Transmigrated as a scumbag hu...

By Z_0582

201K 8.6K 872

Ethan Wolford a retired soldier was lonely drinking inside of a random bar then he finds himself suddenly tra... More

Chapter 1 (Arc 1)
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46 Arc 2
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68
chapter 69
chapter 70
chapter 71
chapter 72
chapter 73
chapter 74
chapter 75
chapter 76
chapter 78
chapter 79
chapter 80
announcement πŸ“’πŸ“’
chapter 81
chapter 82
chapter 83
chapter 84
chapter 85
chapter 86
chapter 87
chapter 88
chapter 89 back to the system space again
chapter 90
chapter 91
chapter 92
chapter 93
chapter 94
chapter 95
chapter 96
Chapter 97
chapter 98
chapter 99
chapter 100
chapter 101
chapter 102
chapter 103
chapter 104
chapter 105
chapter 106
chapter 107
chapter 108
chapter 109
chapter 110
chapter 111 Arc 3
chapter 112
chapter 113
chapter 114
chapter 115

chapter 77

1.3K 66 5
By Z_0582

Ethan had no intention to prolong this spurious charade.

He placed a file of documents, one that he and Yuki specially compiled for this meeting, on the table and with a gentle push of his finger, he pass the documents to Mark and Michael.

"I stumbled upon something interesting not long ago with the help of my wife."

Ethan smiled suddenly, his gaze centering upon Mark and Michael.

"The reason I built Yuhan company in the first place, was to create a legacy that I can leave to my childrens." Then he casually said.

Michael’s eyes shot wide when he heard this and his head jerked up at once to look at Ethan.

Is it true?! Is he going to give him Yuhan company?!

Mark too couldn’t help showing a hint of excitement.

He was right! Even after everything, Ethan still loves me! Giving Yuhan company to Michael or me won’t make any difference, but it shows he still loves me! And still, he pretends as if he doesn't care at all! How petty he is!

Michael could no longer stop his excitement: "Dad, is it true? You’re willing to give Yuhan company to me?!"

From the moment he entered this VIP room, Michael had never once addressed Ethan with any respect.

Only when Ethan revealed his wish of entrusting the company to his child, did he finally call him "Dad". All the while he had always seen Ethan as an enemy.

Mark began to relax, believing that he had triumphed.

Everything had turned out to be the best; he was going to get Yuhan company without having to remarry Ethan. After all, he did not want to spend the next rest of his life facing him. At least Ethan will not give anything to his bitch wife.

But little did the father and son notice that Ethan had been observing their reactions to the tiniest detail. His smile was gone: "Aside from running Yuhan company, I still have a job at the Philippines National Secret Agency which I put all my savings on my bank account for my children to get it as a heritage when I will pass away someday."

That was true Ethan was telling the truth because he will really give it all to his children with his wife in the near future.

Author: (I don't know if it is a Secret agency or security agency. I forgot about it so just correct me if I'm wrong if you still remember.)

"What?! You are working in the Philippines National Secret Agency?!" Michael could not believe it.

Philippines National Secret Agency?! Is his Father so talented and mighty?! If he’s really working there, that would mean he has powerful and influential contacts everywhere he goes! If only these contacts are at his disposal, these contacts could be really useful for doing big projects! And make the Cruz company much bigger.

What was more, the Cruz already has a lot more money than they’ll ever need. All they lacked now was power and connections to make it bigger and wider. With power and influence at their fingertips, the Cruz company could easily become the largest business in the whole country that could trample all their enemies without fear.

At the very first, Michael was not amused with the notion of his daddy remarrying Ethan. But now, he only wished that they could walk up the aisle and exchange their vows as soon as possible.

"You’re awesome, Father!" Michael could still remember the last time when he was suddenly arrested for secretly investigating Yuhan company.

The government was so protective of Ethan. Does that mean Ethan was very important to the government?

"Father…" Michael called Ethan "Father" once more, this time unbearably gentle. He really loves me! He’s leaving me all that is good in him! I need to treat him better! I should never be rude to him again!

But Ethan’s words came up abruptly.

"I wished to leave everything, my company, my contacts and influence to my children. Everything, for there is all that will remain of me and my blood. My heir, whom I would gladly pave a way for but....." Ethan paused, and that was when his voice turned frosty and frigid.

"Alas, I got informed that the son that I thought came from my blood wasn't even my biological son at all. What a pity, it's really a pity. All these years I have been used and being cheated."

Mark’s face twisted with horror as he stands up.

"What do you mean by that?! Ethan, Michael grew up on your care! He is your son and you are his father! Are you refuting his existence?! What are you talking about?!" Mark loudly demanded .

Sharp words escaped in Mark's mouth, but deep inside, he began to fear that Ethan had discovered something.

As if the sky was crashing down on him, Michael sprang to his feet with indignation just like his daddy.

"What’s the meaning of that, Father?! You have no child?! Then what am I to you?!"

In contrast to the flustered and agitated father and son, Ethan looked relatively calm and collected.

"Just take a look at those files in front of you and you will find out."

Mark hardly moved an inch. He held Ethan from the other end of the table with an incredulous stare, gasping with disbelief at how distant and strange he had become.

Does he not love me?! If he does, then why does he dispute whose son Michael really is?! He is the son that came out from his womb and for twenty years he had been calling him ‘Father’, so what if they don’t share the same blood?! Just because Michael’s not of his blood, then he is not accepting him as his son?! Why is he being so petty and spiteful now?! Is being blood related really that matters and important now?!

Michael reached for the documents and flipped it open. On the first page, staring back up at him was a paternity test report.

He has no blood relationship with Ethan at all, but was, in fact, the biological son of Andrew Ford.

Michael could not believe his eyes. I’m not Ethan’s son?! That’s impossible!

Ethan stood up. He looked at the dumbfounded Michael and said: "I initially thought of giving everything to you as my only son. I’ve even drawn up the papers to transfer the shares to you already on my will. Every piece is in place for me to give all my belongings to you so that you can use it to further expand the Cruz company but, alas, you are not really my son." Then he added: "Did you not ask me before if I remember whose father I am? I’m answering you now: I was the father of my unborn child with my wife Yuki. Oh, before I forget it seems you don’t even know whose son you are. I pray that you reunite with your real father soon and spend your time getting to know each other more."

With that last final word, Ethan walked out the door.

He looked at his watch. Hmm… It’s time. My wife was already waiting for me to eat next door. That was the end of it. He no longer needed to bother himself with any more of these scum people, his role ended here. He just needs to wait for those people to ruin each other but if they do something to his family then he would surely make them more miserable.

The door of the VIP room barely closed behind when he heard Michael’s shaking voice demanding an answers.

"Tell me this isn’t true, Daddy! How the fuck did Andrew become my real father?!"

Ethan did not stay to listen to Mark’s explanation. Needless to say, this matter would be haunting Michael for quite some time.

Michael has always been arrogant, narrow-minded, and self-centered. He was an egotistical person with an immeasurable arrogance.

He believed that no one else but him could be perfect while at the same time, he was also a hypocrite who demanded the highest standard for everyone around him that no mistake should be ever made.

How would he react now, knowing at last that he was the offspring of an affair and the father that gave life to him was none other than the creature he had always looked down upon?

Michael was more accepting of Andrew in the original timeline because Mark managed to destroy the original owner's reputation with no hope to return, that he became the most hated man in the whole country.

In contrast to the alleged monstrosity of all wickedness of the original owner, Andrew, in contrast, turned out to be purer and nobler, and that helped Michael to accept him into the family.

But now, everything is utterly different. Ethan managed to resurrect himself from the ashes that Mark gave to him.

He was the President of Yuhan company and an immensely-valued researcher under the country. His creations had shocked the whole world, propelling him to the global stage as one of the greatest inventors and researchers of this era.

And now, out of nowhere, Ethan told him that these blessings should be his gifts that he should inherit, but because he was not his biological son, he no longer has any right to get them instead it will be given to the rightful heir that his new wife will give birth too.

How will Michael react upon knowing that such great gifts, which had been within his grasp, had slipped through his fingers like a fish on the sea?

The answer was clear and obvious enough.

What happened next was just as Ethan had expected. Unable to swallow the truth of his own identity, Michael had a massive falling-out with Mark.

Mark loved his son so much. Yet despite whatever he tried in order to gain his forgiveness only hit an enormous wall that could be nailed; Michael would refuse no matter what reason he has.

But he could not openly declare war against on his own father, not when he still remained the biggest stakeholder of the Cruz company. Hence, he directed every thing of his fury, resentment, and frustration on Andrew.

There was no longer any shred of rationality and mercy. Blinded by rage, Michael fights Andrew like a rabid bull dog, branding him as a shameless and disgraceful person destroying people with family.

Still, Mark remained supportive of Andrew. That gave him the idea of avoiding any conflict with Michael and he devoted all his time and effort in persuading Mark to finalize their marriage and ultimately, he triumphed. Mark agreed and they got  officially married.

Mark believed that by making it official with Andrew, perhaps their son might warm up to Andrew. After all, they were a true father and son and the man whom he truly loved.

Perhaps Michael might accept him into the family out of respect and love for him as his omega father.

But Mark made a mistake. Michael is not like Ethan and he never gave a fuck to what his daddy thought and planned.

In fact, their union only left Michael feeling betrayed and the feeling only intensified with the following announcement of Mark’s pregnancy.

The doctors had deemed Mark impossible to have another child after Michael was born and no one expected that he would once again become pregnant with another baby.

To Mark, this was a great gift from Heaven and with most of his attention dedicated to nursing his pregnancy, he was no longer concerned about Michael's tantrum and actions.

He underestimated his spitefulness, thinking that he would never harbor any grudge towards them and he would talk to him once he was ready.

Mark did not realize that the rift between them was only growing instead of closing and by allowing the problem to fester, the damage slowly became irreparable.

This was also because of Rysh efforts to incite Mark to fight against his own father who loved him. Michael began to trust his words that Mark would never allow him to inherit the shares  he got in the Cruz company because of the newly added member of their family.

"Remember our ex father Ethan? When he was still the President, you saw him that he loves our daddy the most? But still, daddy mercilessly cast him out into the streets because of Andrew and he was given only one million and that money was also his own money. Do you want to walk down the same path as Ethan did before, being driven out of Cruz family like a dog? Would you be able to accept this when the time comes?"

Michael listened to every poisoned word that Rysh whispered into his ear like a devil's whisper and began to set things into motion, using the pretense of making investments to transfer funds and assets elsewhere.

The Cruz company dabbled mainly in industries that appeared strong and steady from the outside. Yet in truth, it was all ready ruined on the inside.

To take away the funds, Michael began fabricating false accounts, and that made the first crack of the unsteady wall that was already on the verge of cracking.

Ethan had expended decades to turn the Cruz company from a declining  enterprise into a business tycoon it was today, but to undo all that hard work was in fact a piece of cake. As they said it is not easy to rise but it was very easy to fall.

More so, when the one trying to bring down the company was none other than it's own President himself.

Ethan’s actions had started a flame of ambition inside Michael but ambition does not always come hand-in-hand with abilities and hard work, and when the absence of the latter two was only a road for disaster.

Meanwhile, Ethan no longer shed any thought on the Cruz company; he has more matters to take care of like taking care of his pregnant wife.

Yuki has been pregnant for two months they just learned it a while ago.

He had also handled all the work that should be handled for retirement, yes he and Yuki decided to retire and spend their days together with their unborn child and staying in his in-laws family house but they still needed to be protected and Ethan needs to stay for five years to teach the other young researchers for the future of their country.

He just needs to show up two times a month and it's up to the young researchers to comprehend what they have learned during lectures.

The UN also backed out from forcefully stealing their inventions because of being threatened that they only force fully initiating world war three that all Asian countries will give to the westerner.

They also give the condition that the Philippines will not sell any of their advance weapons to any country at all, if they did not follow the UN will immediately compensate all of their advanced research and weapons. The UN also would not intervene in the Philippines about its weapons.

They surely knows that the UN only pushing then into a corner so that they could rift the benefits the most because they can easily put a puppet president in the next election but what they didn't know that only Ethan and Yuki knows those research and they never saved any backup files so that it will not let greedy people take a hold of it.

After finishing their research they will immediately destroy all the files and documents of it.

The mecha will not move without its master, it can only be used by the person who he was assigned too, as everyone knows that it would self-destruct when it senses that it was being used in bad things.

All the advanced spaceships were also like the mecha it has no key it will only move, the one using it was for a good purpose.

Ethan and Yuki made them like they have their own spirit that they would follow the people who they want to follow.

As the terminal brain began to operate all over the country, an all-new flying car was also built and finally opened on the markets, it much better than Tesla because it will charge itself by converting air as its power to move. It was made so that it can't hurt the earth at all.

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