You Are My Obsession Till Ete...

By poojagg11

176K 6.9K 483

Pihu Gupta, a 21-year-old girl, possesses a gentle demeanor that radiates sweetness, innocence, and shyness... More

Character Sketch
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 29
Chapter- 30
Author's Note
Chapter 34
My Dear Readers
My Dear Readers


3K 118 6
By poojagg11

Author's POV,

Rudra's sinister laughter seemed to reverberate through the very walls, causing Pihu's skin to crawl with dread. His fingers, like a vice around her nape, tightened their grip, adding to her discomfort. He spoke with a bone-chilling resolve, his words dripping with menace, "You've just unlocked something, Pihu. A side of me, a ruthless mafia king, I've kept hidden from you. You will find yourself, of your own volition, uttering those words—accepting me as your husband."

It was the first time Rudra had spoken her name with such dangerous fervor, and Pihu shivered involuntarily. However, she refused to yield, locking her gaze defiantly with his. But before she could respond or react, Rudra's powerful grip clamped onto her wrist, his fingers constricting like a vise. He began to drag her forcefully out of the room with long, purposeful strides.

Pihu's heart sank as she shouted, "Let me go, you're hurting my hand! I said, leave me!" Her voice echoed through the corridors as she struggled and shouted, occasionally stumbling due to Rudra's rapid pace. But Rudra remained unfazed, his vision clouded with anger and determination. He was hell-bent on punishing her, forcing her to realize that she had no option but to accept him.

Rudra led her to the basement door, and as he pushed it open, they entered a long corridor illuminated by dim, eerie lights. Fear constricted Pihu's throat as her mind raced with horrifying possibilities. Rudra continued to guide her forward, and Pihu couldn't help but notice the numerous rooms lining the corridor. From some of them, agonized groans and cries of pain emanated, sending shivers down her spine. The nauseating stench of blood hung heavily in the air, making her stomach churn.

Pihu's heart sank as Rudra swung open one of the door to the dimly lit room. Her eyes widened in horror as they landed on the figure shackled to the wall. The man's hands and legs were chained, rendering him almost immobile. He bore the gruesome marks of a merciless beating, with cuts and bruises covering every inch of his battered body. His face was a painful sight, disfigured and swollen, the aftermath of relentless brutality.

Overwhelmed by terror, Pihu instinctively jerked her hand free from Rudra's grip and turned to flee. But Rudra was quicker, capturing her and pulling her close, his arms enveloping her from behind. He lowered his head, placing his chin on her shoulder, and his voice was a menacing whisper in her ear, "Where are you going, Pearl?"

Pihu trembled in his grip, her voice heavy with fear and emotion as she asked, "Why are you doing this? Please." She wasn't certain if she was pleading for the man's release or her own safety.

Rudra's response was chilling, "I haven't even started, Pearl."

Suddenly, Rudra ordered one of his men to douse the injured man with cold water. The shock jolted the man back to consciousness, and he groaned in pain. But as his eyes focused on the scene before him, his battered face softened into a faint smile. It seemed he had resigned himself to his fate, finding a grim solace in the fact that death might finally offer him release.

Pihu's shock was palpable as she observed the man's bizarre sense of relief in the face of impending doom. Rudra, attuned to her confusion, began to explain, his voice laced with anger, cruelty, and a twisted sense of satisfaction.

"I can see the questions burning in your mind," Rudra started, his words a venomous hiss. "Let me clarify. This man was entrusted with the task of keeping an eye on you before your audacious escape. Incompetence oozed from every pore of his being, so I decided to make him pay for it. For two excruciating months, I subjected him to torment, never granting him the mercy of death. Instead, I vowed that his life would end only in your presence, Pihu. You see, it was never just about punishing him; it was about punishing you for your escape. But when fate finally delivered you back into my grasp, I briefly contemplated showing you mercy. However, it appears you fail to appreciate my gentler side. So, brace yourself, my dear, for I'm about to unveil the depths of the devil that resides within me."

With each word, Pihu realized the depth of Rudra's obsession with her. Her courage evaporated, and her heart pounded so loudly in her chest that she feared everyone in the room could hear it.

Rudra's chilling command echoed through the room, as he ordered his men. Rudra's men had begun to torture the captive man with a whip adorned with nails, and they showed no mercy. Each lash tore into the man's flesh, causing fresh wounds to open and blood to flow freely. The agonized cries and pained gasps filled the room, creating an atmosphere of unrelenting horror.

Pihu's world had shrunk to the torment before her, and her instincts forced her eyes shut, tightly sealing out the nightmarish reality. Her tears streamed down uncontrollably, and she longed to escape this hellish scene, to flee from Rudra's clutches.

Rudra's voice, laced with a bone-chilling intensity, cut through the cacophony of screams and pain. His command was inescapable: "Open your eyes, Pihu."

Pihu's world spun, and she struggled to comprehend his words amidst the torture unfolding in front of her. The tortured man's agonizing cries were the only sounds she registered.

But Rudra's patience was a fraying thread, and it snapped with the fury of a tempest. His voice thundered through the room, a tidal wave of wrath that even his hardened guards couldn't withstand. "OPEN YOUR EYES, PIHU, NOW!" he roared.

A cry, raw and guttural, was ripped from Pihu's throat. The pain of witnessing this brutality had become unbearable. Her eyelids fluttered open, revealing eyes clouded with a mixture of dread and desolation. Hiccups punctuated her sobs as she stared, unblinking, at the grotesque scene unfolding before her. Her voice, a trembling and fractured plea, fought through the hiccups, "Plea... stop hiccup this. Please. Please."

Rudra, however, was unyielding. He seemed determined to show Pihu the extent of his cruelty, his obsession driving him to new depths of depravity. With a menacing tone, he asked, "Do you accept me as your husband?"

Pihu felt like she was trapped in a never-ending nightmare, suffocating under the weight of Rudra's madness. But she couldn't bring herself to accept him. Rudra, noticing her defiance, let a smirk form on his lips. He commanded his guards, "Stop."

The guards immediately ceased their brutal assault and stepped back. Rudra then retrieved a gun from one of his guards, his hands gripping Pihu's trembling ones as he placed the weapon in her grasp. Pihu's heart pounded with terror and confusion as she held the cold, deadly instrument.

Rudra, his grip unyielding on Pihu's trembling hand, pointed the gun menacingly at the injured man. As the realization of Rudra's intentions struck her, Pihu's desperation escalated into a fierce struggle. She pleaded with all her might, "No, no, please don't do this."

Rudra remained stoic, his face a mask of cruel indifference, as he pulled the trigger. The gunshot rang out, and Pihu, overwhelmed by the horror of the moment, tightly shut her eyes. The agonized groans of the man pierced her ears when she dared to open them again, revealing the gunshot wound on his shoulder, dangerously close to his heart.

Rudra's voice oozed with fake sadness, "Ooh, Pearl, you missed. Let's practice again." He took aim once more, and Pihu, left with no choice, whispered, "I accept."

Her words, though slow and tremulous, didn't escape Rudra's ears. He pressed on, demanding clarification, "What do you accept, Pearl?"

Pihu, her heart heavy and broken, closed her eyes at his chilling insistence. She understood the gravity of the situation and, with a voice laden with grief, reluctantly admitted, "I... I accept... sobs... you... sobs... my... my husband."

For a fleeting moment, Rudra's inner mafia king was satiated. He had succeeded in making her acknowledge him. However, before he could react, Pihu's trembling form went limp in his arms, her face drained of color.

Concern replaced the cruelty in Rudra's eyes as he held her fragile form. Panic laced his voice as he called out her name, "Pihu?" He gently cradled her, his own heart racing with anxiety.

Without wasting a moment, Rudra issued swift orders to his guards to fetch a doctor immediately. With Pihu still nestled in his arms, he rushed toward his room, his steps quick and determined. In this critical moment, all the cruelty and dominance that had defined him earlier had vanished, replaced by genuine concern for the woman he had pursued so relentlessly.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the mansion, Veer, who had arrived with a gift in hand to formally introduce himself to Pihu, halted in his tracks. His brow furrowed, and tension crept into his features as he witnessed Rudra emerging from the basement with an unconscious Pihu in his arms. Confusion and apprehension mingled in his thoughts, but before he could inquire, Rudra sprinted up the stairs with Pihu.

Veer turned to the guards, his expression stern and inquisitive, demanding answers. The guards swiftly recounted the events they had witnessed in the basement, detailing Rudra's actions, and the shock of what had unfolded deepened the frown on Veer's face. Disappointment and anger swirled within him, and he knew he couldn't let this pass unquestioned.

With a determined resolve, Veer decided to wait for Rudra, determined to confront him about the shocking scene he had just witnessed. He held onto the gift he had brought for Pihu, now a stark contrast to the disturbing situation he had stumbled upon.




Inside Rudra's room, the atmosphere grew increasingly tense as the doctor worked frantically to assess Pihu's condition. His expressions remained grave as he administered to bring her back to consciousness. Rudra, his eyes filled with worry and guilt, observed doctor every move with an overwhelming sense of anxiety and remorse. He couldn't escape the realization that his actions had led to this dire situation, and he dreaded the potential consequences.

The doctor, despite their professional demeanor, couldn't help but feel the weight of Rudra's presence in the room. Beads of sweat formed on his foreheads as he continued his efforts to assess Pihu. Rudra, a dark aura radiating from him, stood by, his impatience and concern palpable as he awaited news of her condition.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, doctor turned towards Rudra, his expression sombre. He hesitated for a moment before speaking, "Sir, the lady fainted due to extreme emotional distress and shock. There are no physical injuries, but her heart rate and blood pressure are unstable. She needs rest and care to recover from the trauma she has experienced." Rudra's relief was palpable, but he couldn't shake off the guilt that weighed heavily on him, knowing that it was his anger that had put Pihu in this fragile state.

As the doctor left the room, Rudra took a seat beside the unconscious Pihu, gazing at her pale face. Time seemed to stretch on, and in the quiet of the room, he finally spoke, "I'm sorry, Pearl," Rudra whispered, his voice laced with a possessive longing and a hint of madness. His fingers gently caressed her pale cheek as he continued, "I know I was wrong in my anger, but I can't bear to let you go. I need you near, your presence is everything to me. You're an angel, and I... I'm the devil who's captivated by your light. Give me a chance, my love, and I'll do anything to for you as long as you stay with me." With those words, he pressed a passionate and possessive kiss to her forehead, unable to contain the intensity of his feelings.

Just then, a maid entered the room and informed him about Veer asking for him. Rudra was reluctant to leave Pihu's side, but knowing he couldn't let Veer see her in this condition, he decided to go. Before leaving, he assigned two maids to take care of her and ensure she had everything when she woke up.






Veer, standing in the grand foyer of the mansion, looked visibly perturbed. His expression was a mix of anger, concern, and confusion as he watched Rudra approach. Without wasting any time, Veer confronted him with a stern tone, "Rudra, what just happened? I saw you coming from the basement with Pihu unconscious in your arms. What did you do that?"

Rudra, aware that he needed to explain himself, tried to choose his words carefully. "Veer, it's not what you think. Pihu... she was under a lot of stress, and it all got too much for her. She fainted. I had the doctor check on her, and she's going to be okay. It's just... things have been intense between us, and emotions ran high."

Veer's frown deepened as he regarded Rudra skeptically. "Rudra, I brought a gift for Pihu, hoping to start on the right foot with her. But seeing her like this, I can't help but worry. You said you love her, but I don't think you love her, it's just your obsession not an even ounce of love because if you love her you kill yourself before hurting her. Even if you have anger issue but what you had just done is beyond cruelty. You married her forcefully; I didn't say anything but it doesn't mean I can't take her away."

Rudra's eyes darkened with a mixture of frustration and desperation as Veer's accusations cut deep. He had expected Veer's concern, but hearing the word "obsession" hit a nerve he didn't want to admit existed.

"Veer, you don't understand," Rudra began, his voice strained. "I... I can't explain it easily, but what I feel for Pihu is more than just an obsession. It's... it's complicated. I do love her, in my own twisted way. And you're right, I should have controlled my anger. I promise you, I'll do everything in my power to make sure I never hurt her again. I can't bear the thought of losing her."

Veer's expression remained skeptical, but he could see the torment in Rudra's eyes. "Rudra, you need to understand that love should never hurt like this. If you truly care about Pihu, you need to change, not just for her but for yourself too. Otherwise, you'll lose her, and it will be your own doing."

With those parting words, Veer turned and left Rudra, leaving him to grapple with the unsettling realization that his obsession was endangering the very thing he claimed to love. Rudra knew he had a long and difficult road ahead if he wanted to keep Pihu by his side.





Rudra sat by Pihu's side, his gaze locked onto her paled face as he waited patiently for her to regain consciousness. The room felt like it was submerged in a suffocating silence, the weight of their recent ordeal hanging in the air like an ominous cloud. Outside, the world seemed to hold its breath, as if the mansion itself was aware of the intense tension within its walls.

Minutes felt like hours as Rudra's unwavering eyes remained fixed on Pihu. Her eyelids flickered, and a shiver coursed through her fragile frame as consciousness slowly returned. Pihu's eyes gradually opened, but the moment her gaze fell upon the figure seated beside her, confusion twisted into sheer terror. Her breath quickened, and her body convulsed with uncontrollable tremors. The unimaginable horrors of the basement flooded back into her mind, and the sight of Rudra, the man responsible for those unspeakable acts, unleashed a tidal wave of fear.

"Stay away from me!" Pihu's voice quivered with dread, her eyes widened in sheer terror as she frantically scrambled backward, her back pressed against the bed's headboard. Her heart raced, and every fiber of her being screamed for her to escape this room, to flee from Rudra's presence.

Rudra, his eyes a tumultuous sea of remorse and desperation, raised his hands in a soothing gesture, his voice gentle but laden with sorrow. "Pearl, please, I won't harm you. I promise."

Yet, Pihu's fear was an unrelenting force. Her voice grew shrill as she cried out, "No, no, I don't want to see you. Just leave me alone! Get out from here."

Pihu's words pierced Rudra's heart like jagged shards of glass. He understood the profound trauma she had endured, and it tore at his soul to witness the terror he had inflicted upon her. He knew that his actions had brought her to this point, and he couldn't bear to witness her suffering.

"Pihu, I am so deeply sorry," Rudra's voice quivered with raw emotion, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I never wanted to hurt you. If you want me to leave, I will for now, but please, just hear me out."

But Pihu's fear was a relentless tempest, and she continued to retreat from him, her breaths coming in rapid, panicked gasps. Her mind couldn't process Rudra's words in her state of terror; all she could think of was the need to escape from him, to break free from the nightmarish reality that had become her life.

Rudra watched helplessly as Pihu's distress intensified, his heart aching with every step she took away from him. He understood that he needed to grant her space, that pressing her further would only exacerbate her fear. With a heavy heart, he slowly rose from the bed, his movements deliberate and cautious, so as not to further alarm her.

As he reached the bedroom door, he cast one final, anguished look at Pihu. His voice was laden with a profound sadness as he whispered, "The maids will be outside, if you need anything, don't hesitate to call for them, Pearl."

With those words, Rudra silently stepped out of the room, closing the door gently behind him. Leaning against the corridor wall, he grappled with his own tumultuous emotions, haunted by the horrors he had witnessed in Pihu's eyes and the knowledge that he had caused her such immeasurable pain.





To be continued................

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