Her Inked Scars

By LaylaMango

241K 7.3K 511

"Don't worry, princess. I'll be gentle with you," Celeste whispers in my ear as I whimper into the crook of h... More

Some A/N
a party
pastels suit you
home time
alone time
nap time
strong medication
dinner plans
hangover breakfast
business talks
calm fantasies
drunk secrets
secrets spilled
bedtime story
good morning
a very good morning
anxious rage
the test
family messages
the car ride home
movie naps
protective girlfriend
the truth
a confrontation with them
i'm here now, princess
holding her close
craving shopping
love you, baby
my queen
the end

dinner time

6.3K 223 12
By LaylaMango

POV: Celeste

I had kind of hoped she'd be ready by the time I came to pick her up but I guess she isn't because she's still in her bedroom.

I settle on her couch as I wait for her, spreading my legs wide as I get comfortable. Luckily I had reserved our table for later so that we weren't rushed and with how long Nyoka's taking I'm so glad I did.

As I wait for her, Nyoka's phone chimes with a notification and my eyes automatically glance over to it, catching sight of my contact on Nyoka's phone since she never flicks away message notifications.

"Um, Nyoka," I call out to her.

"Yeah?" She calls back, her voice sounding tired.

"Why is my contact on your phone 'Seal'?" I ask, unable to contain my laughter.

"Oh, because on my contacts I give almost everyone nicknames," she calls back.

"And why 'Seal'?" I ask, really uncertain about what her answer is going to be though I know it'll probably be innocent and sweet.

"Because when you're excited you clap your hands like a happy seal," she replies in the cutest voice.

I chuckle and go back to waiting for her to show me what she's going to wear tonight. My mind hopes that it'll be something that shows off her body and her beautiful skin but knowing her usual style I doubt she'll wear anything like that.

I start to get concerned after another few minutes have passed. I know that sometimes getting ready can take a long time but this is feels weird.

It's not long before find out what's taking her so long and why she's resting my patience.

"Um, Celeste," Nyoka asks, her head peering around the corner. "Could I get your opinion on something?"

I nod and she nervously steps out, her body covered in a slim fitting black dress with a slit up the skirt that reveals more of her thigh than I expected she would allow. It has a turtleneck top that reveals her shoulders but covers her collar bone and chest, disappointing me a little.

All the fabric holds tightly onto her figure that's normally covered by baggy clothes, emphasising her beautiful figure and her round chest and curvy hips, even showing off her small hip dips and the small rolls of her stomach that I adore.

"Is this too much, or is it okay, or what?" She asks as she shuffles from side to side, fiddling with her fingers as she's unable to look me in the eye.

"You look perfect," I say, barely thinking about it as my eyes glide up and down her figure.

Nyoka moans a little in complaint, uncomfortable with me staring at her figure which she so rarely exposes. I  turn my face away as I apologise, realising that I shouldn't stare at her much longer.

"Are you ready to go then?" I ask to divert our minds from the uncomfortable situation I created.

"Not really but I can leave now if we need to," she mumbles, rubbing her arms anxiously.

"There's no need to worry. We have plenty of time so I can wait until you're comfortable enough to go. What else do you have to do?"

"Maybe some makeup and my hair," she mumbles. "And maybe change again."

I sigh, knowing that I need to put a stop to this or we'll be here all night. I understand that she isn't the most confident or decisive but I need to put my foot down.

Standing up from the couch, I walk over to her, grabbing her by her shoulders making her freeze as her eyes lock into mine. Anxiety swirls in her irises as I hold her close so that our bodies are almost together and she has to look up at me.

I tuck a loose strand of hair that's falling over her face behind her ear, tentatively holding the side of her face, my thumb rubbing over her cheek as they flush.

"You look beautiful, Nyoka. There's no need for you to change and if you don't want to wear makeup you don't have to."

Nyoka utters something to herself under her breath before telling me she'll be back in a minute, disappearing into the bathroom after slipping away from me.

Did I go too far?

Was I too harsh with her?

Please tell me I didn't fuck everything up with her.

I don't think this is a date but I still don't want to ruin a possible friendship with her.

I settle back on the couch, regretting everything as I debate just leaving since I think I upset her. As my head rests in my hands the bathroom door opens again and I can hear Nyoka walking around her apartment.

"Are you ready to go then?" She suddenly asks.

I hadn't even realised she'd been standing in the doorway, ready for me to get up. She nervously smiles as she stands at the door, my eyes raising to look at her.

She's put on a little bit of mascara and lip gloss as well as putting her hair into a long braid down her back, two strands beautifully framing her face. She's already put on a pair of thigh high boots that makes her look so mature and stunning.

I eagerly get up and loop my arm with hers as we leave her apartment, helping Nyoka into my car before driving her to the restaurant I chose for her since I think she'd like the food there.

It's a long drive to it so I allow Nyoka to play her favourite songs from my phone through my car's speakers as we both sing along, neither of us in tune.

I've never seen Nyoka so happy.

Seeing her like this in my presence makes my heart flutter with excitement, her good mood spreading to me. I have to bite my lip to hold down my laughter as Nyoka properly relaxes around me for the first time.

As I park and help her out of my car, she nervously chuckles, apologising for her behaviour. I assure her it's okay as I lead her to the restaurant and we're led to our table.

I made sure the place I took her was decent but not so fancy that it would make her uncomfortable. We chatter as we wait for her food and I can't help but notice that Nyoka isn't drinking any of her wine as she eats despite her eyes frequently glancing at it for some hydration.

"Nyoka, why aren't you having any of your drink?" I ask, my mouth half full of food.

"When it comes to wine, I have the smallest sip and I'm drunk. And trust me, I'm not much fun to be around when I'm drunk," she explains, contradicting herself as she takes a small sip from her glass. "Shit, well, I hope you don't mind helping me walk back to your car later."

I know that I can but I really wonder how bad she gets when she's drunk. I'm also curious about what kind of drunk she is. Does she get giggly, angry or upset? Maybe she gets more talkative and confident?

I honestly can't wait to see.

[Two Hours Later]

"I told you not to let me drink any more," Nyoka hiccups as she finishes her third glass of the night.

"How about we get going home then?" I ask as less of a question and more of a request as I stand up, offering my hand for her to take since I don't know how unsteady she is on her feet.

She gladly takes it and uses me to steady herself as she wobbles a little on her feet. Nyoka isn't as unsteady as I thought she might be so she doesn't rest as much of her weight on me as I expected she would.

She does however loop one of her arms over my shoulders, shuffling her body close to mine as I direct her to my car.

As soon as we get to my car and I begin to slip away from her hold, her strength suddenly pulls me back as she turns me to face her. She's shockingly strong as she pushes me against my car and a gasp escapes my throat.

I guess I got the answer to my wonder.

She's a flirty drunk.

No wonder she didn't want to get drunk. At any other time Nyoka is feeble and honestly she seems scared of love or affection but right now one of her hands is holding my hips down against my car while the other runs around to hold the back of my neck, her fingers running through my hair.

Her eyes glance down to my lips as she bites her bottom lip and I can just focus on how hard my heart is pounding in my chest.

Nyoka's breathing keeps hitching as she stands so close and I can see behind her eyes that she's debating something. She soon decides against it, muttering what I think is an apology before shifting away from me, opening the car door for herself before slipping in and sitting down, slamming the door behind her leaving me befuddled outside my own car as I try to comprehend what just happened.

I have to take a moment to calm myself down and soothe the boner rising from me before going round to the driver's side and getting in.

Nyoka's hand holds my thigh as I drive her home making it difficult for me to focus on driving safely and keeping my body from freaking out under her touch. She might be drunk but I don't know how much of this she'll remember later.

Her hand keeps rising higher up my leg until she's nearly touching my crotch making me more nervous that she's going to start grabbing at me or get repulsed by my body.

I'm glad when we reach her apartment building and I can finally get out of the car away from her more intimate touches.

She gets out of the car by herself and wanders around to me, her arms looping over my shoulders to support herself as she yawns. She rests her head on my chest as she gets tired.

"Let's get you to bed," I whisper in her ear as she giggles.

She nods and I lead her up and into her apartment, sitting her on the sofa to kneel down in front of her and help her take her boots off.

She lays back on the couch as I undo them and slip them off her feet, placing them on the floor beside the couch before getting up and helping her into her bedroom where she instantly flops onto her bed on top of the pile of clothes dumped over her sheets.

Almost the instant her body is on her bed she falls asleep, softly snoring as she curls up, the slit in her skirt allowing her legs the freedom to stretch out as she sleeps soundly.

I decide to stay the night in case she wakes up or needs to throw up during the night. Also in case she does something stupid while drunk that she'll never let go of.

I'll just sleep on the couch for the night. It might be uncomfortable but I can deal with it for one night.

I'll stay as long as she needs.

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