By Bluephoenix52

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In the small town of Millwood , nothing bad ever really happens. Or that's what Ash , Asher Vega , seems to b... More



188 13 0
By Bluephoenix52


Audrey and the girls were gathered in their usual booth at the PinBall Pizza (a booth their future kids would occupy too).

All of them sort of zoning out into space , this was supposed to be the beginning of the new year - their final year as high school students. Instead , the new year kicked off with a death as they all visualized Angela's broken body lying in a pool of her own blood. Audrey shivered at the cold memory.

Sidney finally broke the silence , " She asked me to help ," she turned to Audrey , "she asked both of us to help her ...and we didn't. We all ignored her."

Audrey formed her hand into a fist , she of all people liked to ignore Angela's existence most but she hadn't thought Davie's plan would make the girl do something so drastic.

"What Angela did wasn't your fault." Davie said maintaining her composure , " This isn't on us. Angela was a messed up girl."

Audrey scoffed and turned to Davie , "no shit thanks to us."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Audrey ignored Marjorie's plea not to argue with Davie , " Angela only did what she did because of your precious plan Davie. In the end , it's all on us."

Elodie , Sidney , Marjorie and Corey looked between the two as Davie huffed ,Audrey was the only one among them who would ever talk back to Davie.

"Are you suddenly vouching for Angela?" Davie snarked , "you of all people were more than willing to agree to this plan."

Audrey rolled her eyes , "I'll admit I never liked Angela , but I never pretended to like her or treat her as a friend the way you all did , especially you Davie ," she looked at all of them especially the Queen Bee not backing down , "but regardless of how I didn't like her , doesn't mean I don't give a fuck what just happened. The girl looked like she crawled through the woods and yet we still ignored her. Deny it Davie , say you don't feel even an ounce of gulit because at the end of the day , Angela took her life because of us."

The blonde didn't say anything as she looked away from Audrey. An uncomfortable slience fell amongst the six popular girls of Millwood. Audrey wasn't exactly a good person , heck she wasn't the type to help an old lady cross the street , but she felt like such a horrible human being. Angela asked for her help and she ignored it despite seeing she was in clear distress and for what?

If Daniel was in her position , he wouldn't have thought twice before helping her , what would he think of her now? He said she had goodness in her but what she did tonight just proved how wrong he was.

She felt Marjorie's hand interlocking with her fingers and Audrey squeezed back knowing her best friend was just as shaken.

Elodie spoke up , " Everyone.. just left. Nobody even checked to see if she was ok."

"She wasn't ok," Corey said , "and what were we supposed to do?"

Marjorie looked at Audrey and then the others , "shouldn't we atleast call an ambulance?"

"No." Davie said firmy but then spoke with a shaky voice , "like I said before , what Angela did isn't on us."

Audrey would have retorted but was too emotionally drained to say anything back. She would have to call the emergency line as some annoymous tip , it was the least she could do for Angela , it's what Daniel would do.

"There were hundreds of people there ," Corey suggested , " probably somebody already made the call. They'll find Angela." She said surely.

"And then what?" Sidney asked as she looked at Corey and then at he queen bee , " Davie? And then what happens?"

Davie didn't respond and for the first time Audrey could see the blonde wasn't sure of what to do or how to proceed. The six just sat in their booth going back into that uncomfortable silence . How could the New Year start like this?


The only thing Asher could hear was the screams of his fellow students as they ran away , Kelly was sobbing next to Karen's dead body. Karen Beasely was actually dead!

He snapped back to reality when he felt an arm holding onto him and he could see Imogen was looking pale , "Imogen. Let's go , we got to get out of here."

Ash saw Greg doing the same with Kelly who was mourning her twin but turned his back when the jock made eye contact with him

Together with Tabby , the two ushered the pregnant blonde out of the dance hall and out into the hallway where many more students were panicking after what just happened to the Queen Bee of Millwood High.

"That did not just happen." Noa said to Ash who was holding Imogen by the arm gently.

"I have never seen a deadbody before except online." Mouse exclaimed.

Tabby looked just as shaken as the other five , " The sound , it wasn't like in the movies ,her bones..."

"Maybe because this is real life and not a movie Tabby!" Ash blurted as his brain replayed the exact moment Karen's body fell and landed next to him and Imogen.

"Asher , Imogen. What the hell happened. " Faran demanded, "what did you see?"

Imogen looked nervous and frightened , "I don't know..urm. After Ash indicated I look up , I saw Karen up in the rafters."

"So did we." Mouse said.

"She had a bucket. Most likely trying to pull a Carrie on Imogen." Ash added , the last thing Karen did in life was trying to get back at someone through a stupid prank.

"And there was someone up there ," the blonde contuined making Add nod in confirmation , "a man in a mask. He pushed her."

"Some big guy in overalls." Ash added , "creepy looking mask."

"Like in Texas chainsaw massacre?" Tabby looked at the two and Ash could see the horror expert had seen the man before.

"I've seen that dude." Noa said and Ash couldn't believe his best friend had seen the same creep he noticed spying outside his house.

The five pretty and handsome liar all looked at one another in complete realization.

Faran spoke , "the text we got...from A."

"One bully down. Karen. It has to be ." Tabby stated making them all nervously.

"the message came after she fell." Mouse said.

Imogen shook her head , "she didn't fall. She was murdered."

"Then who are the six left?" Ash asked looking amongst the girls worriedly , "it can't be us can it?"

Faran shook her head , "we are not bullies , Karen is , I mean was . Besides the message then further explained we keep quiet."

The six had then gone home. When Ash arrived he found his mom pacing around the room.

"Asher? I got a text from the school . What happened there?"

Ash rubbed his eyes tiredly and sighed , "Karen ...she just died."

"What? How?"

Ash replayed the moment when A grabbed onto Karen and how she struggled to free herself before he threw her down the rafters. He looked at his mom knowing he couldn't say anything because of the message and A also knew their family secret as well.

So he swallowed , "she fell from the rafters. She must have slipped or something."

"Oh my god." Audrey covered her mouth , Tom's daughter had died. She looked at her son and from his facial expression that was mixed with horror and shock , Audrey was hit with a sense of deja Vu remembering Angela's dead body in front of her feet. The cold chill up her spine wasn't better when she realized Karen died in a similar manner.

"What was she even doing up there?" Audrey asked mindful of how Asher was reeling from seeing a dead body in front of him just like her situation twenty two years ago.

Ash scratched his hair feigning ignorance , "I don't know."

Audrey gave him a hug , "don't say anything." She instructed while rubbing his back tenderly. Ash leaned into the contact , he wished he was little again wanting his mother's comforting hug to shield him from any harm.

But he didn't have that childish innocence anymore , his mother's hugs didn't solve everything and neither could it ward him away from danger , or this case A.

Ash had received a text from Chip asking if he was ok and it made him smile a bit. The whole Karen's death and obviously dangerous stalker had consumed his mind , he wanted to text Chip back but Noa was calling and now here he was , the only guy face timing with five girls.

"Maybe we should tell Karen's dad." Imogen said from Tabby's room.

"The sheriff." Noa said skeptically , "No."

"I agree with Noa ," Ash said leaning closer to the screen , "I rather not be anywhere near him , he just gives me entirely bad vibes." He didn't see the way Noa looked at him worriedly upon hearing that.

"I'm with Noa and Asher ," Faran said , "the text from A was warning us to keep our mouths shut. Whatever the fuck A is."

Tabby who was seated next to Imogen then spoke , "the man in the mask that Imogen and Ash saw , that we've all seen ."

"Guys , what if Karen didn't frame us?" Imogen asked.

"What do you mean?" Ash and Mouse asked at the same time.

"What if A framed us all into getting in trouble ? Like putting the razor blades in Karen's shoes , or putting a dead rat in her bag knowing we would get back at her if we thought she was behind everything ."

Ash started connecting the dots the blonde was making but Mouse was faster as she seemed to read his mind voicing his thoughts , "so A's been messing with us from the beginning?"

"No. Karen was a bully just like the text from A sent." Faran pointed out.

"Exactly. She was a bully who hated all six of us in one way or another ," Ash said , "what if Imogen's right and A planned everything from the start knowing we would all think Karen was behind us all getting into trouble."

"But I agree with Bryant ," Noa stated with a shrug , "i mean why would A frame us , make us think Karen was responsible just to kill her? It doesn't add up."

There was a silence that lingered untill Faran talked again , "Imogen , you saw her up in the rafters along with Asher with a bucket , once Sheriff Beasely and the police find it , they'll assume she tried to pull a Carrie on you and fell . That's it , it was an accident."

Ash frowned that was obviously observed by the girls , "it wasn't exactly an accident."

Imogen nodded in agreement, "Ash is right. He and I know Karen was pushed by A."

"That's even more of a reason for both of you to get the fuck quiet." Noa said.

"Maybe if we do what A asks maybe he'll leave us alone. Ok?" Mouse said hopefully .

"A's clearly a blackmailer and stalker," Ash said seriously making the girls agree silently . "And I don't think he'll just leave us alone Mouse."

They all fell silent after that , it wasn't Ash's intention to make Mouse more frightened than she probably was - heck they all were ,but someone had to be realistic. Blackmailers / stalkers never left their vicitms and tended to demand more. What would A demand from them?


"Whose the chic that died?" Dylan asked Mouse , the liars were gathered in the gym like the many students. They six were all seated in the same row with the new kids who had moved to Millwood. The liars were unaware A was under the bleachers directly under their seats.

"The Sheriff's daughter." Mouse replied to the boy in with wavy hair dresser in a hoodie. Ash wondered if Rosewood was cold or something because Dylan always seemed to wear hoodies or was it his style.

"She really fell from the rafters?" Chris asked this time earning a simultaneous nod from the girls and Asher , "damn.we settle here less than a week and someone's dead at our new school."

"You seem thrilled by that." Faran and Ash deadpanned.

"He has a thing for mystery and slashers. He's a horror fan." Dylan said pointing at his brother who rolled his eyes.

Upon hearing that ; Imogen, Faran, Ash , Noa and Mouse immediately looked at Tabby , the horror wiz of their own. Tabby saw their expressions and shook her head at what they were implying.

"Students , teachers, staff," Principal Clanton began his speech , "Karen was a beloved member of Millwood Hugh's community." At that Ash made a face , just because Karen was dead did not mean he had to falsify how exactly he remembered her , "a daughter ...a sister ...a friend."

Ash looked at Imogen whose hand was rubbing her round belly lost in thought. Even though he hated Karen's guts , she was once Imogen's friend , he hadn't even thought how the blonde was taking it seeing she too withnessed Karen's murder before her eyes.

Principal Clanton went on adding onto his speech , "Now onto Sheriff Beasely as he's the head of this investigation whatever support they may need."

Ash paled when the sheriff took his place on stage. The handsome liar nudged Noa who was just as scared , "should he really be in charge of his daughter's case? Personal interest whatever shit?"

"I have no idea , but I have the feeling , we're fucked " Noa whispered back , the others had listened and shifted uncomfortably in their seats especially when Sheriff Beasely eyed their group.

"Hey Mouse!" Dylan approached her , after their computer class has ended, "got a minute?"

Ash nudged he shoulder making the shorter girl reboot and smile at the wavy haired boy , "yeah. What's up?"

Dylan scratched his hair awakardly , "I don't know many people know since I'm new and all."

"What am I ? Chopped liver?" Ash said sarcastically.

"I said not ' many people' not no one ," Dylan clarifed earning a smile from Mouse that didn't escape Ash's attention. He kinda shipped the two.

"You were saying?" Mouse cleared her throat.

"Right ," Dylan chuckled , "I don't know ...I thought we could exchange know chat online."

"You want my number?"


Asher mentally rolled his eyes and had to pinch Mouse just to snap her out of her shock , "give the guy your number." He whispered.

Processing his words , Mouse looked at Dylan with a nervous smile , "sure ." Asher watched the two as they exchanged numbers and it made him smile seeing their obvious crush on each other.

"Won't your moms worry about you giving a boy your number?" He teased as the two walked to their lockers.

Mouse sighed , "I don't plan on them knowing. Knowing my moms , they'll either be unnecessary worried or overthink things, assume something and blow it out of proportion. if I said I guy asked for my number."

Ash hummed in agreement , he hadn't known Mouse long despite being in the same computer class for a while , but he had a feeling from what he observed her mothers were definitely overprotective of her.

"So do you like Dylan?" He asked and nudged her shoulder with a teasing smile , "come on. Tell me."

Mouse licked her lips and smiled , "I don't know. I think he's cute and he's funny from what I've seen. What about you? Do you like Chip?"

"I don't know too honestly. "

Ash saw Chip getting his bag from a locker and recalled the dance ; their dance , Chip's confession , how close their lips had been to nearly kissing and how Chip asked him to give him a chance. Ash realized he hadn't put much thought into Chip's declaration of feelings because of what was going on. Should he give the guy a response?

He was snapped out of his thoughts when Mouse tapped his arm pointing to the library where the others were in and the two walked in immediately noticing Imogen's facial expression that seemed to worry the others too.

"What's going on?" Ash inquired.

The unofficial queen bee(its true, Imogen is the queen ) "Guys. I just talked with Kelly."

"Oh my god," mouse gasped , "she's at school?"

Faran sighed , "which shows you how deranged that family is ," she shrugged , "like take the day."(😂😂)

"Like seriously." Ash added , didn't people need time to like grieve and stay away at home or something? Especially given Karen had died right here at school - how was Kelly functioning at all to actually attend school?

"Imogen. You don't look ok?" Tabby said getting Ash's attention.

"I feel sick."

"You need to relax," Ash said , "remember baby can also feel your stress levels." That made Imogen smile a bit and Ash smirked seeing it took her mind off atleast.

"Asher's correct ," Faran said looking at all of them , "we all need to relax. Deep breaths."

"That's our plan?" Tabby asked a bit skeptically, "we relax?"

"You have an idea what to do?" Ash asked sarcastically.

Noa nodded , "We don't say anything to anyone , like we agreed. That's our plan."

"Would Imogen Adams , Tabitha Hayworth, Faran Bryant , Asher Vega , Noa Olivar and Minnie Honrada report to the principal's office please?"

Ash heard a chime from his phone and scolwed once he saw tgw message, "this is definitely not going to be good." He showed the girls his latest text from their stalker.

Time for retribution has arrived for this little brand of liars. Have fun with the sheriff - A.

"Oh boy." Mouse squeaked.

"Definitely not good." Faran said as the six all looked at one another ,how the heck did A even have an idea of what was going on.

The six were gathered in the principal's office with the Sheriff's cold eyes staring deadly. Asher was sure the man was feeling mixed set of emotions because he kept eyeing him more than usual and it was between lust , anger and desire to punish or something.

"You work at the movie theater , don't you Ms Hayworth?" The sheriff asked , or more like interrogated Tabby.

Tabby looked at the others who were just as panicked but she nodded in confirmation , "Yes , but the thing is -."

"We didn't film what happened to your daughter ," Imogen said , "in fact I stopped it , you should be talking to Tyler Marchand. He filmed it."

"We spoke to Mr Marchand ," Sheriff Beasely spoke , "he claims you stole his phone Ms Adams , is that accurate."

The pregnant blonde's shoulders slumped , "I mean I took it away from him."

Ash scoffed shaking his head "convenient Tyler mentioned it now six months later after never saying anything." Faran , Noa and Mouse nodded in agreement with the only guy in their group.

"Then one of you ," the sheriff contuined looking t Imogen and Tabby , "or both of you ," his eyes then focused on Ash angrily the most before looking at the other girls , "or all of you , then took that footage and made some fake campaign video of my daughter ," the man's jaw clenched , " to humilate my daughter correct?"

"We only did it because Karen bullied us first." Ash spoke up refusing to be intimidated at all which made Sheriff Beasely stare at him blankly.

Tabby nodded firmly , " we were trying to get her to stop."

"But we're so so sorry." Mouse apologized and Ash held her hand to to calm her nerves. Sheriff Beasely was very intimidating so he understood why she was scared.

The man looked at the five pretty liars and the handsome one , "But you did invite your classmates to a screening of the video you edited that's been described as debasing , sick... humilating. " He glared at all of them , "so which one of you has that video? Ms Hayworth given your interests , I'm assuming you made it."

"Not to speak ill of the dead Sheriff ," Faran spoke out , "but your daughter was a bully."(loved Faran for saying that)

"Exactly ," Ash tagged in (the two kids of lawyers in the group ☺️) , "Karen loved to humilate people just for the sake of it and she sure as hell enjoyed it."

He ignored when the man literally growled , Ash didn't care he was speaking from personal experience , "besides , why do you think she was up in the rafters that night? She had a bucket and wanted to dump something on Imogen - humilate her in front of everyone."

"There was no bucket in the rafters." The sheriff said shocking both Imogen and Ash , "or anywhere in the gym."

"That's possihle. I saw it , she had a bucket ."

"I saw it too." Imogen looked at Ash and back at the two men ,"we both saw Karen had a bucket up with her."

"Then it was only just you two ," the sheriff eyed the two eerily reminded of Audrey and Davie respectively .

"we have spoken to many students - none of them saw a bucket ." Principal Clanton said shocking the two to the core most.

"But what they talked about was the video you six all screened together with fore thought malice ," he said angrily , "that so distressed my daughter she took her own life! In my eyes that makes you all murders!" He spat venomously at the teenagers.

"That is enough!" Faran finally had enough.

"We are not saying another word without our lawyers present." Ash declared because he could see the sheriff was taking it personal and declaring war on him and the girls.

He and Faran exchanged a look before speaking uniamously , " or atleast our parents."

"That's certainly your preogative," principal Clanton said , "rest assured , we'll be brining this matter to the disciplinary committee for hearing and judgement."

Ash scoffed very loudly and slammed his hands on the principal's desk very loudly startling them all except the sheriff .

Asher Vega smirked , "Bring it on. Then maybe you can also explain why Karen was never held accountable for a disciplinary meeting despite all the obvious crap she pulled on nearly everyone at this school. You're just a bully yourself" he watched the principal looked at him in offense and the girls mouths were open .

"Are you trying to further tannish my daughter's name even in death?" Sheriff Beasely snarled.

"The last thing your daughter did in life was trying to pull a prank on Imogen ," Ash deadpanned , "I don't think I've anything to say that would shed her in a light."

"Mr Vega, you're standing on thin ice." Principal Clanton warned him.

"Ash." Noa hissed at him indicating he keep quiet , unfortunately the other girls were nonverbally telling him the same thing so he did. Just because he didn't feel it was right Karen died the way she did did not mean he had to just forget all the things she did on so many others.

When Ash arrived home , he was met with his mom looking pissed off ; the same face she wore whenever he got into shit he couldn't smooth out with his charming behavior.

"Im assuming you got the school's call?"

"Asher , tell me it's not true ," Audrey looked at her son wirh an emotion between angry and disappointed ,"tell me you did not humilate a girl using a video of her that was not desiring." When he didn't respond , she rose her voice , "Asher Rodrigo Vega! Answer me this instant."

Ash forced himself to look up at his mother , he didn't like it whenever he got a scolding or worse when he made her so angry , "i did."

"Is this seriously who you are now?" Ash turned around and his eyes widened when he saw his dad walking out from the kitchen. The same man who walked out on him and his mom when he was thirteen just because he couldn't handle having a gay son who didn't meet any of his expections.

He quickly span to his mother. "what the fuck is he doing here."

"Watch your voice young man ," Audrey snapped. "he's still your father at the end. Do you realize just how serious a mess you're in?"

"You can't just getting into trouble can you Asher?" His Dad said while shaking his head with obvious disappointment.

"You know what ," Ash looked ar his mom , "I understand you're mad at me , but I refuse to be in the same room with this man. Call me when he decides to go back to his other family." Like that she stormed out of the house.

"He still hasn't changed ," Audrey slowly glared and dangerously looked at her ex , "he's always finding himself into trouble even if it was to get attention ,I mean screening a humilating video of a girl while she's drunk. What the heck were you doing Audrey."

"Hold on Buster!" Audrey raised her hand indicating her ex husband and father of her son be quiet ,"you do not get to judge Asher Dexter especially my raising skills when you up and left. Asher is a good kid."

"And you're still defending him as always ," he sighed and Audrey rolled her eyes , "why did you even call me?"

"Because this might get ugly and I rather not have my son sued Especially by Tom of all people . " Audrey then sighed and looked at her ex husband pleadingly. "Dexter , i know you probably want to go back to your two other sons and your perfect little life " her sincerity then dropped and glared at him. "but screw that , Asher is your son and he needs our support , if you still have any sense of duty to him you'll help. If not for Asher, then for Aaron's sake."

Audrey noticed how the name took DexIter aback and he was obviously thinking her words thourougly. Just like her son , Audrey would rather not be with Dexter despite the love that once existed but after what he did to their son almost four years ago , but she decided to put her pride aside because he was an excellent lawyer .

Ash found himself in Dylan and Chris' room ,Ashley who was playing outside had seen him and asked him to play , he was too pissed with his dad but he didn't want to take it out on a little girl so he stated through her tea party. Dylan and Chris saw him and pulled him into their shared room , thankfully Mr Matthews had arrived Ashley to ballet , telling Ash to make himself comfortable.

. Although Dylan , Ashley and Chris were all adopted , Ash had noticed the little brown skinned girl with round large glasses was definitely the matriach's favorite and Daddy's Little princess as Chris mentioned.

"Damn , Dylan wasn't kidding about you been a slasher fan." Asher said while sitting on Dylan's bed ; Chris' side of the room was filled with various posters of horror movies from Pyscho to Black Christmas especially the classics. While Dylan's side was messy like way more messy than Ash's room but that didn't stop him from lying on the bed .

"I heard Tabby's into horror too ," Chris was definitely smitten with her , "Ash. Do you think she would like to watch Friday the 13th with me?"

"Probably." Like it was Tabby , he was sure her ideal first date was a trip to the theatre and watching the Exorcist or the NuN..

"Ash. " Dylan scratched his wavy hair. "did you , Mouse and the rest of your friends really leak a porno of the sheriff's daughter.*

Ash snorted at the inaccuracy , "we didn't leak a porno. Some guy flimed Karen when she was drunk and she was so wasted acting giddy and shit." He shrugged nonchantly."the girls and i only screened it in front of everyone at the theater Tabby works."

He saw the two brothers exchange a look before Dylan contuined , "even Mouse."

"Karen bullied nearly everyone. We just .... we just wanted to get back at her ," he admitted quietly and now that he thought it through,Karen wss only up there because she wanted revenge for what they did , "do you think we are bad people?" He asked the brothers.

"We haven't known you and the girls long ," Chris began but shook his head. "but I don't think you're awful people."

"You did do something awful ,"Dylan said bluntly before smirking , "but Chris is right, the six of you are pretty cool. I don't think you guys deserve to be expelled like everyone's saying."

Ash observed them , he was sure their opinions were influenced by their respective feelings for Tabby and Mouse but his gut was saying otherwise and he was gkad to hear that they didn't think of him and the girls as monsters.

. But did the rest of the school really think they were awful just because they got back at Karen? Being compared to the late blonde like that left an uncomfortable feeling in Ash.

The first movie I saw Chandler was Zombies2 . What about you guys? Dylan and Mouse🥰🥰 my second pairing and currently I'm beginning to like it .

in another universe , the OG PLL , Dylan would be a potential suspect for A. Don't you think?

For Greg and Chip lovers don't worry you'll see them in the next chapter don't worry.

Ash's friendships with Noa and Shawn + Imogen are also faves, especially his and Mouse's unspoken big brother little sister bond💗💗💗

Yes the dead shouldn't be disrespected , but when I watched this episode , i had no empathy for Karen , she was a bully who obviously got away with what she did so I hated how they were trying to portray her as someone self righteous and benevolent. If people liked her , it was because they didn't want to be on her bad side.

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