harry and Ron outside the portrait hole and told them the news about Buckbeak.

"They can't do this", Harry said, "they can't. Buckbeak isn't dangerous."

"Malfoy's dad frightened the committee into it", Hermione said, "you know what he's like."

"Hope knows better than we do", Ron muttered.

"Excuse me?"

"Well he's your uncle isn't he? Just send him a letter to fix all of this."

"Don't you think I would already have done that if I thought it would do any good?", She snapped.

"Well -"

She stomped inside the portrait hole, letting it slam shut behind her, cutting him off.

The next day in Care of magical creatures the four of them were finally all on speaking terms.

"S'all my fault. Got all tounge-tied. They was all sittin' there in black robes an' I kep' droppin' me notes and forgettin' all them dates yeh found fer me. An' then Lucius Malfoy stood up an' said his bit, and the Commitee jus' did exac'ly what he told 'em..."

"Don't give up yet Hagrid", Ron said, "there'll be an appeal, we'll work on it."

"S'no good, Ron", said Hagrid, "that commitee's in Lucius Malfoys pocket. I'm jus' gonna make sure the rest o' Beaky's time is the happiest he's ever had. I owe him that..."

Hagrid hurried back towards his cabin, burrying his face in his hankercheif while the rest of them walked back up to the castle.

"Look at him blubber!", Malfoy said, "have you ever seen anything quite as Pathetic? And he's supposed to be our teacher!"

Hope dove her hand into her pocket for her wand, Harry and Ron both lurched forwards furiously but Hermione got there first, all of a sudden she was slapping him hard across the face.

"Don't you dare call Hagrid pathetic, you foul - you evil-"

"Hermione!", Ron tried to grab her hand, but she wrenched herself free.

"Get off, Ron!"

Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle hurried away before Hermione could pull herself free of Ron. Malfoy sent her a look as they hurried way but she couldn't figure out what he was trying to convey.

"You had better beat him in the Quidditch final!", Hermione's voice came out shrilly, "you just better had, because I won't stand it if Slytherin wins!"

"We'd better go" Ron was still goggling at Hermione, "we're due in Charms."

They hurried up the marble staircase towards Professor Flitwick's classroom. She remembered Malfoy warning her that this would happen the other day, telling her that his father had power of the committee and they would side with him. Had he been saying that just to spite her? Or was it more of a warning to prepare herself for what was to come?

"You're late, boys!, Miss Dumbledore", Professor Flitwick said as Harry pushed open the classroom door, "come along, quickly, wands out, we're experimenting with cheering charms today."

They hurried to a desk and grabbed their wands.

"Hermione do you want to - oh", she'd turned around and found Hermione was no where to be seen.

"That's weird", Harry said, "maybe - she went to the bathroom or something?"

But Hermione never turned up. Instead she was forced to partner with Neville Longbottom and by the end of the lesson she didn't feel any more cheerful than she had earlier.

"She could've done with a Cheering Charm too", Ron said as they left class for lunch.

They had to squeeze themselves against a wall to make way for one of the security trolls before giving the fat lady the password ("Flibbertigibbet") and climbing up the portrait hole.

Hermione was sitting at a table, her head laying on a Arithmancy book her eyes closed. They all sat beside her while Hope gently prodded her awake.

"Hermione", she said, "Hermione are you alright?"

"What", Hermione lifted her head off the table, "what time is it? W- witch lesson have we got now?"

"Muggle studies -"


"What? Oh no!", Hermione's face fell, "I forgot to go to charms!"

"But how could you forget?", Harry asked, "you were with us till we were right outside the classroom!"

"I don't believe it!", Hermione wailed, "was Professor Flitwick angry? Oh, it was Malfoy, I was thinking about him and I lost track of things!"

"Hermione", Hope said, "maybe you should speak to McGonagall about taking fewer courses."

"Yeah", Ron said, "I reckon your cracking up. You're trying to do too much."

"No I'm fine", she said, "I just made a mistake that's all. I'd better go see Professor Flitwick and say sorry, I'll see you in class!"

Finally the day of the Quidditch final arrived. The whole school was buzzing with excitement, especially the Gryffindors, it had been years since the Gryffindor team had been given a proper chance at the finals.

In the build up to the game the Slytherins had taken it upon themselves to jeer at her whenever they could and trip her up if she walked to close to them. The Weasley twins (probably at Oliver's instruction) had decided to designate themselves as her personal body guards, walking her too and from class and even sitting either side of her at dinner times.

Harry had even more protection than she did however. Knowing the Slytherins, Oliver Wood had instructed (to the entire of Gryffindor house) that Harry never be left alone. Now he was always surrounded by a crowd of people glaring daggers at any Slytherin who dared walk within five meters of Harry.

Finally the day for the game arrived. Her heart felt like it was beating in her throat as she Fred and George arrived at the great hall the next morning (to much cheering from the Gryffindors). Oliver Wood was bustling between team members ensuring all of them were eating enough before dragging them out of the hall and down towards the pitch.

"Good luck, Harry!", Called Cho Chang, the Ravenclaw seeker. Harry blushed beside her.

"Really?", Her voice was full of surprise, "Cho Chang Harry? I'm impressed."

"Don't know what your talking about", Harry walked faster away from her.

"Ah", Fred appeared at her side, a common occurrence these days, "to be young and in love."

"To be in love and young", George said, appearing at her other shoulder.

She said nothing, regretting her decision to eat, now feeling that she would most definitely throw up.

"Okay", they were down in the changing rooms now, Oliver Wood was giving them a pep talk, to her dismay Alicia Spinnet was there as well, standing arm and arm with Katie Bell and Angelina Johnson.

"No wind to speak of - sun's a bit bright that could impair your vision, watch out for it - grounds fairly hard, good, that'll give us a fast kickoff -"

"Oliver", It was Angelina, "we wanted to talk to you about something before we got started."

"Well make it quick", Oliver said.

"We'd like to propose a vote to the team", she said, "to promote Alicia back to Chaser."

Her stomach dropped into her feet.

"What right now?"

"That's ridiculous", to her relief Fred seemed outraged, "we're about to play in the quidditch finals we don't have time to do this."

"He's right", Harry stepped forward, "Wood chose Hope because she was better."

"Oliver", Alicia said, "this is your last chance to win the quidditch house cup. You need to have the best players out there fighting for it. I'm happy to put it up to a vote, if the team decide that Hopes the better choice, of course, I'll let it go."

Oliver considered it.

"Alright very well", he deliberately looked away from Hope, "well go on then. Katie who do you vote for?"

"Alicia of course."



Harry and Fred both voted for her, as well as Oliver leaving the deciding vote with George.

"George?", Oliver asked, "who do you think's the better chaser."

George looked uncomfortable.

"Jee Oliver I mean-"

"George", Alicia stepped forward towards him, "you remember the other day when you were saying that you thought I worked better with the girls then Hope did, you know I'm the better choice."

"I don't know if that's exactly what I said..."

He looked over at Hope. She felt as if someone had punched her in the gut. She didn't make eye contact with him.

"No", he said, "Oliver picked Hope because she's the better chaser, and I trust his judgement."

His words didn't make her feel better.

Alica clenched her fists at her side looking furious.

"To think I wasted all that time on you!", She let out a scoff, "whatever, when you all go out there and lose the cup at least we'll know why."

She stormed out of the tent, Angelina and Katie looked tempted to follow her.

"Right then", Oliver looked shaken, "let's get out there then shall we."

The began to march out of the changing rooms onto the pitch.

"Hey", Harry appeared at her side, "you're going to do great."

"Thanks", her mouth felt dry. She chanced a glance over at George and saw he was staring at her, looking guilty.

They emerged out into the bright sunshine of the quidditch pitch. She could hear the entire school roaring as they marched out.

"And here are the Gryffindors!", Lee jordan roared, "Potter, Bell, Johnson, Dumbledore, Weasley, Weasley, and Wood. Widely acknowledged as the best team Hogwarts has seen in a good few years -"

The boos from the Slytherins drowned out the rest of what Lee said.

"And here come the Slytherins, led by Capitan Flint!"

This time the boos came from the other side of the stands, where the Gryffindor supporters were sitting.

"Captains shake hands!", Barked Madam Hooch.

Flinch and Wood grasped each other's hands tightly, looking as though they were trying to break the others fingers.

"Mount your brooms!"

She gave a blast of the whistle and the game began.

She dove for the ball, willing her broom to dive faster. She snatched the quaffle out of Flints hands, swerved around another of Slyherins huge chaser and sped towards the end goal.

"And it's Gryffindor in possession, Hope Dumbledore with the quaffle, heading straight for Slytherins goal, it's looking good! Arg! No - Quaffle intercepted by Warrington! Slytherin tearing up the field - nice bludger work there by George Weasley, Warrington drops the Quaffle, it's caught by Johnson, Gryffindor back in possession - nice swerve around Montague - duck Angelina! She passes off the Quaffle to Dumbledore! SHE SCORES! TEN-ZERO TO GRYFFINDOR!"

Hope soared around the goal post in delight, the scarlet sea of supporters screaming below her.


Marcus Flint smashed into her, nearly throwing her off her broom.

"Sorry!", Called Flint as the crowd booed, "sorry, didn't see her!"

A moment later George Weasley chucked his beater bat at the back of Flints head. Flints head was smashed forward into his broom handle and began to bleed.

"That will do!", Madam hooch zoomed between them, "penalty shot to Gryffindor for an unprovoked attack on their chaser! Penalty shot to Slytherin for deliberate damage to their Chaser!"

"Come off it, Miss!", said Fred, but Madam Hooch blew her whistle.

"Are you alright?", George flew over to her.

"Fine", she flew off, stretching her arm gingerly, her arm felt numb where Flints body had smashed into it.

"Angelina Johnson takes the penalty for Gryffindor! YES SHE'S BEATEN THE KEEPER! TWENTY-ZERO TO GRYFFINDOR!"

Flint decided to take the penalty for Slytherin, his nose still dripping blood down his robes. Madam Hooch blew the whistle and Flint threw the quaffle.


The play started again. Katie Bell passed the quaffle to her, she ducked under the first bludger and threw the quaffle back towards Katie before being blocked off by Flint.

"Sorry about earlier", he sent her a crooked grin, "Draco tells me your quite sensitive."

She sped towards him angrily. He ducked out of the way just in time.

Montague grabbed Katie by the head, instead of grabbing the quaffle, and yanked hard. She did a cartwheel on her broom, but miraculously didn't fall off.

"THAT WAS DELIBERATE!", Lee-Jordan yelled angrily.

Katie was giving a penalty, which she scored


"Jordan! If you can't commentate in an unbiased way-"

"Just telling it like it is Professor!"

The play started again, this time Flint caught the Quaffle and began to zoom towards the end goal. She dove underneath him before pulling up, snatching the quaffle straight out of his hands. She rolled over mid air and began to streak back towards the goal.

"What a move by Dumbledore! She's taken the Quaffle! She passes to Johnson! Flint along side her - poke him in the eye Angelina! - only a joke professor, it was a joke - oh no - Flint in possession, Flint flying towards the Gryffindor goal posts, come on now, Wood save -"

A groan erupted from the Gryffindor end of the pitch. Flint had scored. The Slytherin supporters screamed and cheered and Flint loomed over them.

The Slytherins were willing to do absolutely anything to win. Bole, one of the Slytherin Beaters, hit Angelina in the head with his club, claiming he thought she was a bludger, giving Gryffindor a penalty.

She took the penalty, managing to fake a shot towards the left before easily throwing it into the middle hoop.

Katie got the Quaffle back at the restart and zoomed to the other end. Fred and George flew on either side of her bats raised at the ready. The two Slytherin Beaters took their opportunity to hit both bludgers at Oliver wood. They slammed into his stomach one after another, winding him.

Madam Hooch was furious


Angelina scored the penalty bringing the score sixty to ten. If Harry caught the Snitch now that they were fifty points up they would win the cup.

They started again. She was starting to feel tired, her injured arm felt heavy against her and she was reluctant to use it. Warrington, grabbed the quaffle and pelted towards the end zone. Fred sent a bludger at him, smashing him in the chest and dropping the quaffle right into her hands. She screeched to a halt before turning around and putting the quaffle straight through the goal.

The Gryffindors below were screaming, the cup was in their grasp.

"YOU CHEATING SCUM!", Lee Jordan howled into the microphone.

Harry had tried to fly towards the snitch, but Malfoy had grabbed onto the tail of the broom and was holding him back. She shot forward and rammed into him, forcing him to let go.

"Penalty! Penalty to Gryffindor! I've never seen such tactics", Madam Hooch screeched.

Hope got to take the penalty, but she was so angry she could hardly aim. The Quaffle flew several feet away from the post. Malfoys smirk as she flew past made her want to smack him.

The play kept going. Katie passed her the quaffle, she passed to Angelina, back to her, back to Katie. The three of them dodged around the Slytherin players with ease. Angelina took the shot-

"SHE SCORES! SHE SCORES! Gryffindor leads by eighty points to twenty!"

"Look!", Katie screamed beside her.

Malfoy was streaking down the pitch towards a small glittering golden ball. Harry wooshed past her, looking like a red blur. He was too far. Surely he wouldn't be able to catch up.

He was behind him.

Along side.

He smacked Malfoys arm out of the way and closed his hand around the snitch.

The pitch exploded in cheers.

The entire team flew down to the ground surrounded by supporters. Oliver Wood was crying. Fred and George were the first to reach her, each one picking her up and squeezing her.

"We did it!", George grinned.

"Always knew we would I never doubted you for a second!", Said Fred

The entire team were picked up by supporters, hoisted onto shoulders of the crowd. McGonnagal was sobbing somewhere behind her. Hagrid placed a large hand on her shoulder.

"Yeh did it Hope, yeh beat 'em, just wait till I tell Buckbeak!"

They were brought forwards towards Dumbledore who presented them with the enormous quidditch cup.

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