AFTER Summer Love [G!P]

Bởi hwangkittyz

36.4K 1.8K 2.2K

[PAUSED UNTIL I GAIN MOTIVATION TO CONTINUE] [Ryeji second part of Summer Love] Hey, hey... It's me again. ... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 30

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Bởi hwangkittyz

"Yeji?" I asked her after she pulled away again from kissing me roughly against the door.

"Yes?" She breathed against my lips, her were eyes shining.

"I'm really cold right now."

"Okay, let's go inside."

I smiled and she smiled back, intertwining her fingers with mine as soon as we entered the bar.

"So does this mean I can change my relationship status on Facebook?" She asked jokingly as we rounded the corner.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. All the heads at the table turned towards us and I could see their eyes dart to our intertwined hands.

"So, are you guys like a thing now?" Jake asked and I bit my lip, nodding.

"YASS BITCH!" He yelled, standing up and almost knocking over a pint. Then he turned to Yuna. "You and that bitch Chaer owe me fifty bucks!"

"You bet on us?" I asked, trying to sit down, but Yeji stopped me to take the spot next to Luke, as Justin and Soph took their previous seat.

Yeji then grabbed my hips and pulled me onto her lap, making me lean against her chest.

"Phew, cool, this place is full of couples, is everyone here in a relationship?" Jake groaned and I noticed that Zayn and James still hadn't returned.

"I'm single" Calum said and Jake turned to him.

"Are you gay?"

"No." Calum laughed and Jake sighed, turning back to his beer.

"Just for me." Michael stepped in and put an arm around his shoulder.

The food arrived three minutes later and I couldn't even eat properly due to the butterflies in my stomach. So, after half a burger and ten fries, I pushed my plate towards Jake, who looked at me like a kid at Christmas.

"I love you baby, marry me." he said as he stuffed his face completely full.

"Of course." I laughed and felt Yeji nuzzle my thigh to remind me that she was still there.

I smiled and leaned against her chest, nuzzling her neck with my nose, inhaling her amazing perfume.

"You're not jealous of a gay man, are you?"

She looked at me with a serious expression, but not long before a smile spread across her face.

"Jesus, you're disgusting." Jake choked and Yeji flashed him her middle finger. I looked back at the rest of the people around the table, failing to suppress my smile.

"Oh, well, hello!" Yeji said loudly as James and Zayn came back from the bathroom. "You fell into the toilet and James had a hard time getting you out?"

Zayn blushed and James rolled his eyes, having a hard time getting back to their seats, so Justin, Soph and Yuna had to stand up so they could sit down.

"So who fucked who this time?" Yeji continued and Zayn buried his face in his hands, groaning.

"Don't put the spotlight on us, what's going on here?" James asked, pointing at Yeji and I, then Soph and Justin.

"We're together." Soph told him and Justin smiled.

"And you two?"

"Us too." Yeji said and put her head on my chin.

"Finally." Zayn smiled and held out his fist for Yeji to punch.

"Why is everyone so happy anyway?" I asked and James ran a hand through his hair.

"Because it was absolutely annoying to see you two just lusting after each other without really doing anything about it."

"Come on, we couldn't have been that obvious." Yeji said and literally everyone at the table laughed.

"Yes you guys were! Every time one of you didn't look, the other one drooled."

I laughed and tried to change the subject by asking about the next game.

It worked, so I was finally able to lean back against Yeji and relax, feeling her chest vibrate against my back as she talked.

Her arms were around my waist and everything was finally falling into place.


The next two days went by very fast, filled with grueling cheerleading practice, lots of homework and rehearsals. By Tuesday night, everyone on campus had found out about Yeji and I's relationship.

Two years ago, when I was dating Yeji, no one treated me any differently, but right now it seemed to be a big deal to date the captain of the soccer team who was also in a band.

I immediately saw the change when I opened Facebook and received over two hundred new friend requests and notifications. I had also gained over a hundred followers on both Twitter and Instagram.

"What are you doing?" Chaer asked, coming over to sit down.

"Just checking my Facebook."

"I see you're pretty popular now that you're dating captain Yeji."

"Well yeah. That's weird."


"Well, I've gotten five different party invitations this weekend from people I've never seen before in my life."

She smiled.

"I'm so happy for you guys."



"Did she ever come to talk about me?" I asked, closing my Facebook to focus on our conversation.

"Uh, not really. But she talked to Ryan or Zayn."



"Do you know what she talked to them about, what did she ask?"

"Well, not really, but I do know that shee did talked to Ryan once when I was in his bedroom, right after you 'met' with Justin. She was drunk and kept asking what Justin had and didn't. And then she told him how she was in a fake relationship with Soph."

"So you knew?"

"Yes...are you mad at me for not telling you?"

"No." I smiled. "I'm too happy to be mad."

"But be careful."


"People like Yeji... I don't know. I mean, don't get me wrong, she's so cool, but she has a reputation you know. And once she gets drunk, she's not herself."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, there are plenty of girls willing to fuck her at the drop of a hat, and if she gets caught drunk, I don't guarantee she'll object to that."

"That would be rape."

"Yes. But still. You love her?"

"Oh. Yes."

She smiled.

"Do you think she loves me?"



"Yes, but as I told you a few months before, she probably won't say it soon because she's scared."

"You never told me that."

"I told you about the broken people. Do you think I'm stupid enough not to realize she's the one you were hypothetically talking about?"

I laughed and she opened her laptop, asked me if I wanted to watch a movie with her and I agreed, putting on a jacket because it was getting cold again.


The next day in Literature I noticed that Mr. Gray was acting strangely. He was less... sassy during class and I was relieved.

"Psst, baby." Yeji whispered in my ear from behind me as we watched a short documentary on Charles Dickens.

"Hm?" I asked, tilting my head slightly so I could hear her.

"Do you want to go out tomorrow?"
I nodded.

"Where?" I answered in a whisper and she smiled. "Please don't say your room, I beg you."

"No babe. I mean a movie and dinner." I nodded again. "What would you like to see?"

I shrugged. "We can watch the-"

"Em. Shin and Hwang, if you have something to talk about that is apparently much more interesting than the documentary, please share it with the class."

"I'm sorry Mr. Grey." I said but he didn't accept it.

"No, Miss. Shin, entertain us with your topic of discussion."

"Uh, uhmm okay. Well, we were just talking about-"

"How I couldn't wait to get my girlfriend home so I could fuck her until she screams my name."

Mr. Gray slammed his hand on the desk, getting up, startling everyone.

"Get out! I'm gonna have a talk with the principal!" He yelled and wow, I've never seen him so angry.

"Jesus Christ, calm your tits. See you later, sweetie." Yeji said and tangled her hand in my hair, pulling me back so she could press a hard kiss on my lips.

Even though my stomach was flipping, I couldn't help but feel embarrassed. I watched Yeji leave the conference room and blushed, knowing that half of the people present were staring at me.

The rest of the lecture went by with agonizing slowness, and of course Mr. Gray asked me to stay after the lecture so he could talk to me.

"Yes?" I asked when everyone had left.

"You're Yeji's girlfriend?"

"What does this have to do with school?"

"Just answer me, Ryujin."

"Yes." I answered, suddenly a little scared.

"Why? Do you love her?"


"She's not a man..." He fell silent, moving closer. "I could make you feel much better than her, Ryujin." he said moving closer.

Suddenly he grabbed the back of my neck and pulled my face close to his, pressing our lips together. Alarm bells rang in my head and I immediately pushed him away from me.

"I have to...get to my next class."
I muttered and didn't even look back as I hurried out of the lecture hall.

I saw Yeji leaning against the wall further away, looking at something on her phone. She looked up when she heard me approach, frowning.

"What's wrong?" She asked and I immediately knew she was going to figure it out, so I had to tell her.


"What did he want?"

"He asked me if you were my girlfriend and I said yes."

"That's it? You're lying because your eye just twitched."

"Shit. Well. He told me he could make me feel better than you."

"WHAT?" she exclaimed and took a step toward the door.

"Wait no. Yeji." I said grabbing her shirt.

"No what?"

"Don't do anything about it please."

"About it? I was just going to tell him off for talking to you like that, but now that you mention it, did he say anything else?"

"He didn't say anything else."

Her expression became harder and more serious.

"What did he do, did he kiss you again?" She took my silence for an answer.

She broke free of my useless grip and walked with a confident stride to the door, opening it and closing it behind her.

I ran after her, reaching the hallway just in time to see her punch Mr. Gray directly in the face, sending him to the floor.

"You sick pervert! She's twenty years old, for God's sake, and you're our professor!"

"Hwang take a step back before I call campus security!"

"And what are you gonna tell them, that I punched you for making a move one of your students?" Mr. Gray remained silent. "If you look at my girl from now on, I'll beat you until you can't walk anymore!"
Yeji threatened and I smiled, pretending this didn't turned me on.

"Did I make myself clear?" She yelled and kicked her side. Mr. Gray nodded and put his hand to his nose to stop the bleeding.

"Fucking pervert" she muttered as she pulled away from him.

She wrapped an arm around my shoulders once we left the conference room, pulling me to her.

"Let's go to lunch baby." she said, still serious.


"And you say I'm a white girl." She was smiling, so I relaxed.

"Well, I'm a girl and I'm white." I replied, which made her pinch my cheek.

We walked to Starbucks and it was nice because she still had her hand around my shoulder and was telling me how hard she was training for the new season.

"I'm being serious!" she exclaimed as she saw the dubious looks I gave her as a joke, knowing it would piss her off.

"I know."

"You're being silly." she said and removed her arm as we stood in line.

"Aw, are you mad now?" She folded her arms. "Jesus, don't make your huge biceps go rip that shirt."

A smile spread across her face, but she raised her eyebrows, trying to look serious.

"Okay, then I'm going to go and make friends with that guy over there who looks like Ryan Gosling."

I told her and pulled away, only for her to grab my arm and pull me into her chest.

"You're getting on my nerves." she smiled at me and I stuck my tongue out at her. "That's disgusting."

We heard a cough behind us and I tried to look anywhere but at the lady who was angry that we had been holding up the line.

I ordered the Caesar salad and mozzarella panini with a chocolate muffin and a strawberry milkshake. Yeji ordered the same, but got herself a Frappe.
We sat outside because it was sunny today.

"This is absolutely ridiculous." Yeji muttered, referring to the fact that the salad and sandwiches were extremely small.

"I thought Starbucks is your natural habitat."

She rolled her eyes and finished her salad in two minutes.

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to Subway after this. I can't."

"Don't you have some class to attend after this?"

"Yes, but I'd rather eat than learn."

"That's exactly what I thought when I was twelve."

When she finished everything she ordered, she pulled out her phone and looked up movie programs.

"Manhattan or Brooklyn tonight?" She askedand I said "careful weather" with my mouth full.

She found a good theater and looked at the program, arching her eyebrows in a sign that she'd found something.


"Nothing. I don't think there's a movie you're interested in seeing."

"Give it to me." I said, holding out my hand. She handed me the phone, sighing. My eyes fell on the available movies and I smiled.

"Really? Because tomorrow at eight o'clock there's a Channing Tatum movie showing." She buried her face in her hands and I smiled. "Can we go?"

"You know I'll say yes anyway, so why bother, yeah, baby."

"Make reservations, okay? I want to be in the front row." I joked and she rolled her eyes as she retrieved her phone.

After we finished lunch, she walked me to my Spanish class and kissed my lips before telling me she was going to lunch.


"Date night?" Chaeryeong asked the next day as I prepared for our first official date.

"Yes. She's coming to pick me up at 5:30 so we can go to a restaurant. And then we'll watch a Channing Tatum movie."

"Ooh, I love him."

"Yeah me too!"

I decided on a spaghetti strap skirt and a cute shirt with printed tights and sneaker wedges. I smiled at the sight of my newly dyed blonde hair.

"You look great."


There was a knock on the door and Chaer wiggled her eyebrows as I went to open it. Yeji stood there, leaning against the door frame, probably trying to look cool.

"Hi." She said and I waved back.

She was wearing a black hoodie and a black button down shirt underneath. She was wearing black skinny jeans that were still a little loose on her legs and black Vans.

Too much black.

Her hair was pulled back in a bun and she was extremely hot.

"Come on, we have reservations at six." she grumbled as Chaer and she looked at me trying to apply some finishing touches to my mascara.

"I expect her home at ten! And it's no laughing matter!" Chaer said as I pulled on my leather jacket and then tugged on my collar hair.

"Eleven." Yeji told her and Chaer winked at me, before she waved and I followed Yeji out of the dorm, closing the door behind me.

"We have a game tomorrow, so you should probably sleep early tonight." I told her and she nodded. "Besides, you're driving, so don't forget," I reminded her.

"Jesus, I know mom."

I smiled at her, she smiled back and everything was great.

The restaurant was fancy and looked extremely expensive, right in the middle of Times Square.

"So this is our first official date." I said.

"Second official first date." she corrected, stuffing her mouth full.

"That's so hot." I said and she grimaced, which almost made me spit out water.

"So after this we'll go to the movies and then you'll drive me home so I can be home by eleven?" I asked just to clarify.

"I'd like to take you to my place. But we have a game tomorrow, so it sucks." She admitted and took a sip of her water.

"Mhm, but can we walk through that park on our way back to the car? It's romantic." I smiled and she nodded, shrugging her shoulders.

Dinner passed quickly, we ate mostly because we were hungry, but she made some funny comments that almost choked me up.

Then she intertwined our fingers as we walked down the busy street toward the big theater where we were going to see the movie.

"Hey, remember that book you read two years ago and almost cried?"

"The Fault in Our Stars?" She asked as we stood in line to buy tickets.

"Yeah. It's good that you remember it."

"It was literally the only book I've ever read."

"You're kidding."

"I'm not!" She laughed. "And it's not like you read either."

"I read fan fiction and that counts."

"Fan what?" She asked confused and I rolled my eyes.

"It means like... basically books written by fans about someone or something... completely fictional. For example, if you like two people together and you write a story about them."

"Who do you read about?"

"Dean and Castiel. I also read something about Luke and Ashton."

She raised her eyebrows in surprise.



"So, paper porn." She affirmed.

"If you want."

"You get carried away with this stuff?"

"Well, the discussion is over." I said blushing.

"No seriously. Come on, we have nothing else to do anyway, you can tell me what turns you on."

"Yeji, we're in public."


"I'm not talking about what turns me on with you in public."

She pouted and I shook my head, pushing her face to the right so I didn't have to look into her amazing dark feline eyes.

"Go and get in line for the food." She instructed when she saw a long line at the food counter. I nodded and she smiled before I walked away to get in line.

As I waited, I bit my nails and smiled because I was on a real date with Yeji, something I had been dreaming about for a couple of weeks, if not months.

I ignored the butterflies in my stomach and looked at the menu, when two arms wrapped around my waist and someone whispered in my ear:


I jumped and turned around, knowing it wasn't Yeji.

My face fell when I saw who it was.

"Chaeyoung?" I asked in surprise.

"Hi, Ryu." she replied and I hugged her, before she lifted me up a little, hugging me back.

I saw a girl behind her, smiling shyly as she looked at us.

"What are you doing here?" she asked and I took a moment to observe her figure.

She was much taller than the last time I had seen her and her hair blonder.

"I haven't seen you in ... almost a year!"

I exclaimed and she smiled at me, putting an arm around my shoulder, pointing at her.

"This is my girlfriend, Jisoo."

"Hi." I said and was about to take my hand for her to shake, When someone stepped between us.

"Who the hell are you?" Yeji asked, putting an arm around my waist and pulling me closer to her.

"I could ask you the same thing" Chaeyoung replied and I rolled my eyes.

"I asked first, who the hell do you think you're touching my girl like that?"

"Who the hell do you think you're touching my sister like that?" Rosé replied relaxed and Yeji's face contracted as she recognized her.

"Oh. OH." Yeji said and took a step back, closer to me, as if suddenly realizing that Rosé was much taller than her.

"So this is your girlfriend?" Rosé asked me, pointing at Yeji.

I nodded.

"Yeji, this is my lovely older sister Rosé. Rosé, Yeji."

Rosé looked Yeji up and down.

"You are extremely protective and jealous." she observed and Yeji's eyes drifted to the ground. "I like you." she added and held out her hand to Yeji.

Yeji's eyes lit up and she shook my sister's hand.

"So, what are you girls going to watch?" Rosé asked us.

"Um, that Channing Tatum movie, you?"

"Something with Andrew Garfield." she sighed and Jisoo smiled.

"Hey, you still haven't introduced us properly." I said and looked at her girlfriend.

"Hi, I'm Ryujin." I introduced myself and she shook my hand. "How long have you two been together?"

"Three years this June."

"Wow. How come you never mentioned her?"

"I did, you just weren't listening because you were too busy sucking faces with that idiot Soobin." Yeji snorted and I slapped her on the arm. "Her old boyfriend was a loser who cheered for Real Madrid instead of Barcelona. That's like, a no no." Rosé said, seeing Yeji's reaction.

"Fuck Real Madrid." Yeji replied and I agreed even though I had no idea what the hell they were talking about.

"I like her." Rosé said. "She's a Ryu bouncer."

"Jesus." I sighed and Yeji smiled at me.

"Manchester United or Chelsea?" Rosé asked and I held my breath because she always asked that each and every one of my friends, boy or girl.

"What kind of name is Chelsea?" Yeji replied. Rosé smiled.

"Definitely a good caretaker for my little sister." Rosé said and slapped Yeji on the back, so hard that it literally made Yeji lose her balance for a moment.

"How do you know she's not an abusive jerk in private? You're seriously going to judge her by the team she supports? " I asked my sister as we walked forward.

"Am I wrong?" she replied, arching her eyebrows.

"No but-"

"Then I rest my case."

"You're full of shit."

"You're full of shit." She replied, mocking me.

"Oh, how mature of you."

"How old are you again?"


"No way. Last time I checked you were seventeen."

"You're an idiot."

"Are you old enough to use that term?"

"Stop making fun of me." I pouted, feeling a little embarrassed that she was making fun of me in front of Yeji.

"Remember when you used to-"

"It's okay, you might be her sister, but you shouldn't be rude to her." Yeji stepped in and I smiled, leaning in as she squeezed my waist to show me she was still here.

Rosé just smiled.

"By the way, you're kinda a jerk." Yeji continued and I stepped on her shoe to shut her up.

"Thanks." Rosé replied and I sighed in relief when it was finally our turn to order food.

I bought small popcorn and a soda and Yeji a big box of nachos with salsa and coke. We said goodbye to
Rosé and Jisoo before walking to our theater.

"Your sister may be hot, but she's an idiot."

"She's really cool, but she likes to make fun of me. But thanks for sticking up for me anyway."

After we sat in the back row, she turned to me and asked:

"What did you want to ask me about that book? You started talking about gay fiction and never got around to finishing" she smiled.

"Um, I wanted to tell you that the movie of the book is coming out in June and we should go see it."

"What makes you think I would go see a romantic movie with you?"

"Yeji, could you tell me what movie we're going to see?" She narrowed her eyes and a smile spread across her face. "Also, why did you choose the seats in the back? It's a Channing Tatum movie, I'd like to be close to his face."

"That's why."

"Are you jealous of an actor, Yeji?" I asked smiling.


The movie started a few minutes later and I could see Yeji rolling her eyes every time Channing appeared shirtless.

"Yeji, oh my god." I whispered to her during a sex scene.

"What?" She whispered in reply.

"I can see his six pack through that jacket."

"Shut up." She smiled and grabbed the back of my head, pulling our lips together.

And that's basically what we did for the rest of the movie.

We met Rosé and Jisoo at the exit and of course Yeji was nice and asked her what she was doing tomorrow.

"Nothing really." Rosé told her and I saw a plan forming in Yeji's head.

"Well, I have a game tomorrow and your sister is a cheerleader if you and Jisoo want to come."

"Yeah sure. Ryu you text me the address."

"Are you on break?" I asked.

"I'm graduating next week and we thought why not take a little break and visit New York for a weekend."

"Awesome." I said sarcastically.

"I always loved your sarcasm, sis." she smiled and tousled my hair. "See you tomorrow."

"Bye!" I yelled at her and we watched her disappear along with Jisoo.

"What is she studying?"

"She's studying Economics and Math at Yale in Connecticut." I replied and Yeji grimaced.

"She must be really smart."

"She is although she doesn't act like it."

She squeezed my hand and plopped down on a
bench next to a lamp post.

"What are you doing? It's almost eleven o'clock." I asked as she pulled me up onto her lap, sideways.

"Let me guess, she's the favorite child in the family?" She asked.


"If it makes you feel any better, you're my favorite person." she said and I smiled at her.

"It doesn't make it better."

"Doesn't it?" she asked, playing along. I shook my head. "Not even a little bit?"


Her right arm went around my neck and her left hand rested on my leg.

"So, can you tell me now what turns you on?"

"I have no turn-ons." I lied to her and she narrowed her eyes at me, obviously not enamored by my lie.

"That's a bigger lie than my penis."

"Then you know it's not a lie at all."

"You're getting pretty good at comebacks." She watched as I leaned against her chest.

"I'll tell you what turns me on if you tell me yours." I told her and she smiled, agreeing.

I closed my eyes and relaxed against her, concentrating only on her voice and the movement of her hand against my leg.

"I like it when you kiss my neck and how you scratch my back when I fuck you really hard."


"Let me finish."

"You always finish."

"I also like it when you make sexual puns, because you may look innocent but you're far from it. But what I masturbate to the most is the image of you on your knees, so desperate and needy." I opened my eyes to see her looking directly at me. "Your turn."

"Okay. This is going to be embarrassing. Well... I like it when you kiss my neck too...and when you...uhm, grab my hair and when you give me hickeys because it means I'm yours. And when you talk dirty to me."

"Do you like it when I talk dirty to you?" She asked, her face moving closer to mine. I nodded. "Yes? Do you like it when I tell you what a good bitch you are to me?"

I bit my lip.

"Do you think of me whispering dirty things in your ear when you touch yourself?" She asked, her voice almost a whisper. Jesus, it was so hot. "Tell me, princess."

She said and began kissing my neck, her teeth lightly grazing my skin.

"I don't... I really don't touch myself."

She pulled away abruptly.


"What?" I asked back.

"You don't... you don't masturbate?"

"Mmm no?"

"But-never in your life? "I shook my head, feeling my face getting hot. "Why?"

"Because... ummm I don't know."

"You've never felt so turned on that you had to pleasure yourself? "I shook my head.

"I...I don't know how."

"I can teach you." She breathed and then closed the distance between our lips.

My hands went to her neck and I felt my cheeks cool as her tongue entered my mouth. My stomach was going crazy and I tried to ignore the sensation by pressing harder against her.

Her hands gripped my waist and squeezed my jacket, pulling away after a while with red lips.

"Baby, stop if you don't want me to fuck you on this bench."

I let my hands fall into my lap and she stood up, lifted me by the waist and set me down.

"Let's get you home." She said and I looked at her, not moving from the spot after she took a step forward. "What?" she asked.

I smiled.

She sighed and turned around, bending down. I took a step toward her and put my arms around her neck and my legs around her waist as she stood up properly.

"You're the best girlfriend ever." I said in a high pitched voice and then put my chin on her shoulder as I walked.

She chose not to respond and continued walking to her car. My feet dangled at her sides and she started humming a song I didn't know.

She let me back up when we were right in front of the car and even opened the door for me, which was nice.

"Um, you know it's really nice that you want to hold my hand, but I'd rather you hold the gearshift." I told her and she let go of my hand smiling.

Yeji parked in front of my dorm building at twenty past eleven and walked me to my dorm.

"Tonight was really nice. We should do it again." I told her and she smiled, leaning in to kiss me.

"We should." she said against my lips and pulled away. "And again... and again.."

"Yeji." I laughed as her hands slid under my skirt.

"Jesus, why do you have to wear tights?" She mumbled and pulled her hands out.

"Because they went with the outfit and it was cold outside."

"If you say so, baby." She smiled and ran her hand through her disheveled hair. "Good night."

I opened the door and turned around to say goodnight, before closing it, feeling really happy and giddy.


I feel so lonely :(( i need friends.

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