Magnus [Allãsson Book 1.]

Oleh Luxianey

153 13 2

Erin and Corinne. ... Fighting between past and present,.. between loved and love ..... between a promise and... Lebih Banyak

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX

Chapter XX

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Oleh Luxianey


Fuck that stupid lycan. Lowering my gaze to the weight on my thighs specifically the head comfortably laid upon them. Erin. His eyes were closed obviously facing the ceiling, his face relaxed but intimidating at the same time.

I can't help myself but trace his features, his face, his jaw his cheekbones, the way his dreads were flopped over my thighs.

Some part of mih had , had longed to see him but as soon as the weird feeling came it vanished.

What does this guy want with mih? Can't he tell that I don't feel anything for him?

But then again Aria is mated to him and am intertwined with her meaning he's also my mate. My heart clenched at the bitter truth, my face scrunching turning and looking at the shelf of alcohol but not really seeing anything.

He's my mate. Well not directly but indirectly. Am a mere host of his mate, so am linked to him somehow.

Involuntary my gaze fell back on him, the couch somehow fitting his large frame, barely. His feet hanging out, his arms crossed looking more comfortable than a person lying in a King sized bed, which I know he owns.

I can't deny it but this man is hot. Dangerously handsome.

Looking back at his face, catching my breath immediately my lower lip in between my teeth catching the gasp in my throat, his red eyes stared back at mih.

They held no emotions in them, just basically stared at mih studying my features like I'd done but more blankly. Watching him study mih.

This is the only time he'll get to be this close to mih, and I know am lying but fuck it, I'll tell myself anything to excuse as to why am letting this guy check mih out so closely. And as to why am staring at him like some enchanted statue.

For the first and last time, this man has captured my attention, am admitting it. With basically no intentions behind it. What I hope is that I don't get ,in the slightest, curious about this dude.

Focusing back on him, he's gaze was still on mih, looking at something that's really not that interesting.

"Why you staring so hard?" My blabber mouth, raising a bow while at it. If I remember correctly this nigga said I wasn't pretty.

"Why shouldn't I?"  Ooh the answer a question with a question.

"Why should you?"

"Because you're beautiful. Because I can. Because whether you like it or not your mine. Mate." I hated hate it, hate how my heart suddenly pounded at his admission. How the blood in my veins rushed in different directions and the sickening twist of my insides.

Struggling to keep my face blank since his stare is penetrating. Like he's awaiting a reaction which am basically holding it in. You'll get nothing from mih.

He smirked suddenly up at mih , his eyes shining like he got what he wanted.

"Get the fuck off mih." Ignoring how my voice fluttered. He didn't move, sighing and getting more comfortable on my thighs while am struggling to curb in the heat on my neck that's obviously very much visible.

Silence surroundings us as a warm blanket very much aware of his gaze on mih while mine' is elsewhere.

Why the fuck am I not pushing him away? Why am I so relaxed? Aren't I supposed to be annoyed with this? Then why am I blushing instead?.

"Corrine." My eyes fluttered close only for a split second.., my name have never sounded so sinful and sweet at the same time. So right and so fucking wrong in one's lips. I want to hate and love it at the same time..., which gave way to stupid inconsiderate thoughts.

Looking down at him..,his eyes..,how can eyes look so dangerous, intimidating and captivating in a single gaze one that demanded the outmost attention that I've fallen victim to since I can't seem to take my gaze away from his.

Can't or won't. The whisper faded instantly.

"Isn't it funny? I feel so empty and full at the same time in your presence. I feel oddly different." He muttered with a sigh then sat up, my thigh muscles crying in relief, my stomach doing that twisting thing again.

He shuffled till he sat on his calf facing mih, too frozen to scoot away.

Can't or won't.

"Am not asking for you to let Heath go or forget about him." His name alone and I was already scooting a few inches away the end of the couch stopping mih. His gaze dropped to my thighs at the movement and I looked away with a twitch on my nose, my fist clenching in annoyance.

Aria and her stupid mouth. Stupid lycan.

"What do you know about him?" What I'm basically asking is if he knows if he's dead and where did he learn it from?

" I only know of his name, I figured out the rest of it." He muttered so softly my nails dug into my palm. Don't look at him Cory. The sincerity in his words made mih lose the fight. My gaze shifting to his. His head was tilted on the side.

"I'll never lie to you." And I oddly believe him, but that doesn't mean am suddenly relaxed, the feeling of Heath coming back. I'm so hung up on him, am hanging on him on a tight thread that it's little strings are snapping every single time I'm closer to this man. I don't know if am desperately holding on to the thoughts of Heath or am unconsciously letting go of the pain behind his death.

"Corrine." My name again, rolling my eyes to him, he held my attention and thoughts captive again.

"I want to get to know you. You can think of mih as a friend but I'll be anything but that. I'm genuinely interested in you. Don't think of mih as your mate but a man interested in a woman." He murmured huskily.

"We'll take things slow, I won't hog you or irritate you. Just give me a chance, consent is very important to mih. Do I have your consent to approach you?" His eyes held mine in waiting. Searching for any ill intentions behind his gaze but finding none only genuine interest.

Is it wrong how hesitant and eager I am at the same time? Is it time for mih to let go of Heath?

"Yes." But that doesn't mean I'll just stop finding the culprit who took him away from mih.

A new chapter of my life, a chapter that am not in control of, the first letter written in bold capital letters not mine to establish.

Am I scared? Yes I fucking am . Am I hesitant? Yes of course I am. Do I regret agreeing to his request? No, it was bound to happen sooner or later.

"Thank you." His voice bringing my focus back to his face.
"Can I have your number?" Taking his phone  and tapping my number on it then giving it back without any resistance.

"I need to go." I need some fresh air his scent is suddenly suffocating and intoxicating. Need to realize what I've gotten myself into.
Standing while at it, stretching my sore muscles, for how long have we been seated in the same position?

Turning to him giving him a slight nod and making way to the door but his fingers around my wrist stopping my movement. Ignoring the way his finger feel around my wrist.

"A goodbye hug would be nice." In a blink I was cooconed in his scent, his arms wrapped around mih so tightly my flopped arms finding refuge on his elbow. His nose on my collar bone taking a deep breath of my scent while am holding my breath for his scent not to enter my system.

"Now you can go." He muttered letting go of mih after long minutes dropping a peck on my forehead, scrunching my face then going as he said taking a much needed breath.


It seems like we'd spent the whole night in the club, somewhat grateful she came with a car and not her barbaric form, the drive back home was silent. My mind mum not nagging or whispering anything.

Locking the door behind myself and taking a quick shower. Although it's on a saturday I need to go back to the office and make myself useful or better yet drown in work to forget him.

Pouring myself a glass of coffee on my coffee cup, taking my keys and phone, a small bag that carried unnecessary things, locking the door behind mih.

"We need to talk Aria? This nonsense of taking control over my body whenever you want is not acceptable anymore. Forget it, no talking, am stating and demanding." I felt her stir but I'm blocking her from spewing shit that'll just piss mih off and destroy my mood even more.

Sipping my coffee while driving out of the building knowing how long this day would be.

Switching off the engine, picking up my stuff and my half cup of coffee then locking the door I made my up to my office waving to the officers on my way up.

Am such a snob at times, even waving is a chore for mih.

Sitting down, placing the coffee cup carefully on the table arranging my papers uselessly trying to arrange my mind to focus on the case. I know my time is running out quickly and I don't wanna be stuck trying to figure out a case for months.

His murder is literally a fucking maze that needs fifteen multifuctional brains.

Focus Corrine what do you have?

Um.. names.

.Trevor Darson and Matthew Hart.
. Alfonso was not alone in the damn elevator.
. He has the same mark as Heath on his body.
. He was investigating Trevor's death.
. Waiting on the test results of his hair sample.

No improvement on knowing a certain Matthew Hart. I don't even know a person that goes by that name, a week. Been doing nothing for a whole week.

Turning on my computer and on the police search engine typing my password then typing the name.

His information immediately popped up but the juicy stuff looked obviously hidden. Damn like this is already suspicious as fuck. And immediately my office phone rung.

Picking it up with a sigh.

"Detective Braxton speaking."

"Malone speaking. You're trying to access a classified file detective."

"Yes I am." Who the fuck can deny it.
"The file is connected to the murder case am handling." Giving him the simplified explanation.

"This case file is connected to multiple ones, which murder case are you investing?"

"Magnus. The late Alfonso Magnus." I'm trying to be very vague with my answers not to give away the slightest detail that can potentially make mih lose this case.

"Oh.. The chief instructed total access to the one handling that case but I forgot who it was, let mih confirm it's you." Buttons being pressed filled the silent,my eyes rolling so hard and so far back I can see darkness at the back of my head. I bet he thought it was a guy not a woman, a sexy one at that.

"Corrine Braxton." He mumbled the recognition in his voice as well as the surprise and apology into one, tempted to roll the eyes again but stopped. They'll surely stick to the back of my head.

"Sorry detective I'll send the password immediately."

"Thanks Malone." Cutting the call already seeing the file open.

The details I knew of him already in it the difference is what I want to know and my enhanced curiosity due to the security on his file driving mih on.

Trevor Darson.
Age 20.
Blah blah blah.

He was reported missing along other seven other boys his age. That's knew.  Missing?!?!?. Leaning back on my chair my gaze still on the poor boy.

How have seven SEVEN kids reported missing and I had no clue about it?
Why wasn't this in the news or something? Am dense sometimes on things that don't concern mih.

Checking on his more personal information probably the one who reported him missing would be indicated. Scrolling down more, more so focused on finding out his family's identity.

Clicking on his portfolio again, more info popped up.

Name age and everything in between. His parents father's name, Matthew Cullen Hart and mother's name Kristen Stewart Hart. Having a younger sibling of fifteen a boy, Tristan Hart, no other sibling. Lived around the more sophisticated side of the city, their address clicking. This family is in my pack.

Matthew Cullen Hart??? I paused. Isn't this the same guy I've been looking for? His name sounded familiar and not only because he was in the Craine pack but something else, squinting my eyes at the name. Cullen Hart. Matthew Hart. Matthew Cullen.

This person is in the police department. A detective at that. Standing at the discovery, I'm going to be dramatic about it. It's the same guy.

So why was he contacting Alfonso? Trevor worked at Alfonso's company as an intern.

Two outcomes am thinking of. Matthew was holding Trevor's disappearance over Alfonso head or he was working with Alfonso to find Trevor's whereabouts.

Now which is it?

As a father he would definitely blame Alfonso for it since he disappeared near his building and in he's working hours, and of course the lack of security around Alfonso's company. But As a detective he would use Alfonso's influence and power to help find his son.

Now which is it?

Thinking about it for a second. Knowing both are possibility and picking which to focus on is hard.

Was Matthew a friend to Alfonso or not? If he wasn't,  that basically makes him a suspect in Alfonso's murder.

Damn, why am I falling deeper into this pit hole of clues that don't add up.

Should I merge with Erin on the case?
What ?? No. Being that close with him that's a recipe of disaster.
And am going to crack it alone. I don't need him for it and giving up is not an option either.

But where will I start?


Banging the door shut with more force than necessary  expelling some of my frustrations. For seven at night it was pretty dark and chilly.

Changing my clothes into relaxing once, going into the kitchen and trying to find something to eat.
I haven't eaten for a whole day so I need a fully cooked home food.

I'll just make some rice with veggies and some quick beans. Don't really feel like eating meat. Taking the items from my pantry and arranging them on the counter as well as filling a pot with water for the rice, eye balling the quantity.

Placing the pot on the stove and turning the gas on, then washing my beans through the the strainer.

I came to realize house chores does relax the brain one way or the other, and they do help mih, even though I don't get that much time for it except a day for a month.

Cooking isn't one of my favorite but it does calm mih down a bit. As I wait for the rice water to boil I started on my vegetables, washing them then starting on cutting them.

The vibration on my phone cut my concentration on the vegetables. Wiping my hands dry picking the phone from the edge of the counter.

'K Erin'

King Erin, Erin is calling mih. Why is he calling?

'Answer it and you'll know.' Aria whispered sarcastically and I scoffed at her.

Hesitating for a moment the dragging the call icon to green and turning it on speaker waiting my eyes widening a bit with anticipation.

"Hi." Erin's rustic voice sounded through the phone and vibrated around the small kitchen.

"Hi." Moving closer to the chopping board and resuming what I was doing, well attempting to.

"How was you day? If you don't mind mih asking." The question caught mih off guard. No one asks mih about my day,well for the past few years.

"Good." Exhausting, tiring, irritating and everything in between.

"Just good? And it's the weekend?" He questioned curiously.

"Yeah. Work kept mih busy." I muttered, my eyes on the knife and the carrot I was chopping thinly.

"Well mine was filled with work and the thoughts of you." I paused.

"Thoughts of mih?" I'm curious sue mih.

"Good ones. I would tell you but you already know them. Tell mih your hobbies, likes and dislikes." He ordered calmly, going from heart stringing to demanding in a second.

"Well umm..." resuming cutting up the remaining vegetables. " I don't have that much to tell." Do I even have hobbies anymore. My free time is taken up by searching for Heath's murderer or sleeping.

"You don't have hobbies?" He asked surprised but not judging.

"I used to rock climb but it's been a while." Basically everything I used to take pleasure in died when Heath died.

"Do you box?"


"We can box sometime, maybe teach mih a thing or two."

"Mih??? Teach you?" Scoffing at the thought. " It should be the other way round."

"Why would you assume that you can't teach mih?"

"Because I've heard about you, being an excellent fighter. And my Dad talks about your fighting skills and I trust his judgement so I know your more than great." Explaining while dumping the washed rice into the boiling water, covering it then turning down the heat to low.

"Then I should show you some moves. But a good fighter is one who's always learning new skills." The conversation was, is, flowing much better than I thought it would be. Why am I not freaking out?

"What are you cooking?" Wasn't even surprised at the question, I know he can hear the sound of movement and chopping.

"Some rice and vegetables."

"Won't you even invite mih to dinner?" The way he said it.

"Maybe some other time." I answered. Nope am not sharing this food. Call mih selfish or whatever, but cooking is work, that's why chef's are there.

And the conversation continued till I was done cooking, washed the dishes and plated up my food. What made mih question things I shouldn't was the fact that he didn't talk about himself even once, always asking to know more about mih which was mostly useless. My life, purpose, is revolved around work and the obvious.

"I wish you a goodnight Mate." Erin muttered throatily, uh the rumble of his voice.

"Goodnight." I replied ignoring the sinking disappointment that fell to my stomach.

Hanging up the phone and seating with my food on my lap. Not giving myself a chance to think of whatever just happened, turning on the tv to drown the conversation that wanted to replay itself out.


The first thing I did when I woke up was to drink a huge glass of water trying to forget last night then a second one and a third but the conversation replayed once again.

Sighing while setting the glass in the sink, Sunday mornings.

Deciding to brew a cup of coffee to wake mih up and relax my body. It's only ten and my body is exhausted as if I'd run a marathon last night.

Slouching on my couch turning on the television which I rarely watch, I don't even know why I still have it, finding something to watch that won't exhaust my mind trying to figure out what's going on. Settling on a comedy romance getting more comfy while sipping my coffee.

When was the last time I sat down and just relaxed without feeling rushed or guilty, probably in a few years.

This sitting and enjoying my own company had become a dread, this were our moments. But I have to have a clear mind if I want to finally forgive myself.

But where to start because since I've been assigned to Alfonso's case, I haven't gotten anything done but always trying to find where to start, what to do and where to begin searching. Always ending up in dead ends that's why, sipping a long drag of coffee, am trying not to think ordo anything.

Forcing my brain to think lately has ultimately made it exhausted. Placing the empty cup on the coffee table, laying on the couch, the small blanket covering my legs, the more I stared at the television trying to comprehend what the actor are saying but the exhaustion caught up to mih, my lids becoming hazy.

Despite my brain being tired it stayed awake as my eyes closed my body going slack.

"Is she the one." My brain peaked up, my senses waking up but my body couldn't. The voice sounded like the owner hadn't drank water in decades.

It's just the tv playing but a shadow falling before mih said otherwise. Strangling to wake up but I feel so stuck and paralyzed in my own skin. My heart hammering so loudly as I thrusted around in my brain trying to wake up as the shadow of a man came closer to mih.

"Yeess." The voice hissed in satisfaction.

"No." My body finally complying with my wake brain.

Setting my gaze on every corner of the living room, trying to find the shadows, out of breath, my heart pounding so loudly, and a headache so painful a buzz sounded in my head.

Looking around again, using my senses to figure a scent that I don't know but came up empty.
Standing on shaking numb legs, using the couch as a clutch and walking around the living room for extra precautions feeling more tired than when I had that brief nap.

Checking the windows then the doors, unlocking the lock then locking it again, returning to the couch limping. There was nothing, no one had been around here. Was I hallucinating or something or was it the television. Settling my gaze back on the still running movie showing how little I had lost consciousness. Maybe it was the television.

My head throbbed and the still clenching of my insides said otherwise. And the fact that I'm part of a supernatural world made mih cautious.

Sighing and taking deep breaths, turning off the television and limping my way into my room, locking the door.

Looking at my bed, contemplating if I should sleep or not, but fuck. The few seconds of feeling like my body wasn't my own, nah I'm not sleeping. That shit scared mih to the core.
Turning and heading to the shower and running myself a bath hoping it'll calm my still overdrive nerves.

Sinking into the full tub moaning as the hit water soothed my muscles. Maybe I should work cause I know I won't be able to sleep now.



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