Avoiding The Marauders

By weliveandbreathw0rds

253K 7.5K 6.1K

Lily Evans was tired of the deviance, trickery and destruction caused by the boys that liked to call themselv... More

Blow Up The Moon
The Perks Of Being Muggleborn
A New Side To Potter
How Could I Be So Blind?
What The Hell Just Happened?
No Pun Intended
What The Hell Are You Doing Here?
Muggle London: Part One
Muggle London: Part Two
Dinner From Heaven Or Hell
Some Things You Just Can't Unsee
I Love To Hate Him... Or Is It The Other Way Around?
That's Where You're Wrong
It's Not A Coincidence
Falling Apart
The Future
Psychopath Killers
Pre-exam Stress
The L Bomb
The Plan
The Last Prank
My Future Can Be Certain
One Year Later

In Common

8.9K 268 132
By weliveandbreathw0rds

"What do you mean you were at Potter's house?"

Mel screamed. I mean screamed. Sometimes she made me wonder how she did it without ripping apart her vocal cords, or my ear drums, for that matter.

She was charging after me as I made my way down the corridor. People kept either calling out congratulations for my getting Head Girl or giving me dirty looks (mainly Slytherins) for the exact same thing.

I hadn't meant to tell her what I had at risk of, well, this. However, I had accidentally let slip about me finding out that Potter was Head Boy over the summer and after that she just went on an information rampage.

"I didn't mean to be there," I pointed out. "Black pretty much kidnapped me."

Her eyes widened. "Black- He what?"

I sighed. "I was in Diagon Alley and he said he had something to show me, which considering it now sounds so dodgy- anyway, he brought me to his house and carried me inside. So, see, I had no choice in the matter."

Mel almost breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank Merlin," she exclaimed. "I thought there was something going on between the two of you!"

I burst out laughing. How could she ever think that something was going on between me and Potter other than a continuos war?

I was still shaking with laughter when Mel opened the door for Defence Against The Dark Arts.

"What's so funny, Evans?"

I immediately seized my laughter. The whole of the Marauders were sat in a row at the back of the class and in the middle of the was James Potter, smirking up at me.

For a moment I just stared at him, then I turned to Mel and raised and eyebrow as if to say, "you really thought something was happening between me and him?"

Then we both were grabbed by bursts of laughter and I had to clutch my stomach as I collapsed in a desk at the front. I could hear Potter calling out questions but I ignored him.

The moment Professor Mallwitz entered the class, the room fell silent. He was known for being very grumpy at the beginning of the year, as he had to leave his holiday in the Alps. He stayed with his mother, which considering everything made it curious as to why he thought spending six weeks in the middle of nowhere with just the company of his mother, but I suppose that's what some people call entertainment.

"Welcome back, Class," he said, taking up his wand and beginning to write on the board with it. "I was slightly disappointed to hear that this was a problem in your exams," he finished writing to reveal the word PATRONUS scraped across the black board in chalk.

I frowned. I could already do this. Though, I guess not everyone can.

"Therefore, we are going to have some demonstrations at the front of the class," he glanced around the room, but I knew who's gaze it would land on before he said the name. "Miss Evans, please come forward and cast a Patronus."

I gulped and stood up. Professor Mallwitz knew that I could cast this as I had done it in his old class. Back then, Potter wasn't there starring at me the whole time, which of course didn't help the pressure.

I reached the front and took out my wand, thinking of my happiest thoughts.

"Expecto Patronum!"

My doe pounced out of my wand and the majority of the class gazed at it in admiration, as it danced around the room. Though, I did notice the bewildered look on Potter's face and the way his friends were staring from him to me, made me think I was probably being mocked, the smug bastards.

I let my Patronus drop and the doe faded. The class clapped and I smiled happily, proud of my achievement.

"Mr Potter," the teacher said as I sat down. "You may go next as you did not clap."

I turned to see Potter still looking extremely shocked, but I couldn't guess why. He blinked when he felt the class staring at him and replied with a bland. "What?"

"Please pay attention, Mr Potter," the Professor snapped. "I asked you to perform your Patronus."

Potter looked panicked and glanced at his friend that seemed to be just as shocked as him. "I-I'd rather not, Professor," he stuttered. "You know, I don't like performing in groups of people."

I frowned. That was most definitely not true. Potter took pride in being the centre of attention being such an arrogant git, so why not now and why was he acting so... Shell Shocked?

"Fine, Mr Potter, but I will see you at the end of the lesson and you will perform it for me then. "Mr Longbottom, your turn."

I sat back in my seat and pondered on what Potter could be hiding that forced him to change his personality. I was very curious. Why was he happy to show his Patronus after the lesson, but not during? Maybe he couldn't pull the patronus off and he didn't want anyone to be aware that the all mighty Potter was unable to cast such an important spell.

I wanted to know. Against common belief, I was actually a very nosey person. The only way that I could do that was to stay and watch him at the end of the lesson and that was exactly what I planned to do.


When the lesson ended, I took it upon myself to be sure I packed my books into my bag slowly. I had to be sure that Potter actually planned on staying after the lesson.

"Mr Potter," called the Professor from behind his desk. "Would you please come here?"

I quickly hauled my bag on my shoulder and made it obvious that I had shut the door loudly behind me and I glanced up and down the corridor to see that it was empty. However, I didn't think it worth risking, so I pulled out my wand and tapped my head, feeling water run down my back. I became the walls behind me; invisible to prying eyes.

Potter seemed to be getting his wand out and was staring forward in immense concentration. What I didn't understand was why he couldn't perform the spell in front of the class. I mean, it's not like he has any kind of problem with being watched. He always seemed to shine in the spotlight, so what is different now?

I have to admit, I'm surprised he is even doing the spell. Part of me had thought, and hoped, that Potter was planning something. A prank. That would have been a perfectly reasonable explanation. However, the way he was smiling slightly made me certain that he was going to cast the spell. Secretly, part of me wondered what memory he used to cast the spell. A boy like Potter had everything he wanted, many different happy moments, so what one would shine the most for him?

I saw him run a hand through his hair, mumble the incantation and a blue spark burst out of his wand followed by-

I did a double take.

From his wand burst a grand, fine stag. My mouth fell open slightly as I gawped at him. Was this why he had not wanted to perform the spell? Was he doing this for me?

A stag, to my complete and utter disbelief, is the male version of my doe, which means that they are match. This had to be some kind of coincidence. What did it matter that they were a match?

But I knew that it did matter; Patronuses took a form to shape your personality. They could be shaped by your thoughts, hopes and feelings. It was almost funny to think that me and Potter had something in common.

I blinked. Potter was grabbing his bag and heading to the door that I was currently blocking. I turned from it and ran. Hiding behind a wall, I wondered what other secrets Potter may have.

Hey guys!

So I wanna know? Should I do James' POV at some point or do you think that would kill his mystery? I dunno, I'm torn.

Could you help me out with any mistakes?



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