Mrs. Christmas (YANDERE! Mrs...

By _Kim_Haru_

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Y/N L/N is an optimistic girl, with dreams of a better world, and the hopes that she can make a difference. D... More



933 44 11
By _Kim_Haru_

December 11th

*The Previous Day*

"Okay, Val—" Y/N paused for a moment. "It's not what it looks like!"

"Where is she?" Valeria asked in a panic. She remained in the doorway, nearly refusing to come in. "I blinked, she's gone!" Valeria's shoulders dropped for a mere second. "What's going on?"

"Nothing!" Y/N exclaimed. She clasped her hands together and dropped them in front of her. "I'm just talking to Pawsley."

"Oh, give me a fucking break, Y/N!" Valeria exclaimed. "I believed you at first! I thought Lucas was just spilling his stupid knowledge all over the place. Y'know, like always!" Valeria sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. "But, now I've actually seen the chick!"

Y/N's posture stuttered and she broke eye contact. "Val, just calm-"

"Brock!" Valeria called.

Y/N's eyes widened and she threw her hands up in a panic. "No! Valeria, don't!"

"Ella! Lucas!" Valeria continued, paying absolutely no mind to Y/N's protests.

Y/N groaned in frustration. "Ugh," she gripped the sides of her head. "That is such a you move, Val! Damnit."

Y/N took a step back as her three other siblings appeared in the doorway, one after the other. Brock leant up against the doorframe, Ella stood behind Valeria with her arms crossed, and Lucas held a disgustingly smug grin. "What's going on?" Brock asked.

"Y/N has a girl in her room!" Valeria exclaimed, pointing an accusatory finger at her younger sister.

"Tattle-tail," Y/N mumbled under her breath with an immature roll of her eyes.

"A girl?" Ella asked in shock.

"What are you on about, Val?" Brock rolled his eyes.

"I told you so," Lucas sneered.

Y/N groaned before shuffling towards the doorway and pulling her nosy, older siblings into the bedroom. She slammed the door closed, muttering to herself as she locked it. "God, have none of you heard of whispering?"

"Y/N, what's going on?" Brock asked.

Y/N seemed to cave in on herself and her shoulders slumped. "Guys, it's nothing!"

Lucas raised an eyebrow. "Give it up," Lucas sighed. "I've heard her and now, Val has seen her." He pushed his glasses up and stepped forward, inspecting the room as if he expected to see someone hiding in plain sight. "So, where is she? Start explaining."

Y/N looked at the floor, scratching the back of her neck and glancing over at the closet. "Fine..." she swallowed thickly. "It's over, Mary. Come out."

There was a long silence, no one made a sound and Y/N began to question if Mary was still present in her bedroom. Then, there was the sound of a door creaking and Mary had finally revealed herself to Y/N's siblings.

"Holy shit," Valeria muttered. She cowered into Ella's side, seemingly intimidated by Mary's immense height. "I was right."

"Okay, so- what?" Brock spoke. He looked at Mary before his eyes pierced into Y/N's. "You've been hiding some fucking woman in your room?"

Y/N's breathing hitched and she nodded. "Yes."

"I can't believe this!" Valeria exclaimed. "You've been lying to us this whole time!"

"Not lying!" Y/N denied urgently. "Just withholding information!"

"Why wouldn't you tell us?" Ella asked.

"How fucking long-" Brock stopped, narrowing his eyebrows and rubbing his face in a seemingly exhausted manner. "I mean, fuck." Y/N was silent as she fiddled with her fingers, unsure of how to respond to her stressed out older brother. "Well, how long?" He urged.

"Uh- the beginning of the month..." she answered sheepishly.

"And, it's already the fucking tenth," Brock stated.

"You've been hiding this for ten days?" Lucas asked in shock.

"Give or take." Y/N shrugged.

"So, you were just...keeping a woman in your room," Valeria started. "And you weren't going to tell us?"

"Well..." Y/N tensed up, sucking in a sharp breath before blurting out the first thing that came to her mind. "Well, you never told Brock that you ratted his magazines out to Dad!"

Brock gasped. "That was you!"

"Y/N!" Valeria exclaimed. "You promised you'd never tell!"

"Val, you snitch!" Brock accused. Y/N couldn't help but grin at the realization that she had successfully moved the attention off of her.

"That was so long ago!" Valeria defended herself.

"But, you still did it!"

"Well, you were the one that dropped Ella's phone out of the car window!" Valeria exclaimed.

Ella's head shot in Brock's direction. "What?"

Brock winced. "Well-"

"Oh, would you three just be quiet?" Lucas asked with a huff. He pushed his glasses up onto his nose and stepped forward, sparing Mary a glance before he sent a look of annoyance towards his siblings. "You're the oldest of us all, yet you're acting like children!" Lucas brought his attention towards his younger sister who was looking nervously between Mary and her nosy siblings. "Besides, anyone with half a brain could see that she was trying to distract us from the problem at hand."

"It worked, didn't it?" Y/N mumbled.

"Hm, momentarily," Lucas nodded. "But, a grade-school trick like that isn't going to work on me. So, drop the crazy cat lady excuse and explain."

Y/N's breathing hitched and she found herself
looking over at Mary as if she were searching for guidance on what to say. "I- uhm..."

"If I may say something?" Mary piped up.

Brock's eyes narrowed in Mary's direction. He held an intimidating posture that Y/N had seen one too many times. Mary was unfazed by Brock's big stature and her face held one of disinterest as she glowered down at him - showcasing her vast height. Although, Brock didn't back down. "Why should we let you speak?"

"Brock..." Y/N sighed. "Don't-"

"Don't what?" Brock snapped. "Get pissed with this random woman that's been sneaking around and doing God knows what with my little sister?"

"She's not a random woman!" Y/N exclaimed. "She's my friend!"

"Oh, yeah," Valeria snickered. "I'm sure you two are great friends."

"Val," Ella snapped as she elbowed her in the side. "Not now."

"And, she hasn't been doing anything to me!" Y/N defended. Lucas scoffed, doubt and disbelief spreading across his features in a way that was impossible to miss. "Honest!"

"I want you to explain." Brock stated. "And, I don't want to hear a word out of you!" He glared at Mary, venom dripping off of every word causing Mary to clench her fists at her side.

"You-" Mary began. She prepared to spill a string of insults his way until she made eye contact with Y/N.

She shook her head as her eyes changed to a faint, desperate pink. "Mary, please..." The older woman could easily sense Y/N's distress at the argument that was beginning to bubble between her and Brock. Mary huffed, crossing her arms firmly over her chest and taking a step backwards as to give the relatives some space. Y/N found herself growing even more distressed as the silence dragged on. "Well, it's kind of a long story."

"We've got time." Lucas stated.

"Well, it's...we just-" Y/N bit her bottom lip. "It's nothing bad!"

"Funny," Brock muttered. "I'm starting to doubt that more and more." He sent an authoritative glance in Y/N's direction causing the young adult to be temporarily transported back to her childhood. Brock had always been the fun older brother as opposed to Lucas who was the sensible, book smart older brother. But, even behind all of the pranks, all the late-night snacks, and carefree games of hide and seek, Brock was still protective.

Standing there, she almost felt like she were seven-years-old again, cowering next to a shattered vase and fiddling her fingers nervously. Gazing up at a seventeen-year-old Brock through guilty eyes as his stern aura engulfed her. But, they weren't kids. They were adults. Yet, Brock still felt that brotherly protectiveness over her and Y/N still felt the need to answer her brothers interrogative questions.

"I'm sorry." Y/N began. "For not telling, you guys. It was-" she pressed her tongue against the inside of her cheek as she thought. It was necessary to keep Mary a secret, but that didn't mean she felt good about it. "It was for the best."

"For the best?" Valeria repeated. "What did you think was going to happen?"

"I don't know," Y/N shrugged. "But, it's...complicated." Y/N scratched the back of her neck, looking everywhere except for at her siblings. "I thought you guys wouldn't be happy with it."

"Does that really matter?" Valeria asked. "Even if we weren't happy, it's not like we could stop you from seeing her."

"I beg to differ," Brock stated.

Ella huffed. "Enough, Brock." She seemed slightly agitated by his stubborn point of view. "Y/N's not a kid, anymore. She can make her own decisions."

Brock's shoulders slowly drooped and his eyebrows furrowed. "I know that." Brock's eyes trailed over to Mary. "I just don't want her to be one of the decisions."

"Brock, don't-" Y/N put her hand on his shoulder. "Come on, don't be like that." She put herself in between her companion and her brother in an attempt to cool down the hostility that she could feel sizzling in the air around them. "I mean, this is silly!"

"Silly?" Brock repeated. "Really? That's how you're going to try and get out of this? This isn't something you can just brush off, N/N!"

Y/N swallowed the urge to snap back with a disrespectful outburst. "Brock, I was talking about this sudden rivalry that you're trying to start. You don't even know Mary!"

"Oh, and you do?" Brock asked in disbelief.

"More than you!"

"Really?" Brock started. "Ten days and you know her?"

"It was actually eleven!" Y/N retorted. "So, ha!"

Brock held no interest in Y/N's attempt at lightening the mood. He brought his attention to Mary, looking over Y/N with ease and ignoring her attempts at calming the situation. "And, what the fuck is your issue?"

"My issue?" Mary repeated, placing her hand over her chest as she gestured to herself. She wanted to stay civil for Y/N, but Brock was making it continuously more difficult with each passing moment. "What's yours?"

"Oh, you think you're so fucking clever, don't you?" Brock narrowed his eyes.

"Just a bit," Mary shrugged carelessly.

Y/N winced at Mary's response knowing just how much it would set off her older brother. Brock hated being challenged. "I'm going to-"

"And, I think this is where I should step in," Ella decided. She grabbed Brock's shoulders, pulling him back and standing in his place while Lucas and Valeria attempted at calming down their brother. Ella smiled meekly at Mary before she spoke. "I'm sorry about that. Not the best first impression, I'll admit. I'm Ella, Y/N's oldest sister."

Mary shook Ella's hand in an attempt at staying civil. Ella wasn't so bad. Neither was Val. Lucas was a little pretentious, but not so bad, either. Brock had a temper. A temper and a nasty attitude. One that Mary wasn't particularly pleased about. "Mary." The older woman introduced.

"I'd like to apologize on Brock's behalf-" Ella began.

"Don't apologize for me!" Brock exclaimed. "I'm not sorry."

Y/N sighed and mentally face palmed at her older brother's immature antics. "Shut up." Y/N stated. "Yes, you are."

"As your brother, I reserve the right to-"

Y/N cut him off, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes. "You don't reserve the right to anything!" She chuckled. "Not while you're in my house, at least." She glanced around at the rest of her siblings and back at Mary. She knew she needed to discuss the problem at hand with Mary before she explained anything to her siblings. "Now, all of you, get out. We'll talk about this more in depth tomorrow."

"What?" Brock asked in shock.

"Y/N, I don't think-" Lucas began.

"I have to talk with Mary," Y/N informed. "So, you'll either find out tomorrow or you won't find out, at all."

Ella seemed to be content with these conditions and Valeria appeared slightly disappointed. Lucas guided Brock out of the bedroom while Y/N stood in the doorway. "And, for the love of all that is holy, don't tell Mom and Dad."

"No promises." Brock muttered. Valeria hit the back of his head and he flinched away with his face holding a scowl.

Closing the door behind her, she turned to Mary and let out an exasperated sigh. "I'm sorry about that. I never meant for them to find out."

Mary massaged her temple with her forefinger and her thumb. She nodded in the direction of the door. "Are you sure they're gone?"

Y/N shook her head and turned with her hand on the doorknob. She cracked the door open and took a quick peek outside, becoming satisfied when she saw no one. Closing it for the final time, she locked it and made her way towards Mary. "They're gone."

"This is a disaster," Mary muttered as she turned away from Y/N. She had messed up. She was careless and the worst had come to show for it.

"Well..." Y/N bit her lip as she fiddled with the hem of her sweater. "It can't be that bad."

Mary's head turned to look in her direction. She wasn't angry, more so perplexed and slightly stunned. "I beg your pardon?"

"I mean..." Y/N looked to the side as she sheepishly muttered out her statement. "Didn't you think they'd find out, eventually?"

"No, not particularly," Mary answered.

Y/N paused before letting out a shaky breath. "Well, if we were to continue..." she gestured between the two of them. "This. I think they would've found out. They'd have too." She let out a nervous chuckle. "I mean, you saw how they acted. Imagine if they found out after, like, years or something!" She scratched the back of her neck. "I don't think even Ella would be able to keep Brock from attacking you."

"Please, Brock is no threat." Mary stated.

Y/N shrugged. "I don't know..." she smiled. "He's fucked up quite a few bullies for me. And, the occasional perverted man."

"Hm, good brother," Mary said. "But, an awful acquaintance."

"He's really nice." Y/N said in a desperate attempt to enhance her brothers name. "Well, he's not actually...that nice. But, he's a good guy. He's only- well, a little ill-tempered."

"A little?"

"Okay...a lot," Y/N shrugged sheepishly. "But, he's only acting this way because he doesn't know you. To him, you're just some woman that's been sneaking around with his sister. I'd be a little heated too." Y/N placed her hand on Mary's arm. "You just need to let him warm up to you."

"Warm up to me?" Mary repeated. "What are you suggesting?" She crossed her arms. "They can't know who I am."

Y/N's posture stuttered. "Well, they already do." She didn't break eye contact. "What exactly are you suggesting?"

"Erasing their memory."

Y/N's eyes went wide in a panic. "Mary, no!" She shook her head in disbelief, obviously opposing the idea. "We can't do that! It's an invasion of privacy. Not to mention, it sounds like a dreadful experience."

Mary found herself grinning at Y/N's response. It was ironic that she would think that way...considering- Nevermind, that. "All right. Then, what's your plan? Let's hear it."

Y/N seemed to back down at Mary's words. "Well, I don't have a plan." She shrugged. "I was thinking we'd with it."

"Deal with it?" Mary repeated. "We can't-"

"Well, that's sort of our only option." Y/N abruptly cut off Mary, placing her hands on her hips and giving a sassy head shake in response.

"It's not the only one."

"There will be no memory erasing." Y/N stated sternly. She held up her pointer finger in a manner that most mothers might use when trying to get their point across to a difficult child. "Not today, not tomorrow. Not ever. Do you understand?"

Mary sighed. "Sure."

"Mary," Y/N narrowed her eyes. "Do you understand?"

"Yes," Mary mumbled. "I...understand."

Y/N smiled, pleased with Mary's answer. "Well, I suppose we ought to figure out what we're going to tell them." She sat down on her bed, allowing Pawsley to join her by sitting on her lap. "We definitely can't tell them the truth. They'd freak! Or, they just wouldn't believe us." She thought for a moment as she gently scratched behind Pawsley's ears. "I mean, I know you're whole anonymity thing is sort of tarnished, but we could keep the magical side of things under wraps."

"If it's the only option you'll give me, then I suppose I'll have to take it." Mary took a seat next to Y/N. "What should our cover story be?"

Y/N thought for a moment. "That question gives me way too much free will." Y/N chuckled to herself. "Let's say you're a run away Queen or something." She grinned up at Mary feeling her cheeks go hot when she saw the way the older woman was looking at her. Adoration. That's what Y/N saw in her eyes. Complete and honest adoration. "Just kidding. Unless..."

"Dearest, as much as I'd love to mess with your siblings," Mary began. "We're already testing your brother's patience by withholding this information until tomorrow. I'd say the best course of action wouldn't be to play around with our answers. Don't you agree?"

"Oh, I guess," Y/N answered with a dramatized wave of her hand. "Although, you do fit the royalty status."

"Not as well as you, my dear," Mary cooed. She leaned into Y/N's neck and kissed her gently. "My princess~"

Y/N shivered, biting her lip at the new nickname. Those soft lips that were resting on hers not too long ago were almost surreal to Y/N. They made her mind wander and her skin erupt in goosebumps. Y/N attempted at keeping her voice steady as she spoke. "You're...such a flirt."

"Only for you, my darling," Mary grinned.

Pawsley meowed and Y/N looked down at her lap with a giggle. "I think Pawsley's telling us to get a room." Mary tittered and brushed her curls behind her ear. Y/N smiled, adulation radiating off of her as she admired Mary's elysian laugh. "Y'know, whatever story we decide to go with has to be easy to remember." Y/N picked Pawsley up off of her lap and moved him onto Mary's. She stood up and began to pace her room as she spoke. "If we slip up and forget something later down the line it could completely ruin everything. Valeria and Brock aren't a problem. They don't pay attention to little things. Granted, they rarely pay attention to big things. Ella is too nice to mention it even if she were to notice it. But, Lucas..." Y/N groaned, crossing her arms over her chest in the process. "That little mutant. He'd definitely notice. He thinks he knows everything and the worst part is, I'm pretty sure he does know everything!"

Mary chuckled. "Mutant?" She could easily identify the sibling rivalry between the five, polar opposite adults.

"Well, he is!" Y/N defended. "Which is why our story has to be believable." She thought for a moment and her face fell. "Oh my, God."

"What?" Mary asked. "What's wrong?"

"They know!" Y/N exclaimed. "They know that I like girls! I mean, I knew that they did, but it just settled in that they really know!"

"Oh, dearest," Mary sympathized. "It doesn't seem like they mind it."

"Really?" Y/N didn't seem convinced. "Brock looked so mad-"

"He was only mad because he didn't know about me." Mary said. "You have nothing to worry about."

Y/N sighed. "You're right." She shook her head. "I'm just freaking myself out, that's all."

Mary nodded. "Now, about that story..."


Y/N left her bedroom that morning with an intense amount of reluctance. She knew this would be difficult but she wished she had better prepared herself for the task of facing her siblings. She heard Ella's voice chattering about in the kitchen, but she was unable to make out what she was saying.

She made her way down the hall and revealed herself in the doorway. Ella stopped talking and looked her way with her other siblings copying her action. She smiled sheepishly. "Uh...good morning."

"Where is she?" Brock asked.

"In my room." Y/N answered.

"Did she stay the night?" Ella asked.

Brock narrowed his eyes. "Has she been living here this whole time?"

"I'm sure we would've noticed sooner if she had been living here." Lucas said. "Well, I'm sure I would've noticed."

"You two have been sharing a bed, haven't you?" Valeria stated.

Y/N quickly held her hands up in defense. "Guys, guys!" She let out a sigh. "Can you calm down? She hasn't been living here. She visits during the day and then goes home at night. It's not as elaborate as you're thinking it is."

"Well, are you going to explain?" Brock asked.

"That was the plan." Y/N sassed causing Brock to roll his eyes. "Okay, Brock. Do you remember that day we went to Starbucks?"

"Yes," Brock nodded.

"Hey!" Valeria cut in. "Why wasn't I invited?"

"Official older brother and younger sister business," Y/N answered. "Anyway, before you got there I met this girl. We started talking and we really hit it off. That girl was Mary."

"What?" Brock asked. "I don't remember seeing her there."

"She left before you showed up," Y/N explained. "I never told you about her because I wasn't out to the family, yet. We exchanged numbers and started meeting up outside of the house. Then, she started coming over and spending full days with me. Until..." Y/N sighed. "Well, you know the rest."

"I just don't see why you thought you couldn't tell us." Ella said.

"I didn't know if you would be accepting." Y/N scratched the back of her neck. "I mean, it's not like you guys knew I liked girls."

"I did." Valeria shrugged.

Y/N appeared shocked. "What?"

"I knew," Valeria repeated. "I mean, think about it. When was the last time you expressed any interest in a man?"

Y/N chuckled sheepishly. "You've got me there." She took a quick glance at her siblings. "So, you don't mind? You aren't mad?"

"Of course, we aren't mad." Ella soothed. "You're our little sister."

Y/N looked at her oldest brother. "Brock?"

He huffed. "I don't care that you like girls." His shoulders loosened up. "My only issue is with that specific girl."

"Why?" Y/N grew defensive. "She's never done anything to you."

"Well, she is a bit..." Ella trailed off.

"A bit what?" The four siblings went quiet. "Well, don't get all silent now. Tell me!"

"It appears that there is an age gap between the two of you." Lucas explained.

"I know that." She scoffed.

"Don't you think that could be problematic?" Ella asked.


"In relationships with age differences," Lucas began. "There is typically an unfair power imbalance. This often doesn't end well for the younger person."

"Mary wouldn't hurt me and she never has. She's been nothing but kind." Y/N shook her head. "So, if that's what you're implying-"

"We're not saying that!" Valeria stated. "We're just worried. We don't want you to get caught up in a relationship that you can't handle."

"I can handle Mary just fine." Y/N said.

"You're not listening-" Brock paused mid-sentence, staring at the doorway with an intensity that worried Y/N. She followed his gaze and made eye contact with Mary. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Brock, stop." Y/N snapped. Y/N gestured for Mary to enter the kitchen.

"I apologize if I'm interrupting," Mary said.

"You're not," Y/N assured. "Besides, the conversation was steering off-topic, anyway."

"Off-topic?" Brock repeated. "That's fucking ridiculous."

"Brock," Ella hissed.

"Apologies for our brother," Lucas started. "He has a tendency to put in his two-cents where it isn't needed."

"No, that's what you do." Brock retorted. "Educated prick."

"Guys," Ella sighed. "Don't start."

"Can't you two act normal?" Y/N asked. "For once?"

"You know that's not possible," Valeria chuckled. She turned to look at Mary. "I'm Valeria, by the way. This is Ella, Lucas, and Brock."

"I'm Mary," The older woman introduced.

"We act like this, a lot," Valeria informed. "We're kind of like the Brady Bunch. Only with less corny family time and more petty arguments."

"That was the worst analogy I've ever heard, Val," Y/N chuckled. "I mean, truly the worst."

Brock rolled his eyes. "Are we seriously going to brush this whole thing under the rug?"

"That's not what we're doing," Ella said.

"No, that's exactly what you're doing!" Brock stated.

Y/N groaned. "God, can't you try to be civil?"

"Why would I-"

"Because I'm happy." Y/N answered. "You're my brother and you don't even know Mary. Can't you give her a chance?"

Brock looked between Mary and Y/N. He seemed hesitant but mostly concerned. The muscular man huffed and uncrossed his arms, letting them fall at his sides. "Fine. If it means that much to you."

(Hope you enjoyed it! There weren't many Mary and Y/N moments, but this chapter was mainly for clearing up the Mary and Y/N's siblings situation. As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)

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