Closer | A Theo Nott Enemies...

بواسطة OutsidersAf

211K 2.1K 777

Amalia Zabini has never been one to rock the boat, being adopted made her the butt of all jokes, especially t... المزيد

Don't Trust Me
In My Room
Come As You Are
In My Feelings
Be Quiet and Drive
Notice Me
Playing Dangerous
Kinda Out Of Luck
Fast In My Car
Bound 2
If u Think I'm Pretty
Teacher's Pet
Little Bit
feel something
Author Note
Night Shift
Good Looking
Je Te Laisserai Des Mots
Atlas: Touch
Tutto questo sei tu
It Will Rain


5.2K 54 18
بواسطة OutsidersAf

"Blaise! Blaise! Come quick!"

My mother voice, dancing with light as she called for my brother.

"What? You act like shouting will help you find me in this place."

Sarcasm riddled in his voice, although he was right.

Hogwarts is massive.

"Blaise, do you think we'll be placed in Slytherin?"

I questioned, a hint of curiosity lingered.

"Seriously? Where else."

Blaise scoffs as if he was offended I even asked that question.

Rolling my eyes we continue wandering the castle with our mother. Soon this will be mine and Blaise's home for a while.

I smile to myself as we begin to descend down the stairs to leave.

"Oi Blaise!"

There he was, Theodore Nott. I have always longed for whenever he was coming over, he's so dreamy.

"Sweetheart, you're drooling."

My mother jokes, catching me staring at the beautiful boy before me.

"Go on, go play with him."

She gives me a reassuring smile and a small shove.

I was never nervous to hangout with him since he came over quite often so this will be a piece of cake.

"Heyyy Theo!"

Throwing my arm around his shoulder.

As Theo began to form a sentence we turn our attention to the loud group of first years from behind us.

"Ooooh, looks like Nott has got himself a girlfriend!"

One of the first years point at us.

I, along with Theo, grew red.

"An ugly one at that too!"

Another one said.


Theo hesitated for a moment then swiftly threw my arm right off of him, throwing me to the ground as well.

"Troll, never step foot near me again."

Theo's tone was so spiteful but also, hesitant, as if he didn't want to say it.

That didn't matter, what he said hurt whether he meant it or not.


Tears pricked up in the corners of my eyes as my jaw shook at every word that left my mouth.
The group of first years laugh, inviting Theo over to hangout.

I watch as Theo walks with them, leaving me on the ground, only looking back to laugh.


Gasping for air, I realize where I was, I was in the black lake just then.

Cedric helps me swim to the platform as we were both greeted by the entire Hufflepuff house, along with a few supporters.

"Here you go, it'll warm you up!"

Taking the towel from the girl above.

"Thank you, I-"

Meeting eyes with Cho Chang I couldn't help but feel a pit grow in my stomach.

Her smile wasn't enough to drown out the glint of sadness in her eyes. In an attempts to console her, my train of thought abruptly comes to a halt as I could only think of what Theo was thinking right now.

Not only was he upset about Mattheo but imagine if he knows that I was Cedric Diggory's prize in a Tri Wizard task!

So much time went on of me spacing out that I did not even realize it was time to head back to the castle.

"Can you believe Potter, Potter! Is now in second, wild right?"

Cedric couldn't be more excited and I could careless.

To which Cedric noticed and immediately flipped a switch.

"Are you cold? Here take my towel."

Removing his towel he places it on my shoulder.

Silently thanking him, we approach the shore which all the supporters were still there, screaming and cheering.
Smiling at Cedric, making my way through the crowd, but am pulled back by Cedric.

"Rita wants a photo of us!"

Cedric lifts me up as if I am a trophy he had just won-wait.

"Rita Skeeter!?"

Unable to process the horrible woman before me, a white flash takes over my vision and realizing too late, I will be on the front pages with CEDRIC DIGGORY.

Squirming in Cedric's arms he immediately lets me down. My feet are too fast for my body as I charge at Rita.

"Rita, hi, hi, you cannot use that picture in the p-are you-Cedric and I are not dating!"

Peering over her shoulder, the headline stated in her notepad 'The Tale of Forbidden Love'.
My body grew with anger as I could feel my arm winding backwards, in a midst of people running to stop my arm, it was too late.

Rita Skeeter was on the ground. I froze. I could not believe what I had just done. Cameras began to flash all around us, catching Dumbledore's attention.

"Everyone clear out the area!"

His voice booms.

Everyone obliged as they began to scatter like rats. Dumbledore shifted his direction towards me, I knew what was at stake for me.

"My office, now."

His voice tinged with venom.

I could not look him the eyes, silently making my way up hill, towards the castle. I realized I was alone, that was until Professor Snape grips my arm, forcing me to catch up with him. Not only was I freezing, but his grasp on my arm felt as if my skin was burning.

We proceed into the castle where I am still being dragged, this time the entire school was there, awaiting me.

"Move, now."

Snape ordered, yet no one seemed to care, everyone erupted in cheers, crowding around me, forcing Snape to lose me within the students.

Confusion set in me but quickly shifted to enjoyment as everyone around me began to high-five, hug, even as far as kissing me on the cheek, all because I punched Rita Skeeter.

Grinning amongst the students, wondering around to give each one a smile of my appreciation, that was until I saw Theo.

My smile slowly dropped, his eyes caving into the back of my skull with a look of regret and disgust. I soon come to the realization, remembering that I was Cedric's person to save. In a turn of events, his putrid face, twisted into a devious smile, raising his hands in a slow, clapping motion.

"Bloody hell! I wish I was there to see that!"

Draco stepped into my line of vision, blocking Theo.

Flashing Draco a quick smile, pushing his mmm aside to only find a different student where Theo once stood. Without being able to process anything in that moment, a voice roared behind us.


It was Dumbledore.

The students did not even need any further notice but to move out of his way, creating a direct path to me.

Dumbledore along with all of the other Professors found their way in front of me, way too close, in front of me.

For what seemed like an eternity, the Professors before me shot me daggers before silently peering around, causing all students to make their way, anywhere else but that corridor.

Without hesitation, I am forcibly moved by Dumbledore to continue on to his office. The only noise that could be heard around us was our feet hitting the castle floors and the portraits beside us speaking on how I assaulted Rita Skeeter.

The long walk which seemed like it was never ending, finally ended once we all made our way into Dumbledore's office.

Not even a second goes by from the door being shut was I slung into a chair by Professor Snape.

"You think you can do anything don't you little girl!"

Snape spat in my face.

His body hovering above me with both hands gripping the side arms of the chair I was so nicely placed in.

"You need to-"

Dumbledore placed a hand on Snape's shoulder, insinuating for him to stop.

Snape's eyes kept mine, backing further away from me. My eyes turn into slits, giving him the nastiest stare I could twist my face into.

"You should not resent Professor Snape Ms. Zabini. He's looking out for you, we all are."

Dumbledore politely explains in a tonality that almost made me gaze soften at Snape.

That's when I remembered my arm was still stinging from the probable bruises his fingers left on my arm.

"She was lying, I couldn't control myself!"

Pleading with Dumbledore.

"So learn to control yourself! You made a fool of Hogwarts, all because you're upset over a headline that everyone will forget about within a day."

My response must've triggered Snape, by the way he returned to his old position over me.

Sitting there, this time staring up at Snape, no death stare this time, but a look of defeat. He was right, no one will remember this, I'm not so sure with Theo but that's something I hopefully can handle.

"Now, since we paid the wizards who took those photos to dispose of them, your disciplinary action will be as followed. Detention everyday for the next two weeks of classes for one hour, you must write a formal letter to Rita Skeeter and apologize for your actions, and finally you must try out for the Slytherin Quidditch team."

Dumbledore read off of a scroll which burned up into thin air, disappearing before our eyes.

"Wait, I have to try out for the quidditch team?"

"Out of all of your punishments, that is what you're upset about?"

Mad-eye laughs in the corner of the room, taking a swig of whatever liquor he has in his flask.

"Alright, with that, go to your dormitory. Professor Snape will escort you there."

Dumbledore makes room for Snape and I, as well as the other professors.

"Oh and Amalia, I hope I won't have to see you in my office again."

Dumbledore calls out to me from his desk.
I simply smile at him, continuing on with Snape.
The walk back was silent, until Snape had something to say, he always does.

"This is the second physical altercation you started this year, the other being just last night, you're lucky I didn't tell Dumbledore."

My face twisted into uncertainty.


Was the only word I could get out. Although Snape was the head of the Slytherin house, he never showed to actually show signs of sympathy towards us.

"I'm going to bed now, I suggest you do the same."

With that Snape's cloak hits me in the face, while he left.

Snape's attitude shifted when I asked that, maybe he does care about me. That or him and my mother are having relations.

Opening the common room door I'm greeted with almost all of the Slytherins house cheering and clapping for me.

I couldn't contain my smile and rejoiced with my house, making my way through the crowd of students.

"Here! Victory shot!"

Adrian Pucey forces my mouth open, dumping a shot of mystery liquor into my mouth.
Taking it like an absolute whomp I began coughing, earning an even louder cheer from before.

Finally getting past everyone who was congratulating me, I found the fire place to find all of my friends sitting around, cheering me on.
I blow kisses, acting like an award-winning actress who had just won an award.

Laughing, I seat myself right next to the fire, in attempt to warm myself from the damp clothes I still had on.

"Okay, okay, we are going to celebrate, but first you have to tell us, why did Cedric have to save you?"

The entire room fell silent at the question bestowed upon me by none other than my idiotic brother Blaise.

All eyes were on me, yet again, awaiting the answer they longed for. Looking around I try to find a familiar face, but he is nowhere to be found. I drop my head, mentally preparing myself for what I could say.

"Um, I'm not sure, maybe because we're good friends?"

My response sounded more like a question than answer.

Which everyone around could tell, coming from the looks of their puzzled faces and whispers amongst one another.

"Alright you heard her, they're friends, now let's keep celebrating Malia knocking Rita Skeeter into the dirt!"

Pansy stood up shouting.

Thank Merlin for her, everyone went back to having an excuse to party.

She gives me a reassuring smile, as I do to her.

"So, why did Cedric really have to save you?"

Blaise leaned in, loud enough only for all of us on the couch to hear.

"I swear I don't know, we haven't talked in ages."

Letting out a sigh of desperation, everyone seemed to back off without any further questioning about why I was chosen for Cedric.

"Here, cheers to you."

Pansy passes me a bottle of fire whiskey, I kindly accept, taking a swig that may have been to long for my liking, it was more like five gulps.

Passing the bottle to my brother on the couch, I look to see his eyes bulging out of his head.

"What's your problem?"

Turning to Pansy for validation, she was giving me the same look, along with Crabbe, Goyle, Draco, and a new comer, Mattheo.

"Did that time in the black lake mess you up that bad?"

Crabbe sarcastically speaks at the way I took down the fire whiskey.

Slightly chuckling I nod in agreement, making everyone else laugh a bit louder.

"Hey Malia, can I, talk to you?"

Mattheo bends down, whispering in my ear.
Looking up at him, I hesitate but agree, offering my hand.

He helps me up and that was until he realized I was still in wet clothes.

"Do you want to change before?"

He lets out a nervous laugh turning away from my body. I give him a playful nudge and we made our way up to my room.

Opening my door we head into my room. I start to take off my shirt but saw the door was open.


Shouting, Mattheo's head peers from behind the door.

"Oh, sorry!"

He reaches in to close the door.

"Just come in!"

Impatiently stomping my foot.

Mattheo seems taken aback but frantically runs in my room, closing the door behind him.

"I just didn't think you'd want me to-"

I push him back, making him fall onto my bed.

"Relax, I don't care that you're here."

Grabbing a few clean and warm clothes from my trunk, I head to the bathroom, leaving the door open to listen to him better.

"Well I-anyways, look I'm sorry about yesterday I just really can't help how I feel about you."

Groaning under my breath, I throw on my slightly oversized jumper that reached just below my ass.
Standing in the door frame to the bathroom I give Mattheo an unamused look.

His mouth opens to continue his sentence, but his eyes widen at the sight of me wearing nothing but my jumper.

"Mattheo, I understand but you have to realize, I see you as a friend."

Sitting beside him, Mattheo's expression remained constant, from the moment I was in the door frame, to sitting right next to him.


Waving my hand in front of his face.
Jumping as if he was in a hypnosis, he clears his throat, allowing himself to continue.

"S-sorry, it's just..."

He pauses for a moment, trying to get himself to spit out the last part of his sentence.

Motioning him to continue with my hand, this made his eyes roll, letting out a deep breath.

"Can we please just kiss so I can get that out of the way and then I will get over you and we can be friends."

Mattheo holding both sides of my arms, with a hint of desperation and lust in his eyes.

A smile tugged at my lips, when a laugh bursts through them.

"Mattheo, if you wanted a kiss you could have just-"

Just on time, Theo busts through the door.

"Thanks for keeping her company, now get out."

Mattheo scrambles to collect himself, cautiously moving past Theo.

"So, you would let that git kiss you? Does he know where your lips have been?"

Slamming the door behind him, Theo slowly approaches me, eyeing me up until he was stood, towering above me.

"Why do you care? I'm pathetic, aren't I?"

Crossing my arms across my chest.

Theo chuckles, rolling his eyes, just for his face to drop, staring at me intently. This made me shift, letting that confidence slip.

"Oh, that you are. Speaking of, why don't we talk about Cedric, have a good one with that didn't you?"

This time Theo was about a centimeter away from me, his crotch eye level, I had yet to move my eyes from his.

"Oh yeah, I want both of them so badly, you have no idea."

Smirking, I give off cockiness within my response.
Theo's face grew deviously.

"Well then, I guess you won't mind this."

Before I knew it, Theo smashes his lips into mine, taking me back a bit at the hunger he had. Giving in, I close my eyes, pushing my lips against his.
Theo's hands rest on my hips, as I move mine to the back of his head, running it through his soft locks.

His grip tightened as our kiss got deeper with each passing second. I slip my tongue into his mouth, getting a sweet little moan to escape out of Theo's mouth.

In one swift motion, lifting me up with one arm, he seats himself on my bed to where I am now straddling him.

As mentioned earlier, I am wearing nothing besides my jumper, not even underwear.
This spot left me extremely vulnerable but I could careless. Theo bites my bottom lip, my eyes roll back into my head in pleasure, feel a stiff rod form from underneath me.

Smiling against Theo's lips, I decide to take it up a notch. Tugging at the bottom of Theo's jumper, throwing it off of himself with not a second left to spare, crashing his lips onto mine once more.
I pull back to admire the body in front of me. I run my hand from his chest to his happy trail, feeling the beautifully muscular body before me.
I return back to his lips, this time accidentally throwing myself too hard at him, having him collapse on his back.

His hands find their way to my ass, gripping onto it like a child that doesn't want its toy taken away from them.

A soft groan escapes my lips, feeling his grasp tighten as our kiss forms into a sloppy, wet, mess.
Shifting my hips against his hard dick, the soft moans were untamable from him.

I knew teasing him was not the right thing to do but, I'm having a lot of fun.

Snaking his hand from my ass he makes his way to my throbbing clit. I gasp once his thumb comes into contact with it. Removing his other hand from my ass, he covers my mouth with it, flipping me over in the process.

"This'll make you realize."

Whispering in my ear, he leaves a trail of kisses from my jaw, all the way until he reaches my thighs.

Biting my lip, I twitch at every kiss he leaves , leading down my thigh. Getting closer to me, he slows his kisses, teasing me in a way that I craved more of.

I whimper as I can feel him, hovering right above my clit.

"Say it."

Groaning, I throw my head back.

"I need to hear you say it, tell me just how pathetic you are Amalia."

Theo's voice seeped into me, making me need him even more.

"I need you Theo, please, I need you more than ever."
The desperation in my tone, resulting in a small laugh from Theo.

Moaning against Theo's mouth, his tongue finally found where it needed to be so desperately.

His tongue, rapidly moving against my clit made me an absolute sound bar. My moans could only be silenced by a quick charm, to which Theo grabs my wand from my hand throwing it across the room.

"Everyone is going to know just how badly you need me."

I shouldn't be as turned on as I am, knowing everyone will hear me, but this just made me want Theo even more.

Theo's pace picked up, along with him sliding  two fingers inside of me.

"Oh my god Theo."

My moans only made Theo work harder and faster, pushing me closer to my climax.

Whimpering I feel myself building up with each stroke and flick Theo was giving me.

"You're only allowed to cum when I let you."

Theo pauses.

"I will, just please keep going."

Smirking at how pathetic I sound, Theo, proceeds, slowly letting his two fingers pump in and out of me, letting his eyes gaze into mine. Pushing my hips against his fingers, making him go deeper, his smile grows.

Gradually pumping faster, he lets his tongue fall back into place on my clit. I couldn't take it any longer, my abs began to cramp, fingers grasping onto my sheets, heat rising from every part of my body.

"Now darling."
With those words, my body was sent into a spiral. Letting out every last moan, until Theo's fingers were dripping from what he had caused, he slowly came to a halt.

Coming up close to me, Theo brings his fingers up to my face.

"Clean it off."

Taking his fingers into my mouth, I sweetly suck off every last ounce of cum on his fingers.

"Just as expected."

Biting his bottom lip to contain his smile.
He readjusts his boner before leaving me, lifeless on the bed.

Smiling to myself I roll off of my bed, crawling my way to the bathroom due to the fact that if I were to even attempt to stand, I'd find my way right back to where I started.

Finally reaching the shower, I give my best attempts to go through my routine, shaking legs and all.

I couldn't help but wonder if he truly meant what he said, that I was his, but that means he was mine?

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